
I’m pumped and trying to find the best deal I can on a new Indian motorcycle. I just rode one to the SmokeOut in Rockingcasa, North Carolina. It’s a stellar beast, and no, I won’t compare it to a Harley-Davidsons.

I haven’t ridden a new Harley in a few years. I’m the satin powder-coated promoter of Evos and FXRs, bobbers and choppers, but you will see some coverage of the new Indians in the very near future on Bikernet. I also discovered while it Charlotte, NC my friend Paul Aiken, of Aeromach isn’t sitting around.

Paul bought a new Indian and went to work designing much-needed accessories and do-dads such as a heal shifter, an ignition switch cover, a footboard lowering system, which I need badly, and a rear fender luggage rack, a cap for the guy who wants to remove the rear pegs, and rear footboard for the guy who wants more passenger comfort. Hang on, a full report is coming.

In the meantime I’ll rebuild my Evo CV carburetor this weekend with a CV kit and take my best FXR for a ride.

The Thursday News is sponsored in part by Cycle Source Magazine and Las Vegas Bike Fest.


AMERICAN INDIAN BAD JOKE LIBRARY NOW OPEN–A film crew was on location deep in the desert. One day, an old Indian went up to the director and said, “Tomorrow storm.” The next day there was a sandstorm.

Several days later, the Indian went up to the director and said, “Tomorrow rain.”

The next day it rained for the entire day.

“This Indian is amazing,” said the director. He told his secretary to hire the Indian to predict the weather. However, after several successful predictions, the old Indian failed to show up for a couple of weeks.

Finally, the director sent for him. “I have a big scene to shoot tomorrow,” the director said, “and I’m counting on you. What will the weather be like?”

“Not know,” replied the Indian, shrugging his shoulders. “Radio broken!”

–from Jerry and Rogue

World’s Biggest BMW Motorrad Festival Takes Place July 4-6

Woodcliff Lake, NJ – June 30, 2014…Six-time motorcycle land speed record holder and one of the world’s fastest BMW racers, Valerie Thompson, will make a guest appearance at the 14th BMW Motorrad Days celebration July 4-6 in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany. The biggest BMW party of the year is expected to draw over 40,000 motorcycle enthusiasts from around the world.

Thompson will join fellow BMW racing legends in the Classic Tent, which will highlight “90 Years of Championships and Titles,” beginning with the BMW R 37 at the first German Championship in 1924 through the first AMA Superbike victory on the BMW R 90 to the recent successes achieved on the BMW S 1000 RR. In June, Thompson set her 6th land speed racing record at the Ohio Mile with a blistering speed of more than 208 mph on her BMW S 1000 RR, shattering the previous record and becoming the newest female member of the prestigious ECTA 200 MPH Club.

When Thompson returns to the U.S., her sights will be set on shattering a new record at the prestigious Bonneville Speed Trials in August and joining the Southern California Timing Association’s (SCTA’s) “Bonneville 200 MPH Club.” After that, she’ll attempt additional land speed records at El Mirage and the Texas Mile.

“My goal is to get into every single one of the 200 MPH Clubs with my BMW S 1000 RR,” remarks Thompson. “Since purchasing the bike in January 2012, it has taken my career to a new level. I feel one with this bike, like I’m practically the paint. We are definitely a match made in high-performance heaven!”

When asked whether she considers hanging up her leathers anytime soon, the American Queen of Speed replies, “I’ve never given much thought to hanging up my helmet. With a little help from BMW, I plan to keep going faster as long as I can. There are always new records to break, even if they are mine.”

For more information about BMW Motorrad Days, visit and

For more information about Valerie Thompson, visit:


HOUSE OF THUNDER 4TH OF JULY RIDE– I would like to take some photos for BIKERNET Magazine of House of Thunder’s July 4th ‘backroads’ ride to Hollister. My plan was to take photos of HOT as they’re lined up in front of the shop and ready to leave and then leave a bit early and take photos of them as they’re riding along on the ‘backroads’.


Go for it Derrel. Look forward to your quirky writing style. Give Dan Stern and his crew my best.–Bandit

5Balls- don’t know when you’re back from The Smoke Out, hope all went well…

I covered Born Free, did all day Saturday. I’ll hopefully find a ‘home’ for those pix, + I might have found a few interesting bikes, if Jeff what’s his name from Hot Bike didn’t beat me to the punch– which in one case I’m sure he did, & this bike was a doozy…saw Kit doing video, Benoit schmoozing w/ Burly’s Dave Zemla, photographed Lichter being Lichter, and found the new Bikernet Model, a drop dead gorgeous hairdresser from Irvine, w/ nice tasteful “old School’ Sailor Jerry type tatts, & she’s blond.


She was the Queen at Born Free, she picked the raffle ticket of the goofball who won the free bike of his choice…[ aside here] : Rather than pick a shit hot Paul Cox bike, he picked some friend of his’ ugly trike.Sheesh…and I told Cox he’d been robbed, His bike was for sure the best of the ‘Invited Builders’ lot … I couldn’t get bike feature quality shots of his machine because it was being packed up Sunday night for the trip back to Brooklyn ;-((… ran into Ray @ his booth…hugged it out w/ Yaniv.

Clarification on why I said to Paul Cox he’d been robbed: he not only didn’t have his bike picked by the raffle winner, but he also failed to place in the juried Invited Builders category.

Born Free was a blast, 2 days this year, I went Saturday…skewed a bit younger than many bike events, which was a good energy, but, fear not, there were many antiques, classics in the mix! End of the event, everybody was rushing out–managed to grab this shot.


Hupy and Abraham Wishes You and Your Loved Ones a Happy and Safe 4th of July–July 4th is the beloved American holiday that kicks off our big summer celebrations. But on such a busy day, the danger of injury to you and your loved ones increases significantly. Each 4th of July, people of all ages are injured by fireworks, grills, and other common holiday activities.

To ensure a smooth and safe day, our Milwaukee attorneys would like everyone to keep the following five safety tips in mind.

Handle fireworks with caution. Simple tasks can go a long way in preventing injury. Provide users with eye and hand protection, always hold fireworks at arm’s length, and never attempt to relight a “dud.”

Use legal fireworks only. Many firework-related injuries are caused by products that are not intended for general consumers. Unsafe fireworks are usually wrapped in brown paper, an indication that the product is intended for use in a professional display only. Remember to check whether it is illegal to discharge fireworks or to have fireworks in your possession in your city.

Supervise children, especially with sparklers. Young children should never be permitted to handle actual fireworks. Many parents are unaware that sparklers burn at over 1200 degrees, and are the leading cause of harm to children under age 5 during the July 4th holiday.

Keep hoses and buckets of water nearby. Fireworks and grills are a common cause of outdoor fires and burns during the 4th of July. Always supervise their use and remember to soak spent fireworks before disposing to avoid trash fires.

Avoid alcohol. Holidays and alcohol do not mix well. During the 4th of July, alcohol hazards increase because most of the celebrating occurs outside on warm summer days. Be aware of drunk drivers including boat operators when celebrating. Never, under any circumstances, should anyone ignite fireworks while under the influence of alcohol.

Everyone at Hupy and Abraham, S.C. hopes you and your loved ones have a happy, fun and safe 4th of July. But, if for any reason, you experience a Wisconsin accident this 4th of July caused by a faulty product or another party, please contact the Milwaukee personal injury lawyers of Hupy and Abraham. Call us for a free, confidential, no-obligation consultation at 414-223-4800 or toll free at 800-800-5678.


A COMMENT FROM THE MASTER, ROGUE–Just as it mattered in the following article the motorcycle riders who read our articles depend on us to bring them the truth.

