
Where is the balance and freedom recognized and respected. I get pissed with the denier mentality.

I just received my first copies of National Geographic in years. This magazine is becoming very political. That’s too bad. They have a section called the War on Science, as if Science has all the answers. Here’s what they said about Global Warming from a consensus of world’s scientists: The planet’s surface temperature has risen by 1.5 degrees Fahrenheit in the past 130 years, and human actions, including the burning of fossil fuels, are extremely likely to have been a dominant cause of the warming since the mid-20th century.

I find this statement humorous. I’m not a scientist, but I would not run off to war with society over, “Likely.” They don’t mention the thousands of elements effecting our planet’s atmosphere over the last million years. Enough of my thoughts.

Check this from The WEEK Magazine, March 27th edition. They go on and on about Obama and his attacks on the coal industry in the U.S. They discuss natural gas, but we know about the evils of fracking, or not. Coal mining jobs are slipping away from 38,000 to 17,000 just in Kentucky by 2012. But then they go onto say: But coal remains very much alive in the developing world. India, where 340 million people have no access to electricity, has proposed building 455 coal-fired plants to meet the demand. In China, where coal provides a whopping 70 percent of the country’s electricity, another 363 coal-fired plants were planned, though public concern over pollution may reduce that number.

I recently heard Secretary Kerry give a speech about Global Warming. He pounded the table hard about controlling everything for the betterment of the planet, then pointed out that all the efforts implemented in the U.S. won’t have any impact on the planet. If all the developed countries stepped up, it still wouldn’t matter, until the undeveloped portions of the world are also involved, then maybe. WTF?

So, once more where’s the balance and freedom? And what about population growth. We breathe out Carbon Dioxide. The more folks, the more cars, the more electricity, the more plastic products? Quick, control everything…

Let’s hit the news, before I’m denied a shot at it: The Bikernet Weekly News is sponsored in part by Cycle Source Magazine, Iron Trader News, and the Motorcycle Riders Foundation.

We will receive five Unbroken DVDs in the very near future. You could receive one Free, with a box of Bikernet Bling in the very near future, and it’s free. Just sign up.

Unbroken is a 2014 American war drama film, produced and directed by Angelina Jolie, and based on the 2010 non-fiction book by Laura Hillenbrand, Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, and Resilience.


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Go to our contest page to enter. Click here

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RESPONSE TO THE WORLD OF UNCLE MONKEY–I just read Uncle Monkey’s article in the Thursday news. He hit the nail on the head. Swap meets here in the Charlotte area have run their course also. Used to be you had to reserve your spot as soon as the swap meet was over.

Here in Charlotte the CBA(Concerned Bikers Association) puts on two swap meets a year, one in March and one in November. They are two-day swap meets, Saturday and Sunday. Used to be on Saturday morning, every vendor spot was taken, now you can buy a spot on the day the swap meet opens.

The crowds have dwindled each year, especially the past five years. I still go at least one day. I always enjoyed seeing old friends there. When I used to set up there as a vendor, I would always arrive on Friday night. It was like a fraternity or club of vendors, we all knew each other, both the ones from out of town and the local guys. That has all changed, not as many vendors or paying attendees.

Things like ebay, and craigs list have hurt the swap meets. Uncle Monkey is right, it has all changed and I don’t see it coming back. To me it seems people have lost interest. Very few buy parts at the swap meet nowadays. Maybe everyone rides newer bikes now they don’t have the need for used parts?

With all this being said, for those of us who remember, the SWAP MEET was always something to look forward to and was always a good time!


Aloha Bandit, I was recently invited to train martial arts students in England. Here are museum photos from Coventry, England.

Mahalo, RSBustillo

BIKERNET INTERNATIONAL EDITOR IN VEGAS—The girls from Korea followed our editor, Art Hall to Vegas for a convention. He can never escape.


PORT OF LA REPORT–Congresswoman Hahn Leads Push for Increased Harbor Maintenance Funding–Washington, DC—Today, Congresswoman Janice Hahn (CA-44) renewed her call for an increase in the amount of Harbor Maintenance Tax (HMT) revenue returned to our nation’s ports, sending a letter signed by a bipartisan group of 86 Members of Congress to House Appropriations Committee leaders. Congresswoman Hahn and Republican Charles Boustany (LA-3) initiated this letter and circulated it among colleagues, especially members of the Congressional PORTS Caucus, which Congresswoman Hahn co-chairs.

