
What’s our next move? 45 Years ago, the safetycrats hit us with helmet laws. It was a notion not to save lives, but to control the growing number of wild bikers. Many folks just accepted that helmets protect heads. What could be better? We proved differently on many fronts and helmet laws still only cover half of our states. They are essentially wrong and freedom works (actually, helmets would work better in cars).
We are in the center of another control freak rebellion. There is a chunk of society that believes all the wrong in the world is caused by human behavior and it must be controlled and stopped. This is so prevalent, Germany is considering banning all internal combustion engines by 2030 (as you will see in the news from NCOM). Folks in the motorcycle rights community know this scenario by heart.
Although the administration did a competent job of convincing the scientific community of this assertion, it’s a fallacy. If all humans disappeared tomorrow, the climate would continue to change.

I’ve heard assertions from the scientists who believe we may have a 50 percent impact to as low as 10 percent. Then recently, I watched “Cowspiracy” a documentary about the agricultural community, cattle. They proclaim all transportation, cars, boats, planes, and ships amount to less than 10 percent of what the cattle industry produces. On top of that, the cattle industry is destroying plant life and rain forests at the tune of one acre a second. Plus the cattle industry is destroying potable water to the tune of 600 gallons to produce one quarter-pound hamburger, or 1000 gallons of water to produce one gallon of milk.
Let that sink in for a second. What if tomorrow, we prove the EPA was way-off-base and we were able to push regulations back significantly? What if VW could sue the EPA for false claims and trumped up regulations? What if Harley-Davidson could tear up any fines by the EPA and instead of shaking in their boots over the mega-control scenario, they could tell them to pound sand?

It’s way more possible than you think. I’ve been pushing for action against the EPA for five years. We are currently working with the MRF and talking with attorneys Hupy and Abraham.
Bikers know freedom works. We just need to pick up the flagpole and start the march. 

Hang on. The Bikernet weekly News is sponsored in part by Cycle Source Magazine, Iron Trader News, the Motorcycle Riders Foundation, Born To Ride, and Choppertown. 

JIMS TOOL OF THE WEEK– JIMS No. 97235-55B Sprocket Shaft Bearing Nut Wrench.

The sprocket shaft nut on early Big Twins is not a typical hex nut like most late Big Twins use. You need a special spanner wrench that can handle the torque as well as clear the length of the sprocket shaft.

Fortunately, JIMS manufactures the best tool for the job. JIMS No. 97235-55B Sprocket Shaft Bearing Nut Wrench fits the spanner nut and has a deep body to clear the sprocket shaft on 1955-1968 Big Twins.

The ½-inch square drive is capable of using a torque wrench, ratchet, or a breaker bar. This tool is guaranteed for life and made in the USA with a suggested retail price of $132.60.

If you work on old iron, this tool is a must for your toolbox.

#001 LIMITED EDITION JACK DANIEL’S INDIAN CHIEF VINTAGE MOTORCYCLE AUCTIONED FOR $150,000 AT BARRETT-JACKSON LAS VEGAS–All funds from the auction benefit U.S. Military personnel and their families through Operation Ride Home.

Indian Motorcycle, America’s First Motorcycle Company, is proud to announce that the #001 2016 Limited Edition Jack Daniel’s Indian Chief Vintage motorcycle auctioned at Barrett-Jackson Las Vegas on Saturday October 15 raised $150,000 for the benefit of Operation Ride Home, a program that assists active duty U.S. military personnel in traveling home to visit their families through a partnership with the Armed Services YMCA.

One hundred fifty individually numbered 2016 Limited Edition Jack Daniel’s Indian Chief Vintage and Indian Springfield motorcycle models were made available for purchase on March 4, 2016, for $29,999.

All but #001 of the 150-unit production run sold in just eight hours on the first day of availability, with that first unit being saved for this auction. These motorcycles represent the first time in the century and a half history of Jack Daniel’s that any vehicle has had an officially sanctioned Jack Daniel’s livery, making this motorcycle even more special.

#001 of the limited edition series, an Indian Chief Vintage version, was auctioned at world-renowned Barrett-Jackson Las Vegas on October 15 at the Mandalay Bay resort. The full $150,000 of proceeds from the auction will benefit Operation Ride Home, which assists active duty U.S. military personnel in traveling home to visit their families.

Approximately 700 individuals – both service members and their families – will be reunited this holiday season care of this sale alone. Collector Vincent Amato won bidding and will take the motorcycle home to display in his collection.

“It’s fantastic to see these two great brands partner for such a worthy cause,” said Steve Menneto, President of Motorcycles for Polaris Industries. “Both Indian Motorcycle and Jack Daniel’s have a respect and admiration for our enlisted men and women, and bringing military families together for the holidays is something that is truly special.”

“The generosity shown by Mr. Amato in purchasing this special bike is simply remarkable,” said Jeff Arnett, Jack Daniel’s Master Distiller. “Just knowing how many more service members and their families we’ll be able to assist with travel this year is something that makes us all very proud. It will make this holiday season even that more special for these heroes and their families.”

Created to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the Jack Daniel Distillery and designed in conjunction with Klock Werks Kustom Cycles of Mitchell, S.D., both Limited Edition Jack Daniel’s Indian Springfield and Indian Chief Vintage models feature an array of genuine Indian Motorcycle accessories, as well as Jack Daniel’s-inspired custom paint and logos, badging, leather saddle and saddlebags.

Each fender is inscribed with the names of the seven Master Distillers who have overseen the Jack Daniel’s distilling process over its 150-year history, and an inscription of Jack Daniel’s “Bottles and Throttles Don’t Mix” mantra reminds riders that drinking and riding are meant to be enjoyed separately.

Finally, both models also came with a custom-printed Jack Daniel’s whiskey barrel top to commemorate each bike, a two-year unlimited mileage factory warranty and free membership in the Indian Motorcycle Riders Group for one year.

–Robert Pandya

TESLA’S EUROPEAN APPROVAL QUESTIONABLE–FEMA and Dutch motorcyclists join forces and question Tesla’s type approval.

Following up on the letters that were sent by the Norwegian riders’ organization NMCU to the Norwegian transport minister Ketil Solvik-Olsen and Tesla boss Elon Musk, Dutch motorcyclists’ organizations MAG NL and KNMV together with FEMA sent a letter to RDW, the Netherlands Vehicle Authority.

Riders’ organizations in Europe and FEMA are worried for some time about the way car manufacturers implement driver assist systems in their products. Accidents, studies and evasive answers to questions asked by FEMA indicate that these systems are not properly tested, and certainly not with motorcycles.

The European Transport Safety Council ETSC published a report in April 2016 in which the risks of insufficient tested autonomous systems and over-the-air software updates were mentioned. They also stated: “there is an urgent need to put in place certain prerequisites prior to the wider deployment of automated vehicles in Europe”.

A recent accident in Norway in which a young female rider, a Tesla on ‘autopilot’ and two other cars were involved showed that the riders have a reason to be worried. This was confirmed by tests that were performed by the German organization BASt, which lead to the conclusion that the Tesla system is potentially dangerous in traffic, and by a recent letter in which the German Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt (KBA) requested Tesla to stop using the expression ‘autopilot’, because it is severely misleading.

