
Another strange day in paradise. I woke up this morning with an ugly thought on my breath. Like the heavy whiskey days when you wondered, just what the hell did I say last night? So, I told a story last night, then pondered, was I out of line. Time will tell and shit will smell, right?

I often catch a vibe from the news items I collect leading up to Thursday. Sometimes I sense political upheaval, other times I sense a creative vibe. Of course it’s also the time of a full moon and it could get scary.

I also note the number of jokes contributed. If no jokes are forthcoming I get concerned about the state of our economy or political aura. It’s as if folks can’t think of a good joke because they have negative shit on their minds.

Well this week was the opposite. A batch of new, fresh jokes arrived, so that must mean Nirvana is on the rise. There is peace in our hearts and joy engulfs our minds. Keep the faith, goddammit.

Let’s hit the news:

The News is sponsored in part by the staff of Cycle Source Magazine.

PAUGHCO BILLET PAN COVERS– Dressing up your scooter? These beautifully designed, meticulously crafted Panhead style covers offer enthusiasts the very finest in quality, function and style. Machined from superior quality billet aluminum each cover features extraordinarily thick wall and lip thickness, extended Paughco socket head cap screws and counter sunk retaining holes.

These features provide exceptional appearance, rigid structure and flush mounting surface. Every radius and flat surface is flawlessly cut and finished to perfection. Standard finish is Paughco’s flawless chrome with high luster polish available on special request.

ULTIMATE PAN COVERS fit 1948-1965 Panhead engines and clones with OEM mounting surface and bolt dimensions. The covers are supplied with Paughco’s dedicated socket head cap screws and retail for $372.95 per pair. Optional chrome 24 piece 10 -24 x 1 ¼ 24 screw kit is available for $14.95.

For complete details call 775-246-5738 or visit

BREAKING NEWS: Harry Reid Corruption Behind Nevada Standoff–Yesterday, we were greeted with excellent news. The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and other federal agencies have decided to stop seizing Clive Bundy’s cattle in Bunkerville, Nevada.

As I wrote yesterday, the BLM has been rounding up Bundy’s cattle to pay for the $1.1 Million of “grazing fees“ the government claims is owed. The purpose of these fees? To dissuade farmers and ranchers from using this PUBLIC land that also happens to be occupied by the endangered Desert Tortoise.

The BLM, in concert with other federal agencies, planned to sell Bundy’s cattle in order to pay his debt.

Well, yesterday, over 300 brave patriots showed up to the ranch off of I-15 in Nevada. The protesters and self-described militiamen showed up on horseback and carrying weapons ready to defend Clive Bundy and his family from what was a clear example of tyrannical government overreach. Armed protesters stood up against the government thugs, and the federal government blinked, showing restraint for once and staving off another potential “Waco” incident.

News broke yesterday that while the whole crisis, on paper, was over a turtle, there are other corporate interests at play, looking to gain access to the region’s water and mineral rights and other natural resources. And as usual, when an individual’s rights are being trampled for gain, the scandal goes all the way to the top and Sen. Harry Reid is at the center of it!

Tell Congress it must put an end to this cronyism and STOP Harry Reid’s corrupt Nevada land grab!

So here are the specifics. Evidence suggests that Harry Reid was using the BLM to bully ranchers like Clive Bundy off of the land in order to open the door for foreign investment and development.

The Director of the Bureau of Land Management, Neil Kornze, is a former Reid staffer. The allegation is that Harry Reid has been conspiring with the BLM for years to evict Bundy’s “trespass cattle” to open the door for Chinese investment and development of a solar farm.

Prior to this crisis, the BLM website explained that Clive Bundy’s “trespass cattle” were directly impeding on development in the region.

“Non-governmental organizations have expressed concern that the regional mitigation strategy for the Dry Lake Solar Energy Zone utilizes Gold Butte as the location for offsite mitigation for impacts from solar development, and that those restoration activities are not durable with the presence of trespass cattle,” the purged document says.

The BLM has been trying to create a large solar farm in Nevada and BLM Technical Note 444 shows that not only do Bundy’s cattle graze on this land, but Bundy’s property is also within the targeted area!

Back in 2012, it was reported that Harry Reid’s son Rory was the primary representative for ENN Energy Group, a Chinese company seeking to build a $5 Billion solar plant in Nevada.

So now we have a situation where Harry Reid’s son and former staffer may have been coordinating to evict an American rancher in order to open the door to Chinese investment. Harry Reid has denied participating in the deal, however multiple news organizations, including Reuters, have confirmed that Senator Harry Reid was influential in pushing for the deal! This is cronyism, plain and simple! To have the Majority Leader of the U.S. Senate conspiring with a foreign company to displace a hard-working American rancher is atrocious!

Tell Congress it must put an end to this nonsense and STOP Harry Reid’s Nevada land grab!

The American dream is under threat. Not because Americans are no longer working hard… We are working harder than ever to provide for our families. Yet, at every step of the way, the federal government tries to slap us down and restrict our upward mobility.

The allegations that Harry Reid is behind trying to put an American rancher out of business in order to line his pockets should infuriate you! The BLM used an endangered tortoise as an excuse to round up Clive Bundy’s cattle and kick him off public land. Before this crisis, the Bureau of Land Management was actually euthanizing the turtleson the land because they were too expensive to maintain! However, when the land became valuable to the solar industry, then the BLM used the technicality to try to evict Clive Bundy and seize his cattle! Instead of preserving the land as the agency claims, the Reid family is conspiring with a foreign company to develop the land for their profit!

This level of corruption is absolutely despicable! How many other government actions are fueled by congressmen and senators just trying to line their pockets? How many other examples of government tyranny and overreach are just manifestations of congressional greed?

This must end and Harry Reid must be held accountable for this! For the Majority Leader of the Senate to conspire with the Executive branch and a foreign company to put an American rancher out of business is UNACCEPTABLE!

Tell Congress it must put an end to this nonsense and STOP Harry Reid’s Nevada land grab!

–Joe Otto

THE RAKE AND TRAIL MYSTERY– The factory FLH trees are running a -2.455 inch offset, add to that they have 4 degrees of rake from the factory in the trees . ran with a stock neck of 26 degrees and a 21″ wheel ya get 7.3 inches of trail.

if ya change the rake to 35 ya get 9.5 inches

and at 40 ya get 12.24

would be like turning a freight train. and front end flop would be nasty

Hawg halters uses a 35 degree neck with 11 degree trees for a 23″ tire for a trail of 6.13 which is what a softtail runs

the problem is from the factory trees running negative offset. If we run a set of Wideglide trees with a 40 degree rake ya get a trail of 4″ which is about what the Shovel has.