This letter builds upon Congresswoman Hahn’s success last year in having Congress set targets for annual incremental increases in usage of the Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund for maintenance and dredging at our nation’s ports. An amendment she introduced which would lead to 100% use of HMT revenues by Fiscal Year 2025 was included the Water Resources and Reform Development (WRRDA) that Congress passed last year.

Prior to WRRDA, only about 50% of the HMT, a tax on shippers collected at our nation’s ports, was being returned to the ports. As a result, the Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund has a surplus of approximately $8 billion, and instead of using the fund for its intended purposes, the revenue is diverted for other federal spending.

Today’s letter calls for allocating 69% of HMT collected this year in the Fiscal Year 2016 budget to meet the targets Congress passed into law last year.

Congresswoman Hahn said, “Our nation’s ports are essential to America’s economic success, and to remain globally competitive we must continue to maintain and improve our ports. The Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund was established for this purpose and should be used – fully and exclusively – for this purpose. We need to get back on track by meeting this year’s target and continuing on a path to full funding by 2025.”

The text of the letter sent to the Appropriations Committee Chairman Harold Rogers and Ranking Member Nita Lowey and Energy and Water Development Chairman Michael Simpson and Ranking Member Marcy Kaptur appears below:

“The Guess Who” Headlines Saturday Night at Hollister Freedom Rally

The Guess Who, with fourteen top 40 hits will be rocking the Hollister Freedom Rally on the 4th of July.

The Guess Who, a group that’s connected with the masses throughout an exultant hit parade including “These Eyes,” “Clap for the Wolfman,” “Hand Me Down World,” “No Time,” “Star Baby,” and “Share the Land,”. Add in fellow classics and double sided singles like their #1 rock anthem “American Woman” and “No Sugar Tonight,” plus “Laughing” and “Undun,” and the Canadian bred stateside conquerors are amongst music’s most indelible treasures who are eternally etched within the very fabric of pop culture history.

The Guess Who concert on Saturday, July 4th is included in the VIP Package.

Continue to check our website for more detailed information on the live entertainment, along with other rally updates.


–from Buckshot





Schools and universities in the Chadian capital of N’Djamena were closed on Tuesday, March 10, 2015 and remained shut “until further notice”
after student rallies against motorcycle helmet laws left at least one person dead.

The closure announced by the government of Chad in central Africa comes a day after students took to the streets to protest against a rise in helmet prices ever since their use became obligatory in N’Djamena effective March 1 and motorcyclists are now required by law to wear a helmet.

The protesters set fire to several vehicles and blocked access to schools and universities, an Agence France-Presse
(AFP) journalist reported. Clashes broke out after security forces used tear gas to disperse the protesters. Hospital officials contacted by AFP said “three people were killed, and several others were injured.”

–from Rogue

CHOPPERS WILL NEVER DIE, New Bikernet Reader Comment!–

The F3 ROCKETEER Bound for Shanghai

The F3 ROCKETEER Bound for Shanghai

Great design, beautiful bike, no words come to mind, other than I want one.

–Sonny Ourai
Lebanon, IN

Accessory Option Allows More Room to the Ground on Harley Touring Models

MILWAUKEE (March 23, 2015) Gain leg room with the new Passenger Mini Footboard Mount Kit (P/N 50500403 $99.95) from Harley-Davidson Genuine Motor Parts & Accessories. This mount kit replaces the Original Equipment passenger footboards of 1993-later Harley-Davidson Touring models with more-compact footpegs or mini footboards.

The passenger’s feet are moved rearward and inward to create more space between the rider footboard and the passenger foot support, extra leg room that may make it easier to walk the bike in and out of parking spaces. When folded, the pegs are tighter to the bike which makes it easier for many owners to reach and push the bike in a garage. Original Equipment on the Electra Glide Ultra Classic Low and Ultra Limited Low models, this kit is an ideal solution for short-limbed riders. It includes a left and right mount and required installation hardware.

The mounts accept several styles of Mini Footboards or male-mount style passenger footpegs, which are sold separately.

For more information, visit

Washington Weekly Updates from the Motorcycle Riders Foundation–The House came back from its week-long recess on Monday. Both chambers were in session this week and will be in next week as well. Not a lot of substantial highway bill work, just some big picture hearings. The trust fund expires at the end of May; it looks more than likely that we will see a short-term bill before then. President Obama continues to press Congress for his long- term bill, the GROW AMERICA act; most in congress see his draft as DOA.

