Been reading your shit almost as long as you have beenwriting it. Decided to build another bike, so Idismantled my daily commuter. It’s a '97 Buell M/2cyclone, probably one of the most RIDEABLE cycles to reside in my garage in 40 years of riding.
I guess I am Old School because I am old and build mybikes with a grinder, a torch and as much free shit asI can come up with.
Today I read Bikernet and there was the Sporty story,so here is mine. Bike is being built for a purpose. To be ridden 7minutes at a time, four times a day. And to sit in aretail parking lot for 8 hours a day. I have other shitto ride for other reasons.

Project started with three pieces. A tank I got in1975, the tool box off of my 160 Honda from decadesago and the Buell.
Here it is so far. Paughco frame, wide frontend, shotguns and apes–basic bike. Bobber, I guess, is the modern name.

I like to call it aFATASS SUMBICHI. It’s using all of the Buell electricshidden in the Honda toolbox. Frame, front end, andwheels are all swapmeet. Lights and seat aree-bay. Pipes are a combo of Buell and a rusty dragpipe. Running Buell speedo with bracket turned upsidedown.

Haven't even thought of a color and I really have thefeeling it will probably be seen for a while with arusty patina.
For grins here is a picture of my Great dane hack. Hada black one that rode with me for years. Had to put herdown, and am now raising another dane puppy for ariding partner.

–Wayne Richmond

Took the Buell off the table and rode it .

First ridearound block gave me an oil line leak and aslipping clutch. Second ride, a second gear wheelieand a leaky gas tank. Third was a broken taillight anda bad plug wire.
All normal Gremlins when you build something. I’m donebuilding it. Paint will happen sometime I’m sure…

Now that I look at this bike, I realize I only had tomake three things. The oil tank and pipe material Igot at Midas Muffler and the strap iron for the motormount on the head came from Home Depot.

Stock Buell oil tank held only 2 quarts. So does mine,made of 3-inch exhaust tubing and 2 7/8 inch freezeplugs.

I used the stock Buell components as donor parts wheneverpossible. Wiring, switches, kickstand, battery box, topmotor mount, all modified from stock. I did not try toreinvent the wheel, just wanted to build a bike withthe right pieces in the right places.

This is not just a Sportster in a rigid frame. Itreally is a BUELL chopper. With the dual PM caliperson the front, it stops almost as well as the Buell did,and if I lost any performance it’s hard to tell.

Call it a CHOPPER, BOBBER, OLD SCHOOL, I don’t give ashit. After fixing the leaking tank with some epoxypucky I bought in ‘98, I’ve starting calling it my NEWRAT.