Life is what you make of it, right.
We’ve all heard that. A tall knockout said yesterday during a highly secretive Bikernet Editorial think tank, “If two people jump out of an airplane, one is biting his or her nails and the other can’t wait and is bubbling with excitement.” She was right.

Our brains are so diverse. I can listen to a discussion about any political notion and every speaker has a different take on the subject. Maybe that’s why freedom is so important. We all need the space to have and reflect our unique thoughts.

Let’s hit the news, before I my brain shifts to another gear. I’ll be lost for sure.

The Bikernet Weekly News is Sponsored in part by Cycle Source Magazine, the Motorcycle Riders Foundation, and Iron Trader News.

BIKERNET GUN NUT REPORT–Warped View of Reality: Campus Carry Opponents Equate Self-Defense to Blaming Victims–On Tuesday, Media Matters’ Timothy Johnson, who dabbled at the Brady Campaign and the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence when he was in college, attacked NRA News’ Cam Edwards for his statements on women’s self-defense. Johnson took issue with Edwards’ observations that rape prevention programs and “intervention training” offer no guarantees and that women who are violently attacked on campus may have to depend upon themselves for protection.

Edwards was responding to an editorial that appeared last month in the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill student newspaper, the Daily Tar Heel. The editorial said, “To reduce sexual assault, focus should be maintained on preventative programs that challenge rigid gender roles and promote healthy relationships.” Allowing women to carry guns for protection “would be yet another excuse to blame victims for their own assaults,” would “not address the causes of sexual assault,” and “could reinforce rape culture because the burden of stopping assault would be further placed upon women.”

In what appears to be a coordinated messaging campaign, the same anti-self-defense rhetoric was repeated by purported anti-rape activists Annie Clark, a co-founder of End Rape on Campus, and Sandra Park, of the American Civil Liberties Union Women’s Rights Project, in an interview with CBS News. Clark, a former UNC student who writes for the leftwing news entities Huffington Post and MSNBC, and who formerly worked with anti-gun Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.), told CBS, “I think we should be talking about the perpetrators. Telling women to carry guns, first of all puts the burden on the woman to prevent this and secondly, it’s not a solution.” Park added, “If we are saying the victims need to have guns so they can protect themselves, we’re returning the burden onto the victims to somehow be able to individually fight off the offense.”

Leave it to Media Matters and other anti-gun stalwarts to argue that armed self-defense, a form of empowerment for all people, is its own form of oppression. By that reckoning, nature itself sought to belittle and shame animals by equipping them with teeth, claws, and quills to deter and resist larger, stronger, more aggressive predators. While prevention efforts are fine, as far they go, no reasonable person would suggest that they can completely eliminate every risk of deadly assault. Apparently, however, Johnson and his like-minded cohorts believe that forcing women to hazard such attacks without even the option of defensive force is fair price to pay for ensuring that other prevention efforts get due priority.

Johnson also incorrectly insists, “There is no evidence that guns on campus would reduce the incidence of sexual assault.” To the contrary, Florida State University criminologist Gary Kleck’s analysis of crime victim survey data showed that “rape victims using armed resistance were less likely to have the rape attempt completed against them than victims using any other mode of resistance.”

Johnson’s ideal of a peaceful, egalitarian society may be appealing, but he’s obviously more attached to those ideals than the actual safety of real women in the real world. Wishful thinking, to say nothing of willful denial of current reality, never protected anybody from anything. Cam Edwards is right: female college students should be able to decide for themselves whether or not armed self-defense is among the options they may choose to provide for their own self-defense. That Johnson and others would deny women even that choice and insist that they depend on the help or solicitude of others for their safety shows little regard for their judgment, capabilities, or even their lives.



Easter in Olive Branch, MS.

Hauled ass out of the sun lit Port of Los Angeles, at high noon Sat the 21st. Two weeks have blown by in the quickest blink of an eyelid.

This coming Friday, afternoon, the 10th, the 5-Ball Racing Team we’ll visit the Aerocharger facilities in New Century, Ks.

Sat. the 18th you’ll find the 5-Ball Racing Team in Woodland Park, Co.

Hope everyone is enjoyed Easter with your loved ones, healthy, safe, and sound.

Here’s the hands down-and-dirty tale from Dustin Nord, Founder and Resident Genius behind his patented technologies.

“To get the first design right we made a total of 186 prototype designs, over one-and-a-half years. We have now merged a total of five technologies into a single unit. Making the most advanced exhaust system on the planet. Winning the grand prize of the National Clean Tech Open. The largest green technology competition in the World.
And finally, recognized as discovering a new understanding of fluid dynamics. Proving 30% to almost 100% in flow rates. The application of the technology is limitless.”

Part of the NG1Team
Louisville, Ky

Veteran, Bryan Hawkins is Pres/CEO of Hawkeye Industries in Tupelo, Ms. Hawkeye is the perfect match for the upcoming production runs.

Well Kids, It’s off to the races one more time.

Today’s thought provoking thought.
A stubborn mind will not complete anything.

Hop on your bad ass Hot Rods and Haul ASS!

Ride for Your Life!
–Ray C Wheeler
Performance Editor

The NMA continues to advocate for motorists’ rights at the national, state and local level. Legislatures across the country took up a broad range of motorists’ issues in the first quarter of 2015. Here’s a brief summary of the driving-related issues we addressed.