The Senate confirmed two National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) members this week: Chris Hart and Dr. Bella Dihn-Zarr. Hart will serve as chairman of the board, while Dihn-Zarr will serve as a board member. Hart has been acting chair for almost a year. It’s a natural selection, as Hart has served on and off the NTSB since 1990.

Dihn-Zarr might be a problem. She has served at NHTSA, AAA, and her last post was heading up the FIA Foundation. What is the FIA Foundation? It’s one of the scariest safetycrat organizations in the world. Helmets are at the center of just about every motorcycle related project.

Right now the FIA is giving free helmets to Chinese children. They also do motorsports projects. They have a program that is looking into developing special helmets for the kids who race karts. They also support globalization of safety equipment. But wait, there’s more! The FIA also promotes livability, the idea that you should, at the governments insistence, live near, or in, a city center. You need to do this, according to groups like FIA, to reduce your carbon footprint and save fuel, thus resulting in a more “livable” environment with cleaner air and water. Their funding list is a “who’s who” of AAA-like groups from around the globe. I will be keeping a close eye on the NTSB newcomer.

Senator Vitter (R-LA) has introduced legislation that would force the new three-wheeled vehicles to comply with both motorcycle safety standards and passenger vehicle (under 10,000 pounds) standards. The bill creates a new class of vehicles to accommodate the new three-wheelers, such as the slingshot, iRoad and the Elio machines. The class would be known as autocycles.

Remember last week when I described the letter that the MRF joined and sent to the Congress from a number of highway user groups about devolution? This is the concept of removing the federal government from the transportation funding and giving it to the states.

It’s an ill-conceived idea that would saddle the states with extra cost. The letter caused quite the stir in the transportation community, with leadership from both House and Senate making statements assuring the general public that devolution was roundly rejected as a solution to the funding problems plaguing the highway bill.

Sometimes the pen is mightier than the sword!
The shocker of the week was Representative Aaron Schock (R-IL) announcing his resignation. Schock is a 33-year old member of congress who was serving his 4th term. Schock is known as a bright up-and-comer with a preternatural fundraising ability. He was elected to the Illinois school board at age 19, to the State House at 23 , and then to U.S. Congress at the tender age of 27. Schock has always been more than friendly to the ABATE of Illinois and the MRF. Whether it was with assisting in setting up BITB or cosponsoring legislation, Schock was always positive.

When he announced his resignation early this week, it was alarming. He was, and still is, under investigation for recent use of campaign money, his lavish lifestyle, his private jet use, and misappropriation of campaign and official funds.

What started the suspicion? Schock’s over the top Capitol Hill office. Supposedly he used private money and gifts to design his office to resemble rooms that would fit in an early twentieth century English aristocratic manor. The office suite stands out against a sea of beige halls and walls lined with men in dark suits.

It did not take long for the press to notice and start sniffing around. All of those shirtless magazine covers (Mens Health), racy Instagram posts and a paid handsome man servant (personal photographer always at his side) did not help either. Schock let his ego get the best of him, is my theory. He burned bright for a short amount of time in the political world where his contemporaries averaged nearly twice his age. Of course I am not the judge, jury, and executioner so Mr. Schock is innocent until proven guilty.

With the sudden opening for a special election, the candidates are striking while the iron is hot. The likely next congressman for the 18th Congressional District? Darrin LaHood, son of former U.S. DOT Secretary and former Member of Congress for IL-18, Ray LaHood, a former MRF Champion. We expect the same from Candidate Darrin LaHood.

–Jeff Hennie
Motorcycle Rider Foundation, Vice President Government Relations and Public Affairs

Ride With The LeadersTM by joining the MRF at or call (202) 546-0983

[page break]

Lucas MC Oil Stabilizer Hikes Performance Of All Oils, Even The Best–
You know it, I know it, the whole two-wheeled world knows it. Motorcycle oil takes a real beating.
Especially motorcycle oil used in air-cooled engines.

Especially motorcycle oil used in air-cooled engines when you’re riding through the Mohave Desert in mid-July and the red mark at the three-story high thermometer in the middle of Baker, California has topped out at 120.

