Wow, this damn year is already ramping up. We ran out to Spitfire yesterday and looked at our Frisco’d FXR frames, girder front ends, and shot the Jolie Rouge Ironhead Sporty for the HORSE.
The scary aspect of this year is folks lack of concern for freedom. I brought up the subject in front of my dear old, 88 year old, ma and her 50-year-old pal, Lisa. And they both looked at me like I was nuts and said in unison, “but we must regulate…”
Folks want the government to do everything, and I can almost understand it coming from the elderly, but it’s still terrifying. There was a time when you learned what to eat and what not to eat, and made the decision for yourself. Now, they want some government entity to do all the learning and decision making. Good god. I’m still for some level of balance. Check out a handful of new Califa laws screaming into the overburdened lawbooks.
Let’s hit the news.
NEW CALIFORNIA LAW CRACKS DOWN ON MOTORCYCLE THEFT– NATIONAL CITY – A new state law makes it illegal to possess tools that allow thieves to bypass the ignitions of motorcycles. The law targets “pigtails,” which are secondary or altered ignitions that can allow a thief to steal a bike in as little as 20 seconds.
About 1,100 motorcycles were stolen in San Diego County in 2009, and
insurance claims average $9,000, according to the Regional Auto Theft Task Force.
The new law makes it a misdemeanor to possess the devices, with violators subject to spending six months in jail and a $1,000 fine. San Diego area auto theft officers held a news conference recently to publicize the new state law.
1. The business of designing, making, and selling highly fashionable, usually custom-made clothing for women.
2. Dressmakers and fashion designers considered as a group.
3. The high-fashion clothing created by designers.
1. Created or produced by a fashion designer.
2. Being, having, or suggesting the style, quality, etc., of a fashion designer; very fashionable.
The stars of the 1920s, for whom Rudolph Valentino and Gloria Swanson might stand as archetypes, were chauffeured about the city in exotic automobiles, lived on great estates, spent fortunes on their couture.
— Kevin Starr, The Dream Endures: California Enters the 1940s (Americans and the California Dream)
Today’s idea: In the midst of a recession, red America and blue America have come together, in a way, through “workwear couture” an essay says. “Never has it cost so much to look like you’re just coming home from the mill or the assembly line.”
— Tom Kuntz, “Idea of the Day: Flannel-Shirt Bipartisanship”, New York Times, October 27, 2009
The signature leather-armored looks of past seasons were softened this season to create a more commercial collection. “We wanted to do a little bit of couture because that’s what people expect of us and we love the creative process. But, at the same time, we want a collection that is accessible to the masses,” designer Katie Kay said.
— N. Jayne Seward, “L.A. Fashion Week Spring 2010: Skingraft”, Apparel News, October 20, 2009
Couture is from French meaning sewing, from Old French cousture, from Vulgar Latin consutura, from Latin consuere, consut-, to sew together.
BIKERNET BLACK MARKET BOOK DEAL OF THE WEEK–Rare, out of print Bobber-building book for only twenty-five bucks!
They call him “Teach” but his real name is Kevin Baas. He’s the famous shop teacher from Minnesota – famous because he teaches a shop class with an unusual title: Chopper Building.
In 2006 Kevin wrote a book for Wolfgang Publications: How to Build an Old Skool Bobber. Kevin’s book covered all the basics: start with the right project, pick an engine and transmission, choose the primary you need to connect that engine and transmission, and find a frame. In addition, his book includes three, start-to-finish bobber assemblies done by students in his very special high school shop class.
Like most books, this one went out of print. But we have a few returns in the back corner of our warehouse. These are new books that chain stores like Borders Books returned to us. Other than a turned corner, these books are the same as new. And today you can buy one of Kevin’s books – How to Build an Old Skool Bobber, for only twenty-five bucks with free shipping to US addresses.
Don’t delay, order Kevin’s How to Build an Old Skool Bobber book from Wolfgang Publications today.
MORE THOUGHTS FROM WILL ROGERS– The quickest way to double your money is to fold it and put it back into your pocket.
There are three kinds of men: The ones that learn by reading. The few who learn by observation. The rest of them have to pee on the electric fence and find out for themselves.
Good judgment comes from experience, and a lot of that comes from bad judgment.
MORE NEW CALIFA LAWS THAT COULD SPREAD TO OTHER STATES, GOOD OR BAD– The State Assembly also passed a new law amending the vehicle code, allowing local authorities to adopt rules and regulations by ordinance and regulation to regulate mobile billboard advertising, according to Ibarra.
The vehicle code was also amended so the displays can be towed if they are left parked or standing in violation of a local ordinance, according to Ibarra.
Law enforcement agencies, as of Saturday, have a new tool to alert the public when an officer is injured, killed or assaulted with a deadly weapon.
According to Ibarra, law enforcement agencies are now allowed to activate a Blue Alert though the CHP’s Emergency Alert System but four conditions must be met before doing so.
The first condition is that a suspect has fled the scene after killing, seriously injuring or assaulting an officer with a deadly weapon, according to Ibarra. After that, an investigating agency must determine that the suspect “poses an imminent threat to the public or other law enforcement personnel,” Ibarra said.
The law enforcement agency must also have a “detailed description of the suspect’s vehicle or license plate” available for broadcast, according to Ibarra, and the broadcasting of that information “may help avert further harm or accelerate apprehension of the suspect.” Ibarra said the Blue Alert is similar to the Amber Alert, and the information is released through the media and other channels the Amber Alert uses, such as the Internet and highway signs.
“Hopefully, we’ll be able to capture suspects that are involved in the slaying or assaults on officers more rapidly this way,” Ibarra said. “We’re able to put a BOLO (be on the look-out) out to all agencies right now but not to the general public.”
CYCLE VISIONS MEETS CUSTOM CHROME– Morgan Hill, CA – January 5, 2011 – Custom Chrome International (CCI) today announces that the California based company will begin carrying a selected line of aftermarket accessories and products from noted manufacturer, Cycle Visions. This agreement is effective immediately and further strengthens CCI’s lineup of brands and products sold to V-Twin motorcycle dealers.
“I have known the owner of Cycle Visions for years and have always been personally impressed with their existing product and their eye toward developing new parts,” says CCI President and CEO Holger Mohr. “Cycle Visions makes accessories and parts that dealers can put on customer’s bikes and know there is quality and thought put into each one. In fact, come check out the Cycle Visions/Custom Chrome Show Bike at the upcoming V-twin Expo. using the best parts from both companies, we have produced a real show stopper.”
“Custom Chrome fits our distribution strategy extremely well, both companies strive to service and supply the dealer network with the finest products available,” states Cycle Visions owner Randy Aron, who was recently in a motorcycle accident, and operated on yesterday. “Since starting Cycle Visions in 1997 our goal was to develope unique product with the highest quality and availability for the V-Twin market. Teaming up with Custom Chrome in the US in 2011 in addition to Europe in 2009 to distribute our products will only enhance that. We are looking forward to working with Custom Chrome to distribute our product to their worldwide dealer network.”
The new distribution agreement takes place effective immediately with parts availability in January 2011.
For more information on Cycle Visions or other Custom Chrome International distributed parts and accessories, please contact your CCI sales representative or call (800) 359-5700. You can also visit www.customchrome.com for more details.
Sidebar on Randy’s accident: Randy had surgery today to repair the breaks in his wrist, leg and ankle, screws plates and all. Everything went well and a full recovery is expected. He will be going home by the end of the week. Randy and Hilary are very appreciative of all the calls and letters wishing him well and a speedy recovery. Hilary is taking excellent care of him.
MORE NEW CALIFA LAWS– A new law that goes into effect Jan. 1 allows motorists to record their passengers inside the vehicle as long as the occupants are notified that their conversations may be recorded. AB 1942 amends the Vehicle Code to allow a video event recorder to be mountain in a 7-inch square space in the lower corner of a vehicle windshield on the passenger side, or a 5-inch square in the lower corner of the vehicle windshield on the driver’s side, outside of an airbag deployment zone. It is legal to mount the video event recorder in a 5-inch square in the center uppermost portion of the interior of the windshield. The law also defines a video event recorder and requires a vehicle equipped with one to have a notice posted in a visible location which states that a passenger’s conversation may be recorded. In addition, this law lays out rules for recording events, notes who the rightful owner of the footage is, and who is entitled to a copy of the recording.
. SB 1318 defines a utility trailer as a trailer or semi-trailer used solely for the transportation of the user’s personal property, which cannot be used in commerce, cannot exceed gross weight of 10,000 pounds, but can be used for transportation of livestock. This bill also amended Section 5201 of the Vehicle Code to require license plates to be mounted parallel to the ground so the characters are upright and display from left to right.
. Section 21755 of the Vehicle Code, which allows drivers of vehicles to pass on the right under specified conditions, was amended to clarify that it does not prohibit a bicyclist from passing on the right in either a bicycle lane or on a shoulder. For complete information on chaptered bills enacted in 2010 please refer to the Legislative Counsel website at www.LegInfo.ca.gov.
BIKERNET QUOTE OF THE YEAR– Those who give up essential liberty, to preserve a little temporary safety, Deserve neither liberty or safety……………….Benjamin Franklin 1759
–from Peter Gray