The California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) has formally issued a draft regulation that demands Tesla cease and desist from using the terms ‘self-driving’, ‘automated’, or ‘autopilot’ when it comes to advertising its vehicles, unless they are capable of driving themselves without any human backup.

Since the European whole vehicle type approval for Tesla is issued by the Dutch RDW, we decided to join forces with KNMV and MAG NL to ensure that motorcycles, in fact all two-wheelers, can use our roads without being hit from behind by a malfunctioning Tesla or other vehicle with a poorly tested automatic emergency breaking system.

The first step to ensure this is to ask questions about the testing with two-wheelers to RDW and demand that no vehicles are allowed on our roads that are not properly tested and tested with all kind of two-wheelers, including motorcycles. A copy of the letter to RDW is also sent to the Dutch minister of transport and to the Dutch parliament.

Dolf Willigers, General Secretary of FEMA, commented: “It cannot be that motorcyclists have to fear for their life because car manufacturers skip (part of) the testing phase in an attempt to outrun their competitors, or that our children cannot cycle to school anymore because unreliable car driver assist systems are allowed on public roads for political reasons. We really have to stop this.”

Who wants to own a car you can’t drive. Hell, take a bus.–Bandit


“Kentucky born and raised my mother says my nationality is part gypsy and part rambler as I’ve always had a calling to be where I’m not.

“Forever a tourist, I believe in under staying my welcome but some places deserve a second visit. In my life I’ve logged over 4k miles by foot, 100k miles on my motorcycle, 300k by car and even more by plane in search of other people’s stories and finding my own.”

 Hang on for her Hooligan racing story. She’s flat track racing with Roland and his Indian Wrecking Crew.


NATIONAL SPEED LIMIT ISSUE SURFACES–Several members have registered their opposition to a NHTSA proposal to cap the maximum speed of trucks following this NMA email alert on October 1st. We hope more do the same before the public comment period ends on November 7th to help counteract a growing number of calls for a federal mandate that all vehicles be limited to 65 mph or less.

In a bit of a surprise – until you understand their overall goal – the American Trucking Associations (ATA) voiced opposition to the proposed rule for speed limiters on trucks. Mind you, this is the organization comprised of large-fleet haulers that has aggressively lobbied for limiting truck speeds for years. It worked hand-in-hand with NHTSA on the current proposed rule. The ATA’s rationale? The rule isn’t specific enough in defining the maximum speed for trucks, and doesn’t call for all vehicles on the road to be slowed down accordingly.

The October 1st NMA alert provides a link to the public comment site along with some arguments against imposing speed restrictions. This is old-hat stuff for NMA members who have been fighting for speed limit reform for decades. This is the latest push for a new NMSL and we mustn’t take it lightly.

It is time to get vocal: Join us in letting NHTSA know that dialing speed limits back to the restrictive and less-safe levels of the 1970s, ‘80s, and ‘90s is unacceptable. The following official NMA statement was recently posted on the government site for public comments.

This rulemaking would establish a federally mandated maximum truck speed on the freeways of all states, preempting truck speed limits established by state legislatures and transportation agencies. The National Motorists Association (NMA), a membership organization consisting of several thousand U.S. and Canadian drivers, has severe reservations about artificially limiting truck speeds when it is well established that speed variance among vehicles is a primary factor in crash risk.

Indeed, this proposed rule is written as if ignoring that trucks share the nation’s roads with 250 million light vehicles. Congestion is frequently caused by trucks overtaking other trucks at very small differences in speed. A uniform speed cap will worsen this effect, especially if it is below the speed that would normally be chosen by a multitude of truck drivers.

The few truck-involved crashes whose outcomes are worsened by truck speed may be exceeded by the number of new crashes caused by forcing light-vehicle traffic to pass slow-moving trucks through maneuvers – braking, accelerating, lane changing – that increase interactions and potential conflicts between all vehicles.

The authors of the proposed rule justify ignoring this factor by pointing out that available research cannot predict the number of crashes attributable to this cause. But what shouldn’t be ignored is FMCSA’s own study (Large Truck and Bus Crash Facts 2013, April 2015) which documents that 80 percent of fatal crashes involving large trucks from 2011 to 2013 occurred at speed limits posted no higher than 65 mph. Nearly 60 percent of the crashes were on roads posted at 55 mph or lower. Limiting truck speeds, particularly to 65 mph or less, in the name of safety disregards the facts.

Furthermore, situations may dictate that truck drivers speed up to avoid collisions or road hazards. Speed limiters can take this critical safety option away from drivers when it is most crucially needed.

The proposed rule would return to the strategy of the period 1974–1995, when the federal government mandated a national maximum speed limit for all traffic. This was one of the most conspicuous public-policy failures in U.S. history, and was finally repealed by Congress in the chapter of the National Highway System Designation Act of 1995 titled, “Relief from Mandates.”

The lesson of the national maximum speed limit was that radical change to one element of the vehicle-highway system produces unintended consequences. The 55-mph speed limit yielded diversion of vehicle-miles from freeways to less-safe roads, delay and time waste, new driver behaviors generating new modes of crash causation, and no discernible impact on traffic safety or fuel use.

This proposed rulemaking emanates not from a scientific study of crash causation, but from petitions by two trade associations, American Trucking Associations and Road Safe America, representing certain classes of truck operators. While claiming to be motivated by the cause of safety, these associations are in fact trying to deny other truck operators a competitive advantage in travel time and driver/truck productivity. NMA requests that FMCSA and NHTSA explain why these two entities were accorded the remarkable favor of having their commercial proposition translated into a proposed federal regulation.

NHTSA-2016-0087 and FMCSA-2014-0083 also seek comment on “other technologies limiting speed;” such as GPS receivers combined with digital maps of posted limits, or machine vision that reads roadside signs.

This approach assigns undeserved meaning to posted limits. Especially when posted by local governments, speed limits are frequently arbitrary, obsolete, of dubious legality, and almost invariably well below normal operating speeds. Many speed limits are set too low intentionally, so as to create revenue-generating speed traps. Speed limiters based on posted limits would apply the force of federal law to every local speed limit, affecting not only trucks but the road users behind each truck.

The operational and safety impacts of this approach would be incalculably negative, and would extend far beyond truck operators. NMA observes that low truck-speed limits have been proposed by persons seeking to impose low travel speeds on all highway users, using slow-moving trucks to impede traffic generally.

Because of the unknown impact of speed differential and the potentially severe risk of additional crashes, mandatory limitation of truck speeds should be dropped from consideration.


Through DAV, you help those who bear the scars of war gain greater access to much needed help and join in DAV’s call to our nation to honor its commitment to these heroes.

Since 1920, DAV has given Americans a meaningful opportunity to help veterans disabled in the service of our country.

As a member of the DAV family, you stand shoulder to shoulder among patriots whose ranks stretch from the cities and plains of our own country, to the lands where our troops fought for freedom — the islands of the Pacific; the towering cities of Europe; and the mountains of Afghanistan.

Annually, DAV represents hundreds of thousands of veterans and their families in claims for government programs they earned — and need. You make that possible.

You also stand beside 1.2 million disabled veterans who are DAV members, volunteering to help fellow disabled veterans and their families in communities across America. Through the generosity of their personal time, these volunteers meet needs that government programs cannot address.

We look forward to showing you who we are and sharing stories of the heroes we help. You’ll begin to learn more about what DAV stands for as you watch this brief video.