I have learned more about touring frame geometry than I ever wanted to know.

–Richard Kranzler
Bikernet Baggers

UNITED NATIONS GENERAL ASSEMBLY CALLS FOR MANDATORY HELMET LAW–  Recently the 68th session of the United Nations voted to approve a non-binding resolution entitled Improving Global Road Safety, which sounds innocent enough, but when closely examined, has some very disturbing ideas concerning motorcyclists, motorcycles, and helmet laws.

The most disturbing directive is to encourage Member States (countries participating in the UN) to enact comprehensive legislation on key risk factors for road traffic injuries including the non-use of helmets. Or in other words, universal mandatory global helmet law. Keep in mind this is a non-binding resolution, but many countries and legislative bodies take the UNs suggestions very seriously. This is the warning shot across the bow. The United Nations is coming for motorcyclists.

That is why it is so unfortunate that Americas own Permanent Representative to the United Nations, and a member of President Obama’s Cabinet voted in support of the resolution. She even spoke to the General Assembly in strong support of the resolution.

The non-binding resolution has some other very troubling issues with regards to motorcyclists. For instance, one of the directives claims that there are insufficient policies in place to protect motorcyclists. The idea that one type of policy would work for every country in the United Nations is beyond fantasy. Our diverse global motorcycle community cannot exist under a one-size fit all approach.

Another section of the resolution recognizes and commends The UN Economic Commission for Europe and the World Forum for the Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations to modify vehicle regulations to increase safety. This is essential in the UN calling for global harmonization of policy that could include helmet laws and universal vehicle anti-tampering measures. Both of these would devastate the motorcycle community and aftermarket industry in America.

It is a clear picture of the mindset of the UN to support such an over-reaching resolution. By muddying the waters with controversial policies, the UN loses support for some very good ideas concerning distracted driving and Good Samaritan policies.

The MRF is engaged on this and will keep you informed about this issue.

BRAND New Bikernet Reader Comment!– S&S Twin Cam Gear Drive Set Installed

This is the best write-up I’ve found regarding not only the install of the S&S gear driven cams, but also the major differences between the S&S setup and stock.

Regarding the tensioner “shoe” on the stock setup: Why would H-D ever use a plastic bushing as a major engine component knowing these failures can and will occur? How much more difficult would it have been to simply put a tensioner gear in its place. Yes, it would still have the inefficiencies of the chain, but there wouldn’t be small chunks of debris being pulled off and unexpected tensioner failure causing major engine damage.

I had an opportunity to “play” with both setups at the S&S booth at AZ Bike Week a couple weeks ago. The difference in parasitic loss is astounding. Not to mention all the other previously mentioned benefits.

Keep the great articles coming!

–John T
Two or More Races (Not Hispanic or Latino), AZ

SADDLEMEN AQUIRES PHANTOM PAD– Another Quality Product Added to the Saddlemen Fleet.

Saddlemen, a leader in high-quality aftermarket seats, luggage and accessories for all types of motorcycles, has acquired exclusive rights of Phantom Pad products, the innovator of removable suction cup passenger seats. Saddlemen will immediately start manufacturing the complete line of Phantom Pad products. Phantom Pad becomes the third company owned and operated by Saddlemen, with All American Rider and American Kargo being the other two.

“The addition Phantom Pad has been a step in the right direction for Saddlemen. With companies like Phantom Pad, All American Rider and American Kargo we are able to give consumers what they want; more variety and quality products. It’s an exciting time to be here at Saddlemen,” states CEO David Echert.

Phantom Pad brings an array of highly crafted suction cup mounted motorcycle passenger pads to the Saddlemen family. The exclusive Phantom Pad suction cups are non-abrasive and designed with dual cavity and quick tabs. Unique features such as neoprene fender liner, an injection mold, ABS base plate and shock absorbing orthopedic memory molding foam are all components found in every standard Phantom Pad.

All Saddlemen products, along with their sister brands; All American Rider, American Kargo and Phantom Pad are available exclusively through Parts Unlimited and Drag Specialties dealers. To learn more about Saddlemen and their other quality brands visit

BANDIT’S Grandma’s Home Remedies–
“For better digestion I drink beer,

in the case of appetite loss I drink white wine,

in the case of low blood pressure I drink red wine,

in the case of high blood pressure I drink scotch,

and when I have a cold I drink schnapps.”

“When do you drink water?”

“I’ve never been that sick!”

–from Robin Hartfield

THE BENEFITS OF UPHOLDING THE DHARMA—In Buddhism the five precepts are the equivalent of the commandments. They are: No Killing, Stealing, Lying, Sexual Misconduct, and Intoxication.

Here are the benefits:

If we do not take life but protect it, we will naturally have health and long life. If we do not steal and instead practice giving, we will enjoy wealth and good standing. If we do not engage in sexual misconduct and instead respect the integrity of others, we will have a happy and a harmonious family. If we do not lie but praise others, we will gain a good reputation. If we do not drink and stay away from the temptations of drugs, we will naturally have good health and wisdom.

By upholding the Five Precepts, we can eliminate our suffering, afflictions, and fear in this lifetime, and gain the freedom, peace, harmony, and joy of body and mind–SIMPLE

–Dr.Feng –

Motorcycle Riders Foundation Champion Representative Tom Petri to Retire–The Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) reports that long time MRF supporter, Tom Petri (R-WI), will not seek another term in Congress. This will be the last term the 35-year Capitol Hill veteran will serve. The 73-year-old congressman has been popular with his home district, sailing to re-election year after year. Petri was first elected in 1979.

Petri led the charge of the full repeal of the helmet law mandate in the mid nineties at the request of ABATE of Wisconsin and the MRF. Petri has chaired various subcommittees on the U.S. House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure.

We at the MRF will miss his dedication, leadership, and generosity that he has bestowed upon the motorcyclists of this country.

[photo 218]

Problem: your primary cover is dinged and scuffed, and your buddies constantly joke about them being ugly.

Solution: the smooth, satin black finish and sturdy durability of these outer primary covers, only from Drag Specialties®. With their rugged, die-cast aluminum construction, you can trust that these covers offer protection as good as their looks.

Starter shaft bushings are included; seals and other components sold separately. These covers can fit a range of H-D® Softail and Dyna models. Suggested retail price is $249.95.

For more information, go to or contact your local
Drag Specialties dealer.