Supported Senate Bill 1167
which would ban red-light and speed cameras statewide. The bill was voted down in the Senate.


Supported Assembly Bill 210, which would open High Occupancy Vehicle lanes to general traffic during off-peak hours on select Los Angeles County highways. The bill passed through one committee and is now under consideration in the Assembly Standing Committee on Appropriations.

Supported Senate Bill 34, which would increase privacy protections for data collected by automated license plate readers (ALPRs), including the imposition of security procedures and privacy policies, activity logs, and penalties for misuse of the data. The bill is scheduled for a hearing before the Senate Transportation and Housing Committee on April 7th.

Supported Assembly Bill 162, which would task the California Department of Transportation to conduct a study analyzing wrong-way driving on state highways and present recommendations to combat it. The bill is under consideration in the Assembly Standing Committee on Appropriations.


Supported House Bill 15-1098, which would repeal the authorization for the state, a county, a city or a municipality to use red-light cameras. It would also repeal the authorization for the Department of Public Safety to use speed cameras in work zones. The bill was amended in the House Transportation and Energy Committee and forwarded to the House Appropriations Committee.


Opposed House Bill 1404
, which would allow speed cameras to issue tickets in work zones even when workers are not present as well as the use of school bus stop arm cameras. The bill’s author withdrew the bill after realizing it had no support and no chance of passing.


Opposed House Bill 60, which would make ignition interlock devices mandatory for all those convicted of DUI. The bill was recently assigned to the House Judiciary Committee.


Supported House Bill 410, which would end the practice of using red-light cameras to issue tickets for slow moving right turns. The bill would require that such citations be issued by a police officer at the time of the alleged violation. The bill was killed in the House Environment and Transportation Committee.


Supported House File 154 and House File 155, which would define requirements for retention and destruction of automated license plate reader (ALPR) information and create enhanced privacy protections for that data. Both bills are under review in the House Civil Laws and Data Practices Committee.


Supported House Bill 295, which would raise the speed limit on rural interstates from 70 to 75 mph. It would also give the Department of Public Safety the ability to request the Missouri Department of Transportation to raise speed limits on rural freeways to 75 mph. The House Transportation Committee held a public hearing on the bill in February.

Supported Senate Bill 196 which would prohibit all government entities in the state from using automated license plate readers as well as red-light and speed cameras. The bill is under review in the Senate Transportation, Infrastructure and Public Safety Committee.


Supported Senate Bill 2, which would allow the Nevada Department of Transportation to raise the speed limit on divided, largely rural highways to 80 mph, now heads to the full Senate for a vote. The bill has passed the Senate Transportation Committee.


Supported Senate Bill 1128, which would ban the use of all traffic enforcement cameras throughout the state. The bill was amended in the Senate Transportation and Safety Committee to replace an outright ban for longer yellow-light durations. The bill is now under review in the House Finance Ways and Means Subcommittee which has deferred action.


Supported Senate Bill 340, which would ban red-light cameras throughout the state. The bill is under consideration in the Senate Transportation Committee.


Supported House Bill 2079
which would repeal the commonwealth’s ban on using of radar detectors. The bill died in the House Transportation Committee.

Supported House Bill 1673 which would define requirements for retention and destruction of automated license plate reader information and create enhanced privacy protections for that data. The bill passed both the House and the Senate and was subsequently amended (some say gutted) by Gov. MCauliffe. The legislature now has until April 15th to vote on the revised measure.


Opposed House Bill 1951 which would lift all restrictions on the use of unmarked cars by county and city law enforcement officers. The bill has passed the House Public Safety Committee and is under review in the House Rules Committee.

Thanks to the many NMA members who volunteered their time to send emails, write letters, make phone calls, and work with policymakers and media outlets on these important issues. If you’re not signed up to receive legislative alerts but would like to, use the “Choose Your NMA E-Subscriptions” link in the sidebar of this email.

I received the package yesterday. I thank you and Bandit for Dumb and Dumber DVD and the box of Bikernet Bling.

I always wanted to meet Bandit but for now an autograph will do . You folks there keep on keeping on. The icing on the cake was the Bonnie Belle T-shirt . It is one of my favorite racing builds by the 5-Ball Racing Team and associates.

–Tim ” Gearhead”

, A New Frame-Mount Fairing Designed for Mid-size Motorcycles–Finally, a frame-mounted fairing sized for mid-size motorcycles. No longer do riders of bikes like Harley-Davidson Dynas, FXRs and Sportsters; and Triumph Bonnevilles and Thruxtons, have to settle for a fork-mounted fairing.

No more trying to adapt a full-size Bagger fairing to a smaller motorcycle. The Wedge offers the advantages that only a frame-mounted fairing can: a more stable ride, better wind protection, and storage – all in a compact package!

•Easy installation.
•Twin LED turn signals.
•Two halogen headlights – see and be seen!
•Windshields available in 3 heights, clear or tint.
•Quality finish means only minor prep is needed before paint.
•Complete mounting kit: bracket, wiring harness, ‘shield, and hdwr.
•A quality product designed and manufactured in the USA.

