Hollister Rally Approved for Next 10 Years

The City Council members sent a roaring message to the motorcycle community that officials plan to hold a downtown rally for the next 10 years, even if city politics change" stated rally manager and CEO of World Dynamics Mark Cresswell. The 2013 Hollister motorcycle rally – the city's signature tradition – was the first in five years after shaky finances caused prior cancellations.

Interim City Manager Bill Avera mentioned there would be an early termination clause in any rally contracts, while he also noted that next year's rally will be over three days, as opposed to the two days for the 2013 revival. "Most important, it lets people know we are committed to this and will allow us to bring in major sponsorships," Avera concluded. The officially sanctioned biker rally started in 1997 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Boozefighters' famed "invasion" of Hollister that inspired the Marlon Brando movie, "The Wild One."

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