Thank You for Joining Our Cause,

–Marc Burgess
DAV National Adjutant/CEO

[page break]

BIKERTOBERFEST WRAP-UP–Barber Ken Peters received several text messages before this year’s Biketobefest from people letting him know their groups weren’t coming following Hurricane Matthew.

“They couldn’t find a room,” the owner of Main Street Barber Shop said. “(Their rooms were) destroyed. They called around, looked around for other rooms, they couldn’t find anything.”

Peters, who has been cutting hair on Main Street for 23 years, said this year’s Biketoberfest looked like the smallest attendance since the event started in the early ’90s.

“Way, way down,” he said.

While it was too early to get attendance figures, Bob Davis, president of the Lodging & Hospitality Association of Volusia County, estimated a decrease of at least 60 percent.

Roughly 25 percent of Volusia County’s 12,500 beachside rooms were taken offline as more than a dozen hotels, including the 744-room Hilton Daytona Beach Oceanfront Resort, closed following Hurricane Matthew.

Davis said a lot of Biketoberfest’s attendees come from Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina and Central Florida — areas that suffered in the storm.

“It was to be expected,” Davis said of lower attendance.

Barbara Hall, the owner of Bulldog Leathers, said this was the least-attended Biketoberfest she remembers.

“Biketoberfest draws from Florida, coastal areas, it’s a little more than local because it’s only a four-day event,” she said. “Most of those people got devastated.”

Her longtime shop is also soon closing as she is set to retire. “This will be my first Bike Week off since 1974,” she said.

Thursday and Friday’s crowds were so small Daytona Beach Police Chief Mike Chitwood said he reduced his force on Friday night. Things picked up Saturday with a really good crowd that kept his department busy. A lot of the vehicles he saw Saturday were from Florida.

The storm didn’t stop Mike McDade, a 60-year-old from Troy, Ohio, from coming to town for more than a week. He was staying at the Beach Quarters Resort in Daytona Beach Shores.

McDade called himself a “die-hard” biker: “Got to get away from home for a while,” he said.

This wasn’t McDade’s first time at the event and he also noticed the smaller crowds.

“I’d say they’re about a third of what they normally are,” he said.

Ormond-by-the-Sea residents Doug Hyatt, 55, and his wife Debbie, 58, were out on Main Street on Sunday.

While Debbie said the smaller crowd made it easier to maneuver around, she also noted the toll of a lower turnout.

“I just feel bad for the economy here,” she said. “They need the boost right now.”

–By Austin Fuller
News-Journal/NIGEL COOK

–from Rogue
Bikenet Baggers
Supreme Editor in Charge

THE BIKERNET POT FILES–Todd Denkin of Digipath Inc. to Present on Lab Testing and Product Safety as Puerto Rico Hosts International Cannabis Conference

Puerto Rico MedCann.Biz, will host Puerto Rico’s second official international cannabis conference, as Puerto Rico becomes the fourth jurisdiction in Latin America to enter into the medical cannabis trade.

The $3 billion a year medical cannabis industry in the United States could provide the economic stimulus and job growth that Puerto Rico’s citizens are looking for in 2016 and beyond. Todd Denkin, president and COO of Digipath Inc. and Digipath Labs will be speaking to the crowd about the importance of cannabis lab testing.

“We are at a crucial point for the medical cannabis industry in Puerto Rico, and what happens in the coming months will impact the lives of thousands of patients on the island. It is the responsibility of everyone involved in the industry to be educated and promote a comprehensive approach to this topic”, said Ingrid Schmidt, co-founder of Puerto Rico MedCann.Biz, the consulting firm hosting the event.

Schmidt added that the conference is aimed at investors, entrepreneurs and other professionals interested in entering the new medical cannabis industry, and health professionals who want to learn and get certified on the medicinal properties and benefits of cannabis-based treatments.

The event organizers expect a large attendance of participants from both Puerto Rico, other United States jurisdictions and the Caribbean. It is important to highlight that in the United States, 25 States, Washington D.C. and now Puerto Rico have legalized the sale of cannabis. Puerto Rico also becomes the second location in the United States to integrate medical tourism as part of its medical cannabis platform.

Medical tourism is a global phenomenon that provides patients with medical services out of their immediate area, in response to the demand for lower costs, access to treatment and therapies unavailable in their region, and better care.

Those interested in participating can visit http://www.prmedcannbiz.com or call 939-338-3303 to register.

BIKERNET BAD COP FILES UNSEALED–Local Police Using CIA-funded Software to Track All Citizens’ Social Media Posts.

It is hard to imagine anything more offensive to the Constitution and its protection against unwarranted searches and seizures.
Local police departments are using software developed by a CIA-funded company to monitor citizens’ social media posts and their physical locations in real time 24 hours a day.

Stories from across the country have revealed that several local law enforcement agencies — in Seattle, Chicago, Philadelphia, and Oakland among others — and corporations — the Mall of America and McDonald’s — have purchased surveillance software from a company called Geofeedia. The program will inform police of the physical location from which you made your last social media post. It will provide the content of your posts, too.

Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook are all included in the surveillance sweep, and all the updates posted to any one of these popular services will be uploaded to one single database available all day, every day, to police.


That’s not even the tip of the iceberg, however, as In-Q-Tel is the money behind the police’s program of locating Americans storing guns and ammunition, as well.

For the full article


–By Joe Wolverton

THE KOMPACT KAMP PET TRAILER– allows you to travel on your motorcycle without leaving your four legged friend(s) behind.

Our Pet Trailer is specifically designed to accommodate your pet, by giving them a comfortable, spacious, and safe ride. The Pet Trailer comes standard with three separate vents to ensure proper ventilation and also features our independent rubber torsion suspension for a smooth ride.

For smaller dogs, we offer a baggage door and partition to allow for separate storage in the front section of the trailer. Other options include, trailer cover, cooler bracket, and swivel coupler.

Vented Locking Door

Two Side vented windows

Tongue Jack Stand

Cushioned Carpeted Interior

Trailer Weight: ?_200 lbs.

Trailer Capacity: 350 lbs.

Body Size: 24 x 48 x 32

12-inch Wheels

Trailer Features:

Standard Interior Dimensions: 23″ Wide x 46″ Long x 28″ High

Interior Dimensions with Partition: 23″ Wide x 27″ Long x 28″ High

Optional Baggage Area with added Partition: 6 cubic feet of storage

*All Trailer specifications are approximate


(717) 933-8070

Born To Ride PIN-UP Girls magazine – Premier issue. This should be hot. Check the Born to Ride link:


The Born to Ride
Imperial Editor


Due to popular demand, with over 10,000 tickets sold to date, the producers of Charlie Daniels 80th Birthday Volunteer Jam have released additional seating at Bridgestone Arena on November 30 so that as many fans and friends as possible can experience this monumental occasion. The jam will feature guests 3 Doors Down, Chris Stapleton, Kid Rock, Larry The Cable Guy, Luke Bryan and Travis Tritt to celebrate with Charlie Daniels.

Tickets for the much anticipated event are on sale now at all Ticketmaster locations and the Bridgestone Arena Box Office. Ticket prices start at $25.00.

After a star-studded 40th Anniversary Volunteer Jam last year, this year’s celebration event will feature The Charlie Daniels Band and a select bunch of their favorite musicians and entertainers on stage for an exhilarating event for the ages.

