This is the full face helmet I will be using to ride in the rain and test in various other conditions.

There are a lot of things that should be considered in choosing a helmet, which may change from rider to rider. This product will be added to my other head protection devices. Why do you have more than one helmet? The answer is the same reason I have more than one set of leathers, gloves, boots, etc. In my opinion different circumstances call for different clothing and protection.

My open face helmet with the flip up face shield just wasn’t doing the job during some of the real heavy Florida rain. These bastards are like riding through a swimming pool. I get caught from time to time, especially when I am traveling and forced to keep riding. It is more about being able to see than just staying dry, which the Vanocker SO8 helmet also does for me.

 I am strongly in favor of freedom of choice pertaining to wearing helmets. But when I wear one by choice or am in a mandatory helmet, I want mine to fit properly and be of the quality to actually provide me some protection should that become an issue. This helmet does that.

This helmet starts with what the engineers call a Multiaxial fiberglass shell which is very strong, it has enhanced aerodynamics with dual spoilers for less drag and reduced noise. It looks sharp, and I am convinced that it will protect me should that ever be necessary.


Since I live in Florida, an important feature are two vents. One on the chin and the other for the forehead which provide front to back airflow to help flush out heat and humidity. This will also be great on my yearly ride to Sturgis.


It also has a removable washable liner and an auto-seal system, which help block out weather and reduce noise.


The flip up face shield has pins that allow the installation of the Pinlock Max Vison insert, which helps stop the face shield from fogging and scratching.


What closed the deal for me was the integrated sun shield, as it worked well and allowed me to wear my clear glasses and use the sun shield when needed, instead of stopping to change glasses.


The black finish with chrome accents looks cool, and it even comes with a helmet bag for when you are not using it.

Plus, it got cold in Florida. Okay, I know other places got colder, but I wanted to mention that it blocked the cold as well. 

Check out Harley if you are interested in this or other helmets –  https://www.harley-davidson.com/us/en/shop/Vanocker-S08-Full-Face-Helmet/p/98102-20VX


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