
I’ve busted my ass over the last couple of weeks scrambling from one project, like the Salt Torpedo, to the ’72 F250 Truck, to the Bikernet Headquarters projects. I’ve been working 12-hour days easy and been successful for the most part.

Yesterday, I took a break, got a massage, and performed the last registration project on the ’72 F250 for the DMV. I had it weighed for 11 bucks at a local truck stop.

The Redhead got home from the Marina encampment for the destitute and drunks, early. We had a terrific dinner, watched the latest Romanoff and crashed. I woke up in the middle of the night with a toothache.

It was a fight all night, but somehow I beat it and woke up at 6:00 clear, but in a daze. We’re so damn fragile. Let’s hit the news. I’ll need a nap today.

The Bikernet Weekly News is sponsored in part by companies who also dig Freedom including:

Cycle Source Magazine, the MRF, Las Vegas Bikefest, Iron Trader News, ChopperTown, BorntoRide.com and the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum. Most recently the Smoke Out and Quick Throttle Magazine came on board.

NEWS FROM THE BIKERNET WEATHER BUREAU–Another Climate-change Prediction Bites the Dust: Islands Aren’t Shrinking

For decades, global-warming alarmists have been predicting that low-lying islands in the Pacific and Indian Oceans would soon vanish because of rising sea levels. But according to a new study, the overwhelming majority of these islands have not shrunk, and some have even grown.

“Over the past decades, atoll islands exhibited no widespread sign of physical destabilization in the face of sea-level rise,” reads the abstract of the study, published in the journal WIREs Climate Change. “A reanalysis of available data, which cover 30 Pacific and Indian Ocean atolls including 709 islands, reveals that no atoll lost land area and that 88.6% of islands were either stable or increased in area, while only 11.4% contracted.”

“Importantly,” wrote study author Virginie K. E. Duvat, a professor of coastal geography at France’s University of La Rochelle, “islands located in ocean regions affected by rapid sea-level rise showed neither contraction nor marked shoreline retreat, which indicates that they may not be affected yet by the presumably negative, that is, erosive, impact of sea-level rise.”

In fact, Duvat found that local human activity, far more than alleged climate change, was responsible for island shrinkage. “Land reclamation and causeway construction caused major changes in island land area and configuration not only in urban, but also in rural atolls,” she explained, adding that the “removal and the clearing of the native vegetation, respectively caused marked changes in island configuration and shoreline destabilization on some islands.”

Such news must come as a shock to climate-change alarmists, who have insisted that supposed global warming is causing the polar icecaps to melt and, consequently, sea levels to rise, with seemingly predictable results for islands just above the current sea level. Indeed, the United Nations once warned that by 2010 there would be some 50 million “environmental refugees” worldwide, in part because of disappearing islands.

At the time of that dire forecast, New Zealand offered to take in the 11,600 inhabitants of the nearby Tuvalu islands should they find themselves underwater. The Kiwis, however, needn’t fear a migrant flotilla anytime soon: A University of Auckland study released in February found that “eight of the atolls and almost three-quarters of the islands grew during the study period, lifting Tuvalu’s total land area by 2.9 percent, even though sea levels in the country rose at twice the global average,” reported Agence France-Presse.

Another poster child for vanishing islands is the country of Kiribati, which consists of 32 atolls and reef islands and one raised coral island. “Scientists have said that the island nation, along with other low-lying Pacific nations, could be uninhabitable within decades,” CBS News reported last year.

Under the leadership of then-President Anote Tong, Kiribati — surely thinking only of saving the planet and not of the largess it might receive from wealthier countries — signed on to the 2015 Paris Climate Accord. Tong later characterized U.S. President Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw from the agreement as “selfish.”

But Kiribati residents need not stock up on scuba gear just yet. According to Duvat, the country’s North Tarawa island chain remains stable, with most islands growing, and its South Tarawa chain even increased in size. In fact, it grew more than any other atoll Duvat studied.

Likewise, while the Maldives’ government forecast that its islands would be completely covered by water by 2018, the nation remains dry and, in fact, has a thriving tourist industry. Its islands, too, are stable, Duvat found.
Such evidence forced the UN to admit recently that “models and other evidence indicate that unconstrained Pacific atolls have kept pace with [sea-level rise] with little reduction in size or experienced a net gain in land.”

Of course, as Breitbart’s James Delingpole observed, all of this is to be expected. “First, sea levels have been rising at the same steady rate for centuries and show no sign of acceleration,” he wrote. “Secondly, as Darwin understood as long ago as the 1830s, when the sea rises coral grows with it.”

