
I don’t know why I seem to think out of the politically accepted box. Maybe I hit my head too many times. Maybe it’s because I’m left handed.

Like I believe in educating everyone about guns, not taking them away. If you learn how to use a hammer, you are educated and not afraid.

I believe the government needs to think and consider human nature and not just safety statistics. You’ll see in the news how CARB in California is trying to regulate all custom motorcycles, without any consideration for the industry, for the guys who love to build custom bikes, for anything but a statistic.

They are only concerned about small numbers and control. It’s all wrong, out of context, and we need to find a way to push back, before it’s too late.

Our Bikernet Weekly News is sponsored by Cycle Source, Iron Trader, and ChopperTown. Let’s hit it…

FAST ACT ANALYSIS– The FAST Act (HR 22) is expected to be passed by the House of Representatives on Thursday, December 3rd and by the Senate soon after.

The President has indicated he will sign the bill.

* While some headlines read that the bill contains $305 billion in
authorized funding, in actuality only about $281 billion can be spent
due to rescissions and unusual budgetary rules that limit spending. This
covers five years in authorized funding for highway, transit,
non-infrastructure safety, and motor carrier safety programs. About $225
billion is dedicated to highway projects. About $48.9 billion is for transit. This is about an 82% /18% split between highways and transit.

Another $7 billion is tacked on for NHTSA and FMCSA programs.

* The FAST Act contains the longest highway authorization since TEA-21
was passed in 1998. It has been more than 17 years since we’ve had a
bill that truly funds surface transportation for five or more years.
This stability will be good for State DOTs who want to plan major
highway and bridge projects.

* The bill includes over $75 billion in revenue increases to supplement
user fees that fund the program. The revenue comes from a variety of
sources, none of which constitute a traditional tax or user fee increase
that traditionally funded the highway program in the past. The most
significant offset ($53 billion) is a drawdown of surplus funds from the
Federal Reserve bank. The Federal Reserve is not happy with this use of
“their” money.

* Highway program funding under the FAST Act jumps by more than 5% in
the first fiscal year (2016) and then 2.1-2.4% each succeeding year
until FY20. The growth rate for transit was slightly higher as a
percentage of the total, in order to accommodate competing interests
from rural “bus” programs and major city heavy rail programs.

* In terms of dollars annual highway funding jumps from the current $41
billion (2015) to $47 billion in (2020). The cumulative highway increase
is over five years and is about $20.2 billion.

* Transit goes from $8.6 billion (2015) to $10.15 billion (2020). The
cumulative transit increase over five years is about $5.9 billion.

* Two new freight-related programs received most of the “new money” in
the bill. These are generally highway oriented although up to about
10-11% may be spent on other freight modes, under certain conditions.
Other core programs received smaller increases, generally in line with

* One major program, the “TIFIA” program is significantly cut. TIFIA is
used to provide loans or loan-guarantees for certain types of projects –
generally those that produce revenue over time. For highways, many TIFIA
projects are toll roads.

* The tolling ban on Interstates remained largely intact, despite
intense lobbying efforts by pro-tolling groups and somewhat surprising
support for lifting the tolling ban from the Obama Administration. There
were some minor concessions to tolling advocates but toll opponents are
generally pleased.

* A major feature of the bill is the environmental / permit streamlining provisions, which are expected to reduce bureaucratic delays associated with project planning and permitting. We were a major advocate for these reforms, which are too detailed to discuss in this update.

* Like the previous highway bill (MAP-21), this bill focuses the
biggest pot of money on a program called the National Highway
Performance Program, which is focused on major highways, including the
47,000 miles of Interstates and another 113,000 miles of major non-Interstate routes.

* “Hard safety” advocates were pleased that the conferees rejected
Senate-proposed cuts to safety infrastructure programs, instead
increasing funding. The conference report also contains language
clarifying that States may use FHWA safety funds only for infrastructure
projects, not so-called “soft safety” behavioral programs. “Soft safety”
programs received a separate increase in funding in the NHTSA title.

* Compromises were made regarding the vehicular safety fines and
information mandates, but generally followed the Senate’s approach which
significantly increased potential liability fines.

We encourage our members to provide corrections to the information above
and to let us know about the various provisions of particular interest to your companies and associations that should be shared with your fellow AHUA members.

We look forward to providing our members with a final vote tally soon!

The American Highway Users Alliance, founded in 1932, is a nonprofit
advocacy organization serving as the united voice of the transportation
community promoting safe, uncongested highways and enhanced freedom of mobility._

1920 L. Street, NW, Suite 525 | Washington, DC 20036 | 202.857.1200
(tel) | 202.857.1220 (fax) | [3]

To show the season of giving the BOSS said let’s run the special on the 30-inch & 32-inch 2-D wheels till the end of December.