The Wedge Complete kit only $1395 + S&H

Blackmore Manufacturing, PO Box 23330, Richfield, MN 55423, Contact us: 612-866-3977,
Dealer inquiries welcome

WANDERLUST HITS THE ROAD TO BIKERNET HEADQUARTERS–Ever have that itch to get out of town? Wanderlust hits when you see a commercial of a sexy vehicle caressing the curves of the Pacific Coast Highway. When you hear stories told by friends who just got back from a leisurely scenic tour of “the coast”. When you just can’t stand being left behind one more time in the cold and rain and doldrums of mundane existence. Astral projection, meditation, dreaming; these only get you so far.

To really get away is to take only as much as you need, in as small a package as you can fit it. Don’t make plans for each night, just take what comes. Somehow, things work out well when you don’t have expectations, antithetical as that may seem to control freaks, it is liberating. And isn’t that what is out there? Freedom of the road. Stop everywhere, all the time. Pull u-turns for anything interesting. Investigate like you’ll never pass this way again.

My destination was Bikernet Headquarters in beautiful downtown Wilmington, CA. I’d been threatening Bandit for months that I would show up on his doorstep like a kitten in the rain. Only I didn’t know it never rains in California. I departed from Tacoma in a deluge that came down in buckets clear through Oregon. Then it ebbed away. I was in another state – of Nirvana. I had to go from wearing four layers of clothes to stay warm outdoors to going outdoors with almost nothing on.

We haunted the marinas of LA. Ate at all the good local spots, especially the Chowder Barge where Sinwu gave me personal attention (and lemonade Ritas) all day while Bandit pounded out the Thursday news.

Spoke of the metaphysical, visited Hsi Lai Temple and picked up Buddha bling to keep mindfulness tuned in when our vitality for it ebbed. Stopped in Chinatown for more fun bobbles and more food. We traded books, read ideas from them to one another, watched old movies, and relaxed. I met Dr. Feng who predicted my future. And the Triking Viking who read from his own book about things that happen on the highways that no one wants to talk about – except us.

When I left headquarters, I crawled up the coast. I went north on the PCH and began stopping for everything. As I got to Oregon again, it began to rain. Glad I stopped at the discount liquor store before departing sunny California.

The closer to home I got the slower my progress became. Lingering over nature’s gifts, I traversed every backroad as an alternate to a highway. Finally, I grimaced and got on the final leg of 101 leading to I-5 and Sunday traffic back to home. Safe? Sure. But I’d rather be on the road.

–Wanderlust Wolfe

FXR DEAL OF THE WEEK–I wanted to let you know that I have my FXR up for sale. I just had major back surgery and it looks like I have to give up riding for quite a while, maybe forever. I really love that bike and hate to sell it, but I don’t have much choice at this point, anyway I’m asking $5,500.

If you know of anyone interested please let me know.

Name: Houston Thad Cranford
Phone Number: (225) 301-1787
Email Address:

THE GUN NUT REPORTS KEEP COMING–Latest Status of Pending National Right-to-Carry Legislation. Thanks to your continued calls and emails, NRA supported National Right-to-Carry bills have seen increases in co-sponsorships over the last couple of weeks. Please continue to contact your elected officials and urge them to cosponsor and support these important bills:

S. 498 – Introduced by U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-Texas), this legislation would respect the rights of individuals who possess concealed carry permits from their home state, or who are not prohibited from carrying concealed in their home state, to exercise those rights in any other state that does not prohibit concealed carry. This bill currently has 23 cosponsors. Please contact your U.S. Senators at (202) 224-3121, and ask them to cosponsor and support S. 498.

H.R. 923 – Introduced by U.S. Representative Marlin Stutzman (R-Ind.), this legislation is the House companion bill to S. 498. The legislation would also respect the rights of individuals who possess concealed carry permits from their home state, or who are not prohibited from carrying concealed in their home state, to exercise those rights in any other state that does not prohibit concealed carry. This bill currently has 17 cosponsors. Please contact your U.S. Representative at (202) 224-3121 and ask him or her to cosponsor and support H.R. 923.

H.R. 986 – Introduced by U.S. Representative Richard Hudson (R-N.C.), this bill would allow any person with a valid carry permit or license issued by a state to carry a concealed firearm in any other state that does not prohibit concealed carry. This bill would also provide legal protection for law-abiding concealed carry permit holders against states that violate the intent of this bill. This bill currently has 114 cosponsors. Please contact your U.S. Representative at (202) 224-3121 and ask him or her to cosponsor and support H.R. 986.

H.R. 402 – Introduced by U.S. Representative Rich Nugent (R-Fla.), this bill would allow any person with a valid carry permit or license issued by a state to carry a concealed firearm in any other state that does not prohibit concealed carry. The bill currently has 81 cosponsors. Please contact your U.S. Representative at (202) 224-3121 and ask him or her to cosponsor and support H.R. 402.

NRA would like to thank the sponsors and cosponsors of these critically important bills. Again, we ask that you contact your lawmakers today and ask them to cosponsor and support these bills.

You can contact your U.S. Senators and U.S. Representative by phone at (202) 224-3121 or click here or here, to write your lawmakers today.

[page break]

SPECIAL REPORT FROM THE MOTORCYCLE RIDERS FOUNDATION–Obama Transportation Blueprint and US Senate Privacy Bill.

President Obama released his ideal transportation bill this week, reports the Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF). Known as the GROW AMERICA 2.0 act, this blueprint is essentially the same draft he has circulated before that has fallen on deaf ears in Congress. It’s widely accepted that this bill is dead on arrival in Congress. Obama’s bill idea would spend $478 billion over six years, which is where we need to be. However, he never suggests how to pay for the legislation, a major sticking point in the highway funding process. Certainly we do need a long term bill, just not this one.