The Capitol Switchboard Number is 202-225-3121 — ask for your NEW Representative!
The change is terrible policy for highway users and it breaks the faith in the Highway Trust Fund. Highway user fees could be used for non-transportation purposes.
Highway funding could be reduced and the “savings” used for deficit reduction or other purposes; and the rule change would force highway funding to rely on the annual appopriations process rather than the established funding guarantees.
Motorcycists pay into this fund with the guarantee that the money will be used for transportation related projects ONLY. This rule change breaks that promise and will allow fuel tax revenues be used for anything Congress wants.
WE MUST REACH THE FOLLOWING KEY DECISIONMAKERS. Please call now! The Republican Conference will be voting on this on Tuesday, January 4th 2011.
Greg Walden OR (202) 225-6730 RHOB 2182
Rob Bishop UT (202) 225-0453 CHOB 123
John Campbell CA (202) 225-5611 LHOB 1507
Shelley Moore Capito WV (202) 225-2711 RHOB 2443
Jason Chaffetz UT (202) 225-7751 LHOB 1032
Tom Cole OK (202) 225-6165 RHOB 2458
Mike Conaway TX (202) 225-3605 LHOB 1527
David Dreier CA (202) 225-2305 CHOB 233 Rules Chairman
Bob Goodlatte VA (202) 225-5431 RHOB 2240
Doc Hastings WA (202) 225-5816 LHOB 1203
Jeb Hensarling TX (202) 225-3484 CHOB 129
Jim Jordan OH (202) 225-2676 LHOB 1524
Buck McKeon CA (202) 225-1956 RHOB 2184
Candice Miller MI (202) 225-2106 LHOB 1034
Mike Rogers AL (202) 225-3261 CHOB 324
Paul Ryan WI (202) 225-3031 LHOB 1233 Budget Chair
Pete Sessions TX (202) 225-2231 RHOB 2233
Pat Tiberi OH (202) 225-5355 CHOB 106
Tim Scott SC (202) 225-3176 LHOB 1117
Martha Roby AL (202) 225-2901 CHOB 414
Cory Gardner CO (202) 225-4676 CHOB 213
Adam Kinzinger IL (202) 225-3635 LHOB 1218
Take Action Now
Call the Capitol Switchboard Number is 202-225-3121 — ask for your NEW Representative!
SPEEDING IN WYOMING, GOOD ONE– A Laramie , Wyoming policeman had a perfect spot to watch for speeders, but wasn’t getting many. Then he discovered the problem a 12-year-old boy was standing up the road with a hand painted sign, which read RADAR TRAP AHEAD. The officer also found the boy had an accomplice who was down the road with a sign reading TIPS and a bucket full of money. And we used to just sell lemonade!
A motorist was mailed a picture of his car speeding through an automated radar post in Cheyenne, Wyo. A $40 speeding ticket was included. Being cute, he sent the police department a picture of $40. The police responded with another mailed photo of handcuffs.
A young woman was pulled over for speeding. A Wyoming State Trooper walked to her car window, flipping open his ticket book. She said, I bet
you are going to sell me a ticket to the State Trooper’s Ball.
He replied, Wyoming State Troopers don’t have balls. There was a moment of silence. He then closed his book, tipped his hat, got back in his patrol car and left.
–from Johnny Gutierrez