Also to be expected is that such findings as Duvat’s will make little headway against the prevailing winds of climate-change hysteria, which seems to be immune to evidence and logic. But those of us in the “reality-based community” can dream, can’t we?

Written by Michael Tennant


unnecessarily mysterious or elaborate activity or talk to cover up a deception, magnify a simple purpose, etc.
a meaningless chant or expression used in conjuring or incantation.

Maybe the English are right: [writer’s] block is just a hocus-pocus covering life’s regular, humbling facts.
— , “Blocked,” The New Yorker, June 14, 2004

Hocus-pocus is a pseudo-Latin rhyming formula used by jugglers and magicians. It was first recorded in 1615–25.

QUICK, New Bikernet Reader Comment!
5-Ball Racing Salt Torpedo Chapter 11: Aiming at 2019


Wouldn’t it have been easier to extend the belly tank skins than shortening the frame? That way you could have fitted for the tall infamous KRB.

— Gearhead
Torrance, CA

Good question. In a sense being on the salt is all about cool. Remember the coolest kid in school was small. It’s all about being sleek and small. Let’s see what this week brings. Nothing is etched in stone yet. Still looking for a dragster frame.–Bandit

NEW FROM S&S – Sidewinder 2 into 1 for 1995-2016 H-D Touring Models

We have created the next level in high performance bagger exhaust! Merging a full flow stainless header into a highly engineered collector and culminating in a 4.5-inch muffler.

The new Sidewinder represents the perfect combination of style and power. Includes our removable dB reducer baffle allowing riders to tune the system for sound and backpressure. Sidewinder is available for 1995-2016 H-D touring models and is 50-state legal for most years.

We’re on the gas with new stuff for the M8, but haven’t forgotten the Twin Cam guys! The Sidewinder High Flow 2:1 system is now available for ‘16 and earlier touring models! Weird twist? 50 state legal!!! ~ DZ

Click Here For More Information https://www.sscycle.com/sidewinder-for-touring/

–David Zemla

VP – Marketing

BIKERNET RETIREMENT PLAN FOR 2019—I’ve been slowing down then speeding up for the last 20 years. I turned 70 this year and decided to make some changes to the Bikernet Empire and our business model, so hang on and let us know your thoughts. Nothing is etched it stone currently.

The goal is to slow down some, but still be able to do the fun stuff. We are going to shut Baggers and Trikes down and move Bikernet and all of our tech articles into the Cantina. For the most part we will stop selling ads on Bikernet or the other sites, except the blog.

We will keep the blog, the 5-Ball Racing Shop and Bandit’s Cantina. We will continue to publish the news, but just once a week, so it might be on Thursdays or Sunday.

If you want to run an ad, we will still take ads for $175 a month on our blog. Otherwise, if a company wants to be featured in the news, they need to pony up for a Cantina membership at least.

Let me know your thoughts. Rogue will continue to work with us, and we hope to launch the new landing page in the first week of January.


EVIL SHIT IN THE NIGHT FROM A CONTRIBUTOR–Written by an old local Graybeard ….not sure if u care to publish… thought it was cool!–Dmac

Halloween is nigh, my final Halloween tale…Be safe.

All Hallows Ride

It was Halloween, All Hallows Eve.
partying with my friends,
a local watering hole,
Brothers and Sisters of the road.

Music filled the night,
motorcycles roared
drowning out the laughter,
conversations among friends.

Talk of motorcycles owned,
some long forgotten.
Roads and byways traveled.
Times of celebrations, shared sorrows,
friends found, friends lost.

Chrome shined in the night lights,
a pallet of candy colors dazzled the eye.
Beer was abundant,
bikers enjoyed the Halloween night
dressed in costumes,
black leather and lace.

This was my life,
the chosen path of adolescent and adult times.
I was a biker.

Throughout the years I’d ridden many brands,
built many bikes,
won more trophy’s than I can remember.
I’d ridden in sociable clubs,
at a time a much less sociable club.
My closest friends own and ride.

I knew the road and it knew me,
we were old buddies.
From the East coast,
to the Midwest,
my travels were wide and far.
Through raging rain, wind,
summers scorching heat,
mere inconveniences at worst.

I’ve even selected an overlook
in the Blue Ridge Parkway,
Mile-high Overlook.
The place to scatter my ashes,
at the end of my road.

I want to hear the roar,
feel the earth shake,
watch motorcycles in passing
as they navigate the twisting roads.
To share in their adventure,
the joy of new sights
spread before the handlebars of life.
On the Parkway,
below my eternal resting place.

