Finned Dishpan Rocker Covers

The Finned Dishpan Rocker Covers were designed and manufactured by Randy Smith and Custom Cycle Engineering back in 1968.  Randy designed these parts to eliminate the oil seepage associated with the stock Panhead rocker box covers.  These covers also imparted noise dampening and a cooler running motor.  They were a great success and caught on in the aftermarket world not only because of their mechanical improvement but also because of their distinctive custom styling


Custom Cycle Engineering has now reintroduced these unique custom covers with the advent of the “throw back” bike building resurgence.   They are made from the original tooling that Randy designed and also cast at the same foundry.  They are sold in an “as cast” finish or polished.Click on the banner below to find out more about this and many other true old school products from Custom Cycle Engineering.


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