If you need a 30-inch or a 32-inch beautiful Foose designed billet wheel, we have a deal for you. Just give us a call. We have some in stock but can make the one you want at the same price

Metalsport Wheels
10112 Miller Way
South Gate, CA 9028
F# 562-7769635

All qualified dealers call for special dealer pricing

DRINK MORE COFFEE— Scientists found those who drank moderate amounts of coffee—three to five cups a day—were 15 percent less likely to die from neurological diseases, type 2 diabetes, and even suicide. The benefits were limited to nonsmokers, but were the same for both decaf and regular coffee drinkers.

–The Week Magazine

No. 2232 Neck Bearing Race Removal and Installation Tool.

To remove or install steering head bearing races in the frame of most Harley-Davidson models, you need a special tool. JIMS manufactures a tool to tackle the job with ease.

JIMS No. 2232 Steering Head Bearing Race Removal and Installation Tool will either remove or install the neck bearing races when used with JIMS No. 33416-80 Driver Handle and No. 2388 Driver Spacer.

JIMS tool handle and spacer spread the race installer halves, locking them into the tapered bearing race, enabling you to drive races into or out of the frame. It works on all tapered Timken neck bearings on 1949-present Big Twin (except 2014-present FL), 1978-present Sportster, 2002-present V-Rod, and 1987-2002 Buell.

The suggested retail price is $88.20. JIMS No. 2232 is made in the USA, and features JIMS lifetime tool warranty. For more info, contact, visit, or call (805) 482-6913.

QUICK, OPEN THE BIKERNET BAD JOKE LIBRARY– A golfer was in a competitive match with a friend, who was ahead by a couple of strokes. ‘Boy, I’d give anything to sink this putt,’ the golfer mumbled to himself.

Just then, a stranger walked up beside him and whispered, ‘Would you be willing to give up one-fourth of your sex life?’

Thinking the man was crazy and his answer would be meaningless, the golfer also felt that maybe this was a good omen so he said, ‘Sure,’ and sunk the putt.

Two holes later, he mumbled to himself again, ‘Gee, I sure would like to get an eagle on this one.’ The same stranger was at his side again and whispered, ‘Would it be worth giving up another fourth of your sex life?’

Shrugging, the golfer replied, ‘Okay.’ And he made an eagle.

On the final hole, the golfer needed another eagle to win. Without waiting for him to say anything, the stranger quickly moved to his side and said, ‘Would winning this match be worth giving up the rest of your sex life?’

Definitely,’ the golfer replied, and he made the eagle. As the golfer was walking to the club house, the stranger walked alongside him and said, ‘I haven’t really been fair with you because you don’t know who I am. I’m the devil, and from this day forward you will have no sex life.

”Nice to meet you,’ the golfer replied, ‘I’m Father O’Malley

–from Rogue and Jerry

QUICK, A WORD FROM THE MOUNTAIN— People with a beautiful face do not necessarily have a life full of happiness.

People with a pure mind will always be able to have a life full of joy.

–Venerable Master Hsing Yun

President Barack Obama jokes with Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Gina McCarthy and EPA staff members who worked on the power plant emissions standards, in the Rose Garden of the White House

The Obama administration on Monday raised the amount of ethanol and other renewable fuels that must be blended into the nation’s gas supply, but the highly anticipated rules still fall far short of congressional mandates and raise new questions about the viability of the controversial Renewable Fuel Standard moving forward.

The Environmental Protection Agency said Monday that 18.11 BILLION gallons of renewable fuels must be blended into the nation’s gasoline supply in 2016, significantly above the 17.4 billion gallons initially proposed in MAY.

But that figure is far below the 22.3 billion-gallon target initially laid out by Congress in 2007 legislation.

EPA officials acknowledge their proposal is far below what Congress envisioned nearly a decade ago.

“We’ve recognized that technology … [has] not developed as fast as Congress anticipated,” Janet McCabe, acting assistant administrator for EPA’s Office of Air and Radiation, told reporters on a conference call.”Even as we acknowledge this, we know we need to continue to push the market.”

The Renewable Fuel Standard, finalized in 2007, was meant to encourage the use of home-grown ethanol in U.S. gasoline supplies. Supporters say it helps reduce carbon pollution and cuts American dependence on foreign fuel

But the standard has run into practical problems over the past few years, SPECIFICALLY that MOST AUTOMOBILES and GAS STATIONS AREN’T EQUIPPED TO HANDLE GASOLINE CONTAINING MORE THAN 10 PERCENT ETHANOL — a problem commonly referred to as the “BLEND WALL.”

Inability to overcome the blend wall is the main reason the EPA has been unable to meet the congressionally mandated figures.

By Ben Wolfgang- The Washington Times

A highway patrolman pulled alongside a speeding car on the freeway. Glancing at the car, he was astounded to see a blonde behind the wheel knitting!

Realizing that she was oblivious to his flashing lights and siren, the trooper cranked down his window, turned on his bullhorn and yelled, “PULL OVER!”