Especially motorcycle oil when it’s called upon to drench drip-dried pistons and cylinder walls during a cold start after a bike’s been sitting for a few days.

Nobody understands more about the kind of beating MC oil takes under any and all circumstances than the engineers at Lucas Oil.

They’ve been studying on exactly what makes motorcycle oil fail, often taking an entire motor with it, for more than a quarter century. In that time they’ve crafted the world’s gold-standard oil for Harleys, metric bikes of all kinds and engine configurations, off road recreation and work vehicles and, dare we say it, passenger automobiles and trucks.

Lucas Motorcycle Oil simply doesn’t fail, but that doesn’t mean adding a can of Lucas Motorcycle Oil Stabilizer to your oil bag won’t produce results you’ll feel under your butt (higher performance) and in your back pocket (better mileage.) And if you are one of the unenlightened who hasn’t yet switched to one of Lucas’ High-Performance motorcycle engine oils, adding a shot of Lucas Motorcycle Oil Stabilizer to the oil you do use might just save you from needing an engine rebuild once the weather turns hot and you’re right smack dab in the middle of riding season.

Read the whole report in the Lucas Department or in Bikernet Techs.

Kentucky Motorcycle Assocation / K.B.A. Newsletter–Good News. HB 370 our red light bill has just passed the KY Senate. Last hurdle is the Governor’s desk. Be sure to call 800-372-7181 and leave a message for the Governor to “Please Sign HB 370.”

Thanks to everyone for all their work in making phone calls, emails, etc.. Big Thanks to Rep. Johnny Bell for taking on the issue and getting it through the House and Sen. Damon Thayer for getting it through the process during the hectic end of the session. Thank you also to all the other legislators who have voted for this bill.

NEW S&S OIL PUMP–S&S Cycle has just released two new oil pumps for 1999-present Harley-Davidson Twin Cam 88, 96, 103, 110, and 120R engines.

When it comes time to service your oiling system, why put in a copy of the pump that failed once already? The new S&S TC3 Oil Pumps are much more resistant to damage from oil born debris and from excessive pinion shaft run out. Those are the two most common causes of oil pump failure in these engines.

There are S&S TC3 Oil Pumps available for 1999-2006 and for 2007-later model year groups. Of course, 2006 Dyna® models use the 2007-up style pump.

NEW MOVIE FROM ARNOLD–Download the trailer for MAGGIE Starring Arnold Schwarzenegger and Abigail Breslin:

MAGGIE will open in theaters and On Demand May 8, 2015

Presented by Lionsgate and Roadside Attractions

Directed by Henry Hobson

Written by John Scott 3

Starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, Abigail Breslin, Joely Richardson

When a deadly zombie virus sweeps the nation, a father will stop at nothing to save his infected daughter in this post-apocalyptic thriller starring Arnold Schwarzenegger and Abigail Breslin.

For more info:


SMOKE OUT 16 ACTION!-– Joes and Pros
The Smoke Out Chopper Show – The custom Chopper show has two classes: Joes and Pros. This show is still the quickest path to have your bike featured in the pages of The HORSE Backstreet Choppers Magazine.

Choppers of all varieties are represented including bobbers, Swedish Chops, Rock-a-Billy Chops, etc. as well as various engine configurations such as Sportsters, metric engines, Shovelheads, Evos, everything. The HORSE, BC staff will pick TEN winners.

All winners are featured in the magazine. These ten bikes usually represent a variety of styles and engine configurations, so every well-built chopper has a chance.

SPEAKING OF RELATIVES–JACKSONVILLE Officer lets girlfriend drive patrol car

A Jacksonville police officer has been disciplined for allowing his girlfriend to drive his patrol car after someone complained they saw a plain-clothed woman driving the cruiser to Hooters.

According to an internal affairs report, Officer Irving Diaz admitted that he twice allowed a woman to drive his patrol car in October and that he checked to see if she had a record in the police database because she was often around his children. Both are against agency policy.

Diaz recently received a written reprimand for unbecoming conduct after a photo of his making out with a woman while standing against his patrol car surfaced. The Florida Times-Union reported Diaz received two counts of improper action and one count each of unbecoming conduct, repeated infractions of unbecoming conduct and improper use of computer software.

— Associated Press


When I was a child I thought Nap Time was a punishment … now, as a grown
up, it just feels like a small vacation!

Two policemen ) call the station on the radio. “Hello. Is that the Sarge?”