In this day and age that is sometimes hard to do without upsetting someone. Since we are not going to be able to make all the people happy all the time we need to report the news honestly.

That is a sign of a Good Journalist.

In Florida Today 6/22/2014

A reminder of why journalism matters

Parking garage held Watergate’s secrets

Call it Joni Mitchell’s revenge.

This time, they’re not paving paradise and putting up a parking lot. They’re blowing up the parking lot.

And not just any parking lot. This particular parking lot — well, parking garage, to be precise— is one of the most iconic venues in the history of journalism.

It’s the place where Washington Post reporter Bob Woodward conducted his meetings with his secret source, perhaps the most famous source ever: Deep Throat.

The Arlington County Board in Washington’s Virginia suburbs recently approved a plan to knock down a couple of buildings and replace them with a new complex. The buildings going away are on top of the garage where Woodward and Deep Throat met as the reporter investigated the Watergate break-in.

Today, journalism is an embattled field. The Internet has upended the business model of traditional media, and journalists themselves don’t fare too well in the court of public opinion.

But Watergate brings to mind a very different time, when journalists were seen as heroic figures waging a lonely battle to uncover the truth and save the republic.

Wo o d w a r d a n d f e l l o w Post reporter Carl Bernstein were immortalized in the terrific 1976 movie All the President’s Men, which was based on their book detailing their efforts to uncover the nefarious ways of one Richard M. Nixon and his henchmen. Among the most memorable scenes were the late-night, film noir-drenched meetings in the doomed garage between Woodward (played by Robert Redford) and Deep Throat (Hal Holbrook).

Nixon, of course, was ultimately forced to resign, and the mythology has it that two young reporters took down a president.

There’s no doubt that “Woodstein” did excellent work. The nation is in their debt for their efforts to keep the story alive after five burglars with links to the Committee to Re-elect the President broke into Democratic National Committee headquarters i n Washington’s Watergate complex on June 17, 1972.

But as we know now, there’s much more to the story.

The reporters were hardly the only ones seeking to determine where the bungling Watergate burglars would lead. Federal prosecutors and the FBI were in diligent pursuit. Often, the dynamic duo’s scoops were not news to the feds.

Woodward and Bernstein were hardly the only journalists doing distinguished work. Seymour Hersh of The New York Times and Jack Nelson of the Los Angeles Times, among others, also broke important Watergate stories.

Getting back to the garage, we’ve learned much more about Deep Throat. For three decades, speculating about the source’s identity was a journalistic parlor game. The mystery ended in 2005 with the revelation that Deep Throat was Mark Felt, the No. 2 man in the FBI at the time.

It’s clear Felt’s motivations were far more layered than his portrayal as a noble whistle-blower, as Max Holland lays out in his excellent book Leak. Evidence has emerged that Felt was a skilled, not to say Machiavellian, bureaucrat with self-serving motives for helping Woodward.

And while Deep Throat made for great cinema, his role was not nearly as central as All the President’s Men suggests.

None of which is to say that the work of Woodward and Bernstein wasn’t highly significant. As Holland points out, their relentless reporting made it tough for the Nixon administration to shut down the investigation and helped create the Senate Watergate Committee. It was the revelation of the White House tapes — a moment of unforgettable drama at a committee hearing — that precipitated Nixon’s demise.

And while the garage will be gone, the developers promise to build a memorial on the site so it won’t be forgotten.

–from Rogue

IRON ORDER MURDER IN FLORIDA–An Iron Order Motorcycle Club prospect shot and killed a Black Pistons patch holder in the parking lot of a Jacksonville Beach, Florida restaurant named Nippers Beach Grille at about 8:15 last night. The murder appears to be the latest incident in an escalating conflict contrived by the Iron Order between that club and multiple one percenter clubs motorcycle clubs in the Southeast.

According to witnesses, the Iron Order prospect was involved in a fight with Black Piston Zachariah J. Tipton. After Tipton bloodied the prospect’s nose, the bloodied man pulled a gun and shot Tipton four times in the face. According to Jacksonville Beach Police Chief Patrick Dooley, the inciting altercation involved “five or six men.” Tipton was pronounced dead at the scene.

Bike Night

A witness named David Johnson who was interviewed on camera by television station WJXT said, “It is a bit surreal, because I did actually see the guy die. I saw his face. I saw him turning purple. I saw him convulsing. I saw the gun shot wound and the blood coming out. It was not expected, especially for this area.”

“There wasn’t a lot of yelling or fighting or screaming or chaos. Everyone was calm. The guy who shot the individual there was in an altercation because his nose was bloody but he surrendered peacefully and when someone asked who shot the guy he said ‘I did’ and didn’t try to run away or anything.”

Police took the prospect into custody at the scene but have not announced his name or if charges will be brought against him or if he has been released from custody. Police have said that there may be as many as 30 witnesses to the murder.

The shooting occurred midway through Nippers’ “Bike Night.” Nippers co-sponsors the Thursday night event with Adamec Harley-Davidson. The event promises half-priced wings and two dollar Budweisers. The restaurant markets itself as “family friendly.” It was previously owned by Kenny Gilbert who was a contestant on the Bravo reality show Top Chef.

The Iron Order

The Iron Order describes itself as a “law abiding motorcycle club.” Numerous members of the club are sworn peace officers and reliable sources have said that at least some Iron Order patch holders are ATF agents. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives has been in the forefront of the ongoing federal war on motorcycle clubs.

Club president Ray “Izod” Lubesky has frequently urged his club’s members to cooperate with police.

Following a confrontation between members of the Iron Order and the Bandidos Motorcycle Club in 2011 Lubesky told his club, “We will cooperate with LE and we will prosecute. We will take all steps necessary to protect ourselves and go on down the road.”

In 2012, Iron Order members from four states gathered to buzz by the American Outlaws Association clubhouse in Statesville, North Carolina. During that incident, the Iron Order pack was shadowed and protected by unmarked police cars from at least four police departments.

Earlier this month, a letter, attributed to Lubesky, asked Laconia, New Hampshire Police Chief Christopher Adams to “assist us when we call upon you” “if we encounter any problems with other clubs” during the annual Laconia Motorcycle Week event. That letter continued, “Just keep an eye out for the protection of our members. We do our best in security but 1%ers are lowlife, dirty scum who will do anything to harm us. We will cooperate with all law enforcement. Unlike traditional clubs, we will testify when called upon. We will stay only in populated areas where there are witnesses.”

EDITOR’S COMMENT: Yes, I know the following may sound prejudice BUT the Iron Order is Truly A Gang and they Hide Behind Their Badges. Member of Law Enforcement are reluctant to arrest them because they are members or retired law enforcement.

I feel it is important to follow this.
Remember the Cop who shot a Hells Angel in Sturgis because he was getting his ass beat in a fist fight.

This Has To Stop!!!

–from Rogue


BRAND New Bikernet Reader Comment!– Bad Boys Saloon Hits Main Street Daytona

Lou DeRosa is showing a pattern of non payment to his artists and employees. Be warned that HE WILL RIP YOU OFF! I am encouraging everyone that he has screwed over to file official complaints with consumer complaints agencies listed below. I personally know several people you screwed out of money and there must be many more.

and the Better Business Bureaus

and all his violent threats over filing complaints should be reported to the local authorities not in his pocket.

What kind of low life doesn’t pay his hired talent and employees because the crowds were not there. Figure it out Lou nobody wants to go to your bar anymore because of how you treat people and don’t pay, the locals have boycotted everything you will ever have anything to do with (operating as Rolling Rebel LLC out of the UPS Store mailbox on 226 Nova Rd Ormond Beach). It appears your fictitious name filing is not registered to the Main St Daytona address, we will all remember the corruption you paid for when city council elections come around! GET OUT OF TOWN! WE DON”T NEED SCUM LIKE YOU HERE!