“NO!” the blonde yelled back, “IT’S A SCARF!”

–from Bob T.

PETERSEN MUSEUM GRAND OPENING– Press preview Thurs. Dec 3, early, I’m in. Preview day for the public– $200.00- is Dec. 6, the joint opens back-up full-bore on Monday with 132 cars, 24 motorcycles, and 25 new galleries.

–Markus Cuff

LEGISLATION CHECK– Okay folks, I just read the entire 1301-page conference report. Here is what I found:

section 1426-while the Motorcycle Advisory Council is re-established I do not see the references to the specific organizations such as the MRF, AMA, State SMRO’s etc. We used to initially establish the MAC. I intend to follow up on this tomorrow with relevant staffers

Section 4001, continues motorcycle safety grant funding, a distracted driving grant program, and while I cannot find the proposed study, the House wanted for researching effective crash prevention programs there is a reference to the fact that within one year the agency is to report model language for Share the Road with motorcycle programs.

Section 4007, is the Stop Motorcycle Checkpoint Funding, of particular value is the statement is cannot be used to check for helmet usage or create motorcycle operator or motorcycle passenger specific checkpoints.

Section 24302, is the Limitation of Data Retrieval from Vehicle Event Data Recorder and it states with provisions such as court order that the data is the property of the vehicle owner or lessee.

There are also some significant sections dedicated to ITS and Congestion Management worth watching develop but nothing specific to motorcycles.

I have three things to yet follow up on, the striking of two sections of SAFETEALU, sections 1301 and 4407 to make certain they are not related to us, and also the reference to striking section 1123 of Title 49.

I would appreciate any assistance in fact checking what I’ve found, I intend to do so tomorrow with Ribble’s, Sensenbrenner’s, and Johnson’ offices, if you have contacts, who are particularly versed in our issues please do so, with these staffers as well and report back, thanks.

–Kirk “Hardtail” Willard
President/Board Chair
Motorcycle Riders Foundation
Washington D.C.

BRAND New Bikernet Reader Comment!–

Hi there, I have added an Andrew’s ev27 cam and adjustable lustrous pushrods, a Crain hi 4 ignition, and tuned CV carb to my Heritage Classic. Could I upgraded my pistons, if so are Wiseco the route to go, and what size can I go without any headwork. Thanks for your time.

–Steve jolly prei
Preixan, France

Hey, I called Eric Bennett. He said .030 over is as large as you can go in the cylinders. Wiseco offers flat pistons for 8.5:1 compression, or 10:1. You can use either without headwork.–Bandit

‘Tis the Season to Give LOVE JUGS–
The Best and Most Effective V-Twin Engine Cooling System in the World!

Love Jugs can now be in your dealership adding to your revenue stream with our new dealer program.

Dealers everywhere can now Increase their Bottom Line Profits with Love Jugs! Motorcycle riders all over the world are thrilled with the results and the performance of Love Jugs.

Its’ innovative patented design helps keep Harley riders cooler…especially in stop and go traffic since V-Twin air cooled engines can approach and exceed 500 degrees.

Temperatures this high will destroy the lubricating capabilities of your engine oil, damage your power plant and generally ruin your riding day by “shutting down”.

The ONLY way to cool things down is to consistently run a powerful stream of air across the engine’s cooling fins. That’s the job the Love Jugs does best. Its patented dual fan cooling system delivers more cooling air that any other product on the market today.

New Dealer Support Program Includes:

• FREE compact Display Stand which shows off the Good Looks, the Power and the Functionality of Love Jugs

• Your Dealership in the Find-A-Dealer Locator listed on the Love Jugs website so potential customers can find you

• FREE DVD or Thumb Drive Promo Loop to play in your showroom or at events

• Dealer Information Packet will contain all relevant product info to assist your sales staff

• Personal Sales Training and/or Installation Training Upon Request

• Photos, Artwork, logos, videos, etc. available upon request

• Computer Links between Love Jugs website and your dealership

• NEW PRODUCTS COMING SOON for Indian and Victory motorcycles

• Monthly Dealer Conference Calls to exchange ideas and information, challenges and opportunities.

• Personal Attention from the company CEO and Unsurpassed Customer Service…Steve West is available 24/7 to respond to emails or speak with you directly

We look forward to a mutually profitable relationship…

Steve West
Love Jugs


[page break]

PETER LINNEY TO SHOOT CARDUCCI FOR BIKERNET FEAURE— We were impressed with the Carducci Dual Sport system for all Evo solid mounted Sportster from the ‘80s to ’04.

Peter is on the case to shoot one of their bikes in the desert with his model, video truck and photographic drone. Should be interesting.

Hang on.