The night got late, the crowd thinned.
I gathered my helmet, riding gloves,
threw a leg over.
My bike was black as the night,
just a bit of chrome.
Chrome don’t get you home.

The bike settled into a rich rumble,
together again, anxious to be on the road.
Traffic was lite,
I shot north making all the lights.
The air was cool in the driving wind,
inviting as my ride urged me to
Bay Bridge.

The bridge was a long high speed run,
a six lane ribbon in the moonless night.
Lights appeared in my rear views.
A pack of motorcycles,
assumed from the event.
Eased to the right lane
allowing them to pass in group.

I couldn’t make out their club colors
in their flight.
They engulfed me in their passing,
we sped across the deserted bridge.
Our shared headlamps lit the blackness ahead.

Surrounded by the mass of roaring bikes,
I was forced to the off ramp, exit north,
then onto an adjoining road
to an old roadside tavern.
Parked and dismounted,
the group gathered about,
laughing as they guided me into the bar.

Music filled the room,
laughter and dancing,
standing room only at the bar.
Each with a shared rocker,

Offered a table I was given a beer,
joined by several members,
this was an unsettling time.
I had no knowledge of this club,
these events not ordinary by any means.

The man sitting across the table,
took a swig of beer, smiled and said,
“Welcome Brother.”
I was taken aback, and asked,
“What’s this about friend?
Have we met before?
I don’t know you or your club.”

“Fear not Brother, we know you,
your welcome in our club house.
We are a very old club,
keep to ourselves, ride only at night.
Our members rank in the thousands,
selfless dedication, support,
of your Brothers and Sisters
gets you patched.

I was shocked,
they wanted me to join their club.
I had no interest in club membership.
What a way to recruit members,
no hang around period,
no probation period,
very strange.
“I appreciate your offer,
I have places to be, its late,
people are expecting me.”

The fellow said,
“Not to worry,
they know where you are.
You see when your tire blew,
on Bay Bridge we gathered you in.
Your soul has moved on,
but your spirit will ride forever.
Now you ride with us.

Finish your beer,
put on your vest.
We have a long ride tonight,
Mile-high Overlook calls.

–Robert Gene Stoner Jr ©

Tomb of the Unknowns Guards Begin Use of Custom M17 Pistols

Yesterday, Tomb Guards from the US Army’s 3d U.S. Infantry Regiment (The Old Guard) were presented with 4 ceremonial M17 pistols at Arlington National Cemetery. These works of art were created by SIG SAUER specifically for use by the Guards.

This ceremony marks the first use of the M17, which will accompany the Sentinels of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldiers as they stand guard 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

The unique distinguishing features for the M17 Tomb of the Unknown Pistols include:
• Pistol Names: each of the four pistols bears the name of Silence, Respect, Dignity, or Perseverance and is featured on the dust cover. Dignity and Perseverance represent “The Sentinel’s Creed,” and Silence and Respect represent the request to the public by Arlington National Cemetery when visiting the Tomb of the Unknown, and during the Changing of the Guard;

• Custom Wood Grips: in 1921 the chosen Unknown was transported to the United States of America aboard the USS Olympia. The custom wood grips are made with wood from the USS Olympia and include the crest of the 3rd Guard, Tomb of the Unknown Soldier identification badge inset;

• Cocking Serrations: XXI cocking serrations are engraved on the slide to signify the twenty-one steps it takes for the Tomb Sentinels to walk by the Tomb of the Unknowns and the military honor of a 21 Gun Salute;

• Sight Plate: an engraved impression of the Greek Figures featured on the east panel of the Tomb – Peace, Victory, and Valor – are featured on the sight plate;

• Sights: a glass insert made with marble dust from the Tomb of the Unknown fills the sights of the ceremonial pistols;

• Engraved Magazines: the 21-round magazines feature an aluminum base plate engraved with the names of the Greek figures featured on the Tomb of the Unknown – Peace, Victory, and Valor – and include a name plate on the bottom of the magazine engraved with the Tomb Sentinel badge number.

• Serial Numbers: the pistols are serialized with a unique set of serial numbers that incorporate items of significance to the Old Guard: “LS” represents line six of the Sentinels’ Creed, “My standard will remain perfection; “02JUL37” to signify the first 24-hour guard posted at the Tomb of the Unknown on July 3, 1937; “21” to signify the 21 steps it takes the Tomb Sentinels to walk by the Tomb of the Unknown, and the military honor of a 21 Gun Salute. The full series of M17 Tomb of the Unknown Soldier Pistols serial numbers are LS02JUL37A21 (Silence), LS02JUL37B21 (Respect), LS02JUL37C21 (Dignity), LS02JUL37D21 (Perseverance).