“We have a case here. A woman has shot her husband for stepping on the floor she had just mopped clean.”

“Have you arrested the woman?” “No sir. The floor is still wet.”

–from Rogue and Jerry


STURGIS, S.D. – (March 25, 2015) – Harley-Davidson and the city of Sturgis traded-in gilded shovels and ceremonial hard hats for revving motorcycles and open-face helmets to break ground, or more accurately, tear it up to start construction of The Harley-Davidson Rally Point, the city’s new permanent year-round space for riders.

Read the whole report on Bikernet:

UNCLE MONKEY ON WORK PLACE BUMMERS–Every work place has one. No matter where you work there will always be one person no one wants to work with. I’m fortunate enough to have two like that. Personally I would have fired them years ago, but my name isn’t at the bottom of the pay checks.

I’m not sure why there always has to be one. I guess it is just the law of averages. Put more than three people together in a group and one of them has to be the difficult one.

Some of them are well meaning. They think they are the leaders, the masters of all that lies before them and the rest of the group wear Velcro shoes because we can’t tie our own shoes. They are the first to roll up their sleeves, the first to take charge. Unfortunately they are the first to take credit for other’s ideas, the first to throw the others under the bus if there is even the slightest indication of displeasure from the higher ups. They are manipulative and destructive. They are the chosen ones.

Others are the ones slunk away into the corner. They are in over their head. They KNOW they are in over their head so they take every opportunity to belittle, harass and demean others to lift themselves above the situation. Many managers are like this. They compensate for their shortfalls by clipping everyone else at the knees. When production isn’t done it is because the workers are lazy and not because they forgot to order the materials required.

There are the do alls. Much like the first ones they simply cannot comprehend that anyone could possibly change a light bulb as well as them. Two seconds after starting something they are pushing their way in to show you the right way to do it. They always demand to have others with them because if something goes wrong it will be the one and only thing that they let someone else do. They hold it over everyone as the reason why THEY have to do everything.

Some are the lazy. A mountain of work that can be shared but as soon as the boots hit the dirt they find an excuse to head back to the shop to get something they forgot. Texting and social media updates dominate their time.

They are always the first to spot the boss and because they are not actually doing anything can quickly slide in to discuss the intricate ins and outs of a project and tell the boss how much has been accomplished, how much more work needs to be done. After enough time they usually end up as the ineffective managers from above.

The last one is that guy. A combination of all of the above but with a personality of barb-wire. They might actually know something but can’t do anything. Everything is negative, everything is like pulling teeth, everything is a convoluted life lesson that helps no one. The boss loves them because they are drinking/golfing/hunting buddies and the boss will defend them to the bitter end as if they shared a dead hooker in Vegas. They go out of their way to personally maim and injure others around them. They sulk; they throw hissy fits, throw tools. They are rude to the customers, insulting to the company, a disgrace to the profession.

Like I said there is one in every company, one in every department. If you are reading this you know exactly who I’m talking about. If you have no one like that in your company you will see them in the mirror tonight when you wash your face.

-bad Uncle Monkey

SEMINARS ON THE ART OF THE AIR BRUSH AVAILABLE– is a forum dedicated to artists and enthusiasts of all kinds.

QUICK, A FACTORY Bikernet Reader Comment!–
Harley-Davidson Breaks Ground On Permanent Sturgis Location

I have been to Sturgis a week early and it is already too crowded. There is competition for a gas pump, food, showers, rides thru the tunnels, etc. Perhaps this will relieve the pressure and make it more enjoyable.

— Bruce Wiswell
McKinney, TX

[page break]

THE HUPY/ABRAHAM REPORT, A Real American Motorcycle Riding Hero–
It was a cold and windy day at Milwaukee’s lakefront on March 25, 2015, when Gary Wetzel stood at the podium before a large crowd of friends and relatives. It was certainly a stark contrast to the steamy heat of a rice paddy in Ap Dong An, in the Republic of Vietnam, where Gary G. Wetzel lost his arm and earned the respect of a grateful nation. Somehow, it seems fitting that this cold day should be so different than that day back in 1968 because Gary himself is a contrast between who he is and who people believe he is.

Living in Milwaukee, he joined the Army when he was 18, and later signed up for a second tour. He was a door gunner in the 173rd Assault Helicopter Company when enemy fire brought his copter down.