UNCLE MONKEY TRYS TO EXPLAIN THE OPEN ROAD CODE–Trail, path, road. Beaten paths that lead across open fields, valleys, over steep mountain passes, through thick forests. As riders we have a calling to the road that permeates to our deepest soul. It calls to us, beckoning us to throw a leg over our bike and head out. Direction isn’t important only that we are out riding. The wind in our hair, the hard road beneath us as we gun the throttle trying to outrun ourselves.
The open road is a necessity of life. Even in times before mechanical horses we would beat a path across the open ground. People would be drawn to the same path, the same course meandering around hills, across open expanses, along precarious cliffs. Those paths and roads brought people out West. They brought family and friends, brought the items that we would need to survive the harsh climates of the North, the barren deserts of the South West.
Roads connect us all both physically and emotionally. The street in front of my house connects me to freeways and by-ways taking me away. They tie me to friends in Grand Prairie, Alberta. They tie me to the hustle and bustle of the harbor in Wilmington, California, good friends with a shot of Jack Daniels and a warm dry cot to rest my head. But the road stretches beyond that. It stretches North to the tip of Alaska to look out across the Strait to Russia, South down through Panama and Central America all the way to the tip of South America and back. Roads, asphalt bloodlines connect everyone and everything, while pulsing with traffic.
We get blown away as the Grand Canyon opens up before us, race the currents of the Mississippi, thunder beside the water falls of the Rockies, brush across sweeping fields of wheat, awe at the vast expanses of the Great Lakes. They remind us of good times with friends, remind us that there is a ribbon of black top stretching from our front door to theirs tying us together. They remind us of why we ride in the first place. Some miles are smooth, freshly paved super highways, others are pothole riddled, rock strewn dirt roads but even the most remote, basic footpath will lead to new adventures, to new broads, to new escapes, or to home.
–bad Uncle Monkey