The President’s bill idea again contains the language to circumnavigate the lobby ban placed on the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration NHTSA). Currently, the administration is banned from using taxpayer money to lobby state legislatures. President Obama’s bill would “allow the Secretary (of Transportation) or his designee to engage in activities with States and State legislators to consider proposals related to motorcycle helmet laws.”

This ambiguous language dissolves the ban and allows for President Obama to not come out for helmet laws. According to a high ranking Department of Transportation (DOT) official, as told to the MRF, the language may be interpreted by the DOT to “work with states to relax helmet use laws, because it doesn’t say that the designee would work to enact laws, just proposals. Perhaps some of those proposals could be to allow for adult choice of helmet use; you never know.”

The fact is we do know. Never in the history of the MRF has an official from DOT ever even considered relaxing helmet laws. It doesn’t stop there; the draft also has a provision to fund states that want to have graduated licensing standards. This bill is unlikely to gather any support on Capitol Hill, but it is telling of what the President really wants.


The United States Senate has addressed the event data recorder (EDR) data ownership issue. Currently the ownership of the information captured on an EDR is not clear. This S. 766, sponsored by Senators Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) and John Hoeven (R-ND), would make the data the property of the vehicle owner or lessee. Not many motorcycles have EDRs currently, but some do, and certainly more are coming as technology creeps into motorcycling. The MRF asks that you contact your senators and ask them to cosponsor this legislation. Similar legislation is forthcoming in the House of Representatives.

–Jeff Hennie
Motorcycle Riders Foundation

Saturday was the first Formula E race to be held in Long Beach. I think these electric cars have a future, quiet and very competitive — fast up to 150 mph.

Very professional looking teams, each with 4 cars to race. Two drivers per team. Each driver gets two cars as he has to change cars mid race due to batteries running low.

In the last shot of the bike – the blue jugs are actually the batteries made to look like cylinders–Very cool.

Nice sunny day in the 70s. Good crowd for a new concept. The big race comes in two weeks.

–Art Hall

Paul Platt’s, from JIMS Machine, chopper upcoming in a future edition of American Iron. Barnett tranny, JIMS 120 racing engine. Springer seat [ha!] …Couldn’t find a speedometer…Dedication on the carb cover to Paul’s mentor & friend Garry Hughes.

Lensed in the beautiful Simi Valley canyons, March 2015.

–Markus Cuff
Supreme Feature Photographer

CAFÉ SEATS FROM LEPERA–As you well know café style has never been more popular. LePera’s bitchin’ little Stubs café is everything a seat like this should be and absolutely nothing more!

Simply go down the list: Tapered tail section? Check! Old school accent piping? Hell ya.

Just the right amount of gap between seat and tank? Damn straight!

Deep angled back support? Check!

Just plain killer? Absolutely!

Available smooth, pleated, and diamond!

Fits 10-13′ 48/72 and 04-06&10-13 XL, 06-up DYNA, and 08-up touring. Contact your local dealer or visit

These first set of pictures are for the 08-up touring (LK-427)

–Christine LePera


CV Performance Introduces Harley CV Carb Premium Accelerator Pump Diaphragm–
Better Resistance to Modern Fuel Additives.

CV Performance, specializing in tuning and improving Harley-Davidson carburetion for over 25 years, is proud to offer the new CV Performance Premium Accelerator Pump Diaphragm for Harley carburetors. As a direct replacement for the stock OEM diaphragm, the exclusive CVP Diaphragm replaces worn or cracked diaphragms on Harley CV and Harley Keihin “butterfly” carburetors, as well as S&S Super E/G Carbs.

The new Diaphragm will:
•Provide greater resistance to mild fuel additive exposure found in pump gas.
•Outlast many standard diaphragms when Ethanol enhanced fuel is used on an occasional basis.
•Deliver consistent performance.
•Improved fit on both stock Harley carburetors and S&S Super E/G carbs.

The Premium Accelerator Pump Diaphragm is a CV Performance exclusive product and a replacement for H-D p/n #27361-76A. Compatible with all stock Harley carburetors made from 1981-2006 found on Harley Big Twin Evo, Twin Cam, and Sportster models. This includes the 88-06 Harley-Davidson CV carburetor, earlier 81-87 H-D “butterfly” style Carburetors, and all S&S Super E/G Carburetors. The suggested retail price for the New CVP Premium Accelerator Pump Diaphragm, made to CV Performance’s exacting specifications is $14.95 MSRP or contact CV Performance for Dealer and Bulk pricing options.

Recommended for replacement annually when using additive enhanced pump gas or following winter storage. Replacing an old or worn diaphragm will make an improvement in your machine’s performance, but consider including some of the other replacement parts CVP has to offer, like the new Harley Vacuum Slide, CVP Velocity needle and the new CVP Premium Manifold Boot Seal.

Diaphragm installation is a simple replacement process which takes minutes as described in the factory service manual. CVP tech support is also available on our Tech Forum at:

Add a CV Performance Premium Accelerator Pump Diaphragm to your bike today! Available at CV Performance Authorized Dealers, International Vendors and on our website. For more information, please contact us at: or visit our website:

New Dealer Inquires Requested – New Dealer Programs Are In Place for 2015 – Sign Up Today!