Since 1974, Daniels has commissioned his musical friends and peers to come together on a “volunteer” basis to hang out, “jam” together, and entertain crowds in an unconventional, laid-back fashion unknown to any other concert event — all while dedicating concert proceeds to worthy causes.

This year’s event will feature extra special “jam” sessions with some of Charlie’s most prolific friends who want to celebrate the soon-to-be Country Music Hall of Famer, his birthday, and his many accomplishments.

A portion of the proceeds from the night will go to the The Journey Home Project, a 501(c)(3) non-profit co-founded by Daniels and manager, David Corlew, to help Veterans of the United States Armed Forces. For more info on The Journey Home Project, please visit: thejourneyhomeproject.org.

Charlie Daniels’ 80th Birthday Volunteer Jam is produced by Mike Smardak of Outback Concerts in association with David Corlew & Associates and Webster & Associates.

C&S Customs FXR SWINGARM–Lightweight street/strip FXR swingarm.
A couple of months ago we featured news about a new replacement swingarm for Dyna models by Lexington, North Carolina based C&S Custom.

Seen here is a new lightweight replacement FXR swingarm for custom or racing applications.

Manufactured in-house from high performance, high tensile strength, lightweight aerospace grade 6061-T6 alloy that has a high fatigue limit and is resistant to corrosion, even when the surface is abraded.

Said to reduce unsprung weight by as much as 20 pounds, it is available in stock length and up to 6 inches over stock, in separate units or kits that include fasteners, wheel and chain. The units are designed for all FXRs, all years.

It can be ordered in thousands of powder-coat colors, chrome or contrast cut with grooved louvers to match popular aftermarket rims, pulleys and rotors.
“All things being equal, a lighter motorcycle will accelerate faster, stop faster and be easier to turn when changing direction, so when looking for performance, lighter is better,” explained Steve Garwood, General Manager. “Our products are designed to go fast and look good doing it.”

Posted by DealerWorld

Muscle 110 Extreme kit for CVO–

Zipper’s Performance say their new Muscle 110 Extreme kit “for the serious performance enthusiast” with horsepower topping 150 at the rear wheel and torque over 100 ft/lbs from 2,750 rpm through redline, peaking at 130.

“Arm-stretching, tire-shredding power is everywhere, reminiscent of a late ‘60s big block muscle car. Your special CVO will turn heads not just because of its looks, but the raw power sound and the performance to back it up – Grin-Factor Pegged!”


Posted by DealerWorld 

NEW LIGHTWEIGHT PULLEYS TRIM WEIGHT AND RECLAIM HP–At about one third the weight of stock units these light weight transmission pulleys weigh in at a mere 2 ¼ lbs!

Manufactured by Belt Drives Limited, the high tech pulleys are precision machined to aircraft tolerance from rugged 7075 aluminum making them just the ticket for both high performance and stock application. The significant weight savings reclaims horsepower while lightening the load on associated bearings and a durable hard anodize finish assures years of extended trouble free operation.

The new BDL LIGHT WEIGHT TRANSMISSION PULLEYS are currently available for 4-speed Big Twins from 1979 to 1983, 5-speed 1986 to present and 5-speed Sportsters from 1992 up.

Retail price is just $123.00. Available from BDL dealers
worldwide or catch the complete lineup at www.beltdrives.com

THE POT INDUSTRY DOOR OPENS–Green Leaf Farms to Begin Operations as Nevadan’s Vote to Legalize Recreational Marijuana.

CEO delivers Company update to shareholders on final steps to start cultivation and production facility operations and announces its team and sponsors.

Player’s Network, Inc. (Pink:PNTV), a vertically integrated, diversified, fully reporting public company operating two complementary portfolios of Media and Medical Marijuana, announced today a shareholder progress update from CEO Mark Bradley.

On September 25th a shareholder update was sent out that outlines the companies progress a securing of $2.5 million in funding. This funding has allowed the company to make major progress in completing the necessary step to be compliant through the companies wholly owned subsidiary Green Leaf Farms Holdings (GLFH) and begin operation of MME facilities.

Progress Highlights
– Complete first stage construction
– Comply with all fire and security requirements
– The status of recreational Nevada Ballot Question 2, recreational use
– Hire top cultivation management team
– Secure major vendors
– Continue production of television documentary

Construction and requirements

Green Leaf Farms has completed its first phase of construction and is now working to finalize all needed requirements to pass the facilities state inspection to be scheduled within the next 30 days. This first stage of operation will utilize only 7,000 sq. feet of the company’s 26,000 sq. feet allocated for cultivation. This square footage will be filled with grow modules and is expected to begin generating revenue by February 2017. We will also have completed a room to begin producing oils and extracts in December with revenues estimated before the end of 2016.

Nevada Ballot Question 2

Early polls are showing that there is between 57% and 64% of voters in support of the bill passing. Of course, it depends on whose polls you believe. . If Question 2 passes, Nevada dispensaries will be able to sell marijuana to the 52 million tourists who visit Nevada each year. If Nevada performs like the other states have with the sale of recreational marijuana, the market and associated revenues will skyrocket.
Our shareholders have much to look forward to. If you have any questions about anything we are doing, feel free to email me mbradley@playersnetwork.com. I answer all email.

–Mark Bradley
CEO Players Network

[page break]



EASYRIDERS INTERVIEWED BIKERS FOR TRUMP ORGANIZER– Chris Cox the head of Bikers For Trump had an interview with Easyriders and I believe it was with Dave Nichols.

I was under the impression it was going to be in the magazine But have not seen it.

What I did see though was a Full Page Ad for Bikers For Trump t-shirts – here is a link

Everywhere I have been people are telling me they are going to vote for Trump and I see all kind of support wear, but the polls are saying people favor Hillary, then again the people who own the publications etc. are her sponsors.

I do not trust or believe the polls because they are so easy to rig as I found out many years ago pertaining to motorcycle issues.

I am also sending Sonny Barger’s statement about him believing the election is rigged
It is from V-Twin issue 188 December 2016.

Bikernet Baggers
Imperial Wizard


1. the ideal example; epitome; quintessence: This poem is the apotheosis of lyric expression.

2. the elevation or exaltation of a person to the rank of a god.
… his favorite phrase was “see it through”; he considered his novel about Frederick the Great to be the very apotheosis of this command, which he looked upon as the quintessence of the virtue that remains active in spite of suffering.

— Thomas Mann (1875–1955), Death in Venice, translated by Stanley Appelbaum, 1995

Origin of apotheosis

Apotheosis is a Late Latin and Greek word meaning “deification.” It ultimately derives from the Greek combining form theós meaning “god.” It entered English in the late 1570s and later developed the sense “departure from this earthly life into heaven.”

“Is Harley-Davidson over the Hill?”
http://articles.moneycentral.msn.com/Investing/StockInvestingTrading/is-harley-davidson-over-the-hill.aspx (A must read!) ATK BELIEVES A NEW CHAPTER CAN BE WRITTEN: While there may be research to validate aspects of these stories; we at ATK believe that Harley is poised for its next move… The face of the Motor Company is changing.

We know that successful Harley dealerships need a diverse menu of products moving forward, combined with other innovative programs. This will attract younger buyers (Gen X-Y and (a) Echo Boomers), into the dealerships to be viable into the future.