MORE BAD JOKES FROM THE LIBRARY– An older, tired-looking dog wandered into my yard; I could tell from his collar and well-fed belly that he had a home and was well taken care of. He calmly came over to me, I gave him a few pats on his head; he then followed me into my house, slowly walked down the hall, curled up in the corner and fell asleep.

An hour later, he went to the door, and I let him out. The next day he was back, greeted me in my yard, walked inside and resumed his spot in the hall and again slept for about an hour.

This continued off and on for several weeks. Curious I pinned a note to his collar: ‘I would like to find out who the owner of this wonderful sweet dog is and ask if you are aware that almost every afternoon your dog comes to my house for a nap.’

The next day he arrived for his nap, with a different note pinned to his collar: ‘He lives in a home with 6 children, 2 under the age of 3 – he’s trying to catch up on his sleep. Can I come with him tomorrow?’

–from Rogue and Jerry

Squatters Trash Home of Deployed Soldier, so Bikers Show Up & Bring KARMA.

Army Spc. Michael Sharkey was stationed in Hawaii when he learned that a pair of ex-cons had broken into his New Port Richey, Florida, home and claimed it as their own.

By the time Sharkey was able to return home, Julio Ortiz and Fatima Cardosa had already changed all of the locks and established residency with his address.

“They are criminals,” the soldier told local news affiliate WFLA. “I am serving my country, and they have more rights to my home than I do.”

Legally, there was nothing Skarkey could do.

But bikers don’t always care as much about the law as they do vigilante justice.

When police claimed they could not kick Ortiz and Cardosa out because they had established residency, a local biker gang of military veterans stepped in to “peacefully make the squatters uncomfortable.”

It is uncertain exactly what the bikers did when they encountered the squatters at Sharkey’s property, but according to Three Percenter Nation, whatever it was sent Ortiz and Cardosa running for the hills with all of their belongings.

It’s sad that the law seems to favor criminals over veterans, but when the Commander-in-Chief reduces the prison sentences of criminals while doing nothing to fix the staggering issues with the VA, it really isn’t all that surprising.
Share this report to give the Florida bikers who saved Michael Sharkey’s home two thumbs up!

–BUZZPO staff

–from Rogue
Bikernet Supreme Bagger Editor
Member of the Sturgis Hall of Fame
Disabled American Veteran

Gard Hollinger the President of Arch Motorcycles and Chief Designer, and the boss of LA Chop Rods scored eight beautiful Benelli and Bimota motorcycles.

These puppies are amazing and the cost seems very reasonable, from between $5,000 and $7,000 a bike. Give Gard a call at the Magnificent ARCH.


HUPY AND ABRAHAM HELPS FEED 30,000– Across Wisconsin, Illinois and Iowa, Hupy and Abraham is making donations to local food shelters and food drives that will feed 30,000 people this Thanksgiving.

Hupy and Abraham has a long-standing holiday tradition of donating meals to the needy instead of sending holiday cards to clients.


$175,000 for Client Struck by City Snowplow
Hupy and Abraham’s client was struck by a city snowplow that crossed the center line on a clear winter day. Our client sustained neck, knee and shoulder injuries that required surgery.

Hupy and Abraham obtained $175,000 after the insurance company offered nothing.

Winter Driving Accident Victim Receives $55,000
Hupy and Abraham’s client was a T-boned by a careless driver who tried to cross all four lines of traffic when it wasn’t safe to go. The insurance company argued that the at-fault driver couldn’t see the oncoming traffic because of the high snowbanks.

Hupy and Abraham twice rejected a measly $8,500 offer.

These guys have supported Wisconsin motorcycle rights and club issues for decades.

A few shots around town.

A German resident here built this from scratch. Many unique features. He Is world supplier for scooter parts.

Harley bagger with 30-inch wheel roams the streets of Saigon.

Pedestrian mall busy at night: Building on right is only a year old. In background is a police/military building from the old days. But off limits to tourists and locals even.

Old bus station is being replaced by huge project.

A very old building.

–Art Hall
Bikernet International Editor of the Highest Order

COUNTRY LIVING IN SWEDEN— Where all citizens are required to own and operate guns.



The Aviator is designed to fill the gap between our Monterey solo touring seat and our Bare Bones thin low seat.

It is a great midrange seat with 13-inch wide seating area and 5 inches of back support.

Pillion pads are available


Driver Seating:
13 Inches Wide
Passenger Seating:


Part Number:
LK-017 [’08-’15]

Not just your average photo shoot. We scrambled with two models, two photographers, interviews, and several male thugs.

The shoots involved 5-Ball Leather, Bikernet Xmas card group shots and RideWright Wheels.

New Bikernet BANDIT’S CANTINA Reader Comment!–

I really liked Bad Uncle Monkey’s article.

Palm Bay, FL

Uncle Monkey writes a column each week for the news, but last Thursday during Thanksgiving preparations I scrambled with the news and missed the Monkey’s article, so I ran it Sunday in the Cantina special topless news. He’s back in the News this week.