Indianapolis Man WINS 2010 National Motorcycle Museum Raffle Bike–ANAMOSA, Iowa – Each year the National Motorcycle Museum in Anamosa, Iowa designs and builds a vintage-look bike and invites enthusiasts to donate, buy a couple of tickets to win. Dec. 30 the winner of the 2010 Knucklehead Bobber was pulled from thousands of entries, and Matt
Brizendine of Indianapolis, Indiana, is the lucky winner!
The Museum called Matt to let him know he won the blue Knucklehead Bobber Museum fundraiser bike, and found him pretty excited. When asked about why he bought the raffle tickets, his tone was serious, “I’ve been buying them for three or four years. I like to support organizations that use the proceeds wisely, especially when it supports museums, places that care for the history of motorcycling and provide a place to display notable motorcycles.” Turns out Matt bought tickets twice for this bike, six tickets each time.
Matt and his dad like all sorts of machines from model airplanes to street rods and Corvairs, and of course have several motorcycles as well. Given the current weather, Matt may drive out to Iowa to pick up the bike and see the new National Motorcycle Museum. His only visit was right in the middle of the Museum’s move to its new location the end of June.
“We congratulate Matt and also send our thanks to all of you who support the Museum with your donations for tickets,” said John Parham, President of the Museum’s Board of Directors. “It’s our most important annual fundraiser.” As with Matt’s experience, maybe after a few years of donating to win, your ticket might be pulled!
Stay tuned! The new 2011 National Motorcycle Museum fundraiser bike will be unveiled in the next week. You will be able to check it out at www.nationalmcmuseum.org
Cruise into the National Motorcycle Museum, located at 102 Chamber Drive in Anamosa, Iowa, and experience the extensive line of over 300 motorcycles from around the world as well as thousands of photographs, posters, postcards and pieces of motorcycle memorabilia, plus a fabulous collection of antique toys. Admission is $8.00 while children 12 and under are admitted free when accompanied by an adult. The Museum’s winter hours are Monday – Saturday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The National Motorcycle Museum is a not-for-profit 501 (c) (3) corporation. For more information, call 319-462-3925 or plan your visit to the Museum on the web at www.nationalmcmuseum.org

BIKERNET LITERATURE DEPARTMENT BEST STORY OF THE YEAR– The Best Story of the Year: The pastor asked if anyone in the congregation would like to express praise for answered prayers.
Barbara Moore stood and walked to the podium. She said, “I have a praise. Two months ago, my husband, Dave, had a terrible bicycle wreck and his scrotum was completely crushed. The pain was excruciating and the doctors didn’t know if they could help him.”
You could hear a muffled gasp from the men in the congregation as the imagine the pain that poor Dave must have experienced.
“Dave was unable to hold me or the children,” she went on, “and every move caused him terrible pain. We prayed as the doctors performed a delicate operation, and it turned out they were able to piece together the crushed remnants of Dave’s scrotum, and wrap wire around it to hold it in place.”
Again, the men in the congregation cringed and squirmed uncomfortably as they imagined the horrible surgery performed on Dave.
“Now,” she announced in a quivering voice, “thank the Lord, Dave is out of the hospital and the doctors say that with time, his scrotum should recover completely.”
All the men sighed with unified relief. The pastor rose and tentatively ask if any one else had something to say.
A man stood up and walked slowly to the podium. He said, “I’m Dave Moore.” The entire congregation held its breath. “I just want to tell my wife the word is sternum.”

BLACK IS BEAUTIFUL FROM RIVERA PRIMO– Rivera Primo Inc. now offers its popular Brute IV Extreme™ Open Belt Drives in Matte Black Powdercoat finish. We went with powdercoat due to its extreme ability to withstand severe usage and weather related trauma versus anodizing which typically fades to a non-descript color when used out in open weather.
The Brute IV Extreme 2007 for 2006 Dyna models and 2007 later Softail & Dyna models is part # 2016-0157 & 2016-0158 for 240 rear tire models. The Brute IV Extreme 2007 Touring 2” drive in black for all 2007 later touring models is part # 2016-0127 and for 1990-2006 touring models the part # in black is 2016-0125. The 2016-0107 Brute IV Extreme fits 1990-2006 Softail models. All these fine Open Belt Drives include the motorplate kit with billet outer guard, rear pulley assy. with Pro Clutch and 66 tooth ring gear, front pulley and Primo 2 or 3″ drive belt as well as all nessecary hardware for a succesful bolt-on installation.
As always, our world renowned quality and reliability is inherent in every Genuine Primo Belt Drive® that we proudly manufacture in the U.S. of A.
–Ben Kudon
bangkokpost.com Cabinet approved a proposal to declare 2011 the year of campaigning for 100 percent of motorcyclists to wear crash helmets, government deputy spokesman Supachai Jaisamut said.
State agencies, enterprises and local administrations are to make staff wear helmets on motorcycles. Violators face disciplinary action. [Phuketwan’s Phuket Person of the Year, Colonel Wanchai Eakpornpit, pioneered helmet compulsion in 2010.]
–Quick Throttle Art