ATK’s objective is to cultivate and excite new buyers thus creating more returning customers for Harley, while immediately creating merchandizing opportunities for Harley and its dealers. Our products don’t compete with the traditional Black & Chrome bikes; instead they are complimentary additions to provide entry into other major market sectors.

ATK’s main objective is to attract new people into the motorcycle world through the Harley dealerships. Studies indicate the Echo Boomers perceive Harley dealerships as “Oldsmobile dealerships that supplied bikes for their grandfather,” as noted in the MSN link above.

We need to re-craft this perception and be pro-active. ATK wants to be to a product in your dealerships equivalent to what (B) Scion is to Toyota dealerships.

Echo Boomer: Children between the ages of 2 and 19 born to America’s largest and wealthiest market segment, Baby Boomers. The echo generation is expected to create new surges of change in markets, attitudes and society over most of the 21st century. America is just now experiencing the first ripple of this huge wave.

Scion is a brand of vehicles produced by Toyota Motor Corporation. Scion’s long-term goal is to appeal to the “Millennial Generation”, Generation X-Y and Echo Boomers” Scion grew from “Toyota Project Genesis” a failed effort to bring younger buyers to the Toyota brand.

ATK can Energize Harley dealerships by:

1.PROVIDING DIVERSE PRODUCTS THAT WOULD ATTRACT NEW, LONG TERM HARLEY CUSTOMERS: Can you rely on the Metric brands to cultivate your future customer? Ask GM/Chrysler their findings. This industry demands ‘feeder’ markets, and ATK provides that model tailored to H-D’s position in the market — AMERICAN & HIGH QUALITY.

2.PROVIDE H-D DEALERS AN AFFORDABLE ENTRY LEVEL STREETBIKE: Dealers have been asking the Motor Company to introduce an affordable entry-level street bike for years. Introducing an affordable entry-level street bike under the ATK brand name could fill that void. Most market research concludes: the industry and the potential first time rider/buyer doesn’t necessarily consider the Sportster an entry-level motorcycle.

3.ATK TO BE A PRODUCT INCUBATOR: Most people learn to ride motorcycles in the dirt. ATK can be a great incubator for future Harley customers with its diverse product line. You can plot a ‘cradle to grave’ story, starting with ATK in the mini dirtbikes, and then ride in the final sunset on an Electra Glide Classic. This is Honda strategy 101.

4.ATK WILL BE LINK AND BUFFER FOR YOUR DEALERSHIPS TO PROTECT HARLEY BRAND HERITAGE: ATK has been working with several large Asian and European manufactures that have made a variety of prototype entry-level motorcycles for ATK. ATK recently entered into a relationship with Hyosung Korea. The quality of these products is equal to the Japanese products with much higher margins to you.

5.ATK TO BE THE ‘SCION’ TO HARLEY DAVIDSON BRAND POSITION: What we are forwarding and describing is not market theory. It is market fact. We have vast historical references that prove our position. A key element of success of most companies is to grow their products to a new consumer bases. H-D is unique and we know that. That is why we are convinced of our plan: ATK offers a unique solution to H-D that combines market growth, akin heritage, new demographics, and massive net savings on R/D, industry respect, and NEW CUSTOMERS. Think of the position AT&T would be in if they hesitated for a moment on new communications platforms for a new generation. AT&T saw the research, read the generational market conditions, built upon heritage and moved to compliment a partnership with the introduction of the I Phone with a small, well engineered, market smart company. BOTH parties expanded beyond hopes.

The X Factor Malcolm Zanca and Frank White: Zanca has the respect of the Harley Dealer Network, and White has the respect and ear of the Industry including the world media.

HANG OUT WITH THE REVIVAL TEAM–South Congress Anniversary Party

On Saturday October 22nd we are celebrating one year since opening the doors at the South Congress location (1603 S Congress Ave, Austin, TX 78704). Swing by from 6-9pm to pursue our moto offerings while sipping on an ice cold beer or two.

Harvest Classic

Come visit with the Revival team at the 14th annual Harvest Classic this weekend (the 21st and 22nd) in Luckenbach, Texas. We’re excited to be supporting such a great cause and crossing our fingers that it’ll be a bit dryer than last year. It will also be your chance to see our completed Mike Hailwood Replica project.

NEWS FROM THE STURGIS MOTORCYCLE MUSEUM–From the motorcycles to the industry’s pioneers and innovators, the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum and Hall of Fame recognizes every aspect of what makes motorcycling great.

The Museum was chartered in 2001 to recognize individuals or groups who have made a long term positive impact on the motorcycle community, and plans call for improvements that will make it possible to create world-class exhibits. However this progress would not be possible without the commitment and dedication of the board of directors, the local community and most importantly the sponsors..

“It was time to Honor the Ride and Build the Legacy,” says Executive Director Myrick Robbins. “The mission for the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum remains unchanged, however the means to achieving its lofty goals are certainly advancing courtesy of our sponsors and supporters of the Museum.” A record number of visitors over the course of 2016 and a complete sell-out of the annual Hall Of Fame Induction Ceremonies breakfast highlighted a record year for the Sturgis landmark.

The support of the community and the amazing efforts of Rod Woodruff, founder and President of the Sturgis Buffalo Chip, will make it possible for the Museum to expand on its mission to honor those who have made a positive and significant impact on the sport and lifestyle,” says Robbins. This year alone the Chip donated $18,356 toward expansion, part of a total $228,000 contributed over the past nine years to help build a world-class Museum in Sturgis showcasing motorcycling’s history.

Night At Museum

Also making a major contribution to the Museum was Russ Brown Motorcycle Accident & Injury Attorneys. The original attorneys who ride contributed $2,500. “We know the challenges, danger and bias that riders face on the road as we were riders long before we became lawyers,” says managing partner Chuck Koro. “We are proud to support the museum’s efforts to honor the men and women who have dedicated much of their lives to improving, promoting and advancing motorcycling.”

Strider Bikes stepped up as the presenting sponsorship for the Hall of Fame. Based in nearby Rapid City, Strider Balance Bikes are putting the next generation of Hall of Famers in the saddle today! “Next year marks the 100th anniversary of bicycles in the Black Hills and we are happy to welcome Strider to the party,” notes Robbins. “This is an ideal match… Just as Strider is a resource for future generations of riders, the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum & Hall of Fame stands out because of the fact that we not only document the history of the machines, we document the history of the people who have shaped and changed the sport and lifestyle.”

Call the Museum at 605.347.2001 or online at http://www.sturgismuseum.com

J&P CYCLES WINNER GOES TO WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP IN EUROPE–This has been a good year for Jordan Dickinson of Union Speed and Style. He entered the Minneapolis edition of the J&P Cycles Ultimate Builder Custom Bike Show and took 1st Place. He entered the Harley-Davidson Museum Show and took 1st place and received the bid to compete in the Championship of the Americas.

It wasn’t an easy win because Tim Scates brought his award-winning bike from this ROT Rally win and Jon Shipley of Hoosier Daddy Choppers and former national champion had his bike in competition to name just two top competitors.

In the end, Jordan took the win with his 93“ Harley Knucklehead with generator cut off cases reshaped, high compression pistons and hot cam in a one-off hand built frame. He will compete in Germany for the AMD World Championship in 2018.