BRAND New Bikernet Reader Comment!–



— Rogue
Palm Bay, FL

British Motorcycle Enthusiasts Report –Spring is in the air and our Service Department is in full swing! Our Parts Department is well stocked and we’re ready to get your British motorcycle running well for the 2015 riding season!

There are many great events and rides coming up so visit our website for more details:

We hope to see you at the Trailblazers Banquet, Vintage Bike O.C. and more of the upcoming events!

Cheers For Now…
The TCM Staff

British Restoration Specialists
1281 Logan Ave. Costa Mesa, California, 92626
714-556-0170, Fax 714-242-1550


 BOOK OF THE WEEK CLUB–Superbike racer Paul Ritter recounts his racing glory and recovery from tragedy

Octane Press brings motorsports fans a tale of beating the odds on and off the track in Racing the Gods

For the first time, legendary Superbike racer Paul Ritter shares his personal story, from his journey to success in the AMA Superbike series to the tragic accident that would change his life forever, and the inspiring recovery that followed.

Ritter’s upcoming autobiography Racing the Gods takes readers back to the formative days of Superbike racing when he won the first championship race he entered, stunning fellow racers and fans. Ritter, regarded for his work ethic, good nature and competitive spirit, went on to race professionally in the late ‘70s on a Ducati 750SS and 900SS.

Nearly two decades after retiring, an accident at a vintage race in Colorado left him paralyzed from the chest down. In the years following, Ritter attacked his rehabilitation with all the gusto and intensity one might expect from a roadracing prodigy. The story of his recovery is as powerful and inspiring as his remarkable success on the racetrack, and Ritter’s passion for riding, racing and life carries through his book.

Racing the Gods provides a first-person look at the earliest days of American Superbike racing when professional racers were weekend warriors who traveled on shoestring budgets and fueled their bikes with passion and (if they were good) a few dollars of winnings. He tells of racing with legends like Wes Cooley, Mike Baldwin, and Keith Code. He also raced against and collaborated with Cook Neilson, who contributed the book’s foreword, and his legendary Ducati twin racer, Old Blue.

“Paul’s book is one of those rare pieces that offers an insightful, first person account as well as an inspirational story,” says Lee Klancher, Publisher of Austin-based Octane Press. “Paul’s voice is honest and engaging, and his stories about racing and riding will resonate with anyone who loves to ride.”

Racing the Gods comes at a time when there is new hope for Superbike racing. Forty years after the launch of AMA Superbike racing, the series has found a new home at MotoAmerica. Led by Wayne Rainey—another motorcycle road racer who has triumphed over a paralyzing accident—the revitalized series is poised for success that will bring renewed interest in American Superbike racing.

“When F. Scott Fitzgerald wrote there were no second acts in American lives, he hadn’t met Paul Ritter. This determined racer has had acts numbers two, three, and four, and the play still isn’t over yet. In each of them, the motorcycle is both inspiration and getaway vehicle. Who says bikes don’t save lives? Racing the Gods proves they do, over and over again: it is a tale of finessing life the way you finesse turns on the fastest lap. Paul Ritter—rider and writer—knows how to corner.” —Melissa Holbrook Pierson, author of The Perfect Vehicle

Dream Racer News, APRIL UPDATE–
Our multi-award film, Dream Racer, continues to receive raving reviews around the world from viewers and the testimonials are heart warming — and has been ranked the most inspirational motorbikes film by Bikers Around the Globe. Not only that, the film appeals to both racing and non-racing enthusiasts, male and female, due to its timeless message “the pursuit of ones dream at all cost”, when people take the time to comment and share on their social media, it makes the effort and the years to recover from the sustained injuries during Dream Racer – worthwhile!

We have launched a new and exciting line of t-shirts with some really cool designs and have more underway. We’d like to think that these t-shirts are unique, unique in the message they convey to the person wearing them.

In the next several weeks and months we will also update you on a new Dream Racer Challenge, racing the toughest race on earth in a single-seater buggy without co-pilot. We are currently searching for sponsorship partners to help us finance and prepare in the best possible conditions this massive challenge.

Finally, don’t forget to subscribe to the Dream Racer Newsletter, each month-end we pick three winners, and they get to select any single item available on our website, all free including shipping. Our March winners came from the United States, Australia and the UK!

–Dream Racer



ROGUE ON THE HUNT FOR A BREAKOUT BOX–I am not aware of a meter that does this But I would not be against any tool that would help me find the problem.

I just do not have the money to change parts and hope I get lucky and besides that it is not what a Tech does. Going to Harley to have them work on it is expensive and it is something I do regularly to older motorcycles using the other breakout boxes I have.

Here are some photos.

The breakout box splices into the main harness and using a millimeter (which I have) allows checking circuits.

I have sent a copy of the beginning of the flow chart that is used to see what part of the system is bad.

It could be a loose or bad wire and or the sensor and you determine that by following the flow chart.


We are trying to find a BreakOut Box for Rogue. Let us know if you can help.–Bandit

BIKERNET BAD JOKE LIBRARY NOW OPEN–God visited a woman and told her she must give up smoking, drinking and sex if she wants to get into heaven.

The woman said she would try her best.

God visited the woman a week later to see how she was getting on.