MOTORCYCLE SALES DATA COMING IN– I only have some 2014 vs 2013 stats. I have heard H-D is down this year and dealers are sitting on a lot of inventory. Aftermarket sales of parts are down this quarter and Distributor sales are soft.

Market Share Numbers
2014 2013
H-D: 30.6 % 31.3%
Honda: 13.9 14.1
Yamaha: 12.9 11.6
Kawasaki: 8 9
KTM: 4.5 4
Suzuki: 4.4 4.6
Polaris/Vic/Ind: 2.7 Not ranked
BMW: 2.7 2.6

Total number of on highway motorcycles in use for 2014 was 8,828,000 vs 8,485.000 for 2012. Not much growth.

I will get more at the end of the year.

Grady Pfeiffer
–GH Marketing

We continue to monitor the economy and more importantly motorcycle sales. CARB is going to effect Aftermarket sales all across the country for next to no environmental impact.–Bandit

Renewable Fuel Standard mandates announced by EPA/

The Renewable Fuel Standard volume requirements announced today by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency increase the risk of inadvertent misfueling for motorcyclists and all-terrain-vehicle owners by mandating the widespread availability of higher-ethanol fuel blends, such as E15, the American Motorcyclist Association reports.

Although the EPA Renewable Volume Obligations under the RFS are lower than the statutory requirements, the EPA’s decision still means more ethanol must be blended into the nation’s fuel supply during the coming year.

The EPA set the renewable fuel standard for 2014 at 16.28 billion gallons. For 2015, the standard is 16.93 billion gallons. And for 2016, the total increases to 18.11 billion gallons.

Those volume obligations are higher than the EPA’s initial recommendations issued in May, when the EPA proposed setting the renewable fuel standard for 2014 at the levels that were actuallyproduced and used, which totaled 15.93 billion gallons; for 2015 at 16.3 billion gallons, and for 2016 17.4 billion gallons.

“We are extremely disappointed that the EPA bowed to pressure from the ethanol industry and agreed to foist more ethanol onto the backs of American consumers,” said Wayne Allard, AMA vice president of government relations. “Any increase in the amount of ethanol required in our fuel supply, coupled with America’s decreasing demand for gasoline, is going to result in higher-ethanol blends, such as E15, at more pumps and stations. And the widespread availability of E15 and higher-ethanol
fuels increases the risk that motorcyclists will inadvertently misfuel their bikes.”

E15 fuel is a blend of 85 percent gasoline and 15 percent ethanol and represents a 50 percent increase in ethanol over the common E10 blend most Americans currently use in their vehicles.

None of the estimated 22 million motorcycles and all-terrain vehicles in use in the United States is approved by the EPA to operate on ethanol blends higher than 10 percent. Using higher-ethanol blends in those vehicles is illegal and may cause engine and fuel system damage and void the manufacturer’s warranty.

By increasing the amount of ethanol in America’s gasoline, the EPA will severely strain the fuel marketplace by exceeding the blend wall by hundreds of millions of gallons. The blend wall is the point at which no more ethanol can be blended without forcing consumers to use higher blends, such as E15, E30 and E85.

The AMA also is concerned that forcing higher-ethanol fuel blends into the marketplace will cause E10 – which most Americans currently rely on for their vehicles – to become less available, and that gasoline with no ethanol may become virtually unavailable. The amount of E0 will go from 9.2 billion gallons to just 130 million in 2016 per the rule.

“Owners of vintage motorcycles already have trouble finding E0,” Allard said. “What are they supposed to do if ethanol-free fuel disappears entirely?”

In addition to the RFS mandate, the spread of E15 and higher-ethanol fuels is being augmented by a $100 million matching grant program at the U.S. Department of Agriculture that is funding the purchase and installation of blender pumps at service stations in 21 states.

These pumps dispense several blends of fuel and can retain as much as a quart of fuel in the delivery hose after fueling. That amount of E15 or higher ethanol blends in a motorcycle’s small tank creates a real risk for the vehicle owner.

During the EPA’s comment period on its proposed RFS rule, which ended July 27, the AMA collected 29,379 signatures on an online petition opposing the higher ethanol mandate and asking the EPA to lower, rather than increase, the standard. The AMA forwarded those signatures, along with its comments, to the EPA.

The EPA’s proposed standards include cellulosic biofuel, biomass-based diesel, advanced biofuels and traditional corn-based ethanol. The corn-ethanol volumes would be about 12 billion gallons for 2014, 12.2 billion gallons in 2015 and 12.4 billion gallons in 2016.

–from Kirk Willard

AUSTRALIAN CLUB REPORTS– Aussie Police seek more search powers

Australian polices forces could soon be granted powers to search suspects without a court warrant amid crackdown on terrorism.

Other Australian states and territories are looking to follow the footsteps of the state of New South Wales which has already allowed officers to search suspects without a court warrant, provided they are subject to an existing firearms prohibition order.