— Butch Reyburn
Principles before personalities

WRAPPING UP FRANKIE’S FXR—Spitfire is having trouble fixing Frankie’s Girder, so we are shifting to a glide.

My grandfather and I have been working on my stretched FXR. I’ve been in touch with Tim over at Custom Cycle Engineering. We are running his 2-over 39mm tubes and trees. Tim recommended Legend’s cartridge suspension and lower legs. We are putting a tech feature together on the front end build.

Hang on for the next report. We are hosting an Industry/Ultimate Builder/Hamster party for the Long Beach IMS Show. Our party is sponsored by J&P Cycles, Bikernet.com™, and Bandit’s Cantina™.

I told Frankie I want his FXR done or out of the shop. He’s on a mission.


CHOWHALL OF THE WEEK– Bikes, Burnouts and BBQ at Pub 72’s Charity Ride!!


We had a blast, ate amazing BBQ and donated to The Chicago Children’s Hospital!

Make sure you get to Pub 72, have some of their awesome BBQ, or one of their excellent burgers and drink some beer!! They are located on 72 in Gilberts, IL.


“People don’t change when you show them a better option. People change when there is no other option.”

– anonymous

“No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country.”

– General George Patton Jr, fought in World War 1 and World War 2.

George Patton achieved four-star rank for his battlefield exploits as one of the best commanders of mechanized forces on either side during the War. He succeeded Dwight D. Eisenhower as the Military Governor of the U.S. Occupation Zone in Germany, when Ike — a five-star general — was promoted to Army Chief of Staff.

“When you don’t know where you are going, any road will take you there”

– Cheshire Cat to Alice in Wonderland.

“How deep is the rabbit hole? ”

– anonymous

–from the Wayfarer
Magnificent Bikernet India News Desk
Chief Correspondent


Selling Price -$8,995.00

California’s pre-owned Harley Mega-Store with over 200 Pre-Owned Harley-Davidsons in stock!!! We carry Street Glides, Road Glides, Road Kings, Ultras, Sportsters, Softails, Dynas, and much more!!! Choose from over 200 bikes in our inventory. To view our current inventory, please visit www.LifestyleCycles.com or call us at (714)-490-0155. EZ FINANCING and EXTENDED WARRANTIES available!!! **Open 7 days a week**


2011 Harley-Davidson XL1200X Forty-Eight 48

The Forty-Eight™ is an urban brawler that drips attitude from every element; from the fat, balloon tires to the all-steel peanut tank to the solo seat. With fat front tire and steel peanut tank, this low-slung urban brawler is ready to rip through any scene. Custom touches define this bulldog of a bike. A slammed speedometer, under bar mounted mirrors and 26-inch seat height offer a low profile, while the peanut tank and big 16-inch wheels combine for a menacing look that could only come from Harley-Davidson.


Black Denim paint is in excellent condition. H-D tank graphics. Future Machine crown shaped billet contrast cut gas cap. Black powder coated forks with chrome dust seal caps. Black powder coated wheels with 40 chrome spokes. Black powder coated triple trees. Black headlight bucket with chrome bezel.

Black bullet style turn signals with amber lenses up front and red lenses out back. Black tear drop mirrors. Roland Sands Design adjustable reach contrast cut hand levers. H-D Nostalgic hand grips. Black wrinkle finish engine with polished rocker covers, chrome push-rod tubes and tappet blocks. Black wrinkle finish cam cover and belt cover.

Flat black 2-into-1 MF exhaust system. Forward controls with Black powder coated toe shifter and brake pedal. Grey and black H-D leather springer solo seat. Black and chrome shocks. Oil temperature dip stick. Black Buckshot belt guard. Black wrinkle finish primary with polished derby. Swing away license plate holder.

This super cool 48 has only 3,150 miles!!!

This bike has passed Lifestyle Cycles rigorous 101 point safety and mechanical inspection. Whether your looking to commute to work, ride the coast or take that dream vacation, this bike is ready to go!!!


Fill out an online application and ride today!!!

**Open 7 days a week**

Only $8,995 at Lifestyle Cycles (714) 490-0155

SON FRANK TESTING AUSTIN TEXAS—Frank on the left, with his new boss at the Electric Tattoo Parlor in Austin. He’s testing the Texas waters and may make it his home. Housing is more affordable and his wife grew up in Texas. We will keep you posted or call him for an appointment.

So, my son will move to Texas to build equity in his life, but the homeless in LA want the taxpayers to build them homes. Yeah, right.


Just finished reading an article about the above “subject”. I asked this same question through your regular Q&A but, I thought I should probably ask “THE BOSS”!