BIKERNET DUCK HUNTING SPECIALIST– A Saskatchewan guy went out duck hunting in the fall and a gust of wind blew, his gun fell over and discharged shooting him in his private parts. Several hours later, lying in a hospital bed, he was approached by his doctor.
“Well sir, I have some good news and some bad news. The good news is that you are going to be OK. The damage was local to your groin, there was very little internal damage and we were able to remove all of the buckshot.”
“What’s the bad news?” asked the hunter.
“The bad news is that there was some pretty extensive buckshot damage done to your penis which left quite a few holes in it. I’m going to have to refer you to my sister.”
“Well I guess that isn’t too bad,” the hunter replied.
“Is your sister a plastic surgeon?”
“Not exactly,” answered the doctor.
“She’s a flute player in the Regina Symphony Orchestra. . She’s going to teach you where to put your fingers so you don’t piss in your eye.
–from Rik Savenko

NEW BIKERNET CLASSIFIEDS UP AND RUNNING–Each week we will bring you classified tips, and deals from our massive new classified section. It’s easy and cheap to post deals. We posted three Bikernet bikes and the total cost was less than $20.00
Here’s the deal of the week: Sharp, clean, low miles 1200 Sportster for only $4,500. It’s priced to move! Don’t hesitate to drop us a line, if you have any questions or concerns.
–Mike, the Stealth
VP Bikernet Classifieds

FINALLY, SOMEONE HAS CLEARED THIS UP. For centuries, Hindu women have worn a dot on their foreheads. Most of us have naively thought this was connected with tradition or religion, but the Indian embassy in Ottawa has recently revealed the true story.
When a Hindu woman gets married, she brings a dowry into the union. On her wedding night, the husband scratches off the dot to see whether he has won a convenience store, a gas station, a donut shop, a taxi cab, or a motel in the United States . If nothing is there, he must remain in India to answer telephones and provide us with technical advice.
–from Johnny Gut.

A SHOT FOR FREEDOM BY CALIFORNIA VINTAGE CAR OWNERS– Here is some interesting news that is going to be happening in 2011. The Assoc. of Calif. Car Clubs has joined with a small group of Individual Collector Vehicle Owners to create some Pro-Hobbyist Legislation in 2011. This small group started in Oct of 2010 with 23 attendees from all parts of Calif.to a meeting at Sacto Vintage Ford in Rancho Cordova. Their goal was to work with Assemblyman Kevin Jefferies of SoCal to create a Pro-1976 Collector Vehicle Exemption Bill for the 2011 Legialative session. The groundwork for this bill was laid by Collector Vehicle Owners Jim Hosking, Eddie Barbosa and Don Bayti in coordination with Ass. Jefferies office.
At our first get together it was decided by the group of 23 in an Open Forum to agree on a couple of items;
One — this type of legislation was needed due to continuing attacks on our Collector Vehicles by such agencies and organizations like CARB, BAR, EPA, the American Lung Assoc. Sierria Club etc.
Two – it was also agreed that our “Open Forum” group would run under the banner and guidance of the ACCC and its BOD because of their name recognition within the state.
** It was also agreed that club or individual membership in ACCC would not be required to participate but would be encouraged!!!!
Three – there would be the Legislative Action Group(LAG) and elected from that would be a 9-member Legislative Action Steering Committee(LASC) that would create whatever Pro-Active legislation and the techiques for its marketing & PR that would be needed.
Among the LASC’s 9-person membership is a current staff member for a Nor Cal Assemblyman, a retired professional lobbyist, a retired State Controllers office employee, the legal council for the Good Guys Rod & Custom Assoc. and then individual members/car club presidents, all with an equal vote!!
The first item of business was to coordinate with Ass. Jefferies staff on what they and us wanted to achieve and that was agreed upon. Our goal is to create a Pro-Collector Vehicle Bill that would in a “Voluntary” program grant an “Exemption” from emissions to any Pre-1976 vehicle licensed in the state.
Now some of you may say, hey our cars are already exempt from smog however “That is not true!!!!”
The only thing a Pre-1976 vehicle is exempt from is the “Every 2 year Smog check!!!” that’s it!!! You can still be cited for any, what an officer construes an “Excessive emissions from a tailpipe or blow-by tube!!” and these citations are starting to occur in our cash starved state more every day!
Also, if you happen to be stopped for another violation and the officer happens to see the blower sticking outta the hood on your 1967 Camaro, he may ask you to open the hood and if you don’t have “ALL” the factory emissions equipment still intact and your add ons are not CARB approved, you can be cited under the current vehicle code!
The above includes but is not limited to Model T’s, A’s Classics, Hot Rods, Muscle cars, any Pre-1976 vehicle. Once ticketed you will get to know a smog referee really well!
In the coming months , once hopefully a Pro-Collector vehicle Bill is introduced, we will need your help in gathering support!
*** Another side note: It was agreed in a recent very good meeting with the CARB Director that there are about 400,000 registered Pre-1976 vehicles in Calif at any one time! This is out of a total of 33 million total vehicles currently registered. Out of this 400,000 it was also agreed upon that there are only about 325,000 actual Collector vehicles in use at any one time, the other 75,000 are either non-opped, ghetto beaters or belong to the elderly, but these are not Collector Vehicles as defined in the vehicle code! It was also agreed by the CARB Director that most restored or modified Collector vehicles are done so using higher quailty and safer parts than the OEM parts they were produced with!! So you say, then what’s the big problem? I can sum it up in one word “Carburetors!!” that’s it folks!!!
Lastly please remember this; With the passage of AB 32 by the elected governor & legislators 4 years ago and the defeat of Prop 23 this past Nov. CARB is now the most powerful agency in the USA and they can mandate changes without a vote of the citizens and have already started doing so!!!!!
Krooze Safe — Butch Gardner
Life member — THUNDERBOLTS
(530) 677-4761
I left Gil Granucci’s email address on this message. He is in touch with what’s going on, and may be able to answer some of your questions. I will also try to send the fundraiser flyer along.–Jim Waggaman

