I attended a benefit for a young man who was wounded in Iraq. PFC Alan Babin is a combat medic with the HHC 1/325 82nd Air. PFC Babin was critically wounded on March 31, 2003 while attempting to render aid to a wounded soldier. As units moved across a bridge over the Euphrates River, a soldier was wounded by small arms fire on the bridge. A cry for a medic was made and PFC Babin without hesitation left his covered position to render aid to the wounded soldier. As PFC Babin ran to the aid of the soldier he too was wounded by small arms fire, which entered his right side and exited his left side.

Once PFC Babin was evacuated to a field hospital he immediately went into surgery. Field physicians removed 90% of his stomach, his spleen, part of his pancreas and large intestine and he sustained injuries to his liver also. He was eventually transported to the hospital ship the USS Comfort where he underwent numerous additional surgeries and remained in ICU for three weeks.

On April 24th PFC Babin was evacuated to Germany and again underwent surgery. He was then transferred to Walter Reed Army Medical Center (WRAMC) in Washington D.C. on April 26th. Upon arrival at WRAMC PFC Babin underwent additional numerous surgeries again to help repair the damage sustained from the bullet wound. On May 7th PFC Babin was awarded the Purple Heart for his injuries. On May 10th he contracted meningitis and suffered a small stroke, which was a major setback for his recovery. PFC Babin was awarded the Bronze Star with “V” for valor on the 16th of July for his actions associated with his injuries.

Alan remained in ICU at WRAMC until the 16th of November at which time he was transferred to Brook Army Medical Center where he remained until Christmas Eve when he was transferred to a rehab hospital in south Austin.

PFC Babin has a long recovery period ahead of him and is undergoing rehabilitation at The Texas Nuero Center in south Austin. His mother has been by his side since arriving at WRAMC. He has undergone numerous surgeries with more on the horizon. PFC Babin was recently paid a visit by his battalion commander and his command sergeant major and was presented with the Army Commendation Medal for his participation in Operation Iraqi Freedom.

The above story of PFC Babin's ordeal was copied from the flyer for the benefit attended, and I realize this story is in contrast to the images that accompany it. The Viet Nam Vets M/C, Legacy Vets M/C, Bandidos M/C, United Clubs of Austin and the Roadhouse sponsored this benefit and I would have to say all involved did a great job!

I would like you to remember that this is just one individual's story in a conflict of many. There are many more similar stories from each and every state in this great nation! Unfortunately there are also many encountering much different conclusions. So no matter what your opinions may be about this war, don't lose sight of the young individuals who risk their lives daily on foreign soil.

The picture of Alan (Band of Brothers) was borrowed off the web site www.caringbridge.org/tx/alansangels/ I did not see a photographers name to give credit for the image, but I did want to share an image of this young man with everyone.

–Rigid Frame Richard