Now we’re talking Old Skool biker rally. The Four Corners Rally got it right this year. Moving back to its original venue and bringing back the original promoters has made this into a destination for years to come.
The rally started 21 years ago when Senator Ben Night-Horse Campbell and Mike Lovato started talking. Back then there was nothing in Colorado for the biker community. These two along with a host of others put together the first rally. But this was not just about bikers, this brought the biker community to the west with the addition of bull riding. Now, that must have been something to see.
Back then this rally was a destination for many of the 1% clubs and one of the stories from the early days involved a prospect for one of the clubs. It seems this prospect was handicapped, not sure of the ailment but needless to say he was not one hundred percent. The brothers from the club convinced him that the only way to patch in was to ride a bull. That prospect had the heart and soul of twenty good men and signed up immediately, and was sitting on the bull when the brothers pulled him off just before the shoot opened. Needless to say they patched him in right then and there knowing that he would give his life for the club, no questions asked. 
This year they brought back the bull riding and it was good to see the bikers joining in the fun. They had a mechanical bull for those that wanted to test their skills before taking on a live bull. Some ladies gave it a try too. 
The Iron Order of New Mexico was in charge of the motorcycle games which were sponsored by Zebra Sports Bar in Durango. The brothers did an excellent job of coordinating the games with challenges such as egg-pickup slalom, passenger hot dog eating contest, slow drag race, ride the plank, drag race, and many more.
The final game that decided the winner: ‘Shit the old mans home’. Two pretty bikini clad girls held down the biker in bed as the old man broke down the front door. The biker had to get away from the girls, put on his boots and shirt, get past the old man and out the window to his bike. Then he had to start the bike and race away. Well them girls were not done playing and it was not too easy to get away from them, (not sure I would want to) but with the old man on their tails the bikers made a run for it.

There were a couple of poker runs with prizes for best and worst hands. Imagine a ride from Ignacio, through Durango, up to Silverton and across the million dollar highway to Ouray. What a spectacular ride. Colorado has some of the best scenery in the country. With 11 breath taking rides available in the Four Corners area there is plenty of riding to keep even the most diehard biker in the saddle.
Looking for a short morning run and a bite of breakfast? Just a short ride from the Fair ground you will find the B Diner in Bayfield. Stop in and ask for a “Little Bite of Heaven” and a hot cup of coffee. You will get the real taste of the Four Corners area. 
With rally central in Ignacio at the Fair grounds it was an easy party. You could party, then camp out for no extra charge. Live music all day with excellent local bands, the beer tents were pouring ice cold brews and the food was all good. The vendors sold their wares and I found some of the best prices right at the fair grounds. The Ute Indian casino is just up the road so if you wanted to cool off and play some games of chance the bus would pick you up or you could just jump on your bike. Durango is close by and a great place to go for a good dinner. They had a live band downtown one night along with other events for the rally. 
If you’re looking for something different at a motorcycle rally ? How about Roller Derby!
The Cortez Roller Derby girls held a bout Saturday evening and as Cortez is just a short jaunt from Ignacio it was the place to go. Blondie’s Bar had a bikini bike wash and cold brews, then it was on to the Roller Derby. Let me tell you those girls are tough and pretty good looking to boot. Once again we’re talking Old Skool….
Every night at Rally Central the party was hot with rocking bands, hot girls, bomb-fires and plenty of cold drinks. This was the place to be. There were multiple contests to keep the crowd going: Pin-Up Girl, best Tattoo, men’s hot buns, fake orgasm (in which a couple were almost real), best chest in the west wet t-shirt (t-shirts were optional) and oil wrestling.  All in all it was a real party. 
I am not going to say this was the best and biggest motorcycle rally. But for the first year in a rebuilding phase it was pretty dam good. This was a party and the goal was to keep everyone safe and have a good time. The goal was accomplished. If you are looking for a rally to attend next labor day, make it this one. You will not be disappointed.

Until Next time
David Campbell
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