HARLEY-DAVIDSON AND MARVEL JOIN FORCES in National Search for Real-Life Fan to Star in New Digital Franchise–Iconic Brand Reunites with Marvel to Debut new Street 750, Cast Mini-Movie and Digital Comic via National Contest

Harley-Davidson and Marvel Entertainment, LLC, have teamed up once again to defend freedom and tame explosive city streets in – and beyond – the popular film franchise, Marvel’s Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Since the early days of Captain America, he has been associated with Harley-Davidson, and the latest chapter of the film saga is no different as the Super Hero now revs up a brand new Harley-Davidson Street 750.

To unite fans of both brands, Harley-Davidson is seeking candidates to join Captain America as “Agent 1” and star in a brand-new digital franchise, which will introduce a new chapter of action, including a group of characters created by Marvel’s Custom Division exclusively for Harley, and feature the new Harley-Davidson Street 750. The mini-movie and digital comic will debut in Marvel and Harley-Davidson online and social channels this summer.

“Our collaboration with Marvel puts fans directly into the center of the action like never before,” said Dino Bernacchi, Harley-Davidson U.S. Director of Marketing. “Starring as the hero in this new chapter with Marvel is not only the new Street 750 – but a real-life fan as well. The Street’s features are right in line with the authenticity, toughness, action and individualism for which Captain America is known and revered by fans around the world, and sourcing our new hero directly from that pool is equally as real and authentic.”

Digital Casting Call

To enter the Harley-Davidson Captain America: The Winter Soldier online contest, special agent hopefuls are invited to complete an online skills assessment and select a custom bike of their choice at After completing the assessment, each candidate receives a badge and special promotional offer. Legal residents of the United States who are at least 18 years of age can enter now through April 30.

One grand prize winner will not only land the role as the eponymous “Agent 1,” they also will rule the streets with a brand new custom Harley-Davidson Street 750 motorcycle and a rider training course, including a stunt riding lesson with Marvel’s Captain America: The Winter Soldier stunt rider Riley Harper.

The Street 750 and Street 500 from Harley-Davidson, the latest additions to Harley-Davidson’s Dark Custom line-up, feature the all-new liquid-cooled Revolution X engine, housed in a narrow and lean chassis built for agility. New suspension and a broad handlebar sweep provide the confidence and maneuverability you need when managing tight turns and fast moves in defense – or pursuit of – freedom. It also has the premium, minimalist Dark Custom style that serves as a blank canvas for riders to customize.

UNCLE MONKEY REFLECTS ON CHANGING TRENDS IN CANADA–Though I was only a wee lad back in the ‘70s, I’ve always been into cars and bikes. It was a glorious time of funked out vans, chopped, slammed, stretched and covered in the longest shag carpet around.

Bikes didn’t escape the madness. A stroll down memory lane of the creations of builds like Arlen Ness and others proved multi-engine, twisted and psychedelic paint jobs were where the edge of sanity no longer existed. But like all trends and fashions things come and go. Early this millennium brought back the return of the long drawn out choppers making household names of builders like Billy Lane and the Teutuls.

Today it seems we have flashed back to the swinging ‘70s. Vans are making a comeback and there seems to be a whole underground “hardcore” chopper faction of builders and riders chopping and bobbing everything and anything. They are donning greasy jeans and denim vests with wild greasy long beards. Those striving to be the next generation of master builders have thrown out the rule book.

Everything is a go now with an overwhelming focus on personal hand-built one-off bikes. It will only be a matter of time before it is commercialized, sanitized and spit out for consumption but right now, today, is a Golden Era to be building bikes.

Weird and eccentric is the normal now. We accept it as a culture not just in bikes but everything. The freak show tattoo lady of the past is now every college girl, if you don’t have at least some body modification you are now the freak in our Bizzaro World.

So embrace your freak flag. Run what you want, run what you can. Bolt on that kitchen sink, road kill bones and mannequin legs because this window will only stay open for so long.

-bad Uncle Monkey

BIKERNET EASTER MESSAGE—Breakfast will never be the same…


BIKERNET BAD JOKE LIBRARY OPEN– Two couples were playing poker one evening.

Jim accidentally dropped some cards on the floor. When he bent down under the table to pick them up, he noticed Bob’s wife,

Sue wasn’t wearing any underwear under her dress!

Shocked by this, Jim upon trying to sit back up again, hit his head on the table and emerged red-faced.

Later, Jim went to the kitchen to get some refreshments. Bob’s wife followed and asked, ‘Did you see anything that you like under there?

Surprised by her boldness, Jim admitted that, well indeed he did.

She said, ‘Well, you can have it but it will cost you $500. ‘After taking a minute or two to assess the financial and moral costs of this offer,

Jim confirms that he is interested.

Sue told him that since her husband Bob worked Friday afternoons and Jim didn’t, Jim should be at her house around 2 p.m. Friday afternoon.

When Friday rolled around, Jim showed up at Bob’s house at 2 p.m sharp – and after paying Sue the agreed sum of $500 – they went to the bedroom and closed their transaction, as agreed.

Jim quickly dressed and left.

As usual, Bob came home from work at 6 p.m. And upon arriving, asked his wife:
‘Did Jim come by the house this afternoon?’

With a lump in her throat Sue answered ‘Why yes, he did stop by for a few minutes this afternoon.’

Her heart nearly skipped a beat when her husband curtly asked, ‘And did he give you $500?’

Sue, using her best poker face, replied, ‘Well, yes, in fact he did give me $500.’

Bob, with a satisfied look on his face, surprised his wife by saying, ‘He came by the office this morning and borrowed $500 from me.

He promised he’d stop by our house this afternoon on his way home and pay me back.’

Now THAT, my friends, is a poker player!!

–from Rogue

[page break]

BIKERNET PAINTING OF THE WEEK–Allan Gorman’s Ready to Rumble Road Show debuts unique Harley-Davidson paintings and a unique way to show them

Harley-Davidson Dealers in NY, NJ and PA

go HOG wild for Allan Gorman’s traveling art exhibit–
Double Trouble ©2013 Allan Gorman 40in x 40 in Oil on Canvas

To see more, visit:

West Orange, NJ — April 16, 2014 —

There will be more than just the noise of motorcycle engines on the road this bike season as oil-painter Allan Gorman makes the debut of his unique series of Harley-Davidson motorcycle inspired artworks at a number of prominent dealers in the NY/Phila metro regions with a pop-up show tour he calls: The Ready to Rumble Road Show.