–Butch Hacker
Daytona, FL

This is my first attempt.

President Obama says we should create harmony by learning Arabic… We might as well ALL get on the band wagon.

The current administration wants us to learn more about Muslims and therefore be able to better accept them into our culture.

So, I’m making a sincere effort to learn to communicate with our Muslim friends and learn Arabic for the sake of ‘cultural diversity.’

–Steve, K


FREE CONCERT IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE STURGIS MUSEUM COMING– Outer Vibe to play the Blue & Chrome Law Enforcement Memorial Celebration.

Blue & Chrome announces a FREE TO THE PUBLIC concert in the park featuring the Grand Rapids, Michigan based band Outer Vibe.

The celebration begins at 10:30 am at the Rushmore Plaza Civic Center with registration and bike line up in preparation for the parade launch and ride at 1:00 pm. Other activities include a downtown walking “poker run”, a guided ride through the beautiful Black Hills and an authentic Buffalo dinner for event supporters.

The rally returns to the Rushmore Plaza Civic Center with a free to the public concert at the band shell in Memorial Park. Everyone is invited to join in the celebration and free concert starting at 5:30 on Tuesday August 5, 2014.

Event proceeds go to the Rapid City FOP Lodge 2 memorial building fund, the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum building fund and Rapid City area youth activities.

To become a supporter and join the ride contact Sandra @ 605-718-7170 or

To explore sponsorship opportunities contact
Christian Sigel Jim Hansen
605-381-7033 605-390-3272

Follow us on Facebook

Christine Paige Diers
Executive Director, Sturgis Motorcycle Museum & Hall of Fame
999 Main Street, Sturgis, SD 57785
fax 605.720.0632

ROUND ‘EM UP COWGIRL– Round Up of Articles from the Bikernet Family of websites.

2014 First Annual Iron & Ash Ride – Dothan, Alabama

Dothan proved that 2 weeks and great minds working together can make a difference.

It would seem that as quickly as the time has gone by it could not go any faster; but in fact it did. Dothan proved that 2 weeks and great minds working together can make a difference.

CLICK to read!

LiveWire – a new Harley-Davidson Electric Bike

A sexy, exciting-looking motorcycle that is still clearly and unmistakably a Harley-Davidson.

For many years the Harley-Davidson Motor Company was seen as a slumbering giant that stirred only occasionally and then released a slightly modified bike (or bikes) as new models. Innovation and Harley-Davidson did not work very well in the same sentence.
Well the giant has leaped into action – in fact almost frenetic action – over the past couple of years, moving with all the speed, grace and skill of a champion young athlete. First there was Rushmore, a huge revamp of the touring range, which is both very impressive but still generally unappreciated by those who haven’t ridden one.

CLICK to read!

2014 Big Mountain Run

A good old fashioned, down to earth, fun time!

We had an opportunity to stop at the Big Mountain Run event in Parsons West Virginia as part of the Iron and Ash Ride for Veterans and really enjoyed ourselves.
I was able to see a lot of friends and the others with me met new friends. The time we spent there was good for us and helped us unwind from the hectic pace we had been running.

CLICK to read!

Dottie is Ready to Ride

Dottie Mattern takes delivery of her 1936 Indian Scout for the 2014 Motorcycle Cannonball Competition.

Lakeland, Fl., June 20, 2014 – Dottie Mattern, one of only four female contestants in the 2014 Motorcycle Cannonball, has taken delivery of her 1936 Indian Scout, the motorcycle on which she will contest the grueling 17-day, 4150-mile competition scheduled to begin later this year.

CLICK to read!

Born Free Eye Candy

The next (but very distant) best thing to being there.

The Born Free show is here to stay. It was bigger than ever this year, lasted over two days and never lost steam along the way. Crowds were thick and energy was boundless. This is what happens of course when average age of participants is around 30.

CLICK here to read!

In the CANTINA we have:

Movie Locations – Long Beach Airport

The Art Deco style terminal building, has been used in a number of movies over the decades.

The Long Beach Airport in Long Beach, California, specifically its Art Deco style terminal building, has been used in a number of movies over the decades. Among the films with scenes shot here are “The Bachelor and the Bobby-Soxer” (1947), “Executive Suite” (1954), which we’ll discuss in more depth down the road, and “Key to the City” (1950). I believe some modern TV shows have also used this location.

CLICK here to read!

I’m not bad. I’m just drawn that way.” -Jessica Rabbit

-Mistress Chris

[page break]


Representative Bill Shuster, the Pennsylvania Republican who chairs the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, brought the car to Capitol Hill to show fellow lawmakers cutting-edge transportation technology — and the need for better roads to drive it on. “This technology is coming to the streets,” said Mr. Shuster, standing in front of the self-driving car Tuesday morning, by the U.S. Capitol Reflecting Pool, before the test rides began. The “autonomous” 2011 Cadillac SRX developed by researchers at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) looks like an ordinary car, but is equipped with software and sensors that allow it to navigate traffic without the help of a human driver. A staff member of CMU was in the drivers seat the entire time. After the Capitol Hill demo the car mysteriously would not restart.


The House continued to grill the IRS over the missing emails that targeted conservative 501(c)4 groups. The irony is lost on no one, that the agency that requires every American to keep financial statements in a box for at least seven years, cannot find a group of emails from six months ago. I suspect that the emails were torched and we will never know the truth.

Gas tax?

Senator Bob Corker, a Tennessee Republican, and Senator Chris Murphy, a Connecticut Democrat, pitched a plan that calls for federal gasoline and diesel tax increases to shore up the Highway Trust Fund. This trust fund pays for most federal transportation programs mostly through a tax on gasoline. The proposal calls for a 12 cent a gallon tax hike. The idea is not popular with most on either side of the isle. The transportation community is over the moon with support for the measure. Congress has not raised the gas tax since 1993. We now have more miles of structurally obsolete bridges, tunnels, storm water drains etc., than ever before. The passage of this measure is unlikely but it sends a signal that times are tough and something needs to get done with our infrastructure and its going to cost money.

No wrap up next week, its the 4th of July district work period.

BIKERNET 5-Ball RACING WHEELER REPORT—Starting with the adrenaline junky list:

****Mojave Mile****In The Books****April 12-13****12,000 foot runway, one mile shutdown….
****N H R A**** Leaders, T/F, Doug Kalitta, F/C, Robert Hight, M/C, Andrew Hines****
****E C T A Ohio Mile****5/3-4 (In The Books)****6/7-8 ****6/10 Valerie Thompson kicks ass, 208.71, BMW S 1000 RR) ****7/12-13****9/27-28****
****El Mirage****6-22****John Noonan, ****250.7**** (NEW RECORD) on a 250.69 record****, Next Up 7-13, 9-14, 10-19, 11/8-9****
****Race To The Clouds****In the Books****6/29****92nd Running of the Pikes Peak Hill Climb****Colorado Springs, CO.****Gates Open 3:00 AM, Racing Starts 8:00 AM**
****38 DAYS…. S C T A Speed Week****August 9-15, 2014****
****52 Days, 22 hours, 44.444 seconds****Bonneville Speed Trials****August 23-28****
****World Finals****Sept. 30—-October 3, 2014****

Hot and muggy this evening in the Barrio, location…. Port of Los Angeles.