While trying to help his aircraft commander, he was hit by two enemy rockets which propelled him through the air, critically wounding his arm, chest and legs. He was able to crawl back to his gun mount, stuffing his badly mangled left arm into his shirt. From there, his machine gun fire kept the enemy at bay, killing many of them and eliminating the automatic weapons emplacement that was inflicting such heavy casualties on the men around him.

Fighting off blood loss and shock, and after passing out twice, Wetzel helped his crew chief drag their commander and others to safety.
When he was evacuated to a hospital in Tokyo, several of the men whose lives he had saved learned he was in the same ward as them. One by one, they came to his beside, showed him pictures of their wives or girlfriends, telling him this is what they are able to go back home to because of him.

Today, 47 years later, Wetzel is being honored in his hometown by having his name adorn a sign on the road that approaches the War Memorial Center on Milwaukee’s lakefront. There is also a red granite stone monument placed there memorializing his valor, including an engraved inscription of his official Medal of Honor citation.

Red granite is the official stone of Wisconsin, and Wisconsin-bred Gary Wetzel is a rock of a man.

Patriotism and bikers seem to go together, and Wetzel is no exception. He rides his motorcycle all over the country, although recent health issues have cut down on his time in the saddle. Still, he has led the Rolling Thunder ride for 26 years. According to close friend and Vietnam combat veteran Dave Zien, Gary Wetzel is the only living Medal of Honor biker in the U.S.A.

During the dedication ceremony at the lakefront, it was noted that Wetzel often tells people not to look “at the flag”, but to rather “look into the flag”, meaning there is a deep-rooted spiritualism or symbolism that should not be missed or taken for granted. Yet as so many described him as a hero, he will be the first to tell you he was just a regular guy doing his job in Vietnam.

Even more humbly, although he is one of 258 men awarded the Medal of Honor because of heroism in
Vietnam, he wears that blue ribbon around his neck for all of us. He regards himself as just a caretaker of that medal. And as caretaker, he travels throughout Wisconsin and around the country making appearances, usually to help other veterans. He attended most of these events on his motorcycle in the past.

Although Wetzel had a street named after him in 2007 at Fort Rucker, Alabama, along with Patrick Brady, a helicopter pilot who rescued many wounded men despite unbelievable fog and heavy enemy fire, Wisconsin finally bestowed this much deserved recognition on him in his hometown, thanks to some state legislators and the Milwaukee County Executive.

Thank you Gary Wetzel for being a real hero, even though you don’t think of yourself as one, for being a regular guy, and for being a biker. You’re really the only hero I know personally.

–Tony “Pan” Sanfelipo

Tony “Pan” Sanfelipo is the senior investigator at Hupy and Abraham, S.C.
For more of Tony’s articles, visit

5-BALL RACING 5/8-Sleeve Leather Jack Shirt

Design by old school Bob Kay and Keith Ball from 5-Ball Racing, and styled after the old school baseball shirts, this 5/8-sleeve Jack Shirt is made with durable Buffalo leather and features quick snap front closure, two chest pockets, two waist pockets and two inside gun pocket. Features a wind-break zipper front.

“They’re made boot tough and rattlesnake mean,” said Keith Ball, “and slick for speed.”

MOTORCYCLE BOOK OF THE WEEK CLUB–Australian author and motorcycle enthusiast I.B. Gumnut shows the softer side of motorcycles in his new children’s book, “Mad Dogs.”

In “Mad Dogs,” Gumnut tells the colorful story of two sheepdogs, Red and Blue, who take a motorbike out for a spin after a long day of herding sheep in the Australian Outback.

…Just call these canines the “Sons of An-barky.”

The inspiration for “Mad Dogs” came from Gumnut’s daughter’s pet dog, Lady, who often enjoyed riding on the front of his motorbike with him.

“I think she was frustrated at my riding abilities, and I’m sure she thought she could do much better,” Gumnut said.

May I send a copy of the book, or connect you with the author for an interview?