“Not bad” said the woman, “I’ve given up smoking and drinking but then I bent over to get some stuff out of the freezer and my boyfriend caught sight of my long slender legs, he pulled up my skirt, pulled my knickers to one side and made love to me right then and there.”

“They don’t like that in heaven”, said God.

The woman replied: “They’re not too happy about it in Costco either!”

–from Gerry Celia

Another New Bikernet Reader Comment!

Which Gang Do You Belong To?

The privatizing of prisons has been happening for years. There is a total conflict of interest regarding the government on this matter. As for police & motorcyclists relations, frankly it is better now than in the ‘70s. If you were part of the “biker culture” you faced constant harassment. The police had far more leeway then.

No camera phones or dashboards recording every move. And when a cop said “hands up” or “get on the ground” you complied or had your head bashed in. Just the way it was.

The irony to me is how the motor company has marketed the look and lifestyle so successfully . Everyone plays the part from business geeks to politicians to police officers. Perhaps that is progress, the more riders the better!

–Ed Hardison
Corolla, NC

BIKERPICS AND BIKER BEAUTIES COME TO BANDIT’S CANTINA—When it comes to BikerPics we are downloading thousands of galleries of event images and girls. You will be able to check out hundreds of events in a flash in the expanded Bandit’s Cantina. This is just one of the events covered in Jack’s library of fantastic galleries.
Friday the 13th brings out all the characters. From the early Daytona sunny mornings smelling of ocean salt and warm breezes, the street cleaners are hardly just getting off Main Street from the nights before never ending party, and the bikes are already lining up for the daily constant parade of bikes lasting till the next early morning.

Girls in their carefully chosen outfits, t-shirt weather for those coming down from the cold North, beer tub beauties, hot rods, and musical artists preforming long after the sun sets for 10 straight days. If you haven’t seen it, add Daytona to your bucket list, if you have, well then you know what I’m talking about.

Director of Photography

[page break]

Introducing the new XLS Grips and Pegs. We’ve taken the styling cues from our popular Contour XL design and slid them into a more slender XLS grip with a 1-inch diameter for just the right grip.

The design features four bands of metal with ball-milled accents for a high-end, rich flavor. Between these bands rests our famous knurled rubber for a cool look and great grip. To finish off the presentation, the PM name is branded into the end of the grip – letting everyone know you’re rolling with The Iconic brand.

Available in Show Chrome™ and Black Ano, these PM grips are engineered for 1” bars, available for FL models with electronic throttle and select metric applications. PM’s pegs are designed to mount to the stock Harley-Davidson® clevis and matching toe pegs are sold separately.

$149.95 Pair of XLS Grips

$149.95 Pair of XLS Pegs

$27.00 Pair of XLS Toe Pegs

Visit for more information.

MOTOQUEST ALASKA BOUND!– Ride the Final Frontier on a Harley.

When MotoQuest needs a motorcycle relocated from one location to another in a timely fashion YOU get the ride of a lifetime at heavily reduced rates as an incentive to get motorcycles moved on schedule.

Below we have a list of current transporter opportunities and we need Harley-Davidsons ridden to Alaska. They will be booked on a first come, first served basis based in the order of registration forms received for a particular Transport ID.

Booking Phone: 907-272-2777

Booking Email:
Link here for details:

VETERANS HOSPITAL REPORT–In the waiting room at the VA. This guy
wheeled in the coffee mess.
Then he played a John Prine song. It made my day! Also the wait tolerable.


Castrol and Triumph Motorcycles America are pleased to announce a performance match fund to raise financial support and awareness for VETMotorsports, an Ohio-based 501(c)(3) status nonprofit organization that honors and empowers injured warfighters through active participation in motorsports.

Dubbed Castrol’s VETMotorsports Performance Match Fund, Castrol will award bonuses to VETMotorsports based on the on-track results of Triumph’s AMA Pro Flat Track and MotoAmerica teams during the 2015 race season. Those teams include Bonneville Performance and Latus Motors Racing. As part of the initiative, VETMotorsports also will place post-9/11 injured warfighters onto Triumph teams to serve as official crew members during race weekends.

“Race teams participating in the VETMotorsports program have positively affected the lives of over 45 injured warfighters,” said Peter Cline, Executive Director and Founder of VETMotorsports. “Having Castrol and Triumph as partners is not only exciting, but also assists us in our endeavor to reduce the shocking number of veterans we’re losing to suicide each day. We can’t thank the Triumph teams and their partners enough for embracing these injured warfighters and offering them renewed hope by having them be a part of a team again.”

To help offset transportation costs, VETMotorsports will receive $250 per weekend when an injured warfighter is placed on a Triumph team. VETMotorsports earns additional donations from top three finishes, pole positions, heat wins and more based on the results achieved by Triumph teams as outlined below:

Castrol’s VETMotorsports Performance Match Fund
Win: $1,250
2nd Place: $625
3rd Place: $400
Pole Position (MotoAmerica only): $375
Dash for Cash Qualifier (Flat Track only): $175
Fast Qualifier (Flat Track only): $125
Heat Race Win (Flat Track only): $125
Dash For Cash Win (Flat Track only): $125

Veterans interested in participating in the VETMotorsports program must have sustained injuries while participating in Operation Iraqi Freedom, Operation Enduring Freedom or Operation New Dawn and provide a DD214 and rating letter from the Veterans Administration. Qualifying veterans may contact VETMotorsports at

SWAMP FOX BIKER BASH ACTION–With his new band The Wildabouts, Scott Weiland will be performing at the world’s largest bar at Swamp Fox on Wednesday May 13th as part of an event designed to raise attention for Motorcycle Safety and Drunk Driving Awareness.