In addition to creating a striking and unusual series of paintings, the artist has also conceived a more suitable and fun way to show them. Gorman’s art — typically shown in fine art galleries and major art fairs — will now be displayed in the showrooms, alongside the beautiful bikes that inspired them.

“The set-up benefits all involved,” says the artist. “For the dealers, it’s an interesting traffic-builder and public relations event. It will give a lot of people — old, current and potential new customers — a great reason to come into a dealership. For the customers, it exposes them to a new and wonderful form of Harley-inspired art. The paintings have been a real hit with both the public and the media.”

Gorman’s paintings are not the typical ‘screaming eagle’, or ‘flaming skulls’ art often associated with Harleys, but instead focus on the beautiful abstract shapes and designs found in the swooping tailpipes, reflective chrome and color contrasts seen when you look a bit closer.

Besides a display of original oil paintings, limited-edition signed prints will be for sale, and Gorman will sign and sell commemorative tour posters at the events. Charities chosen by the local bike clubs will receive a donation of 20% of the sale proceeds from the posters.

Planned tour dates include:

May 1-3 — Garden State Harley-Davidson in Kinnelon, NJ
May 5-26 — Hot Rods n’ Harleys @ Hamilton Stage, Rahway, NJ
May 30 – June 1 — Tramontin Harley-Davidson in Hope, NJ
June 6-8 — Keystone Harley-Davidson in Parryville, PA
June 13 – 14 — Bergen Harley-Davidson in Roselle Park, NJ
August* — Miracle Mile Harley-Davidson, Great Neck, NY
September* — Brian’s Harley-Davidson, Langhorne PA
October 3-4– Liberty Harley-Davidson in Rahway, NJ
November* — Valley Forge Harley-Davidson, Valley Forge, PA
*final date TBD

Allan Gorman is highly-regarded photo-realist oil painter whose résumé includes over sixty solo, museum and gallery shows over the past five years. He is the recipient of a 2013 Fellowship for Painting from the NJ State Council on the Arts, and residencies at the Vermont Studio Center in 2011 and 2014. Mr. Gorman’s work has been seen at ArtHamptons, on board the luxury yacht Seafair at Art Greenwich, the LA Art Fair, Palm Springs Art Fair, Naples Art Jewelry and Antiques Fair and the Palm Beach Art Fair. Gorman has been profiled inAmerica Art Collector Magazine, Poets and Artists Magazine, the Huffington Post, and numerous other publications and art blogs.

Mr. Gorman is represented by Anthony Brunelli Fine Arts in Binghamton, NY, Howard Rehs Contemporary Gallery in New York City, and CK Contemporary in San Francisco, CA.

To see the art and get more information,
visit Mr. Gorman’s website –
E-mail: or phone: 973 477 3079.

INDIAN APPAREL COMING–Time To Gear Up With Indian Motorcycle Apparel

The Indian Motorcycle apparel collection for men and women has everything you need to kick off the riding season in style. Head over to your nearest dealer or visit the website to shop for all your riding gear needs.


Bikernet sponsor EMD called us in the middle of the night (they are in France and don’t seem to grasp the concept of time difference) to tell us about the newest addition to their line of cast aluminum covers. Fresh from the foundry is this very first sample of a cam cover that will change the look of Sportster engines forever.

Full production is just around the corner and these puppies will be available in the US very soon. In the meantime, check out the rest of the EMD line by hitting the banner below.

Bikernet Book of the Week!!!
Hell On Wheels: An Illustrated History of the Outlaw Motorcycle Clubs is the just-released book from best-selling author, Bill Hayes. In Hell On Wheels, the always-colorful and seductive origin of motorcycle clubs and the American biker is once again told, but this time the MC heritage is woven into not only who the clubs are but what they have suffered in the way of governmental and media oppression. RICO, the Patriot Act, the exploitive and sensationalistic TV shows like Gangland, and other outside hits are all dissected—all to the backdrop of the true brotherhood that has kept the MCs strong since the 1930s.
The photos in Hell On Wheels—both vintage and current—are really a priceless and rare gallery, captured by the best professionals and inside-amateurs. And every one of them has truly experienced the real and genuine essences of this lifestyle.
Hell On Wheels, and so many other great books and DVD documentaries produced from the “inside” of the biker way of life, is available at

BARNETT SCORPION SERIES CLEAR DERBY COVERS NOW AVAILABLE– The all-new Barnett Scorpion Series clear derby covers are designed to fit OEM primary covers on 1998-13 Harley Davidson Big Twins and feature a quarter inch thick, clear polycarbonate window to your clutch!

The scratch and discoloration resistant window is firmly secured and sealed with an O-ring gasket. The outer cover area is CNC machined from billet aluminum then given a brilliant chrome or Stealth black anodize finish. The derby cover gasket is also included.

For the ultimate in looks AND performance, install a Barnett lock-up clutch with your new cover! Made in the USA.

MSRP: $239.95

Call Barnett Clutches & Cables 805-642-9435 or click on the banner below.

DYNACYCLE OIL Announces Special Introductory Dealer Pricing–Dynacycle Oil is premium semi-synthetic 20W-50 motor oil guaranteed to reduce engine temperature up to 30°F over conventional oils and up to 15°F over full synthetic oils, thus extending piston and bearing life.

This oil was specifically designed for “air cooled” or oxygenated engines to extend engine life, but also increases oil pressure and horsepower.

You’ll never use another oil once you experience the Dynacycle difference.

BRASS BALLS JOB OFFER– We are currently accepting applications for Fabricator / Bike Builder / Welder.

The person needs to be proficient in welding & fabrication. They need to know how to run a mil & lathe. They need to have knowledge and experience in bike building.

Pay is relative to quality of experience.

If you are not a team player. If you are a “glass half empty” person. If you are not willing to work hard. If you are not open to learning more and stretching yourself, then do not apply.

If however, you are a leader, a positive person, are self-motivated, have the skills listed above and want to be part of something special, then email resumes to:

–Dar Holdsworth by Darwin Motorcycles

QUICK, New Bikernet Reader Comment!– AUSTRALIA– Where being a BIKER is ILLEGAL

Looks like Down Under has gone under!

How do politicians who pass such nonsense get elected there? Don’t worry, we ask the same Q’s here in the Socialist States of America. Rule By Law, where criminals are created at will.

Minneapolis, MN

PRODUCT OF THE WEEK FROM STRICTLY HAWGS—BAG LATCHES. The baddest billet bag latches on the planet from the team at Strictly Haws. They are made to last yet add style to any bagger.

