As a serial biker dater who’s secretly proud of her hard-earned status, I’d like to share my wisdom with the world and all those girls out there whose hearts skip a beat at the thought of being in the same room with single bikers. Keeping in mind that women have incredible power over men because men just can’t resist us, I’d like to draw your attention to the fact that biker men are also bad boys, and require a special kind of strategy, which I meticulously outline below so no detail gets overlooked.
If your biker crush is crazy about you but doesn’t know it yet, there are a few things you can do to attract his attention. First and foremost, make eye contact with him only to break it after about two seconds. Try looking down and then up through your eyelashes for an added sexy effect, and then immediately look away. Keep your eyes on him long enough to make an impression, but not too long to show you really care whether he likes you or not. Ultimately, bikers like girls who give them a run for their money and make them work for it, which means you shouldn’t give him your heart on a silver platter, at least not in the beginning.
Being a biker equals being a badass, and a guy like that doesn’t go for the girls who blend in with the crowd. Your petrolhead crush doesn’t like girls who try to look, act, or think like everyone else so if you have an unusual sense of humor, hobby or interest stick to it instead of being ashamed. Bad boys like girls with strong personalities who have a lot going for them. If you’re not like a bunch of other ladies he’s used to meeting, even if you have a quirky side he’ll be that much more interested in getting to know you better.
More often than not, bikers run into people who are intimidated by them because they think bad boys are too cool to give them the time of day. If you want to grab his attention for all the right reasons, the best thing you can do is show him you’re not afraid of him. Think of it as coming face-to-face with a wild beast – if you show fear, it’ll have you for lunch. When your biker says something to you, don’t just smile and look away. Instead, stand even taller and speak back, finish your sentences, and always speak your mind. Show him you’re his equal instead of being just another girl willing to bend at his will.
Find the right balance between flirting and ignoring him just a little to show you’ve got better things to do than to spend your time talking to him until you’re both blue in the face. If the two of you find yourselves chatting and having a great time, don’t run up to him and give him a big hug the next time you see him. Instead, give him some time to walk up to you and chat you up. The reason for this is simple – bikers don’t like girls who are too available. Obviously, don’t ignore him too much so he thinks you’re not interested, and keep in mind you don’t have to be rude in this game either.