–Jenni Uebelhack | Publicist

Bohlsen Group
201 S. Capitol Avenue, Suite 800 | Indianapolis, IN 46225
office: 317-602-7137 ext. 7205 | fax: 317-536-3775
Twitter: @BohlsenGroup

QUICK TECH New Bikernet Reader Comment!–
2015 RoadGlide Windscreen Shootout

I really appreciate the article & all the details given. The windscreen is the only thing that I can’t stand about my bike. The noise & buffeting drive me nuts. I am 6′ even and do not listen to music while riding but don’t like looking through a distorted screen. Wish I could have been there to try them all for myself before having to fork out more of my hard earned cash. Guess I’ll just have to take a chance on one & hope for the best. Again, great review, thanks guys! Jack

— Jack Howard
Conyers, GA


BUELL RACING UPDATE–Erik Buell Racing employee Cory West had a perfect showing at Zhuhai International Circuit in southern China, taking back-to-back wins in two races and setting a new lap record along the way. The event, which took place March 21-22, was the opening round of China’s Pan Delta Superbike Series’ 2015 season.

Riding an EBR 1190RS for the Splitlath Motorsport team, West had never seen nor experienced the Zhuhai International Circuit before he arrived in China the Wednesday before the race. He quickly learned the course, however, qualifying in pole position for the first main event on Saturday afternoon. West’s qualifying time of 1:35.859 Was the first time a Superbike lapped the circuit in under 1:36.

West battled China’s Li Zheng Peng riding a factory Yamaha R1 in both races. The pair traded the lead until West was able to ride deep into the corners and out-accelerate his rival and hold Li off as the two riders raced through lapped traffic.

“Getting to go race in China for the Splitlath team and represent the EBR brand was an amazing experience,” said West. “ To finish the weekend out by setting a new track record, qualifying on pole position, and winning both races on the first attempt was icing on the cake! Big thanks to everyone that made it possible and I can’t wait to come back and build on our championship points lead.”

West and the Splitlath EBR team now hold the lead in the Championship points race for the Pan Delta Superbike Series. The next round, along with much higher temperatures, is sure to bring renewed pressure from competitors as they focus their efforts on catching Cory West.

For further details, please see the full account on Splitlath Motorsport’s website:

Images by Brian Nitto


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THE VIETNAM WAR COMMEMORATIVE PARTNER PROGRAM– (50th Anniversary) has immense potential for motorcycle, Veteran and patriotic groups to appreciate Vietnam Veterans and their loved ones. Lots of incentives are included in this free program, including a Vietnam flag, pins and memorabilia.

The commitment is to help out with two or three events for each of the next couple years. **Just google for online information and application.
Perhaps you have a number of interesting relationships with Vietnam Veterans that might make this Commemorative program very appropriate.

More than just for you – it might be very valuable experience for Vietnam Veterans, their loved ones and the general public!!

Don’t forget those who have walked on from this life – in premature death, before they should have. Sometimes survivor’s guilt, PTSD or loneliness can be as deadly as the bullet. Attention giving can be a lifesaver!

Wheels of Liberty is a (501.c3) organization dedicated to getting the disabled, elderly and new riders to drive a three wheeler. “Anyone who can operate a car can drive a trike.”

As a partner, we are contacting the five major Motorcycle Museums and recommending they will hold specific Vietnam commemorative events with appropriate exhibits.

A packet is being sent to each recommending that Gary Wetzel, Congressional Medal of Honor recipient (CMH) be recognized with a special exhibit. Gary has led Rolling Thunder, the largest one-day Veterans event and one-day motorcycle rally in the world for 26 years! Gary is also the only CMH that is a biker in the USA.

Vicki Sanfelipo, Accident Scene Management, Inc. is also being recommended. Training others to save lives is her passion.

Every single biker should be taking the course. After all, it may be us or our loved ones who may next need to be saved!

Perhaps other revolving or temporary exhibits could be about the Freedom Fighter movement, the Christian motorcycle phenomenon or the Iron Butt Association.

Yes, each of us may have ideas to help the Motorcycle Museums fulfill their destiny.
More than help out by inspiring, we will do a Reconnaissance Tour to each place this riding season. Let’s have fun!

Being considered by Wheels of Liberty is an Iron Butt Association (IBA) ultimate coast-to-coast ride. It goes from the furthest Southern Road, Key West, Florida to the furthest Northern Road at Prudhoe, Alaska and return to Key West. (My 2009 and 2010 rides documented and verified by the IBA).
But we add that ride – verifiable stops at the other three corners of the USA and the Crazy Horse Monument in the Black Hills. (My 2010 ride verified and documented by IBA).