–Joe Teresi

Supreme Leader
Easyriders Magazine 

The article does say it is the drain holes and the reason is to get oil back to the crankcase quickly and help stopping older Pushrod Covers from leaking.

Supreme Commanding Editor
Bikernet Baggers™

This makes a lot of sense since what were 74-inch motors are now 80, 93 and 96-inch Panheads running faster and harder.–Bandit


–from Harvey Tow

[page break] 

Malaysian Grand Prix Watch Party
Sunday, November 4 at Doffo Winery–

Come and cheer for your favorite racers at Southern California’s best MotoGP watch party! The penultimate round of the series takes the action to Sepang Circuit near Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. While the championship title is wrapped up, we saw some incredible racing last round at Australia, which just goes to show that there is plenty of worthwhile racing left this season!

• Free admission – please reserve your free passes •

10:00am | Doors open, coffee & pastries available for purchase

11:00am | MotoGP main event will be aired

12:00pm | Lunch available for purchase



Proceeds raised from Jack Daniel’s Limited Edition Fire Brigade Scout Bobber will provide care for burn survivors and firefighters in Minnesota

A summer-long charity auction for a Jack Daniel’s® Limited Edition Indian® Scout® Bobber came to a close this month when the $16,999 bike was sold for $28,000. Indian Motorcycle donated the bike to “Firefighters For Healing,” a non-profit foundation whose mission is to support children impacted by burn trauma and their families. Proceeds raised from the organization’s annual Red Tie Gala will provide care for burn survivors and firefighters in Minnesota

The Jack Daniel’s Limited Edition Indian Scout Bobber was introduced in March 2018. Pre-orders for the 177, individually-numbered Scout Bobbers quickly filled up in less than 10 minutes. The limited-edition motorcycle takes inspiration from the Jack Daniel’s Fire Brigade and their impressive gold and black firetrucks. The collaboration between Jack Daniel’s, Indian Motorcycle and Klock Werks Kustom Cycles was designed as a tribute piece to firefighters and first responders everywhere.

“Firefighters For Healing is a great organization and we’re proud to help support their cause in aiding firefighters and burn survivors,” said Reid Wilson, Senior Director for Indian Motorcycle. “The Jack Daniel’s Scout Bobber is a tribute piece for first responders everywhere, so to take that bike and help raise funds to aid and support our local Minnesota firefighters is a real honor.”

The donated bike was displayed at numerous events hosted by Firefighters For Healing and quickly gained attention within the firefighter community. At one of the stops, the Jack Daniel’s Scout Bobber particularly caught the eye of a volunteer firefighter from Ramsey, Minnesota who fell in love with the bike and ultimately placed the highest bid. Jake LaFerriere, Firefighters for Healing Founder, personally delivered the bike to the home of the new owner, where he and half of his brothers from the firehouse gathered excitedly the grand arrival of the bike.

“We’re extremely grateful for the donation by Indian Motorcycle and couldn’t be happier with the funds raised from the auction,” said Firefighters for Healing Vice Chair Chris Dunker. “The bike got a lot of attention while on tour with us throughout the summer, but I think the $28,000 exceeded all of our expectations. Every dollar helps us lighten the financial burden for families and create smiles during a very dark time of recovery and rehabilitation for the burn survivors.”

Firefighters For Healing was founded by Minneapolis Firefighter Jake LaFerriere after he suffered burn injuries in a backdraft explosion while battling a house fire. While recovering in the hospital, he was so compelled by the stories of the other burn survivors that he made it his mission to support children enduring burn trauma in ways insurance companies and caretakers are unable to. The organization has donated tens of thousands of dollars to local burn units and provided thousands of dollars to help burn survivors in their recovery efforts.

To learn more about Firefighters For Healing, visit www.FirefightersForHealing.org. For more information on Indian Motorcycle, visit IndianMotorcycle.com and follow along on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

HAL ROBINSON RETURNED FROM THE DEAD ON HALLOWEEN—We now have some amazing Hal Robinson prints and t-shirts. If you are into motorcycle line-art Hal was the best.


BILLET TRI-BAR LIGHTING FROM PAUGHCO—You saw the bar, now come the lights.

Classic and contemporary styling merge in Paughco’s Chrome Billet Tri-Bar headlight assembly. Measuring 5 ¾” in diameter these awesome lights are a perfect match for just about any scooter or trike.

Part number 03-150H, shown here, retails for just $168.95 and features Frenched-In headlight ring trim and Classic Tri-Bar look. These lights are finished in high quality chrome and come with replaceable H4 bulb, chrome mounting bracket and wiring.