BIKERNET MOVIE OF THE WEEK, THE DIRT BAG–We got the Dirtbag Challenge movie ready to download! Keep building your digital collection and download this crazy movie for the weekend. Have a great week guys, thanks for supporting us.

Don’t know about this awesome movie? Watch the trailer !


VALERIE THOMPSON, 5-time land speed record holder and world’s fastest BMW motorcycle racer to make appearance in Las Vegas April 19—

Five-time land speed record holder and one of the world’s fastest BMW racers, Valerie Thompson, will appear in Las Vegas at the Annual Spring Open House for BMW Motorcycles of Las Vegas on Saturday April 19th from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Thompson will be available for photos and autographs throughout the event.

“I could not think of a better place to celebrate my birthday weekend than an appearance at the BMW Motorcycles of Las Vegas Dealership. We will have a dyno on-site to check out the true power of BMW technology when combined with Magic Bullet Advanced Fuel Treatment, our newest team sponsor,” said Thompson.

“We are very excited and honored to have Valerie Thompson, one of the world’s fastest female motorcycle racers, taking part in our Spring Open House! She is a true inspiration and amazing ambassador for BMW Motorrad,” said Steve Avalos, Director of Marketing for BMW Motorcycles of Las Vegas.

BMW Motorcycles of Las Vegas is located at 6675 S. Tenaya Way in Las Vegas. For details, visit

OFFICIAL ROGUE ROAD REPORT–I took a ride to the west coast of Florida to spend some time with friends and ended up going to the drag races at Bradenton Motorsports Park.

Okay we hit a lot of the Biker Friendly Bars Too BUT –

Here are some shots from the drags. No I don’t know who won or anything, we were just there partying like everyone else.



BIKERNET BAD JOKE LIBRARY LUNCH BREAK–A young ventriloquist is touring Norway and puts on a show in a small fishing town. With his dummy on his knee, he starts going through his usual dumb blonde jokes.

Suddenly, a blonde woman in the fourth row stands on her chair and starts shouting, “I’ve heard enough of your stupid blonde jokes. What makes you think you can stereotype Norwegian blonde women that way? What does the color of a woman’s hair have to do with her worth as a human being? Its men like you who keep women like me from being respected at work and in the community, and from reaching our full potential as people. It’s people like you that make others think all blondes are dumb! You and your kind continue to perpetuate discrimination against not only blondes, but women in general, pathetically all in the name of humor!”

The embarrassed ventriloquist begins to apologize, and the blonde yells: “You stay out of this! ……I’m talking to that little shit on your lap.”

–from Rogue and Jerry

Round Up of Articles from the Bikernet Family of websites.

Tribute to Bill Cody, 2014 Inductee into the TrailBlazers Hall of Fame.

Cody’s the name and Speedways the game. They called him “Wild Bill” and he was one of the best to race the 2nd generation American resurgence of those wild 500cc, alcohol powered, brakeless beasts we call Speedway Motorcycles.

CLICK to read!

Bike Week 2014 Recap

J&P Cycles Takes A Look Back At Daytona’s Bike Week
By J&P Cycles

The 2014 Daytona Bike Week is in the books, but we had such a great time that we had to share just how awesome it was! Attendance was up at the J&P Cycles Destination Daytona Superstore and despite the construction at the Speedway, we saw quite a few folks come through and check out the J&P Cycles mobile showroom.

CLICK to read!

Further Adventures of the Borderland Biker -Chapter 14

Bartlett’s Web
By Derrel Whitemyer

“It’s the size of a Volkswagen, it probably ate my M90, it’s guarding your Raider, and I’m not going near that thing without a bazooka.”

“We’re already,” laughed Larry, “more than near to that thing, I doubt it ate your M90 and I doubt we’ll find any bazookas nearby, so stay cool. Spiders are known for their bad eyesight which means it likely hasn’t seen us and will move on. If we can’t find your bike we’ll ride double on my bike.”

CLICK to read!

The Endless Highway – Part Two

Next we have the famous Bean’re.
By Scooter Tramp Scotty

It was sometime in the earlier 90s while camped in a parking lot at the Daytona Rally with a slew of other tightwads who favored this place because it was free, that I first met a tall, blond, white dude named Bean’re—which seemed kind of odd to me. But, he was one of the guys and fate had brought us together. His was a brand new, white Road King police bike and we bombed around Daytona eventually ending up at the drag races. To my surprise Bean’re entered that cop bike in the “run what you brung” class. In the years to come I’d note that this cat has a competitive nature and natural love of playing in any bike games.

CLICK to read!

S&S Fills the Void with Viola V-Twin

And Speeds up Everyday Service Work
By Wrench and Kevin Boarts with photos from the Viola V-Twin Team

We ran into a section of the S&S display in Cincinnati at the V-Twin Expo, called Viola V-Twin and we were immediately curious. We met with Bruce Tessmer and discussed it briefly. Here is the official description: S&S Cycle is extremely pleased to offer a selection of high quality service parts for Harley-Davidson and other American v-twin motorcycles. Viola V-Twin!

Anyone familiar with S&S Cycle will recognize the name of the small village of Viola, Wisconsin that has been our home since 1969. S&S is best known for performance products, but Viola V-Twin is specifically designed to provide the parts needed for everyday repairs and motorcycle maintenance.

CLICK here to read!

From BAGGERS we have the following:


Add Some Twist With Samson Torque Cones.

Samson Torque Cones are installed in the header pipe, sandwiched between the pipe and the cylinder head to prevent hot exhaust gas reversion. A profound increase in torque can be realized with this simple, easy to perform installation.

CLICK to read!

Midnight Rider-A Good Day to Die

Episode 1: The Shapeshifters, by Triking Viking

Its cold, it’s late, actually it’s early, 3am in the morning. I’m pushing a thousand mile day to make the Roadway Inn, Pocatello Idaho 160 miles away. When you ride a motorcycle for 22 hours there are certain things you always do, and several you never do. Always carry extra gas, carry food and water easily accessible while riding. Something I never do, I did at the last gas stop, I had a few beers. The lure of a crisp cold brew was just too enticing, let alone a flirtatious redheaded bartender. Yeah, it takes the edge off but it’s the edge you need to survive riding the dead dark of a moonless night. Fear becomes your best friend as the cold concrete grinds mercilessly below you.

CLICK to read!

“I have had all I can stand, I can’t stands no more!” – Popeye

Mistress Chris

THE BIKERNET T-SHIRT OF THE WEEK—Chosen from thousands of entries, this one won the price. The perfect shirt for Harley or Triumph riders.–from Jim Waggaman

So, what’s the prize? A goddamn Bikernet T-shirt that’s what.