–Prince Najar

Germany’s top legislative body, the Bundesrat, has voted to ban all internal combustion engines by the year 2030. According to Der Spiegel news magazine in Hamburg, the legislation calls on the European Commission to “evaluate the recent tax and contribution practices of Member States on their effectiveness in promoting zero-emission mobility,” effectively asking for a ban on the lower level of tax on diesel fuel within the EU.

It also calls on European vehicle manufacturers to “review the current practices of taxation and dues with regard to a stimulation of emission-free mobility.”

“If the Paris agreement to curb climate-warming emissions is to be taken seriously, no new combustion engine cars should be allowed on roads after 2030,” said Greens party lawmaker Oliver Krischer. BMW Motorrad’s head of development Karl Viktor Schaller told Britain’s Motorcycle News publication, “It may be 10 or 15 years away, but urban traffic will be electric in the future. Maybe eventually electric vehicles will reach a range of 200km.”

While the resolution is non-binding, it may not come to fruition, but the statement of intent carries strength, especially given that German regulations have historically shaped many EU regulations.

–Bill Bish
from the monthly NCOM Legislative Report
(see the whole report on Bikernet in the next few days)

TRUCK DEAL OF THE WEEK–Bo’s truck has been on display in museum so there is about 500 miles or so on the motor. It has a chromed out 350 Chevy V8 engine with 3 deuces.

It has a 350 Turbo, automatic transmission, Chopped top and channeled throughout the frame. Hand customized and the bed has stainless steel accents and white Formica.

Undercarriage is chrome from the dropped axle back. Has aesthetic accents from the louvers throughout the cars design. Candy stripe interior, chrome smoothy hubcaps with bullets.

Chrome visors on the headlights, custom stainless steel valve covers. Tailgate has chrome original style support strips. Chrome nerf bar, chrome dual exhaust system, chrome rear Corvette springs. 1934 Ford parking lights converted into turn signals, side view 4 inch peep mirrors.

Coker wide white wall tires. Uniboss stereo built in to the headliner.

The truck is in Utah
The family wants offers


[page break]

LAS VEGAS BIKEFEST 2016– Big Four Day Party.

The 16th Annual Las Vegas BikeFest Rally was four days filled with motorcycles, entertainment, contests, bike shows, vendors – overall one big party. Over 33,000 motorcycle enthusiasts from 36 states and 21 countries came out for this year’s rally.

With a new layout, riders were treated to an expanded Rally Central with everything from motorcycles, parts, accessories, leathers, jewelry, food and more. Victory and Indian Motorcycles returned offering up free demo rides on their newest models.

“This year, the rally was all about the party – the atmosphere was one of live music, contests, bike shows, stunt shows, giveaways and more that would get the riders excited and wanting more, and we think we totally delivered”, states Mindi Cherry, Event Manager.

The 13th Annual Artistry in Iron, Master Builders Championship, the peer-judged, invitation-only custom bike building competition sponsored by Steve Soffa and Paughco Co was a huge hit.

Just when we thought we had seen the finest in what a builder can come up with, 16 builders from all corners of the U.S. as well the United Kingdom, brought out true pieces of art. Pete Pearson (Rocket Bob’s Cycle Works) was awarded the title of Master Builder Champion for 2016. Along with winning $10,000, Pearson took home a custom championship bracelet designed and presented by master jewelry designer Steve Soffa. Paughco Co. returned this year to recognize the 2nd and 3rd place winners. Mark Shell from Bonneville Customs took home second place and received a complete rolling chassis Third place went to Steve Iacona from Iacona Cystom Cycles who received a beautiful Chrome Paughco Wish Bone Springer front end. People’s Choice Award went to Mike McFadden of M&M Customs.


Crowd favorites this year were the four Custom Bike Shows, where some of the sickest motorcycles out there were on display. New this year, Quick Throttle Magazine kicked off the shows on Thursday with the “Quick Throttle Custom Bike Show”. The show featured categories such as Best Bagger, Antique, Trike, Chopper/Bobber, Metric, Paint, Custom/Pro Build and Anything Goes.

Friday was the “Las Vegas BikeFest Custom Bike Show”; categories included Radical, Custom, Semi-Custom and Specialty. Winner of the Radical Class was Jon MacDowell with his Bonneville Custom. Along with winning a $1,000 prize, he received an automatic invite into the 2017 Artistry in Iron, Master Builders Championship.

Saturday, the world-famous “Baddest Bagger Las Vegas” returned and it was filled with millions of dollars of some of the most insane bikes out there right now. Categories included Stock, Modified, Radical, Open and Pro class. The top prize of Baddest Bagger in Las Vegas was awarded to Chris Madsen with his 2014 Harley-Davidson Road King. Sunday we had our fourth bike show – the one and only “Hot Bike FXR/Dyna Show”. Awards were given for Best Dyna, Best FXR, Best Paint and Best Motor.

This year, Las Vegas BikeFest was all about the party, and giving away a brand new motorcycle every night kept the excitement going. Thursday night a brand new 2017 Harley-Davidson XG500 went to one lucky registrant.

Friday night the lucky winner took home a 2016 Indian Scout Sixty and a gift certificate for a Mustang Motorcycle Seat. Saturday a brand new 2017 Harley-Davidson 1200 Roadster was won and on Sunday, the final bike, a 2017 Victory Octane was given away.

This year, Las Vegas BikeFest gave away over $100,000 in prizes and cash, including a $1,000 BikeFest Bucks Shopping Spree that was spent on vendors at Rally Central. The always popular Miss Las Vegas BikeFest did not disappoint along with crowd favorites: Best Facial Hair Contest, Tattoo Contest, Biker Games and Biker Bingo. Poker Walks and Poker Runs, including the Saturday $10,000 Poker Run were again a big hit and mulligan sales from the Poker Runs and Walks, raised $3,100 to benefit the Nevada Childhood Cancer Foundation.

Music filled the rally all four days with over 30 live bands playing throughout the weekend. We had everything from hard rock, blues, punk, country and more. Friday and Saturday night actor Branscombe Richmond, star of the famous Renegade TV show brought his “Renegades and Roadies Rock Tour” to the main stage.

As Branscombe described it, they played “Rock and Roll – redone – slapped with bacon grease – pancake syrup all over the top with a funk groove underneath”. Along with the band, Branscombe brought out some of his celebrity friends including Duncan Faure (Bay City Rollers), Vernon Wells (Mad Max 2), Martin Klebba (Pirates of the Carribean), Kathleen Kinmont (Renegade) and Geechy Guy (America’s Got Talent).

This year was the Inaugural Year for the Las Vegas Motorcycle Hall of Fame, co-founded by Las Vegas BikeFest and Branscombe Richmond. This year’s inductees included Keith Ball, Lorenzo Lamas, Robbie Knievel and Evel Knievel*. A ceremony was held on the main stage on Saturday night to honor the inductees.

Plans are already underway for the 2017 Las Vegas BikeFest, October 5 – 8.

For more information or if you are in need of any photos, please contact Candice Cooley at ccooley@convexx.com or call 702-216-5845.

COMFORT & STYLE WITH KLOCK WERKS HANDLEBARS FOR INDIAN SCOUT–The history behind the Indian Scout is rich with adventure. Burt Monro pursued and achieved a world land speed record on a heavily modified Scout on the Bonneville Salt Flats, and it still stands today.