Available from Paughco dealers worldwide or by calling direct to 775-246-5738. Many other styles available at www.paughco.com

SALT TORPEDO UPDATE—This week I wrote to S&W Racecars:

I’m building a Bonneville streamlined trike (belly tank). I will send some images. My current frame mock-up was made with exhaust pipe tubing and needs to be replaced. I could start from scratch, or maybe I could buy one of your frame sections from the seating position forward. Do you think you could help me? Currently from the back of the seat forward to the axle is 62 inches. I hope to shorten that area by 6-8 inches. Thanks much for your time.

All the best,


Looks like a cool ride. After look at your pictures I don’t think we can help you. Good luck with the project.

–John Burke
S&W Racecars


‘There is a guy here in NC named Wally Stroupe that builds race cars. He runs a pro stock car but builds all kinds of stuff. He won’t remember me but you could drop the name Jere Peterson (pronounced Jerry) and I said to contact him.


May be helpful.

–Paul Aiken
Aeromach USA, LLC
800-990-9392 orders

Highway Hawk is a product of Motolux

JIMS MACHINING NEWS–After more than 50 amazing years in the industry, big Jim is stepping down as CEO of JIMS and is excited to get a taste of the retired life. Well, that’s what he says anyway!

We are proud to announce that Jay Thiessen, Jim’s son, is going to be filling Jim’s shoes as the new CEO! Jay has been part of the JIMS team for the last 30 years, almost to the day! “I couldn’t be more proud and confident in the way the shop will run with Jay at the helm” Jim comments.

Powersports Businesses Face Onerous Data Privacy Law–The California legislature enacted a sweeping consumer data privacy law that will require many businesses to comply with strict rules on the collection, use and disclosure of “personal information” on the state’s residents.

The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) will take effect Jan. 1, 2020, and has the potential to become a template for a federal privacy law, or for other states to enact similar laws.

Compliance could be a heavy, costly burden for businesses, especially our aftermarket. The MIC, a member of the National Association of Wholesaler-Distributors, is working with NAW to monitor the act and its impact.

The CCPA is the most onerous data privacy law in the United States and is similar to the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) that went into effect in May, according to a legal advisory from the National Association of Wholesaler-Distributors.

NAW says the CCPA applies to businesses anywhere in the world that possess personal information on California residents and (1) have annual revenue greater than $25 million; or (2) sell or share the personal information of 50,000 or more consumers, households or devices; or (3) derive 50 percent or more of annual revenue from selling consumers’ personal information. The act does not apply to non-profit organizations such as trade associations, professional societies, charities and religious organizations.

Covered businesses will have to ensure Californians’ right to privacy by giving consumers:

The right to know what personal information is being collected
The right to know whether their personal information is sold or disclosed to others
The right to access their personal information and request its deletion
The right to ban the sale of their personal information
The right to non-discriminatory access to service and price from businesses even if they assert their privacy rights


ABATE of Illinois PAC Rescinds Endorsement of Governor Rauner —

Statement from Mike Fisher – ABATE Political Action Committee Chairman

“ABATE of Illinois Political Action Committee is disappointed in Governor Rauner signing an executive order opening Illinois roads to autonomous vehicles with no safeguards. It has been our policy when working with elected officials on issues to hear what they say, but see what they do.

We believe that the Governor’s actions are a serious departure from discussions and intentions communicated to our committee, and represent a danger to the lives of motorcyclists on Illinois roadways.

For these reasons ABATE of Illinois PAC is removing our endorsement from Governor Rauner’s re-election campaign. ABATE is an independent organization representing Motorcyclists in Illinois, and we hope that by removing this endorsement other elected officials realize how seriously we take the issue of autonomous vehicles on Illinois roadways. “

–from Rogue

VINTAGE RIDES HEADS TO SRI LANKA– Winter is coming! And while it brings along certain joys —cosiness and quality time with family and friends — it also often marks the end of the riding season. Your bike might be locked up in the garage, waiting for warmer days to roar again, but that doesn’t mean you should let your adventurous spirit hibernate as well. And good news: we have two tours to shake up your routine and get you back on some wheels!

Located at the Southern tip of India, this treasure island is a concentration of wonders. Verdant tea plantations, lush rainforest and pristine beaches, all bursting with majestic wildlife (elephants, monkeys, birds and leopards!) You name it, there’s a good chance Sri Lanka has it. The atmosphere is unique too. Sri Lanka, with its rich culture, warm people and genuine approach to hospitality, is the ideal destination to unwind. And the roads are well maintained, offering miles of smooth, winding scenic roads to cover. Motorcyclists’ heaven, you say?