Loaded at 4:30 am Sat and Sunday last weekend to attend the Born Free show. The show, motorcycles and the riders reminded me of a weekend in the Sturgis City Park 50 years ago.

My hat is off to the latest generation of upcoming builders and enthusiasts.

Our 5-Ball Racing Team Raycer arrived in New York, safe and sound Tuesday afternoon at Dan Thayers for a Tune Up. Dan helped develop the Daytona Twin Tech computer installed in our hot rod.

Yesterday the UPS truck arrived at Headquarters delivering a Nolan, Neon Orange helmet, D O T approved and Distributed by Biker’s Choice. We will bring you more on Nolan helmets, made exclusively in Italy, in the near future.

We’re one step closer to the salt and the Green Starters’ Flag waving in a figure eight giving the OK Haul ASS.

Speaking of haulin’ Ass, my Ranger is loaded with lightweight composite rotors manufactured in the good old USA by Lyndall Racing Brakes for display in Hollister this weekend. Stop by Mike Corbin’s for a look. The fit and finish today is flawless.

Have a great 4th of July…Think FREEDOM, Thank your Loco Veteran, Ride your Motorcycle…..

Haul Ass!
Ride for Your Life!
–Ray C Wheeler
Performance Editor


VICTORY MOTORCYCLES to Contribute to Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America for Every New Motorcycle Sold Around the Fourth of July– Victory Motorcycles is celebrating the Fourth of July, a special date in brand history, and honoring the men and women of the armed forces by making a donation to the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) for every new Victory motorcycle sold between June 30-July 6, 2014.

Victory will contribute $50 for each new Victory sold during that period to the IAVA, which is dedicated to empowering and assisting the military veterans who have served in recent conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan.

“It’s an honor to celebrate our nation’s birthday by supporting the men and women who protect our freedom.” said Steve Menneto, VP Motorcycles for Polaris. “We admire their contributions and sacrifices, and appreciate the work done on their behalf by the IAVA.”

Victory is also making a donation to the IAVA based on Victory owner participation in the V2V Relay, a relay ride in which riders trace the old Victory Highway from coast to coast. This year’s V2V Relay is running from San Francisco to the Maryland Shore, and it will follow tradition by ending on the Fourth of July, Victory’s birthday. Victory is making a donation to the IAVA based on Victory owner participation in, and their social media tracking of, the 15th annual relay.

As part of its support for military personnel, veterans and first responders, Victory currently offers these individuals $1,000.00 off the cost of a new Victory motorcycle. Offers vary and exclusions apply. Complete details are available at

The Fourth of July is a special day in Victory history. On that date in 1998, the first Victory motorcycle rolled off the assembly line in Spirit Lake, Iowa. Every Victory motorcycle in the brand’s 16-year history has been built at the Spirit Lake final assembly plant where a dedicated crew of employees built that first production model on our nation’s birthday.

The 2014 Victory motorcycle lineup features premium cruisers, baggers, and touring models that provide riders with industry-leading performance, comfort, style, cargo space, and reliability. Also available is the new 2015 Victory Gunner, an uncompromising cruiser with bobber style.

Information about Victory motorcycles, apparel and accessories is available at


Hill Climb racer dies following crash on Pikes Peak summit—

By Jesse Paul
The Denver Post

A motorcyclist racing Sunday in the Pikes Peak International Hill Climb died of injuries suffered in a crash on the summit of Pikes Peak.

The rider suffered serious injuries and was flown by Flight for Life from the mountain’s 14,115-foot summit to Penrose Main Hospital in Colorado Springs at about 9 a.m., according to the El Paso County Sheriff’s Office.

The sheriff’s office identified Bobby Goodin, 54, as the man who crashed and died. Paramedics began CPR on Goodin minutes after the accident, according to The Gazette of Colorado Springs.

Goodin, who competed as number 86, finished third in the 1,205 pro class in 2013, according to race records. He was competing in the middleweight division Sunday.

Hill Climb fans began posting prayers and best wishes for Goodin, who was from Flower Mound, Texas, soon after the crash. Event organizers did not issue an official statement.

The Hill Climb, a fixture in the Pikes Peak region, had its 92nd running Sunday. The event draws dozens of competitors and thousands of fans from around the world for a day of racing up the eastern-most 14,000-foot mountain in the country.

Racing takes place on a course that spans more than 12 miles and rises nearly 5,000 vertical feet on the Pikes Peak highway to the mountain’s summit. The Hill Climb includes motorcycle, quad, car and truck divisions.

RUMOR HAS IT: Bobby died of a heart attack as he crossed the checkered flag. He had health issues and what could be a better way to step out of this lifetime.–Bandit


If you where lucky enough to watch the Premier of Biker Battleground you got to see some of the rivalry between five of the hottest builders in the industry. The battle started long ago and Paul Yaffe has thrown down the gauntlet to John Shope, Len Edmondson, Kody McNew, and Brian Jenkins over who can build the most extreme bike in Phoenix. This is heating up into what could be the battle of the decade and it is anybodies guess who will come out on top.

Biker Battleground Phoenix Season 1 Sneak Peak 

Bikernet Baggers has been lucky enough to secure an Interview with John Shope and Kody McNew and we want to get you our readers to supply the questions. So fire up your email and shoot me any questions you may have for these Battleground Builders.

Krash Kranzler
BikerNet Baggers Editor


INDIAN OF CHARLESTON SOUTH CAROLINA– Megan and I had a great time riding with you guys to the SmokeOut. I am also going to attach a few pics of some custom Indian paint jobs that we have done.

I know you were thinking about doing a traditional Indian color scheme but with a flat or patina finish. I think that would look awesome! Maybe these pictures can give you some ideas….let me know if there is anything I could do to help. Thanks again and hope to see you again soon.

–Rich Worley
American Biker

We are keeping busy. There has been an increase in Sales on the Titanium, interesting considering we are not advertising anywhere. We just shipped a Sled to China, a Victory dealer in Beijing is getting it certified and hoped to order 15 before the end of the year. Kevin built it to fit EU compliance and China standards.

We have been working on getting into China for so long we are looking forward to watching the progress.

–Mona Alsop
Big Bear Choppers

SHOVELHEADS ROCKERBOXES FROM JAPAN–I have just fallen in love. Looks like a Gen bottom with Shovel barrels and heads but what the hell is with those rocker boxes??? Have you seen one of these before? From what I am seeing a couple of these where running around Born Free.

Figured it out: They are available from Hot Dock Customs in Japan.

–Richard Kranzler
Bikernet Baggers

BRIEF CHANCE HOGAN BOOK REVIEW– Where in the world are you hiding? I hope you’re locked in a peaceful and inspiring place working on your second book of the Chance Hogan series!

I finished the book, by the way (yes, finally, I know). Really enjoyed it. But I need to know what happens next? Enough with Rosa, what about Kate?

Men always prefer the vulnerable chick who needs protection. Especially if she’s curvy and good in the kitchen. (Right?) Well, ok, he’s had that. But I prefer the athletic cop, who was smart enough to be patient with the sexy Mexican that showed up out of the blue.

–The Italian bombshell


David Uhl’s Newest “Women of Harley” Donated to Biker Belles Auction and “Ride On” Panelists Announced– The annual Sturgis Buffalo Chip’s Biker Belles, presented by Harley-Davidson, will be bolstered this year by a generous auction donation from famed artist, David Uhl. Uhl’s painting, “Jessi,” is one of the most popular of his “Women of Harley” series and is valued at $4,850.

In addition to the auction, the Biker Belles symposium. “Ride On,” will feature a superstar lineup of industry panelists including filmmaker, Michelle Carpenter, who will open the symposium with a clip from her new documentary about women riders, “Driven to Ride.” Andie Gaskins, Cat Hammes, Audrey Nesbitt, Diva Amy Skaling, Kathy Tolleson and others will also serve on the panel.