BIKERNET’S 5-BALL RACING APPAREL FEATURED AT BARTELS’ H-D IN LOS ANGELES– Just got word from Debbie Black of Bartels Harley Davidson the units are doing very well.

She told me she literally almost sold out in one day the 5/8 and placed a reorder. It was also nice to hear that she feels this will be a long term relationship.

Oakland Harley Davidson just called us and told me she will send an order in the am.

JP cycles: received photos and style info to begin upload..I am still waiting on them to get back to me about projection, so we can more accurately establish the base.


BIKERNET BAD JOKE LIBRARY OPEN FOR SPRING BREAK– A little boy got on the bus, sat next to a man reading a book, and noticed he had his collar on backwards ..

The little boy asked why he wore his collar backwards.

The man, who was a priest, said, ” I am a Father.”

The little boy replied, “My Daddy doesn’t wear his collar like that.”

The priest looked up from his book and answered, “I am the Father of many.”

The boy said, “My Dad has 4 boys, 4 girls and two
grandchildren and he doesn’t wear his collar that way!”

The priest, getting impatient, said . “I am the Father of hundreds”, and went back to reading his book.

The little boy sat quietly thinking for a while, then
leaned over and said, “Maybe you should wear a condom, and put your pants on backwards
instead of your collar.

–from Rik Savenko

[page break]

TV’S PARKER BROTHERS MOVE SHOP TO PORT CANAVERAL —‘Dream Machines’ stars hope facility draws tourists

By Dave Berman


Melbourne’s Parker Brothers, the reality-television personalities known for the unique concept cars, motorcycles and off-road vehicles, are moving their operations to Port Canaveral.

That should increase their visibility in the community, and give the port a new attraction for local residents and cruise passengers.

Marc and Shanon Parker’s “Dream Machines” show previously aired on the Syfy cable television network. A new weekly series featuring the Parkers and the rest of their team is likely to debut this fall on the History network.

Past customers of the Parkers include rapper 50 Cent, pro wrestler Jon Cena and a member of the Saudi royal family. A Parker Brothers vehicle also appeared in the 2012 movie “Battleship.”

The Parkers and port officials say they are excited about Parker Brothers Concepts’ move from its location on Aurora Road in Melbourne to Mullet Road at Port Canaveral.

“It’s great for us, and it’s great for them,” said Tim Macy, Port Canaveral’s deputy executive director for infrastructure, real estate development and recreation. “It gives them good exposure.”

Marc Parker said he is helping coordinate renovations on the now-vacant Port Canaveral complex, and hopes to open there as early as next month.

Local residents and tourists will be able to come into the shop to see a display of 10 to 15 of the Parker Brothers’ finished creations, and watch the Parkers and their staff build new vehicles. Parker said he hopes to make it an attraction that will draw visiting cruise-ship passengers.

The public also will be able to watch the filming of their television show at the Port Canaveral complex through large observation windows.

Parker said he does not plan to charge admission to the public to view the displays.

“We’re glad to be open to the public,” Parker said. “The goal is to make the experience for the public as nice as possible.”

“It’s going to be a great attraction for our area,” said Space Coast Film Commissioner Bonnie King, who has been working with the Parkers to help arrange their move to the port. “They’re just great. Their creativity is amazing.” Parker said their vehicles have ranged in price from $60,000 to $400,000, and they’re working on some vehicles that could be priced at nearly $1 million.

Parker Brothers Concepts earlier this year received the Economic Development Commission of Florida’s Space Coast Innovation Company of the Year award.

Port commissioners today will consider approving a five-year lease with a five-year option for the Parker Brothers Concepts’ 20,000-square-foot space at 730 Mullet Road in Port Canaveral. Parker said the now-vacant space is nearly twice the size of their current location at 2335 Aurora Road, and will allow them to have an 8,000- to 10,000-squarefoot showroom area, in addition to their work space. The Parkers currently have a month-to-month lease for the Port Canaveral site.

The Port Canaveral location will allow them to have a visible venue for revealing their new creations, likely in front of the port’s new Exploration Tower.

Macy said “the interaction with the tower and the port is good for everybody. We’re happy to have them.” Parker said, by locating at the port, the business also is looking to diversify into creating boats — and maybe a submarine.

“With all of the expansion at Port Canaveral, we wanted to be part of it,” Parker said, adding that port officials “bent over backwards” to facilitate the planned move. Macy said the port location also will facilitate exporting of Parker Brothers vehicles to customers in other countries. Parker said they are in final negotiations with History Channel officials, and an announcement could come at the end of this month. The show likely would have hourlong episodes, showing the creation of a vehicle from start to finish. They’ve already shot a “teaser reel” to promote the show, Parker said. Parker said he has no hard feelings with Syfy officials’ dropping their show after six episodes. He said the show didn’t fit well with Syfy’s programming lineup. He said the History Channel will be a better fit, as it has several other vehicle-related shows planned for its fall lineup.

King, who also is sales and marketing director for the Space Coast Office of Tourism, said she is optimistic about Parker Brothers Concepts as a tourist draw, especially with the planned History Channel weekly television series.

She said their vehicles are an attraction in themselves.

“It’s definitely eye candy,” King said.

–from Rogue


MIAMI BAD COP FILES– Police arrest 5 in fake officer gear

Miami-Dade police have arrested five men who were spotted in a car changing into phony police clothing and gear.

Authorities say the men had hats and shirts with the word “police” on them, authentic-looking badges, handcuffs and other law enforcement items. They also had two semi-automatic handguns and an air pistol.

The men were spotted Monday at a public park by an undercover unit of the Miami-Dade Police Department. Once they got into a car to leave, police pulled over the vehicle and arrested the five men.

The men, ranging in age from 23 to 54, face several charges including resisting arrest, carrying concealed weapons, loitering and prowling.

–from Rogue


Adrenaline Junky Agenda:

****Mojave Mile****In The Books****April 12-13****12,000 foot runway, one mile shutdown….
****E C T A Ohio Mile****5/3-4****6/7-8****7/12-13****9/27-28****
****El Mirage****5-17/18, 6-22, 7-13, 9-14, 10-19, 11/8-9****
****Race To The Clouds****6/29****92nd Running of the Pikes Peak Hill Climb****Colorado Springs, CO.****Gates Open 3:00 AM, Racing Starts 8:00 AM**
****S C T A Speed Week****August 9-15, 2014****
****BUB Speed Trials****August 23-28****
****World Finals****Sept. 30—-October 3, 2014****

Last Sunday we had the pleasure of attending the 40th Running of The Long Beach Gran Prix. The day was a typical SoCal day filled with sunshine, blue skies, T-shirts during the day and light sweat shirts in the evenings. The stands were nearly empty when we arrived, they filled to the max as Race Time approached….