The event will be filmed for television, with sales and distribution handled by LA based shingle LocoDistro headed up by the event’s executive producer Gabriel Gornell. The legendary 44 million record-selling former frontman of such iconic bands as Stone Temple Pilots and Velvet Revolver is back in full force.

Scott Weiland and the Wildabouts are supporting their upcoming album ‘Blaster’ set for release on March 31st.

Zipper’s Performance MaxFlow and HighFlow Premium Air Cleaner Kits Now Available and Ready to Ship!

Zipper’s Premium Air Cleaner Kits for Twin Cam® Engines

Premium MaxFlow Air Cleaner Kits

Here’s a nice power increase that’s easy to install! Our USA-Made Premium Air Cleaner Kits feature internal-breather backing plates CNC-machined from solid billet for strength, performance and beauty. The included cleanable/oilable, pleated gauze element is available in standard 2-1/4″ width or our 5/8″ wider MaxFlow unit to really let that engine breathe! Available with satin billet, texture black or chrome plated breather ports. Bolt it on and feel the difference!

Premium HighFlow Air Cleaner Kits

Zipper’s Rushmore Air Cleaner Kit
Our Rushmore Air Cleaner kits for 2014-2015 Touring models allow 47% airflow increase over the stock Rushmore air cleaner. The CNC billet backplate is constructed with full radius inlets. Includes a 100% washable, re-usable oiled-gauze HighFlow Air Cleaner element. Supports Rushmore cover 360° for durability.? These kits are available with a black backing plate for a sleek look.

Rushmore Air Cleaner Kit

Zipper’s Stage I Max Flow Air Cleaner Upgrade Kits
Already have the factory Stage I air cleaner kit and want to improve the performance of it? Our Upgrade Kit includes a specially designed MaxFlow filter element and mounting hardware that is 5/8” deeper (60% more surface area!) than the un-serviceable factory Stage I filter. Washable, high flow oiled-gauze element traps the smallest dirt particles while providing dramatic flow increases. Simple 5 minute installation; notice an immediate difference! We also have high quality, USA-made, washable oiled-gauze replacement filters in stock widths for both cable and TBW air cleaners to replace the non-serviceable factory Stage I elements.

Stage I Upgrade for Carb Models
Stage I Upgrade for EFI Models

Zipper’s Economy Air Cleaner Kits
Economically priced air cleaner assemblies include the same high quality, high flow filter elements as our Premium air filter kits. The difference is the backing plate design retains the factory throttle support bracket and breather assemblies and simply costs less to produce. We pass the savings on to you!

Economy MaxFlow Air Cleaner Kits

Economy HighFlow Air Cleaner Kits

Zipper’s Performance Products
6655-A Amberton Drive, Elkridge, Maryland, USA

Order by Phone: 410-579-2828
or Online at:

They were Army Engineering Students from Ft Hunter Liggett. Eleven guys in one van on twisting turning steep one-lane roads on a break from studies.

How relaxing!

–Wanderlust Wolfe

Bikers Inside the Beltway is quickly approaching on May 14th. We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at the event in Washington. We do understand that some of you may not be able to attend. Therefore I would like to ask those states that cannot send representatives, if they would like for those of us attending to lobby your delegations for you. We would visit their offices and drop off MRF information packets and speak with any available members / staffers. This is an idea that I brought to the BOD last year, and it was decided to move forward with the permission of the individual SSMROs.

For those of you that would like us to proceed in your absence, please respond ASAP so that we can adequately prepare, as well as secure the manpower to achieve our goal of seeing ALL 535 members of Congress.

Thank you,

Lenny Holcomb

MRF State Rep / SSMRO BOD Member

ABATE of Maryland


We are very proud to announce that fans attending this year’s 50th running of the Sacramento Mile (May 30th) will have an opportunity to participate in a parade lap on their street bikes as part of the opening ceremonies. For a tax-deductible donation of $25, fans will line up behind current and retired stars of Grand National Championship flat track racing for one lap around the track. Monies raised will go to our injured rider’s fund – which helps riders and their family when an injury occurs while racing in a flat track event. Last year we assisted 25 riders at both the amateur and professional levels, dispersing over $40,000.00.

A similar event was held in 2014 during the Labor Day Springfield Mile in conjunction with ABATE of Illinois. This event on Saturday, May 30th, will have all proceeds going to the Class of ’79. It will also be our first major fundraiser on the West Coast.

Pre-Registration is available where fans can pay via PayPal, credit card, check or money order. Those who sign up prior to May 15, 2015 will receive a discount code entitling them to 15% off tickets to the race. This offer is for new ticket sales only and does not apply to refund tickets or the Turf Club. Offer expires on May 15, 2015 so sign up today! To register online, or download a printable copy of the form, visit:

All of us at Class of ’79 and Friends cannot thank the folks at the Sacramento Mile enough for this unique opportunity for the fans to help injured flat track riders – and have a great time in the process!!

NEW REPORTS FROM PAUL GARSON—Been a while since I deluged you with new stories so here’s one for your contemplation.