The move was introduced in 2013 by former NSW premier, Barry O’Farrell, allowing police officers to search “people, cars, motorcycle club premises and ‘criminal dens’” even if there was no cause for suspicion.

“As counter-terrorism efforts throughout Australia continue to develop, links between terrorism and the broader organised crime and volume crime environments are being identified,” NSW Police Deputy Commissioner Catherine Burn told media.

“We are aware of links between organised crime groups, money laundering and terrorism financing.”

Earlier this year, 15-year-old Farhad Khalil Mohammad Jabar shot and killed NSW police financial officer, Curtis Cheng, outside the Parramatta police headquarters, raising concerns of how he had gotten hold of the .38 Smith & Wesson handgun used in the shooting. It is alleged that he had obtained it illegally through 22-year-old Talal Alameddine.

An inquest into last year’s Sydney Siege also revealed that the used by Man Haron Monis was part of Australia’s “grey” weapons market which includes 250,000 guns that have never been registered.

There have been over 1000 gun searches in NSW since November 2013 with estimations by the Australian Crime Commission that there are currently 250,000 rifles and 10,000 handguns on the illicit market in Australia.


[page break]

New style of backup alarm…………………

Most of the newer cars have back-up-sensors that warn the driver before the rear bumper actually comes in contact with something.

Most people probably think that this valuable feature came out of the minds of engineers, but it was recently disclosed that it was a concept developed by a Chinese farmer.

His invention was simple yet effective. Scroll down to see a photo of the prototype back-up sensor being demonstrated.

It emits a high pitched squeal when the vehicle backs into something.

–from Buckshot

It’s always better to be judged by 12 than carried by six.

Things I trust more than Hillary Clinton:

Mexican tap water, A rattlesnake with a “pet me” sign, OJ Simpson showing me his knife collection, an elevator ride with Ray Rice, Taking pills offered by Bill Cosby, Michael Jackson’s Doctor, Gas station Sushi, A Jimmy Carter economic plan, Brian Williams news reports, Loch Ness monster sightings, Prayers for peace from Al Sharpton, A fart when I have diarrhea, Playing Russian Roulette with a semi-auto pistol, Emails from Nigerian princes, A condom made in China, A prostate exam from Captain Hook, And finally….Bill Clinton at a Girl Scout convention.

What’s the difference between mechanical engineers and civil engineers? Mechanical engineers build weapons. Civil engineers build targets.

The graduate with a science degree asks, “Why does it work?” The graduate with an engineering degree asks, “How does it work?” The graduate with an accounting degree asks, “How much will it cost?” The graduate with an arts degree asks, “Do you want fries with that?”

–from Rogue and Jerry

QUICK, Add a little 5-Ball Racing Garage to your Christmas– You have riders that need a little something extra under the tree this year? Experience the pleasure of Buffalo leather. It’s hardy and will keep you safe from the rigors of riding across country or the mean urban streets.

Our jackets and vests come with enough pockets, including 2 gun pockets, that you don’t need a backpack. All of our jacket come with a pocket for your I-pad. Amazing.

To find the latest 5-Ball Leathers and Bikernet goods then connect to the 5-Ball Racing Garage here –

UNCLE MONKEY ON BUILDING THREE BIKES THIS WINTER– Under the goal of rebuilding three Harleys this winter, I was ecstatic when I finally finished the first one.

I quickly loaded it into the trailer after it cleared the certified inspection station, but things turned bad when I got home. In my hurry, I only used two tie downs instead of the usual four. Rattling on the rough streets the bike shifted forward wrapping the wheel chock up onto the back of the front wheel.

The problem was the freshly repaired and painted front fender was in the way. While I was mad at myself, because who else would I have to blame. I tried to write it off as a part of life, turning my attention to bike number two on the lift.

While I figured how to re-fix number one, it seemed like one thing after the next went wrong. Parts fitment no longer did. New parts with the same part numbers were different? New parts in the box were damaged.

I’ve gone through this before with my Road King. It just simply is one of those stars out of alignment weeks. I learned to identify these periods when I managed a body shop. Every week would have its ups, some downs, and some challenges that muddled their way through the week. But every once and awhile, a bad week would come along where nothing would go right.

One tech dropped his ratchet and it bounced across four freshly painted fenders. One more time, on the second re-fix, I shattered the same side window three times on a car. A runaway truck being pushed ran into another. The paint booth decided to blast more dust than the sand blasting cabinet.

The painter dropped gallons of mixed paint three times on the floor. No matter what we did, no matter how careful we were, there just wasn’t anyway to win that week and it affected everyone. We soldiered through because these things happen to everyone. Whether it is karma, pissed off vehicle gods, bad luck, stars out of align, or whatever; it wasn’t something we could change or control.