The race cars were twice as loud as any street motorcycle and crowd listened to them for over 6 hours. I don’t remember anyone in the stands jumping up to say, “My children are dying and my ear hairs are falling out! How could you do this to my family?

During a phone call with one of my oldest friends in the mid west discovered his son had designed a tattoo for his son. The tattoo says it all ‘Never Give Up”……heard that somewhere before.

Two years ago and counting our ever-changing Raycer project commenced, we thought we had a plan? After 69 years and counting I’m finally starting to understand that the theory….the more you learn, the more you must learn for the maximum chance of reaching any goal successfully. Each milestone we achieved provided a platform for the next design or installation process.

The past week was amazing in many respects with progress on all fronts. We are conferring with two of the top shelf teams in today’s Turbo/Intercooler business world, Bell Intercoolers and The Twins at in Long Beach, CA.

With the magic numbers punched in the all knowing computer to calculate the expected horsepower our R&R Cycle/Hyperformance 124 inch Twin Cam will produce, the air volume produced by the Series 66 Aerocharger Turbo at 6,200 rpm on the long course…..Denser, cooler intake charges make more power.

The three wise man crunching the numbers last Friday in the Long Beach shop of…. The 5-Ball Racing Teams intercooler/design/blueprint, flow rates, etc. were officially signed off. We expect delivery today or tomorrow.

Preparation followed with Execution.


Bell Intercoolers was founded in 2002 with the goal of providing customers with the engineering knowledge and assistance to design an intercooler system specific to their application combined with fast delivery of the highest quality, US-made intercooler cores and custom intercooler assemblies.

Drawing on decades of intercooling, turbocharging and supercharging experience, the team at Bell Intercoolers has first hand knowledge of the subtleties and specific requirements of intercooler design and theory. Real world racing experience, from Laguna Seca to Silverstone, ensures an intercooler that will hold up under the pressures of your application, whether it is heading for the track or the street.

Add to this a depth of engineering expertise, ranging from Formula 1 racing to aircraft design and structural analysis and you have all the ingredients required to guarantee an intercooler product with optimum design and the highest quality. All available with instant delivery.

Corky Bell and Gerhard Schruf, the founders of Bell Intercoolers, are engineers with a deep appreciation for the performance enhancements available from a well designed intercooler system.

A recognized authority in the field, Corky Bell has served as engineering consultant on many successful racing efforts including the 1986 IMSA GTU class championship Porsche 924 Turbo, the SCCA Escort Series champ in 1994 with the Nissan 300ZX, and a Bonneville record setting Mazda RX-7. Bell is also the author of two publications on the subject, Maximum Boost and Supercharged! Both providing essential, hands-on, advice for novice forced induction turbo and supercharger system designers.

Gerhard Schruf has spent the vast majority of his engineering career working in the field of forced induction. Having developed turbocharged engines for marine, industrial, street and racing applications, with power outputs ranging from 50 hp to 40,000 HP. Gerhard was also instrumental in the initial development of the unique, pressure-wave-supercharger, the COMPREX. A highlight in his career was working with Gilles Villeneuve and the Ferrari Formula One team, providing forced induction expertise during the teams early ventures into the turbocharged era. As an author and co-author of several SAE-Publications his focus always was on performance, but in conjunction with fuel economy and exhaust emissions for street applications.

So whether your intercooler requirements are simple or complex, Air to Air or Liquid to Air, Bell Intercoolers has the products and expertise, to help you meet your performance goals. Contact us today with your project specifications.

With the intercooler somewhat handled we delivered our street fairing to “George The Wild Brush” for the headlight mounting task. Next step is fitting the 1/4 fairing to the Raycer, then prep for paint, pinstripe, etc.

In Life’s game of Balls to the Wall Racing…. on any Race Track including the sometimes slippery Bonneville Salt Flats it’s very similar to sky diving…you are rewarded with tons of adrenaline while seeking your Nirvana glued to the best seat in the house.

Our inner primary is at Spyke waiting in line for machine time to modify the bearing area, a larger heavy duty bearing will be installed.

Stay Tuned.
Ride Straight, Fast and Ride Forever!
Haul Ass!
Ride for Your Life!
–Ray C Wheeler
Performance Editor

JIMS RACER PROFILE FOR THE WEEK– Bill Franey, racing for Salt Wheels Racing, is now in his 6th year of land speed racing. Bill has been blasting on a motorcycle for much of his life, and even used to drag race on dry lake beds back in the ‘80s!

Bill just established a new Land Speed Record from the East Coast Timing Association Championship Speed Trials. His speed was 165.359. He also established a 1.5 mile Land Speed Record of 165.163.


OFFICIAL BIKERNET PHILOSOPHER SPEAK OF OPPORTUNITIES–The mind is like a parachute, it only works when it is open. How often do we miss an opportunity because we are not mentally prepared to accept it, and worse we beat ourselves up after we realize what we have missed?

The other side is some of us never even Pause to take inventory of our lives and to realize that we have missed so many opportunities.

Many years ago I had a wealthy gentleman approach me about investing in my company and help me expand the concept. I thought he was trying to rip me off and I turned him down without even thinking about it.

Years later I learned that this gentleman went on to make billions by working with small startups, what an opportunity I missed by not Pausing.

Another opportunity I still regret is when I didn’t have time to talk to a dear friend, because I thought I was too busy. He passed away that very same night, what an opportunity I missed.

Even though we missed opportunities, there are many more yet to come. Each day we start with a brand new open parachute. Take the time to Pause, go within, and just slow down for a few moments and open up to the Infinite Possibilities of each and every new day.

High achievers spot rich opportunities swiftly, make big decisions quickly and move into action immediately. Follow these principles and you can make your dreams come true. –Robert H. Schuller

Today Know: I will get rid of my stinkin’ thinkin’ and open up to the opportunities of the day. I open up to the opportunity of Spirit filling my day with Good. Today I will take the opportunity to smile at people, listen to someone, help someone, improve my business, learn something new, enjoy the day and the opportunity to be One with your spirit.

I take the opportunity of letting go of the past to Live Fully in the Present. I am so Grateful for the Gift of the opportunities of today and I accept It!