FLATHEAD POWER REPRODUCTION TRANSMISSION COVERS– FLATHEAD Power now includes reproduction transmission covers for ’40-’50 Big Twins in its range. Designed to be as authentic as possible, the covers feature copies of the original pieces’ raised cast-on part numbers.
The new covers are cast in 356-T6 aluminum and then CNC machined to provide additional material around the kicker boss for strength and stability. A single bushing is used for complete oiling with a modern small diameter seal hidden after assembly. The covers utilize the stock hardware and filler plug, and a new gasket is included.
Three versions of the cover are available; the J7 cover, which is authentic externally for ’49 – ’50 Big Twins and has a raised cast-on part number that was authentic from ’48 – ’50; the G6 cover that duplicates the external shape for ’40 – ’47, including a stamped-in part number just as the original, and the 00 cover, which has no part number or date code. This final version was created for custom applications where authenticity isn’t a necessity or polishing or other finishes are desired.
La Crosse, Wisconsin, USA
Tel: 608 627 1497
Fax: 608 627 1488
E-mail: sscust@sscycle.com

LAS VEGAS AUCTION THIS WEEKEND–We will bring you a report, when the dust settles.

FIVE Reasons to Drink Green Tea–Looking for a simple resolution to improve your overall health? Start drinking green tea. My beverage of choice, green tea is a potent source of catechins – healthy antioxidants that can inhibit cancer cell activity and help boost immunity. Need more reasons to drink green tea? It can also:
* Lower cholesterol levels and rates of heart disease
* Help protect against bacterial infections
* Promote joint health and stronger bones
* Reduce inflammation
* Enhance the effects of antibiotics, even against drug-resistant bacteria and “superbugs”
Green tea is available in a wide range of varieties – introduce yourself by substituting a cup of green tea for a cup of coffee and you will soon be enjoying the health benefits of this delicious beverage! Learn to appreciate the subtle fragrance of good-quality green tea and use tea time to unwind, meditate and take respite from your stress du jour.

Why is this? Dyno-designed “Airload” manifolds reduce turbulence increases air velocity that boosts horsepower and torque. The custom-made Airaid cleanable filters provide increased air volume and improve your engine and fuel efficiency. The X-poses your engine and brings out its aggressive nature. 3-D mesh “X” cover is beautifully styled and adds interest, and is machined from T-6061 billet aluminum and beautifully chromed. The complete hardware kit and instructions included for easy installation. Available in black and chrome and proudly Made in the USA.
For more information such as fitment applications and availability, visit www.bikerschoice.com or visit one of our many local dealers.
Happy Riding!!