And to make sure you get a first-hand glimpse, we crafted itineraries that cover it all. Our On the Roads of Ceylon tour reconciles adventure and indulgence, while Sri Lankan Essentials takes the most seasoned of you on a challenging exploration of the island.

Sri Lankan Essentials
(8 days incl. 6 days riding)
5 to 19 January 2019


On the Roads of Ceylon
(12 days incl. 10 days riding)
16 to 27 February 2019
3 to 14 March 2019


K. RANDALL BOOKS AVAILABLE ON KINDLE—Here are the Kindle links to Harbor Town Seduction and World Run, Chance Hogan Books.



All your books are on your author’ page: https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Ddigital-text&field-keywords=K.+Randall+Ball

The Paris Climate Gang Is Breaking Up

Only 16 Countries Meet Their Paris Agreement Commitments, New Study Finds

While Brazil has elected a climate sceptical president, Germany’s ‘climate chancellor’ Angela Merkel has announced that she is gradually stepping down from her political roles. Green news outlets are voicing concern that these and other developments in the Western world are putting the Paris agreement and the entire climate agenda at risk of falling apart. –GWPF, 31 October 2018

The alliance of rich, emerging and poor economies that sealed the Paris climate deal is falling apart. In many important countries, climate scepticism and economic nationalism are usurping the international green enthusiasm of 2015. –Sara Stefanini, Climate Home News, 31 October 2018

Only sixteen countries out of the 197 that have signed the Paris Agreement have defined national climate action plan ambitious enough to meet their pledges, according to a policy brief released on Monday. The 16 countries are: Algeria, Canada, Costa Rica, Ethiopia, Guatemala, Indonesia, Japan, FYR Macedonia, Malaysia, Montenegro, Norway, Papua New Guinea, Peru, Samoa, Singapore and Tonga. –EurActiv, 29 October 2018

1) Bolsonaro In, Merkel Out: The Paris Climate Gang Is Breaking Up
GWPF & Climate Home News, 31 October 2018

2) Will Trump And Bolsonaro Unravel The Paris Climate Agreement?
The Daily Caller, 29 October 2018

3) Only 16 Countries Meet Their Paris Agreement Commitments, New Study Finds
EurActiv, 29 October 2018

4) New Asian Coal Plants Knock Climate Goals Off Course
Financial Times, 31 October 2018

5) The UK’s Autumn Budget And Environmental Policy: A Tale Of A (Recyclable) Tub
Dr John Constable: GWPF Energy Editor, 31 October 2018

6) Cuadrilla Says UK Fracking Rules Risk ‘Strangling’ It
Financial Times, 31 October 2018

7) Matt Ridley: Fracking’s Enemies Are Wrong To Call These Earthquakes
The Times, 31 October 2018

8) And Finally: Fukushima Wind Turbine, Symbol Of Tsunami Recovery, To Be Removed Due To High Maintenance Costs
The Japan Times, 27 October 2018

1) Bolsonaro In, Merkel Out: The Paris Climate Gang Is Breaking Up
GWPF & Climate Home News, 31 October 2018

While Brazil has elected a climate sceptical president, Germany’s ‘climate chancellor’ Angela Merkel has announced that she is gradually stepping down from her political roles. Green news outlets are voicing concern that these and other developments in the Western world are putting the Paris agreement and the entire climate agenda at risk of falling apart.

The alliance of rich, emerging and poor economies that sealed the Paris climate deal is falling apart.

In 2015, the world’s top two emitters, the US and China, joined with Brazil, some small island countries and the European Union, led by Germany, France and the UK, to land the agreement.

But climate change politics have shifted significantly since then, with two more big tilts this week. Brazil elected a staunch and radical anti-environmentalist president, while Germany’s Angela Merkel confirmed her exit plans, further weakening an already fading image as the “climate chancellor” and Europe’s go-to leader in the field.

It is the latest bout of a malaise that has infected climate efforts since Donald Trump was elected in the US in 2016.

Now, in many important countries, climate scepticism and economic nationalism are usurping the international green enthusiasm of 2015. As a result, political support for slashing greenhouse gas emissions, sending aid to the poorest and most vulnerable countries and discussing it all in multilateral summits is waning. Others that remain committed to climate action are consumed by domestic concerns – like Brexit in the UK, and political instability in Germany.

–Marc Morano
Climate Depot

The BIKER VOTE Is Making A Big Difference In The Election This Year– and I Would Like To Personally Thank Everyone Involved.