Biker Belles participants will be riding high as they take to the road on their sixth annual ride, Tues., Aug. 5. The signature Buffalo Chip event was created to raise funds for South Dakota charities, and it does so by bringing together women, their families and friends to celebrate the role women play in shaping the culture, sport, art and history of motorcycling.

The Lodge at Deadwood will roll out the red carpet for the Biker Belles kick-off. Riders will register, pick up their t-shirt and get ready for a special luncheon and symposium beginning at 11 a.m. Guests of the ride will gain inspiration and have the opportunity to meet such honorary guests as Gloria Struck and Cookie Crum. Participants may also visit The Comfort Zone by Team Diva to discover and experience new beauty care, fashion ware and ride gear made specifically for women riders.

Safety expert, Vicki Roberts-Sanfelipo, will serve as the 2014 Biker Belles ride captain. At 3 p.m. she will guide riders, including industry leaders, Jessi Combs, Laura Klock, Christine Sommer-Simmons and Kristy Swanson, through the canyons of the Black Hills. The ride will lead its participants to a special catered reception, fashion show featuring Harley-Davidson MotorClothes and auction at the Sturgis Buffalo Chip’s Russ Brown Event Center beginning at 5 p.m. Iron Cowgirl Missy will provide live musical entertainment throughout the reception.

The ride and auction is meant to help broaden the message of support for women in motorcycling. Bids for the print are now being accepted online at The online auction will close at 1 p.m. on Aug. 5. Auction proceeds support Biker Belle charities, the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum & Hall of Fame and Helping with Horsepower. Helping with Horsepower is a program that uses contributions to help abused and at-risk young women and girls. The Sturgis Motorcycle Museum is world-class facility that uses the contributions to expand or enhance exhibits featuring women riders.

All—men and women—are welcome to join the Biker Belles Ride, symposium, luncheon and Buffalo Chip reception. Riders are asked to make a $45 contribution to join the ride and festivities, 100% of which will directly benefit two South Dakota charities.

Mötley Crüe and Alice Cooper will provide the headlining entertainment on the Buffalo Chip Wolfman Jack Stage following the Biker Belles reception, and passes are sold separately. Passes for concerts and Biker Belles festivities may be purchased at

–Nyla Griffith

NEWS FROM BILLY LANE—He’s very close to being released and currently working at a shop part time. He is currently working on a ’27 OHV original paint Peashooter, and a 500 cc OHV Peashooter he plans to run at Bonneville. Maybe we will have a competition.

He stretched a 1937 Harley Servi-car and put a Henderson four Deluxe engine in it for a customer. He is also building two Indian OHV conversions for old Chiefs. Plus, he’s building a 1935 SS80 Brough Superior. Hell, I’m jealous…

More reports coming soon.



UNCLE MONKEY DISCUSSES CHANGE–The world keeps changing. It is something that can be hard to impress on those younger than us. There was a time before cell phones, before man walk on the moon. Change happens when we are not paying attention.

Sure we hear about some new fangled item that peaks our attention but we wait for the technology to catch up to us. I remember when electronic fuel injection was a new invention. Only the top of the line cars had it. Today we are taken back when a motorcycle is not fuel injected; soon ABS brakes will be just another expected option.

The same can be said for electric motorcycles. Today’s Harley LiveWire is just as cutting edge as the first mechanical fuel injected Corvettes in the 1950s, the first step of many. The day will come when we look back at today with fondness and talk about the first electric bikes, the good ol’ days when the internal combustion motor was the only viable solution.

The children of tomorrow will wonder why we would have wasted our time on such primitive ways of getting around, how we could possible get anywhere having to stop ever couple of hours to put gasoline in our tanks.

It is naive to think that the world will not change around us. Just as walking gave way to riding horses, just as horses gave way to the automobile and motorcycles, technology and advancement happens without our consent.

Not everything is perfect. Not everything is without problems and compromises. Gasoline was our answer to the future at one time, promising to power our every need. We need to encourage progression, encourage growth because not every path will be the right one but the lessons learnt on those roads will power us down the right ones.

So take the time to checkout the Project LiveWire Experience, give them your thoughts and opinions, so as you look out across grand canyons, towering mountain ranges, and wonder prairies you know are doing your part for change.

-bad uncle Monkey

Bullshit, fight change at every corner, just for the hell up it!—Bandit

Quick, New Bikernet Reader Comment!== 

Enjoy following this guy’s travels. He writes well and reminds us all that we can really break away. I have done it for short periods, like a few months but always wanted a bit more money. Keep the articles coming.

— Ed Hardison
Corolla, NC


Wheels Through Time Celebrates 12th Anniversary in Maggie Valley–See & Hear America’s Rarest Motorcycles July 4th Weekend!

Wheels Through Time Museum is celebrating its 12th Anniversary in Maggie Valley this Fourth of July weekend. The anniversary festivities will run from Thursday through Monday, July 3-7, from 9a.m.-5p.m.. The museum houses hundreds of rare and unique machines spanning over 110 years of transportation history, dating back to very roots of motorized travel.

After relocating to Western North Carolina in 2002, Wheels Through Time has attracted over three-quarters of a million visitors to its 38,000 square foot facility in Maggie Valley near the Great Smoky Mountains. And since opening its doors, the museum has continued to grow both its collection and its following.

The collection of all-American motorcycles and automobiles now totals over 360 historic machines, and Museum attendance has soared over the past several years. Recently, the museum’s hit television series “What’s in the Barn?” on Velocity TV has begun its second season. The series follows museum curator Dale Walksler and his son Matt across the county on hunts for motorcycle history

During the anniversary weekend celebration, Wheels Through Time staff will be holding demonstrations and exhibitions of dozens of priceless rare motorcycles and automobiles.

Numerous machines found on episodes of “Whats In The Barn?” on display in the museum will be featured, including one of America’s earliest twin-cylinder motorcycles, a pair of century-old bikes that recently competed in a race for motorcycles 100 years an older, and a running and operating original 1912 Harley owned by the same family since new, just to name a few. Various military vehicles will also be on display and ready for exhibition, including two rare Harley-Davidson Air Force machines recently discovered in rural Arkansas.

During the anniversary weekend, the museum will be giving away 500 American Flags to visitors throughout the weekend in celebration of our nations birthday.

The museum’s 12th Anniversary Celebration will run from Thursday-Monday, July 3-7, from 9a.m.-5p.m. Demonstrations and exhibitions of many of America’s rarest two- and four-wheeled machines will be held throughout the weekend.

For more information about the Wheels Through Time Museum, visit their video website, located at, or call (828) 926-6266.


FLORIDA MURDER COMMENT FROM AGING REBEL.COM– “Hard Core Bikers”?  No. These are murderers disguised as Bikers who have a collusive affiliation with Law Enforcement such that they can murder actual Bikers with impunity. They are a gang in the law enforcement sense of the word. They are what becomes of those entrusted with power left unchecked, tyranical and corrupt. Putin has a gang of these imposters dressed up like Bikers who are in point of fact paid government gun thugs, and if you thought that couldn’t ever happen here, well now you know different. Given their numbers and the probability that many of them are also reading this comment, allow me to address them directly:

If there are any among you who are honorable men, If there are any among you who has a small amount of decency and loyalty to all that is true to the freedom dictated by the code of the road either present the truth via email to the author of this blog who is true to his word to protect all sources or maintain your silence and refute your affiliation whatsoever with this criminal gang.