This more challenging adventure is tentatively to be called –“Better way, USA Vision Quest!” Approximate departure is second week in June.
If this tour is to occur, we will put GPS tracking units on our bikes. This would allow others to cheer us on, or relay ride with us a few miles. A fuel cell will help guarantee 200 mile gas stops.

If anyone wants to join us or has prominent sites that might be seen along the way, please let us know. Perhaps it could be an individual for a relay team effort!

Pray to live –
Live to ride
God Bless You!

–Dave Zien
Former State Senator
Million Mile Motorcycle Man


NEW MICHIGAN EVENT IN THE WORKS– This will be the premier motorcycle swap meet in Michigan. I have lowered the vendor price and admission price in addition to selling more spots for used motorcycle & parts.

Any help would be appreciated !

Tri City Cycle
804 S. Huron
Linwood, Mi. 48634

My car’s manual says to roll down the windows to let out all the hot air before turning on the A/C.


Many people are in their cars the first thing in the morning, and the last thing at night, seven days a week.

According to research, the car’s dashboard, seats, a/c ducts, in fact ALL of the plastic objects in your vehicle, emit Benzene, a Cancer causing toxin. A BIG CARCINOGEN. Take the time to observe the smell of heated plastic in your car when you open it, and BEFORE you start it up.

In addition to causing cancer, Benzene poisons your bones, causes anemia and reduces white blood cells. Prolonged exposure will cause
Leukemia and increases the risk of some cancers. It can also cause miscarriages in pregnant women.

Acceptable Benzene level indoors is: 50mg per sq.ft.
A car parked indoors, with windows closed, will contain 400-800 mg of Benzene.

If parked outdoors, under the sun, at a temperature above 60 degrees F, the Benzene level goes up to 2000-4000 mg, 40 times the acceptable level.
People who get into the car, keeping the windows closed, will inevitably inhale, in quick succession, excessive amounts of the BENZENE toxin.

Benzene is a toxin that affects your kidneys and liver. What’s worse, it is extremely difficult for your body to expel this toxic stuff from your body.

So friends, please open the windows and doors of your car – give it some time for the interior to air out -(dispel the deadly stuff) – before you enter the vehicle.

–from Rik Savenko

STD HEAD OF THE WEEK–’55-’62 Panhead Replica I

Replica I Casting, Panhead Cylinder Bolt Pattern
Single spark plug, Internal oiling, Standard bore or industry standard big bore, “O”ring 1 9/16 intake, Fits stock OE Pan exhaust pipe, Seats installed. Also available assembled with nitride Harley replacement (#18082-57) 1.750″ exhaust and (#18074-66) 1.940” intake valves. Valve spring kit stock to .495 lift.

Some have asked what I’ve been doing in retirement. Well, I applied for a building permit for a new house. It was going to be 100 ft. tall and 400 ft. wide, with 12 gun turrets at various heights, and windows all over the place and a loud outside entertainment sound system.

It would have parking for 200 cars, and I was going to paint it snot green with pink trim. The City Council told me; Forget it…AIN’T GONNA HAPPEN!

So, I sent in the application again, but this time I called it a “Mosque.”

Work starts on Monday. And here is the best part, it’s going to be tax exempt! I love this country.

–from Rogue and Jerry

HANG ON—The day started sweet, then of course my computer started to lock up, so I tried MacKeeper, but I could only get so far and it jacked. I tried to call and wait patiently, and then I tried chat. They responded and told me what to do, but it didn’t work, and then they wanted me to pay for a remote download. I gave up and went to the competition, Mac Boost. It worked smooth as silk.

Unfortunately the delays cost me precious time. This next week, I will finish another S&S tech on engine rebuilds, which will be damn helpful.

We are also working on a Progressive Suspension install on Jeremiah’s bike. We installed their new cartridge system, and I have some questions, but we’ll get there. We also use Lucas fork oil.

I’m about ready to report on the Bonne Belle. We’ve made a few mods and sold the current engine to Tom Seymour, at Saddlemen for his 45 project.

I’m in a funk with my book, but Pamelina is working on the cover. This bike is close to what Chance rides.

Any minute now we will bring you a paint report on the 5-Ball 2014 Indian. Here’s a teaser shot.

We are also working on a stabilizer install from Custom Cycle Engineering. I think these puppies are amazing. We will test them out.

In the meantime study your attitude. It’s everything.

And Ride Free Forever,


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