Indian Scout motorcycles were used by the US Army and its Allies in World War II. And, after the Scout returned in 2015, builders around the globe have dug in, making this new, sporty version a piece of art and breathing new life into a classic and beloved ride.

Start your Scout project off right with the same bars that have been used on favorite kustom Scout motorcycles like the “Spirit of Sturgis” and most recently, the “Red Wing.”

Along with other new parts for Scout and Scout 60, Klock Werks offers a vintage touch with the Klassic Handlebars. These bars are a vision into the past, and they are an optimal choice for a more aggressive position. Paired with the Klassic Seat Pan Kit, you already have the best start to a time-honored model!

Your bars can be the difference between an enjoyable ride and an uncomfortable one. Ever had cramped hands, pain in the shoulders and forearms, or strain that seems to run through your entire back? It might be time to change your stance with Klock Werks 1” KlipHangers. These bars adjust to your unique positioning, and the machined klamps are solid details. Put your hands where they want to be instead of craning to meet the bars.

Despite the apprehension some riders have about changing out the handlebars, Klock Werks includes valuable installation information in your package and online at GetKlocked.com. Get into a better position for your Indian Scout today. The Klock Krew is available to help!

For more information please Contact Amber Hiles at amber@getklocked.com.

–Amber Hiles

NEW WATCH BUCKLES FROM BUCKLEGUY.COM–We are introducing two new styles of watch buckles. Both come in two finishes: stainless steel polished, and stainless steel matte. They will also come in sizes 16mm, 18mm, 20mm, and 22mm.

Hope you like the new hardware!

–The Buckleguy Team

LE PERA SEAT OF THE WEEK—The Sorrento for Softails. This is the style Le Pera is known for, smooth contoured seats with classic designs.


The Sorrento is a fusion of Silhouette style and Maverick comfort.

The entire seat has been shaved down for a flowing profile.

Perfectly formed, 13″ wide rider area and 10.5″ of passenger comfort.


Driver Seating:
13″ Wide
Passenger Seating:
10.5″ Wide


Part Number: LKB-900


The latest addition to the Bonneville family, Triumph introduces the all-new premium custom Bonneville Bobber. Born in a unparalleled bloodline of Triumph bobber customs that stretch all the way back to the 1940s it perfectly encapsulates the minimalist styling principles, muscular stance and purposeful engineering attitude of a genuine bobber.

Stripping the Bonneville T120 back to its purest essence it delivers all the hallmarks of a real bobber, with clean lines and low stance, single seat, wide flat bars, minimal bodywork and headlight, sculpted tank, wire-spoke wheels with wide rear wheel and that all-important hard tail look.

The Bobber’s stunning features include an authentic battery box with stainless steel strap, bar end mirrors, rear mudguard loop, carb styled twin throttle bodies, broad adjustable levers, traditional rubber gaiters, classic rear ‘drum brake’ inspired hub, new side panel and sprocket cover with removable inspection cap.

A genuine factory custom, the Bobber features a whole host of premium finishes including bronze 1200HT engine badges and the signature Triumph makers mark triangle, brushed engine covers, branded locking fuel cap and silver satin and graphite handlebar risers.

There are four premium color options to choose from;

– Ironstone, with a matt finish

– Morello Red

– Stunning Competition Green and Frozen Silver, with a stylish British racing twist

– Jet Black

Elegant Engineering Innovation

The Bobber introduces a first-in-class tailorable riding position, delivered by the beautifully crafted new floating aluminum seat, ergonomically optimized and sculpted for comfort with stitched deep foam pad, and minimal stylish clock – both adjustable to suit rider size and riding style.

The slotted seat design system allows the rider to position the seat ‘up and forward’ for dynamic riding in a roadster position and ‘down and backwards’ for cruising in a more traditional riding position. This is complimented by a simple quick-release function for the clocks that enables riders to adjust the position to complement their seating and riding style.

Combined with a low seat height of 690mm when in the low seat position, the Bonneville Bobber is truly accessible to all riders.

Delivering the Bobber’s hallmark hardtail look is an innovative and distinctive ‘cage’ swinging arm with paddock stand bobbin mounts and hidden mono-shock rear suspension.

Topping off the engineering innovation is the ‘clean line’ Bonneville technology packaging system, which includes the straight line hidden ‘cat box’ pipe run and the sensitive incorporation of rider focused technology such as the ECU, ABS modulator and immobilizer.

Finally to enhance the authentic look the Bobber has classic wire-spoke wheels, with stylish black rims and inner tubes fitted with Avon Cobra tires developed specifically for the Bobber.

With a signature ‘wider rear wheel’ Bobber set up it has a 19’’x2.5’’ on the front, fitted with an Avon Cobra AV71 for reduced mass for high-speed maneuverability, and 16’’x3.5’’ wider wheel fitted on the rear, with a category-first AV72 radial tire with cobra tread pattern for class-leading stability.

Canvas for Individual Style

The Bonneville Bobber has been designed with customizing in mind with over 150 accessories available for more style, detailing and comfort, and for even more performance.

For an even more distinctive character there are high ‘ape hanger’ bars, a statement rider seat and bar end peep mirrors.

To see the full range of Triumph motorcycles, visit www.TriumphMotorcycles.com.

QUATRO BOOK OF THE WEEK–Harley-Davidson Knucklehead: Eighty Years by Greg Field

Harley-Davidson Knucklehead: Eighty Years celebrates the anniversary of the innovative engine that changed the world of motorcycles.

Motorcycle technology lagged far behind automotive technology since the earliest days of the internal-combustion engine. All that changed in 1936 when Harley-Davidson introduced the Model EL. For the first time ever, a company was manufacturing a high-performance overhead-valve engine for the masses.

And what an engine it was; in addition to bringing state-of-the-art technology to the motorcycling world, the engine itself was a work of art. Because of the shape of its rocker covers, the engine was given a nickname to match its looks: the Knucklehead.

The technology used in this engine was so advanced that it laid the foundation for every future Harley-Davidson motorcycle, including the current models built in the 21st century. To this day every cruiser style motorcycle still adheres to the shape of that original Knucklehead.

Harley-Davidson Knucklehead: Eighty Years tells the entire Knucklehead story, from the very first overhead-valve V-twin Harley produced for the public through the post-war models, continuing right up until today, when aftermarket manufacturers reproduce complete Knucklehead crate engines because of its continuing popularity.
down Contributor Bio(s)

$50.00 USD, $65.00 CAD, £35.00 GBP
Word Count: 60,000
BISAC2: Transportation/Motorcycles
200 pages
154 color & 33 b/w photos
10 in Wdth | 12.3 in Lgth

“How can we increase our sales?” It’s a question that I get from my suppliers pretty regularly.

The truth is I have three main suppliers. Each one carries 70% of the common bike products I need. That’s not the problem. It’s the 10% that I can’t get anywhere else that I need them to have in stock for me.

If I only bought that 10% from them, there isn’t enough sales to keep them in business, to keep them there and available to supply that 10%. Sure there is the argument about getting the most for the cheapest and it makes a huge difference on major projects when every penny counts but in general I find the prices balance out in the end.
Yes item A is $2 more but item C is $2 cheaper.

Business revolves around compromises. Give a little to get a little back. Time and time again the winner takes all attitude fails in the end. Yes, you can make a quick buck but it isn’t sustainable. When it does finally crash – and it will- you will have burnt so many bridges there is no way back to the top.