If none of you has the fortitude or courage to step up or step away then accept that you fly your false insignia at your own risk. When law enforcement refuses or neglects to enforce the law with the result of injury or death, individual citizens can be justified in righteous indignation to render extra judicial actions such that your kind is abated from continuing in your murderous actions.

Your gang has become a pariah and a blight to a culture who can ill afford undue negative attention.

Again, plainly put, either contact the author of this blog to save your reputation, turn yourself into law enforcement or dissolve your mutual bonds and affiliation and exist no more.


–from Rogue


dactylogram  dak-TIL-uh-gram , noun;

1. a fingerprint.

An impression of the five fingers of each hand is made upon the card ; then, in view of the dactylogram obtained, one can establish the dactylographic formula of the subject…

— Edited by John Henry Wigmore, The Principles of Judicial Proof , 1913

The brevity of this primer doesn’t allow for discussion of the complex dialectic relationship between principally the photographic portrait and the dactylogram , as the fingerprint was first called.

— Giacomo Papi, translated by Jamie Richards, Booked: The Last 150 Years Told through Mug Shots , 2006

Dactylogram is a combination of dactylo- meaning “finger” and -gram meaning “something written.” It entered English in the 1910s.


Impressions: 153,763
Uniques: 105,353

Google Numbers for June

Page Views 190,421
unique 111,081

If you are in the industry and would like to consider advertising on Bikernet don’t hesitate to reach out to us. It’s inexpensive, we haven’t changed our rates in ten years, and the staff works for your company on a daily basis, sharing info about your company and product lines.


[page break]

Dynacycle Oil Lowers Engine Temperature and Increases Horsepower and Torque– Dynacycle, a HIGH PERFORMANCE 20W-50 engine oil, is specially formulated for oxygenated engines (air cooled) to provide superior lubrication under the most demanding and severe operations. Its outstanding low temp fluidity ensures easy cranking and excellent post startup protection.

Dynacycle is guaranteed to lower your engine temperature up to 30°F over conventional oils and up to 15°F over most full synthetic oils.

It INCREASES OIL PRESSURE and REDUCES FRICTIONINCREASING YOUR HORSEPOWER and TORQUE. As a residual effect, you can expect improved fuel mileage and extended engine life. Do not use as Break-in oil!

Record Holders Use Dynacycle Oil
Daniel Dunn, owner of NRHS V-Twin Performance and his NRHS Race Team have set the record for the “Fastest American V-Twin” at the Bubs at Bonneville, 5 of the last 7 years, including 2009 when they broke the record going 186+ mph.
During their dynamometer pre-race testing, Dan was able to document Dynacycle Oil outperformed Amsoil MCV among other oils.

The test, conducted on a Dynojet 168 / 188 dynamometer using a 2007 Harley-Davidson Sportster 1250cc as a mule, measured an increase of an additional 1.6 more horsepower, 1.8 more pounds of torque, and ran 10 degrees cooler just by changing the oil to Dynacycle.

Worlds Fastest Nitro Harley Using Dynacycle Oil
Takeshi Shigematsu of Ehime, Japan, aboard a Don “DJ” Johnson (of American Cycles)-prepared motorcycle, dazzled fans with the quickest side-by-side Top Fuel Harley run ever. Shigematsu recorded a 6.13, unofficially the quickest nitro Harley pass to date.

Dynacycle Oil is superior on the street, the track and on the dyno. Dynacycle Oil works great in everything from your stock Harley to your big inch high performance custom. Dynacycle Oil out performs all the top selling motorcycle oil’s on the market today. Don’t be fooled by the big name oil products…Use Dynacycle Oil for superior protection and performance!

Want more horsepower, torque and a longer lasting engine, try Dynacycle Oil. Call Dynacycle Oil at 732-605-9003, email them at or check them out online at


2014 ABS Safety Recall– Bruce R.Combustion Equipment Director, Praxair, Inc. Indianapolis, INTop Contributor.

Just received a notice from Harley-Davidson of a safety recall. “Some 2014 Touring and CVO Touring models may have been assembled with front brake line in a position where it could become pinched between the fuel tank and the frame, either at original assembly of during subsequent service activity.

If this condition remains undetected it could cause front brake fluid pressure to increase while riding, possibly resulting in a front wheel lock-up, which may lead to a crash. Harley-Davidson has initiated this recall to correct this condition in affected mortorcycles”

The recall does not instruct the owner to “park and trailer” the ride into the shop. Estimate of repair time is one hour if the brake cables do not need replacing.

I’ll be calling my dealership this morning


Vintage Top Fuel Drag Bikes Come To St. Johns– For more than three decades, the Concours d’Elegance of America at St. Johns has showcased some of America’s finest vintage cars. This year, they’ll also be showcasing some of the country’s finest vintage motorcycles. Not just any motorcycles but Top Fuel drag bikes—the biggest, baddest, meanest motorcycles there are.

These historic machines will be coming from all over the country. From California will be the iconic 1960s-era Vincent-powered “Barn Job”, built and raced by Clem Johnson and currently owned by John Stein. Barn Job was the first drag bike to go 140, 150 and 160 mph in the quarter mile. Stein is also bringing the twin-engine Triumph “Stagefright” campaigned by the team of Perry and Scott. During the mid-Sixties, it was one of the quickest and fastest machines in the world.

From Louisiana will be the twin-engine Triumph “Dubble Trubble”, built by Bud Hare and later raced by Glenn Kerr, who still owns it. Built in 1953, this was the first twin-engine drag bike.

Traveling from North Carolina will be one of the sport’s true legends, Ray Price. Price will be bringing his famed Funny Bike—the Harley-Davidson Sportster he built and which has helped turn the Funny Bike class into one of motorcycle drag racing’s most popular classes.

Also coming from North Carolina will be noted muscle car collector Frank Spittle, who will bring the incredible twin-engine Harley formerly owned by multi-time champion Elmer Trett. Spittle renamed the machine “The Freight Train” and raced it for two years after purchasing it from Trett.
Making the journey from South Carolina will be Pete and Jackie Hill with their enormously popular supercharged Harley-Davidson Knucklehead—a machine that has beaten many multi-engine bikes.

Michigan native Clyde Hensley will be showing two Chevrolet-powered drag bikes built by the “Michigan Madman,” E.J. Potter. These machines were one of drag racing’s biggest draws in the 1960s. Once you see them, you will understand why.

Not to be outdone will be Virginian Larry Welch, a rider not only known for his many championships while riding the Triumph of Sonny Routt but for his “Heavy Trip II,” a drag bike powered by a pair of rocket engines.

The Concours d’Elegance of America at St. Johns will be held July 26 and 27 on the magnificent grounds of the Inn at St. John’s in Plymouth, Michigan. General Admission tickets are $25 and include free parking, admission, and a Program Book. Children under 12 years of age are free with paid adult admission.

For information on The Concours d’Elegance of America at St. Johns, visit or call (248) 643-8645.


LOVE RIDE 2014 NOTICE–Thousands Ride to Send Children with Muscle Disease to MDA Summer Camp at 31st Annual Love Ride

Grand Marshall Jay Leno and The Doors Robby Krieger Lead Bikers to
Support the Muscular Dystrophy Association Southern California Summer Camp Program as Budweiser Presents the 31st Annual Love Ride, Powered by GEICO Motorcycle

Registration Now Open at

#LoveRide #MDA #JayLeno

Thousands of riders are expected to join the 31st Annual Love Ride, the longest running single-day motorcycle fundraiser in the world, to benefit the Muscular Dystrophy Association on Oct. 25, 2014.