It is just part of life. If you can step back and let the dust clear, like I did with the Road King, you’ll find a way. Sometimes you just have to weather the storm because customers are waiting, deadlines are looming. Eventually, things will get back to usual. Eventually, you will forget the rough stretch, until it creeps up again. Try to catch the shift, before it ruins your day or week. The best thing you can do is stay focused, stay on task and not wallow in self-pity. Life doesn’t have time for that.

-bad Uncle Monkey

I have set up a coupon code for Bikernet readers. Using the coupon code BIKNET15 will get them a 20% discount for the entire month of December.


7074 Portal Way #140
Ferndale WA 98248
Ph 360-366-2600
Fax 360-543-9096


This update is done! If you would like to step up and help us update our site info, and help guide our content, take a few minutes. Plus you can sign up for daily editorial updates.

Good to go?

–Joe Jorgenson
Master Web Master Supreme

WICKED HOLIDAY SALE– Our 21-Day Holiday Sale Begins Today!
For the next 21 days, Steve Soffa is extending 20% off selected pieces from his collection.

Click the image to view all the styles that have this special offer. At Checkout, use the promo code 15HOLIDAY20 to receive your discount, with FREE SHIPPING to anywhere in the U.S.

Please act as soon as possible, as quantities are very limited on many styles.

Visit to visit the Sale, beginning today!

Happy Holidays!

New Bikernet BAGGERS Reader Comment!–

Very glad to see progress being made on this bike. It was such a tragedy to see Krash Kranzler get back up on two wheels only to have the rubber mounted chassis spit him off and totaling the bike, and of course his untimely death.

I have been a fan of as well a user of Paugho’s fine American made products. Put my very first Harley ’73 XLCH into one of their rigid frames, fit was spot on and looks to kill.

Keep up the great work, look forward to its completion.

–Tom K.
Ogden, UT

Thanks Tom. We look forward to the next installment with Steve Massicotte and the Paughco gang.–Bandit

ARCH MOTORCYCLES REPORT— I hit it over to ARCH motorcycles yesterday to check on progress. They sold two bikes plus the Neiman Marcus catalog announcement bike as the holiday promotion commenced.

Six or eight ARCH beauties are lined up for assembly, and the team is focused on sales for next year.

ARCH motorcycles were highlighted at the recent IMS show in Long Beach and reports were very positive. The audience knew and respected the brand. These riders are amazing, and Gard puts tremendous thought, design, and engineering in every component.

More exciting news is brewing and it might involve one of K. Randall Ball’s books. Also next we will bring you a report on LA Chop Rods customs being built.

–Alison Reynolds
VP 5-Ball Dealer Development

SUGAR BEAR SPRINGERS PROVES CHOPPERS ARE KING— Choppers will never die until hot rods are gone,” Said Sugar Bear while working in his shop. He has more springer orders than ever before.

“I don’t sell my rockers to anyone who doesn’t order a springer,” Mr. Bear said. He had a problem years ago when someone got ahold of a set of his rockers and mounted them on another springer. The front end broke and he was forced to go to court, to prove he didn’t build the springer. From then on he established a rule.

KEEP THE BIKERNET BAD JOKE LIBRARY WIDE OPEN– I was sitting at a long stop light yesterday, thinking about what I would do to keep busy for the rest of the week, minding my own business and patiently waiting for the light to turn green, even though there was no on-coming traffic.

An old Nissan full of bearded, young, loud Muslims, shouting Anti-American slogans, with a half-burned American Flag duct-taped on the trunk of their car, and a “Remember 9-11” slogan spray painted on the side, stopped next to me.

Suddenly they yelled a bunch of Muslim shit, “Allah Akbar! Praise Allah! Death to America” and took off before the light changed.

Out of nowhere an 18-wheeler truck came speeding through the intersection, and ran directly over their car, crushing it completely and killing everyone in it.

For several minutes I sat in my car thinking to myself, “Man, that could have been me!”

So today, bright and early, I went out and got a job as a truck driver!


NEWS FROM THE BIKERNET CANNABIS DEPARTMENT– The quasi-legal nature of the Pot Shop opportunity requires a focused attention and Kent has spent a lot of time looking at current and future legislation with outside legal help. This is your biggest benefit besides the potential upside in income:

Federal agents (DEA) will no longer be able to raid medical marijuana dispensaries in states where medical marijuana is legal under a provision included in the $1.1 trillion spending law President Obama signed December 16. (last year)

Enactment of the law changes a two-decade-long battle between the states and the federal government. Although 32 states and the District of Columbia have legalized medical marijuana, the Drug Enforcement Administration still classifies it as a Schedule I drug, the same class as heroin, LSD, and ecstasy, which signifies it has no accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse.

Before this law, the Justice Department could shut down dispensaries that states legally opened, although under the Obama Administration the department had kept its distance. Under the measure, included in the 1603-page law, federal agents would be prohibited from such raids.