2019 PLANS FOR THE AMERICAN IRON GROUP–As the motorcycle industry prepares our advertising and marketing plans for the new year, I thought you might be interested in what we are doing for print in 2019 at TAM Communications.

We are pleased to announce our all three of our magazines are doing well, and we have only a few changes but some great improvements in the works.

American Iron Magazine publishing 13 issues a year (every 4 weeks)

American Iron Salute publishing 1 issue a year

Garage Build publishing 4 issues a year

NAME CHANGE & EDITORIAL EXPANSION: The biggest news is that we are repositioning and renaming American Iron Garage as Garage Build magazine. It will continue to focus on Home Tech, Do-It-Yourself and home built custom motorcycles. PLUS we are expanding the editorial focus beyond American V-twins to include Metric motorcycles too.

After six years of publishing American Iron Garage, we see a strong and growing trend with younger riders. They are wrenching and customizing metric bikes in growing numbers, and have been asking for us to expand our editorial to all makes and models. We love seeing new riders join the sport!

INDUSTRY LEADER STAYS STRONG: We are delighted the industry leading American Iron Magazine will continue to publish every 4 weeks for 13 issues a year again in 2019.

American Iron Magazine is focused on all aspects related to American motorcycles – from new machines and products, custom, classic and competition motorcycles, tech and DIY, history, tours, personalities, etc. And we have always kept our magazine “Family Friendly.”

PATRIOTIC PUBLICATION: We just published our third issue of American Iron Salute, a very popular annual magazine dedicated to our brave men and women in uniform. The features include military and first responders’ motorcycles and themed machines. Also related events, products and stories. We publish this once a year and now include it with all American Iron Magazine subscriptions. .

If you have any questions or suggestions on any of this, please feel free to contact me or our team. We love input on how to improve.

Please let us know if we can help you with your advertising and/or marketing plans.

Buzz Kanter, Editor-in-Chief – BuzzK@AmericanIronMag.com
Steve Lita, Editor – SteveL@AmericanIronMag.com
Terry O’Brien, Ad Sales – TerryO@TAMCommunications.com
Tony Frey, Ad Sales – TonyF@AmericanIronMag.com

Thanks and best wishes for the new year!

–Buzz Kanter
TAM Communications, Inc
American Iron Magazine
Garage Build magazine
American Iron Salute

I’d planned on getting this out to you yesterday, but it was just too nice; I had to sneak in a (cold) ride. Because, hey, we never know in Minnesota; we might not get another chance (we had snow already, after all)!

I couldn’t talk my daughter into the ride because she was too busy finishing her homework and getting ready to be Anubis (she had to bring two of those plastic pumpkins to hold all the candy she collected!) and hubby thought it was too windy (he was right – brr!).

Thank goodness for the Desert Dawgs! They’re great for rain, but they’re even better (at least in MN) for the cold. If you don’t have a pair yet… well, it’s past time! And hey – our new Indian fitment is now shipping!

Keep Warm!
Tracey & Tim

P.S. I hate to bring up Christmas already (God knows I’m not ready to think about it!), but our Overstock Sale on the SLIDE mounts for phone & GPS could save you up to 50% on an awesome gift! Details below…
See all Desert Dawgs

The Desert Dawgs in Action
Now Shipping: Indian “Mustache” Bar Fitment (both Black & Tan)!
minimize helmet buffeting and cold updrafts
repel road spray
keep bug juice off motorcycle chrome (and legs!)
allow engine cooling – NO temperature restriction!
See ’em here!

Up to 50% off Select Phone/GPS Mounts

The Slide Mount might just be the most secure mount for phones, GPS and other devices.

Right now select styles are not only marked down but ALSO eligible for 40% off with this code:

ONE-OFF 5-BALL LEATHERS—We manufactured some one-off versions of the Flatout vest in browns and one Speedway brown XL shirt without sleeves. I think I’m going to make an XXL for myself.

The dark brown Flatout is an XXL The other two are XLs. If you would like one of these just order the size in black and make a note.

All our leathers come with a signed book, patches, bling and a new 5-Ball bandana.


WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE—I’ve never been afraid of change. On the other hand I want to make the right decisions for the industry and for my brothers and our contributors. It’s tough, but it’s time.

I hope to post our story about the World’s Fastest Indian tomorrow.

A lot is scrambling along. And as much as Buzz is painting a wonderful picture for 2019, magazines are in a tough spot and so are we. There’s a very good side to change. It will allow us the time to really devote ourselves to folks who have support our hard work over the years. We will continue to do that until the end.

And we will always support motorcycle rights and the right to ride free. We’re working on something special in that regards, which will be posted shortly.

In the meantime, ride free forever.


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