The Budweiser Presents 31st Annual Love Ride, Powered by GEICO Motorcycle, will feature Jay Leno as Grand Marshall and Hollywood celebrities, including Robert Patrick, Lorenzo Lamas, Willie G. Davidson and Peter Fonda. The Doors Robby Krieger returns to the Love Ride with his Jam Kitchen, and will headline the day-long concert.

The all-day concert kicks off the fourth decade of fundraising for charitable causes. Net proceeds from this year?s event will support children served by MDA living in Southern California and help them attend a weeklong, barrier-free summer camp in the area. MDA summer camp offers a wide range of activities specially designed for youngsters who have limited mobility or use wheelchairs. Each year, campers have an unmatched opportunity to develop lifelong friendships, share interests and build self-confidence.

Registration for the 31st annual Love ride is open at

RACY New Bikernet Reader Comment!–
Run What Ya Brung Street Drag Race Day is Here!

LETS HAVE A BLAST,,,, More fun than Sturgis and close to home

— Randy Ditch Noziska
Spokane, WA

BIKERNET BAD JOKE ECONOMIC DOWNTURN LIBRARY NOW OPEN–One afternoon, a high-ranking government official was riding in his limousine when he saw two men along the roadside eating grass. He ordered his driver to stop and got out to investigate.

He asked one man, “Why are you eating grass?”

“We don’t have any money for food,” the poor man replied.
“We have to eat grass.”

“Well, then, you can come with me to my house and I’ll feed you,” the official said.

“But sir, I have a wife and two children with me. They are over there, under that tree.”

“Bring them along,” the official replied.

Turning to the other poor man he stated, “You come with us, also.”

The second man, in a pitiful voice, then said, “But sir, I also have a wife and SIX children with me!”

“Bring them all, as well,” the official answered.

They all entered the car, which was no easy task, even for a limousine.

Once underway, one of the poor fellows turned to the official and said, “Sir, you are too kind. Thank you for taking all of us with you.”

The official replied, “Glad to do it. You’ll really love my place. The grass is almost a foot high!”

–from Waggs

RIP: TEENIE HODGES–I got this from my Bro, Dave “DG” Gonzalez

Howdy Friends.

“Teenie” was one of MAIN Guitar Heroes.

I have always said if I could play like anyone, it’d be a Cross Between Teenie Hoges & Don Rich.

If you dont think you are familiar w/ Teenie, just Remember Al Green’s “Lets Stay Together” ( and ALL AL Green Records! ) yup, That’s Teenie.

–RiP Teenie .
Your True Fan, -dg

He was known as “Teenie,” but in the annals of soul and R&B history he was a giant: a million-selling songwriter, a genre-defining guitarist, and the creative and emotional anchor of the vaunted studio group Hi Rhythm.

Mabon “Teenie” Hodges may have been small in physical size but his legacy was massive; his 50-year career and body of work serving as one of the cornerstones of the Memphis sound.

Mr. Hodges died Sunday night at Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas, from complications of emphysema. He’d been taken to Baylor following an appearance at Austin’s South by Southwest music festival in March after coming down with pneumonia. He was 68 years old.

Bikers Against Child Abuse make abuse victims feel safe–These tough bikers have a soft spot: aiding child-abuse victims. Anytime, anywhere, for as long as it takes the child to feel safe, these leather-clad guardians will stand tall and strong against the dark, and the fear, and those who seek to harm.

The little girl in the driveway needs to be able to believe. Her parents, the police and her therapist all tell her that she is safe. But it’s hard when someone you once trusted ended up hurting you.

After all the bikers introduce themselves, Pipes holds up a small vest covered in patches, just like the bikers’ but made of denim instead of leather. On one patch is the girl’s new road name: Rhythm, for a girl who dances and plays music.

“Rhythm,” she repeats, and smiles.

“This means now you’re part of our big, ugly family,” Pipes says as he helps her into the vest, first one arm and then the other.

“Speak for yourself – we’re not all ugly!” a voice calls out, and the bikers laugh.

Pipes bends low again and tells Rhythm, “If you’re afraid, you call us. Whenever you need us, we will be here.”

Rhythm nods, tears in her wide blue eyes.

He gives her a T-shirt just like the one the bikers wear. He unfolds a do-rag for her but then hesitates: “I don’t know if you want to wear it.”

“It’s cool,” Rhythm says, and turns around so Nytro can tie it on her head.

“Is that too tight?” Nytro asks. Rhythm shakes her head no and turns back around, grinning.

The girl turns suddenly, bolting from the group. She is gone, through the open garage door and into the house. Five minutes pass. And then a different Rhythm emerges, one who shed her lavender girly T-shirt, shorts and flip-flops in favor of her black BACA T-shirt, blue jeans and new biker vest.

The bikers cheer and clap.

Why they do it

The bikers are all volunteers, giving five, 10, 20 or more hours a week. There’s no reimbursement for gas or the time they take off work. They have to go through background checks and prove themselves to the group. But each has a reason for doing so.

Nytro is a 54-year-old mother of three, all grown now, and grandma to six. She and Rembrandt have been happily married for almost 30 years, and they run a residential and commercial painting business.

Her life was not always as sunny.

The mistreatment started at about 7, after her father left. She learned to hide in the closet to cry, because if her mom saw tears, she would hit her again. She spent years in a cycle that sent her from her mother to her grandparents and back, to social workers and foster homes and back again.

“There wasn’t anybody there for me,” Nytro says. “I know how it felt to tell people, ‘I don’t want to go back. Please don’t make me go back,’ and no one would listen to me.”

Now Nytro does for children what no one did for her. If she tells a child she will be there, she’s there.

“I get to stand up for a child and say, ‘No one is going to hurt you anymore,'” Nytro says.

“If that means we die, dang it, we stand ready to be that obstacle.”

–from Rogue


Each week we run a caption contest on the Bikernet & Leatherworks Facebook page. Paul Greene of New York won with, “The New Harley Davidson Prototype : the New Duo-glide” Log on to Bikernet next Wednesday – – to enter.

No purchase necessary.

Enjoy the Ride!

–Prince Najar
Of the Most Holy Order

“A friend is one that knows you as you are, understands where you have been, accepts what you have become, and still, gently allows you to grow.”


John was on his deathbed and gasped pitifully, “Give me one last request, dear,” he said. “Of course, John,” his wife said softly.

“Six months after I die,” John said, “I want you to marry Bob.”

“But I thought you hated Bob,” she said..

With his last breath John said, “I do!”

–from Jerry and Rogue


The Fowlers Report Ohio Mile / June 2014– Fowlers Distribution continues our sponsorship of Steve Garn and Brew Racing. We are glad to bring you the latest report directly from Steve as it pertains to the Ohio Mile earlier this month of June 2014.

June was an exciting month for Brew Racing. The May race event at the Ohio Mile the RD350 achieved a class record for this land speed racing event.

After the May event we went to work on trying to achieve more speed with the RD350. With a new bike and engine it will take a while to get the perfect combination which is why running land speed events can be both satisfying and sometimes can be frustrating.

For the June event we lowered the final drive from the existing 17front/38 rear sprocket combination down to a 16/38. We went over the bike making sure everything was still torqued correctly. The big change was the expansion chambers. 2 stroke exhaust needs to be exact balance of flow and exhaust back wave. The new chambers were designed to improve mid and top-end rpm horsepower. It is just not that easy just bolting on a new system and then everything runs perfectly, but a re-tuning also.

At the track we kept adjusting the Lectron carbs to get the proper air/fuel mixture on top-end. Lectrons make this job so easy by adjusting the screw for the power jet. No need to take carb apart and change jets like other brands.