ANOTHER CALIFA Vehicle Code Section 5201– Positioning of Plates 5201. License plates shall at all times be securely fastened to the vehicle for which they are issued so as to prevent the plates from swinging, shall be mounted in a position so as to be clearly visible, and so that the characters are upright and display from left to right, and shall be maintained in a condition so as to be clearly legible. The rear license plate shall be mounted not less than 12 inches nor more than 60 inches from the ground, and the front license plate shall be mounted not more than 60 inches from the ground …
So, if your motorcycle has, as one of mine does, a plate that is attached to the axle, and is displayed sideways, and reads from top down, it can be ticketed by any cop. In these days when most of us are short on money – including cities and departments – you can bet you will be a target for this new law. Better to spend a few bucks on a new license plate bracket than to spend the money on a ticket.
–Mark Temple
Guerrilla Lawfare
BOLT of California
(916) 402-7981
ONE Man Owned & Drove Same Car for 82 YEARS–Mr. Allen Swift (Springfield , MA.) received this 1928 Rolls-Royce Picadilly P1 Roadster from his father, brand new – as a graduation gift in 1928. He drove it up until his death last year…..at the age of 102 !!!
He was the oldest living owner of a car from new. Just thought you’d like to see it. He donated it to a Springfield museum after his death. It has 170,000 miles on it, still runs like a Swiss watch, dead silent at any speed and is in perfect cosmetic condition.
–from S. Bearing

TRIUMPH RECALL–Triumph recalls 2010 Sprint ST and GT for faulty dipstick– Triumph is recalling certain 2010 Sprint ST and GT models because the plug/dipstick is not the correct length for measuring adequate levels of oil. The potential number of units affected is 216.
Dealers will replace the engine oil plug/dipstick to the clutch cover. The recall is expected to begin this month. Owners may contact Triumph at 678-539-8782.
Interested in having recall information e-mailed to you immediately as it becomes available? NHTSA offers recall alerts via e-mail and RSS. Follow this link to sign up.
Posted by Arlo Redwine
Published courtesy of Dealernews: www.dealernews.com
Checkpoint Warning in Las Vegas POLICE STATE– When Las Vegas police failed to properly post a checkpoint warning sign the proper distance from a checkpoint, Weezy, a freedom fighter for civil liberties and civil rights activist held up a sign warning of the checkpoint ahead. Bad cops – No donuts.
Weezy exercises his right to open carry, and also challenges mandatory helmet laws and other un-American police abuses. Here is a photo of a Bolt guy at a checkpoint. The signs in our state are supposed to be .25 miles from the point of the checkpoint. At this one they were .10 miles, so I went out .23 miles ( I did not want to make the checkpoint legal,) and held up a sign. Within 10 mins. the line of 40 or so cars dwindled down to 2-3 cars.
–from Rogue
MAN’S PRIZED 1934 FORD 3-window coupe and trailer stolen-– A Garden Grove man is distraught after he said his prized 1934 Ford 3-window coupe was stolen early Sunday from his house.
The car, which he says is worth $250,000, was parked within an enclosed 20-foot Pace trailer in front of his house, and the trailer and the car were taken Sunday before dawn.
“It was like my life,” Robert Slovick said of his car, which he started building from the ground up in 1997.
Slovick was a GM technician for three decades, and did the work on the car himself. The classic features a blown big-block Chevy engine, fat rear tires, and an endless array of options.
Slovick displayed the car at local shows, and said he was offered $350,000 for it in 2007, which he turned down.
The trailer that the car was in had six locks on it and was parked right outside a window of his home, Slovick said. When he awoke before 6 a.m. Sunday, the trailer was gone, with no debris remaining in the street. Slovick said he didn’t hear a thing, and even a new puppy that he got for Christmas didn’t make any noise to signal a problem.
Slovick said he didn’t know of anyone who would want to steal the car, but in hindsight is suspicious of an encounter he had last week.
“The only thing I can think of, is we took it to lunch Thursday, to Tommy’s Burger on Chapman, and we drove it home,” Slovick said Monday. “I put it on the trailer, and a guy in a maroon, small SUV started talking to me. The guy was saying he was building a ’32. It was kind of strange to me, but I’m friendly to everyone, so I talked to him.”
Slovick treated the car like a family heirloom, and said he even sold a boat and a Harley-Davidson motorcycle to complete the project.
“You just can’t put a price tag on it,” he said.
Slovick supplied these pictures of the car and the trailer and is hoping the public can help him bring back his beloved ride. The car’s license plate is seen as BLON 34. The plate on the trailer is 4FT2462.
Slovick said the trailer was locked securely with several padlocks, plus two tongue locks. It did not have any type of GPS device or electronic tracking, he said.
If you have any tips on the car’s whereabouts, you can leave a message with the Garden Grove detective on the case at 714-517-7651 or call the general line at 714-741-5704.
–from Bob Clark
ROAD RACER X MAGAZINE SHUTS DOWN–Road Racer X to cease publication after 8-year run The race-centric print publication Road Racer X announced that as of December 31 it will cease publication. For the full story, go to the Road Racer X website.
The long and the short of it — and this sadly comes as no surprise to anybody with an inkling of an idea about what’s happening in the print publication world — is that “the current economic situation, along with the rising costs of production and distribution” all conspired to help end the publication’s run.
–posted by Dennis Johnson
RIVER RAT EXPLORES PORTLAND– Found this really cool place in downtown Portland that was established in 1902. It’s been consecutively owned and operated for 108 years! Lots of vintage bikes suspended from the ceiling with great b&w prints of biker stuff and badass neon.