Most billionaires have built their fortunes on a win-win concept. If everyone feels that they won, that they got the best they could, they will come back. A give-and-take for the common good of everyone and not just one.

If sales are balanced across your suppliers everyone wins. When that day comes where you need that one-off item yesterday, they will be there with it in their truck to keep you happy.

-bad Uncle Monkey

LOVE JUGS DOES IT– the Unimaginable!

Attention Harley-Davidson and Indian Dealers…This Notice Will Be Very Profitable for You

“It’s never happened before and it’s going to be one of the most outstanding product support programs in the history of the motorcycle world – no kidding.”

–Rick Raus
V-Twin Marketing

Many key individuals, media and companies are doing something that they have never done before – they are putting themselves on the line to not only complement Love Jugs, they are actually ENDORSING our incredible products.

Harley & Indian dealers, be alert to the fantastic opportunity that Love Jugs is offering you and your customers. If you are not already a Love Jugs dealer, contact us and learn how simple it is to get into this profitable game. I promise you’ll be very happy you did!

Below is the recent Fix My Hog endorsement that elicited thousands of web visits.
This is only the beginning of an unprecedented campaign that will help you sell Love Jugs like no other product on your shelves.

Watch this space, there’s much more to come. You’ll be amazed by who else loves Love Jugs as the list grows…

Available in luxurious show polished stainless steel, gloss black powder coated and flat black finishes.

For more information, please contact: Hammerhead Engineering CEO Steve West at info@love-jugs.com or visit the web site: www.love-jugs.com

–Rick Raus
V-Twin Marketing

La Rosa Design Makes Canvas the New Leather–Traditionally, motorcycle saddlebags and seats are manufactured using leather and this is true with most of La Rosa Designs’ product line. A few years ago Don La Rosa decided to broaden his product line by introducing canvas into his manufacturing process so he could offer a new line of canvas seats and bags.

A great example of the results is the La Rosa Design eye catching Army Green Canvas with Brown Leather Star Collection. Items include Saddle Bags, Front Fork Tool Bag and a Police Style Saddle Seat with matching Passenger Pillion Pad.

The whole collection is made with quality heavy weight military grade canvas and are designed to fit all years H-D Softail models.

The Army Green with Brown Leather Star Canvas Softail Saddle Bag ($124.99) by La Rosa Design is available for the left or right side of your bike.

Designed to fit all Softail models, they are made from a 24oz. water proof military grade canvas, use high-quality stainless steel hardware and are reinforced with a thick leather backing and straps to ensure durability and shape retention over time. A matching Army Green Canvas Front Fork Tool Bag ($84.99) universally fits on all Harley-Davidson front forks and uses the same durable canvas, hardware and leather reinforcement as the saddle bags

La Rosa Army Green Canvas with Brown Leather Star Custom 16″ Classic Police Solo Seat ($264.99) measures 16″ by 17″. It features a visible black seat pan, uses ultra comfortable high density foam filling and is covered with 24oz, water proof military grade canvas. Each seat comes with a front mount t-bar with swivel bracket and a set of 2″ or 3″ left and right torsion springs and fits all Softail models (Note: the La Rosa Design Solo Seat Conversion Kit is required for some applications).

The matching Rear Passenger Pillion Pad ($99.99) is made of the same perfect Army Green Canvas and incorporates the identical foam as the solo spring seat. This pad features a firm foundation that enhances both its comfort and durability. It mounts to any rear fender with six suction cups for universal fitment.

As with all of La Rosa’s products, the whole canvas line is 100% Made in the USA. The above items can be purchased individually or in discounted combo sets.


For more information on these products call La Rosa Design at 510-567-4157; E-mail them at Info@LaRosaDesign.us or visit www.LaRosaDesign.us.

–Joe Knezevic

CORY WEST CLAIMS– Pirelli’s 8th Track Record Bounty of the Season at CCS Race of Champions in Daytona

Pirelli officially announced that Cory West claimed the Italian manufacturers eighth track record bounty of the 2016 season during the Championship Cup Series (CCS) Race of Champions at Daytona International Speedway. West, who has captured multiple track record bounties this season, achieved the impressive accomplishment on October 16th. West clipped the previous track record that was set in 2012 with a blazing fast lap time of 1:46.525

“These slick tires performed great. I gave them the grapes and they performed awesome,” said Cory West.

West relied on the incredible performance of Pirelli’s DIABLO Superbike SC1 front and Daytona spec rear tires to put the power to the ground coming out of NASCAR Turn 4 and reached speeds of more than 203 mph.

“Capturing this record is a trophy in its own for us,” said Oscar Solis, Pirelli Road Racing Manager, NAFTA. “Daytona is one of the most difficult tracks when it comes to technical complexity, but the development work done by the North American staff along with support from Italy throughout the last five years is shown with this accomplishment. We congratulate Cory on his record and are glad that we can give him the means to capture it.”

Yesterday, the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) Secretary Anthony Foxx announced a new federal Advisory Committee on Automation in Transportation. The primary purpose of the committee, known as ACAT, will be to assess DoT’s current research, policy and regulatory abilities to advance the safe and effective use of autonomous vehicles.

More specifically, they will gather information and present recommendations to the Secretary on automated transit vehicle technologies, and other advanced technology deployment in the area of surface transportation. In particular, ACAT will have an emphasis on emerging or “not-yet-conceived” innovations to ensure DoT is prepared when disruptive technologies emerge.

This, in part, is likely due to the criticism that DoT is often ‘behind the curve’ and playing catch up when it comes to regulating new and emerging technologies.

Today’s Federal Register announced the formation of the Committee, seeking 15 individuals to serve who are to be nominated through a full and open process.

Individuals interested in applying to serve on the Committee should have expertise on issues like intelligent transportation systems, robotics, next generation technology and advanced transportation technology deployment. Committee members will serve two-year terms, with no more than two consecutive term re­appointments.

If you are interested in nominating someone to serve, please contact me for more details on how to apply. Nominations must include a letter of support from an outside institution or organization, a biography with academic credentials and other requirements. The deadline for applying is November 4.

The link to the DoT announcement is below:

The link to the Federal Register Notice is below:

We will be closely monitoring the ACAT and when possible, attending any public meetings to ensure motorcycle interests are a part of the discussion and consideration as this technology advances.

–Megan Ekstrom
Vice-President, Government Affairs & Public Relations
Motorcycle Riders Foundation

WOW, ARE WE COOKING OR WHAT—Tomorrow I will launch the Baddest Baggers of Vegas BikeFest. We have nasty legislative news from NCOM. I have a special report about the 1%er culture from the profiling experts.

We are working with the evil Soto and his 2009 Dyna Glide again. This time we’ve dialed in a special-made Saddlemen seat for his hot rod. This custom Saddlemen Gripper seat was made with lumbar support for long rides. We will bring you the whole break-down next week.

 We will continue our investigation of the Agricultural Industry. Did you know Australia doesn’t abide by the Global Warming assertions at all. They find scientific evidence against it all the time.

I’m not bitching about one side of the other. Sure, we need to take care of the planet, but we don’t need to destroy industries, livelihoods, hobbies, dreams and Freedom in the process. There needs to be a balance.

We’re living in strange times, so have some fun and go for a ride.

Ride Free Forever,


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