
This news is action-packed and the Bikernet Headquarters are action central. We are still grappling with the city, filling out another form for consideration by the high command. An attorney told me today, “It’s common for them to target an area of interest and start with real or imagined code violations. It’s likely the city’s goal is to get you to sell your property.”

We are also scrambling to ship our Salt Torpedo to the Paughco Headquarters in Carson City, Nevada. “Elvis just left the building,” Kent Weeks of Lucky Devil Metal Works reports as the truck departed his Magnolia, Texas location. A friend recommended having the parts shipped here, and then I will pack them in the Bikernet van and peel north to Paughco. They should arrive by Saturday.

I’m in the process of wrapping up the second Chance Hogan book, and we’re damn close. And we are completely revamping the Bikernet web experience. Do you think we have enough going on?

The Bikernet Weekly News is sponsored in part by Cycle Source, Iron Trader, and Choppertown. Thanks guys…

Click here to read all of the Sizzling Action from Bike Week, Asia, Kentucky, JIMS, RideWright, Low Brow, MetalSport, Lucas, the AMA and more.

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