Pretty good grub, too. I felt so at home!! Then I go outside into the FREEZING ass weather (34 degrees) and discovered what a whimpy Californian I am..fuck it’s cold!! I think my pinky toes have frostbite. Anyway, Oregon is very “green” and healthy..called the Rose City..and there are cigarette butts everywhere..cracks me up.

–River Rat
INTERESTING New Year’s resolution: Cars & Bikes– Only one new year’s resolution for me, to thin the car herd (I’ve decided that 7 toy cars plus 3 everyday cars are too many for me) and concentrate instead on interesting/rare bikes.
1) Bugeye. I’ve got about $12.5K in the car plus another $2-3K in parts and spares, but I’d let it go to a friend for around $10K.
2) Ferrari. The going price for a 308 GTB (much rarer than the S–a hairdresser’s car IMHO) is somewhere between $25-35K. Mine is no garage queen but has had all engine services done in the past year (cam belts, Weber rebuilds, distributors, all hoses, fluids, etc) and NO rust. I’d be content with $28K.
3)1962 Corvette. Full restoration, 2 tops. Hundreds of spares, including correct engine block (original bore). $45K talks.
At any rate, pass the word and let’s see what develops. I’m open to motorcycle trades.
Ricardo Landeira

DOUBLE STANDARD ALIVE AND WELL IN ALBUQUERQUE– The new year begins with death-by-cop in Albuquerque. And, of course, the knee-jerk response by The State is to check the dead man’s system for intoxicants rather than checking the cop who was driving. The double standard is once again at work. Just imagine if you or I had run over a cop who was on foot on the street. Would the first reaction have been to check the cop’s blood for alcohol, or would the driver have been the automatic suspect? We both know the answer to that.
The cop had spent the night involved in a “DWI checkpoint” and had just left the scene of that offense when he hit the pedestrian. This doesn’t mean the cop was “clean”, and only a blindly religious devotee of the US police state would make that assumption.
Now, perhaps the pedestrian really was at fault. It’s likely that he at least shared responsibility for the accident. However, for the LEO to get special treatment when an accident occurs only deepens the chasm between the agents of The State and the regular productive people of America.
Tyranny kills.
By Kent McManigal Albuquerque Libertarian Examiner
–from Rogue
AFTER EASYRIDERS SHOW PARTY SCHEDULED–Saturday January 15, Shenanigan’s 7th & J at 8pm $10 at the door or bring your Easyriders stub/pass and get $5 off. Drink Special is Jack n Coke for $5.00 from 7-10pm. Come on down and dance with the Fryed Brothers Band after you hit the Easyriders show. Gonna be a PARTY!!!
–River Rat
MY FIRST CONDOM–I recall my first time with a condom. I was 16. I went in to buy a packet of condoms at Parchen’s pharmacy. In those days it took a lot of guts to go in a store and ask for that kind of item because everyone in town knew me and there was no doubt the young lady (I think her name was Delores) knew what they were for.
She was working as an assistant behind the counter, and she could see that I was really embarrassed by the whole procedure. She handed me the package and asked if I knew how to wear one. I honestly answered, ‘No, not really.’ So she unwrapped the package, took one out and slipped it over her thumb. She cautioned me to make sure it was on tight and secure
I apparently still looked confused. So, she looked all around the store to see if it were empty. It was. ‘Just a minute,’ she said, and walked to the door and locked it. Taking my hand, she led me into the back room, unbuttoned her blouse and removed it. She unhooked her bra and laid it aside. ‘Do these excite you?’ She asked.
Well, I was so dumb-struck that all I could do was stand there with my mouth open and nod my head. She then said it was time to slip the condom on. As I was slipping it on, she dropped her skirt, removed her panties and lay down on a desk. ‘Well, come on’, she said, ‘We don’t have much time.’
So I climbed on her. It was so wonderful that, unfortunately, I could no longer hold back and KAPOW, I was done within a few moments. She looked at me with a bit of a frown. ‘Did you put that condom on, Vince?’ she asked. I said, ‘sure did,’ and held up my thumb to show her.
She then beat the shit out of me…. Women have always been hard for me to figure out.
–Jim Waggaman
EASYRIDERS PARTY WEEKEND IN LOS ANGELES–It’s that time of the year. The ER show is generally held in Pomona, but this year it moved to the Los Angeles Convention Center, just up the freeway from the Bikernet Headquarters.
Speaking of Shows, the Ultimately Builder Show runs all weekend in Detroit and they need show contestants. You could win as much as $3000 and get a chance to compete in the World Championship in Sturgis. Show season’s in full swing, new bikes are being built at the Spitfire headquarters, where our FXR frames and girder front ends are being built. These guys are cooking.
This year could be, should be, damn exciting.
Ride Forever,