And So It is

Yale Custom Cycles
2003 11 ST SE
Calgary AB
T2G 3G6

THE BIKERNET BAD JOKE LIBRARY IS NEVER CLOSED–When NASA was preparing for the Apollo Project, it took the astronauts to a Navajo reservation in Arizona for training.

One day, a Navajo elder and his son came across the space crew walking among the rocks. The elder, who spoke only Navajo, asked a question. His son translated for the NASA people: “What are these guys in the big suits doing?”

One of the astronauts said that they were practicing for a trip to the moon. When his son relayed this comment the Navajo elder got all excited and asked if it would be possible to give to the astronauts a message to deliver to the moon.

Recognizing a promotional opportunity when he saw one, a NASA official accompanying the astronauts said, “Why certainly!” and told an assistant to get a tape recorder.

The Navajo elder’s comments into the microphone were brief. The NASA official asked the son if he would translate what his father had said. The son laughed uproariously. But he refused to translate.

So the NASA people took the tape to a nearby Navajo village and played it for other members of the tribe. They too laughed long and loudly but also refused to translate the elder’s message to the moon.

Finally, an official government translator was summoned. After he finally stopped laughing the translator relayed the message: “Watch out for these assholes. They have come to steal your land.”


BIKERNET BOOK OF THE WEEK CLUB– Triumph Thunderbird, Trophy & Tiger: 650cc & 750cc models: 1950 – 1983

STOP! Don’t buy a Triumph Trophy or Tiger without first buying this book!
Having this book in your pocket is just like having a real marque expert by your side. Benefit from the author’s years of Triumph ownership, learn how to spot a bad bike quickly, and how to assess a promising bike like a professional. Get the right bike at the right price!

By Peter Henshaw
About the Author

19.5×13.9cm • 64 pages • 104 pictures

ISBN: 978-1-845846-09-1

£ 12.99 (for eBooks this varies and delivery is free)

The reality of living with a Triumph Trophy or Tiger
• Shows the market value of each model
• Detailed, step-by-step inspection guide
• Guidance on spares prices
• Problems that arise with lack of use
• Advice on buying at auction
• Restore, or pay more to start with?
• Production facts and figures
• Useful contacts, including clubs, parts suppliers, and restorers

There are many books about Triumph, but most of them concentrate on the glamorous twin-carburettor Bonneville and three-cylinder Trident. Alongside these headline grabbing bikes, Triumph built a whole series of single-carb machines that had all the style of their twin-carb cousins, but were not much slower, delivered better fuel consumption, and were easier to live with.

Unlike the many books about Triumph’s history, this one is a straightforward, practical guide to buying a Trophy or Tiger secondhand. In the Veloce Essential Buyer’s Guide format, it delves into what these bikes are like to live with, and the values, advantages, and disadvantages of different models. Plus, of course, what to look for when buying one – including engine, transmission, frame, brakes, suspension, paint, chrome, and more.

Does not cover Twin-carburettor Triumph 650/750 (ie Bonneville), 350/500cc Tigers.


1. of little value or account; small; trifling: a picayune amount .

2.petty, carping, or prejudiced: I didn’t want to seem picayune by criticizing .

1. (formerly, in Louisiana, Florida, etc.) a coin equal to half a Spanish real.
2. any small coin, as a five-cent piece.

3. Informal . an insignificant person or thing.
William Arthur Deacon, the more influential critic of the Toronto Globe and Mail , was equally picayune .– Mavis Gallant, The Moslem Wife and Other Stories , 1994
So she had never abandoned the Eucharist; without it, she felt the Mass, and all of the Church, would be only ideas she could get at home from books; and because of it, she overlooked what was bureaucratic or picayune about the Church. — Andre Dubus, Dancing After Hours , 1996
Origin: Picayune is rooted in the Provençal word picaioun which meant “small copper coin.” It is likely derivative of an onomatopoetic base pikk- which sounds like the process of beating and coining copper.

NEWS FROM THE PETERSEN MUSEUM– The Breakfast Club Cruise-in, which happens on the last Sunday of every month at the Petersen Automotive Museum, where you can stroll through rows of classic, custom, exotic cars, trucks, motorcycles, etc.

You can even enjoy free breakfast if you attend early and bring your own car to be a part of the diverse Southern California car culture!

For more information about this event, contact Sandy Scott at (323) 964-6370 or

QUICK TECH Bikernet Reader Comment!– Bikernet Investigates the State of TP Engineering

I have a Big Dog pro Sport 2000, which has your TP 107 and TP 5-speed transmission, which in my prospective is a great make.

I do have a question on the clutch adjustment. I have talked with Rivera clutch people and have adjusted everything according to their specs, and I still have an adjustment problem. The lever just won’t extend all the way back out. Is there an adjustment on the cable that goes into the trans that will alleviate this problem?

Thanks for any feed back.

— Lee
Galt, CA

I think you need to start at the beginning. Back off the clutch adjuster in the center of the clutch, and back off the cable adjuster until it’s very loose. Adjust the clutch pushrod in until it just touches, then back it off a quarter turn. Then take up the cable slack until you have a 1/16-inch at the cable grip housing. See how that works.



Celibacy can be a choice in life, or a condition imposed by circumstances.

While attending a Marriage Weekend, Frank and his wife Ann listened to the instructor declare, “It is essential that husbands and wives know the things that are important to each other.”

He then addressed the men.
“Can you name and describe your wife’s favorite flower?”

Frank leaned over, touched Ann’s arm gently, and whispered,“Gold Medal-All-Purpose, isn’t it?”
And thus began Frank’s life of celibacy.


THANKS AND HAVE A HELLUVA WEEKEND—The excitement never stops around the headquarters. I just received news from Ride Wright Wheels. Sam, the boss will supply a big diameter forged wheel to the Bikernet headquarters for our winged-wheel metal-art project next week.

I just received a new Ikon shock from Australia specifically designed for our Spitfire girder. I’ll work on mounting it all weekend long. It’s got to be perfectly installed and aligned. Then we’ll see how she rides, and maybe a run to Laughlin is in the cards.

We are waiting on a progress report from Kent Weeks, in Houston on our Belly Tank trike frame. He’s trying to squeeze us in between other jobs.

And don’t forget about the Saddlemen job opening. It’s an opportunity to discuss motorcycling all day long and help your brothers and sisters all over the planet. Plus, you would have a rare opportunity to build lasting friendships with Saddlemen customers and dealers all over the country. And learn so much about seat making, manufacturing, distribution, and more. What could be better?

Let’s go for a ride.

Ride Free Forever!


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