Peacock Power: Running Afowl with Jeff Roger’s High Impact Triton

The story concerns a very cool Triton and the only one in history that I know of that survived an attack by a peacock.

I’ve attached story and photos for your review. I’ve also added images of several other Tritons as a bonus sidebar if you care to include it.

Please advise.

–Paul Garson
Da Great

We like to picture the creative genius grinding away in isolation; unhindered by outside influences. Free flowing thought and action pouring from a soul to create a masterpiece that will bring awe to all those who witness.

For the most part that is true. It is in the isolation of our workspace that we can let our minds wonder into the unfamiliar. It is there we find inspiration, and hopefully find motivation. It is this isolation insulating us, and blocking us from the harried influences of the world around us.

On the other hand we can become stagnant, uninspired, churning out the same. It is only when we get out and meet with kindred spirits, meet with our contemporaries that we can let our hair down and relax. We talk about what we are working on, what we are struggling with. We find out what others have in the works, what is new, what is exciting. It is like a shot of adrenalin for the creative spirit. It pushes forward over the humps in the world; it gets us moving, breathing.

We find out what is working for others, share what has succeeded for us and what hasn’t. During the returning miles afterwards our minds spin a million miles an hour with a new sparks, a new inspiration to take back to our work shops. Sometimes we push what we were working on to the side; sometimes we tear it down to start over, sometimes we just needed the push to get back on track. So knock the dust off yourself and cross those miles to meet an old friend, to make a new friend who shares your creative passion and see what can happen.

-bad Uncle Monkey

SEATS OF THE WEEK, TTR- / BW- Profiler–Introducing the newest additions to the Profiler series of saddles: the TTR- Profiler and BW-Profiler. The Profiler series provides the ultimate low-profile seat for two. The most comfortable slammed seat you can find.

Saddlemen has solved comfort in the Profiler’s with their proprietary Gel-Core Technology.

Each seat has been meticulously shaped and ride-tested for comfort and control issues that haunt the motorcycle’s original stock seat. The seats feature narrow styling, a thin profile and low riding height.

The specially designed base allows the seat to drop down into the bike for the lowest riding position possible.

Slammed, frame hugging two-up style seat for the lowest riding position possible

Specially designed seat pan mates perfectly with the shape of the bike giving you the look you want by incorporating our Integrated Design Philosophy (IDPTM), which takes styling cues from each motorcycle and incorporates them into the contours and patterns of each seat

Features Saddlemen’s famous combination of progressive density foam and SaddleGelTM in the driver’s position, easing tailbone pressure and improving circulation for the smoothest, most comfortable ride you’ll find in a low-profile seat

Installs easily using the stock seating mounts

Designed and made in the U.S.A.


The BW-Profiler cover has a contrasting grain basket-weave and SaddleHyde cover. The basket-weave covering the driver bucket is not only cool looking, but also offers more breathability and extra traction when needed. Basket-weave is also sewn into the slender tail section, accenting the low seat styling and profile.

MSRP: $310


The TTR-Profiler cover is the real-deal Tuck and Roll styling, known to old timers as “Tijuana Tuck’n’Roll.” This is not a quickly done, cross-stitch inseam meant to look something like the classic- this is the classic. The TTR is covered in genuine leather and is a big step up in both looks and style.

MSRP: $325

THE BIKERNET HEALTH ALERT OF THE WEEK—We reported recently about the growth of chickens from 4 pounds three years ago to over a 9-pound average today. Are they doing steroids?

This just in from the Week Magazine: Americans love their chicken, consuming an average per person of more than 80-pounds a year. Few diners realize, though, that one in four pieces of raw chicken sold contains salmonella, and that some strains of the bacteria are becoming resistant to antibiotics.

The issue was covered on Frontline PBS this week.

This lucky winner won the first bling box in our ‘Unbroken’ contest. He’ll get ‘Unbroken’ on Blu-Ray Combo pack and who knows what else will be stuffed in that box. Just for signing up for our FeedBlitz announcements. You know, to keep him up to date on the latest and greatest happening on the Bikernet sites. No charge, No Bullshit just updates and a chance to win a box of Bikernet bling. All the readers have to do to be our next winner is sign up on our contest page. Now Bandit get on it and mail that lucky mofo his box of bling.
Vern Heizer, Jr
Fairborn, Oh 45324
–Lisa Jorgenson

Lu·na n. Roman Mythology. The goddess of the moon. [Latin Luna, from luna, moon.]

lu·na·cy n., pl. lu·na·cies. 1. Insanity, especially insanity relieved intermittently by periods of clear-mindedness. See Synonyms at insanity. 2.a. Great or wild foolishness. b. A wildly foolish act. 3. Archaic. Intermittent mental derangement associated with the changing phases of the moon. [From lunatic.]

THERE YOU HAVE IT—Is life nuts or what. But what the hell, we’ve got it made. Let’s party and ride like there’s no tomorrow.

Next week we will bring you our Progressive install tech. I’m working on a thought provoking article about climate change and who to believe.

We have several features headed your way and some rare antiques. Kent promised a report on our Salt Torpedo project.

We should have the paint article on the Bikernet 5-Ball Indian from American Biker in Charleston, SC in the near future.

I need to make progress on the Bonne Belle and bring you a report. Just one mod to the rear fender, and then it’s off to paint.

Oh and I need to interview the folk who make these all wooden Biker Urns. Amazing!

Have a helluva weekend,


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