The government also cannot interfere in implementation of states’ medical marijuana laws, under the amendment cosponsored by Republican Rep. Dana Rohrabacher and Democrat Rep. Sam Farr, both of California.

–Prince Najar
Of the Cannabis Kingdom

NEWS FROM THE CHIP– Holy Hotties! 23 Biker Babes You’d Love to Take for a Ride. Whether they’re on the back of your bike or the front of their own, sharing a ride with a female companion can double your pleasure and double your fun.

So if you’re in search of a pavement playmate, allow us to help you with an introduction. Here are 23 biker babes from the Sturgis Buffalo Chip® and 23 reasons you’d love taking them for a ride!

See them all on Bikernet in a couple of days. We couldn’t miss out. –Bandit

AUSTRALIAN CUSTOM BIKE SHOW NEWS— Bikernet sponsors this show annually and every year it grows. This year it was packed and perhaps Doc Robinson, from Heavy Duty magazine was in attendance.

There will be a full report on Bikernet in the next couple of days. We wish Harry the best of luck for next year’s show. Harry is currently under investigation by the Queensland Anti-Gang, Anti-Club, Anti-Terrorist department because his beard may surpass their restrictions for beard length.

A specific criteria for beard length is being passed in Queensland preventing bearded citizen from working in bike shops, tattoo parlors, or in coffee shops. Any infraction is required to walk the plank.

Harry’s Custom Bikework
4065 Pacific Highway
Loganholme QLD 4129
61(0)7 3801 2702
61(0)417 957 286

Propinquity: proh-PING-kwi-tee

1. Nearness in place; proximity.
2. affinity of nature; similarity.
On Saturday in his home town, Dunblane, Murray marries his long-time partner Kim Sears. In a little over a month he turns 28; Djokovic, who married his long-time partner Jelena Ristic after winning Wimbledon last year, will celebrate his 28th birthday exactly a week after Murray. They are umbilically linked, a blessing as much as a curse, because such propinquity serves up constant comparison.
— Kevin Mitchell, “Andy Murray must work harder if he is to end Novak Djokovic torture,” The Guardian, April 5, 2015
Propinquity entered English in the mid-1300s and can be traced to the Latin propinquitas meaning “nearness.”

Drag Specialties/Parts Unlimited Settles With California Air Resources Board

LeMans Corporation, the parent company of Drag Specialties and Parts Unlimited, recently agreed to a settlement with the California Air Resources Board regarding the sale of emissions regulated products to California dealers. This settlement resolves CARB’s alleged claims without litigation, protects LeMans’ California dealers regarding sales of the listed parts LeMans sold to them through October 1, 2015 and allows LeMans to move forward with its revised compliance plan.

Mike Collins, the VP of Purchasing for LeMans explained that, “CARB views the scope of its authority broadly. CARB sought enforcement as to numerous product categories, including exhaust products, catalytic converters, oxygen sensors, fuel and air controller modules, carburetor parts (such as jet kits that modify the air/fuel flow), cam modifications, O2 eliminators and air cleaner/filter kits.” Collins went on to explain that CARB believes that including a disclaimer in an advertisement does not provide protection from CARB enforcement as to the sale of emission related parts in California.

Collins also said that, “Other than for use on racing vehicles on closed courses with documentation satisfactory to CARB, California dealers that continue to sell these products for use in California face potential CARB enforcement action, unless according to CARB it can be demonstrated with test results that the use does not alter the performance of OEM emission related devices (i.e. it constitutes a ‘Replacement Part’ under the CARB regulations) or unless CARB has issued an executive order.”

The VP of Purchasing for LeMans additionally said, “LeMans is working with our suppliers to identify products that do meet the emission requirements of CARB and also meet the needs of the motorcycling customers in California.”

–from Le Mans Corporation, Posted by Kit Maira, in V-Twin News

Cases of common sexually transmitted diseases have surged to “alarming “ levels in the U.S., the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warned. Some 1.4 million cases of chlamydia were reported in 2014, the highest ever annual level for any STD. I won’t go on. Watch your self.

Dr. Feng
Bikernet Fung Shui Master

–from The Week Magazine

IS IT NUTS OR WHAT?— I just found out something startling or maybe not. The Government passed a banking law. Remember the rule, if you carried a specific balance in your account, the bank would cut you a break.

Someone thought that was unfair, so they passed a law that banks can’t cut folks a break, so now the banks can charge everyone fees. Now, most banks are charging fees for anything and everything. So, are poor folks catching a break, oh hell no, but banks are kicking ass.

In the meantime have a helluva holiday. We are switching back our Cantina memberships to the old way, with the old pricing. We won’t ping anyone’s credit cards, unless you want to do it annually. I didn’t like the plan from the start, should have never allowed myself to be talked into it.

We are taking care of all the members, and will be back on track next week.

Ride Free Forever,


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