The event on Saturday had a crosswind, which in areas would just push the bike over to the right side of the course. On one run it was so hard I had to actually let off the throttle to stay on course. With running a new bike in these conditions it was very reassuring I had the best in protective equipment on. The Weise Leathers from Fowler Distribution fit perfectly and the quality is excellent. It was hot on Saturday and the venting really helped a lot for relieve from the heat. The Speed and Strength helmet also was an excellent choice for this race season. It is extremely light and the venting works great for airflow to keep the head cool.

The June event the RD350 came away with another class speed record holder. The RD350 had a gain of 7 mph over the May event which is a step in the right direction. I realize there is much more speed left and still need another gear ratio change which I was going to try that Sunday at the June event but the winds were just too strong.

The next work on the bike will be the gear change and some different portwork and head work. It is a great feeling after you do some work and you get positive results. But, it is also has some disappointment when I know the bike has much more speed in it to come out. Only makes me work harder to achieve what the bike can run!

It really helps when you have the best of equipment and parts to achieve these goals and I have the very best! Thanks Fowler Distribution for the Weise leathers and gloves. Bikers Choice and Tucker Rocky for parts and the Speed and Strength helmet. Thanks Lectron Carbs, Avon Tyres, Spectro Oil, Pro Riders Marketing, Wiseco Pistons, A All Animal Control, LC Fabrication, Loaded Gun Customs and Mt Airy Cyclery for ALL your SUPPORT!

Fowlers Distribution, Inc.

Phone 203-597-8686 or Email –

We spoke to Brew at the SmokeOut and will bring you his series of research articles on ethanol use. Hang on!–Bandit



Success is when you conquer the challenges of Life, failure is when the challenges of Life conquer you.

— yALE

As we begin each day we will be faced with new challenges, some small some great. Not only will be have the new ones of today but we will be faced with carry-overs from yesterday.

We have a choice of how we choose to handle them. Are we going to rise above them and find a solution or are we going to be consumed by the challenge and focus our energy on the problem.

After sixty years on this planet I have learned that I can’t stop the challenges but I do have a choice of how I am going to handle them and how much of My power and energy I will allow the challenge to rob me of. I know that I have that within me to find the solution.

Over time I have learned that some of those challenges that seemed monumental are now forgotten in the past. If I knew back then that eventually the challenge would no longer be I would have put a lot less worry into them.

We have a choice to know that we can conquer anything we are faced with, that we must rise to a Higher level of consciousness to overcome the challenge, for we can never solve the issue at the same level of thinking that it was created in.

As I begin today I welcome challenges and obstacles. I will place all of my energy into the solution. I refuse to be consumed by the problem. I know I am above anything that I may face. Today I move to a new and higher level of consciousness and I like It.

As Ernest Holmes said, “There is a Power for good in the Universe greater than you are and you can use it.” I call on that power within me for all I need to overcome. As I close my eyes and go within I find a new level of Peace and Confidence. I am grateful for This Truth, My Truth.

And So It Is

Challenges are what make life interesting; overcoming them is what makes life meaningful. –Joshua J. Marine

Yale Custom Cycles
2003 11 ST SE
Calgary AB
T2G 3G6


BOOK OF THE WEEK—Hell on Wheels by Bill “Press” Hayes
Boozefighters MC

My brand new book, Hell on Wheels: An Illustrated History of Outlaw Motorcycle Clubs is now available at

Our newest book, Triumphs and Tragedies: A True Story of Wealth and Addiction is available now at

Our IPPY Award winning Hullabaloo! The Life and (Mis)Adventures of L.A. Radio Legend, Dave Hull is available at

All of my other books are available at my eBay store ( ), at or on Amazon!


METALSPORT WHEELS in collaboration with Vee Rubber has developed some new sizes in the industry.

Like the 26, 30 and the newest one the 32-inch and the entire line of white wall tires
MetalSport Wheels stocks a wide range of the Vee Rubber Tires.

For more information on MetalSport Wheels and Tires
Check our website or call us @ 562-776-9594


Las Vegas BikeFest Announces Participants for the 11th Annual Artistry in Iron, Master Builders Championship–The roster for the 11th annual Artistry in Iron, Master Builders Championship is now complete. The competition will be held during Las Vegas BikeFest®, October 2-5, 2014.

The annual invitation only competition, sponsored by Cycle Source Magazine, will include 22 award winning builders. A limited number of builders are invited to participate annually.

Artistry in Iron participants include builders that have shaped the industry and who are establishing the trends in custom bikes and engineering. “Each year we invite those on the cutting edge as well as some past favorites. You cannot enter year after year. We’re excited that so many builders have accepted our invitation,” commented event producer Mindi Cherry, CEM. “It solidifies the importance of the championship.”

The bikes are judged solely by the master builders themselves, and the winner is announced on Saturday, October 4 and presented with a check for $10,000. The public is invited to visit the bikes during Rally Central hours and to meet the participating builders during autograph sessions throughout the weekend.

Confirmed participants include:

Shannon Aikau, Count’s Kustoms – Las Vegas, NV
Lock Baker, Eastern Fabrications – Branford, CT
Rick Bray, RKB Kustom Speed – Hanford, CA
Tim Dixon, Gas Axe Chop Shop – Ten Mile, TN
Daniel Donley, Pandemonium Choppers – Defiance, OH
Jason Grimes, Northeast Chop Shop – Windham, ME
Iliya Hamovic, Steelborn Choppers – New York, NY
Max Hazan, Hazan Motorworks – Venice, CA
Dar Holdsworth, Brass Ball Cycles – Oklahoma City, OK
Ken Nagai, Ken’s Factory – Nagoya, Japan
Caleb Owens, CRO Customs – Newberry Park, PA
Pat Patterson, Led Sled Customs – Dayton, OH
Chris Phillips, Doomtown Choppers – Port Huron, MI
Paul Ponkow, Bones Legacy Las Vegas – Las Vegas, NV
Chris Richardson, LA Speed Shop – Alhambra, CA
Kosuke Saito, Sunrise Cycles – Los Angeles, CA
Aki Sakamoto, Hog Killers – Hawaiian Gardens, CA
Daniel Sanchez, Cut Throat Customs – Humble, TX
Jon Shipley, Hoosier Daddy Choppers – Bloomfield, IL
Jesse Srpan, Raw Iron Choppers – Chardon, OH
Jimmy Todorovitch, Profile Cycles – Beaumont, CA
Dalton Walker III, Split Image Kustoms – Hanford, CA

The 2013 Champion Rick Bray of RKB Kustom Speed, will be back to defend his title. Jimmy Todorovitch of Profile Cycles, the winner of the 2013 Custom Bike Show Radical Class, will also present an entry.


Las Vegas BikeFest is also unveiling the new look logo for the Artistry in Iron competition. “We wanted something that was representative of the industry and the creativity of the competition,” stated Mindi Cherry. “We tasked Williams Graphics of Joliet. IL, to come up with a new design and we are happy to present their work.”

Las Vegas BikeFest features Rally Central at Cashman Center, which holds over 250 vendors of motorcycles, motorcycle parts, accessories, apparel, jewelry, riding gear, and more. In addition, the rally includes non-stop musical entertainment, contests and activities throughout the weekend.

Registration and hotel information for the 2014 Las Vegas BikeFest are available on the event website, Las Vegas BikeFest 2014 will be held October 2-5, 2014 at Cashman Center, 850 Las Vegas Blvd. North, Las Vegas, NV 89101, as well as holding registration at the headquarter hotel, the Golden Nugget Hotel & Casino on the world-famous Fremont Street Experience. More information regarding vendor space or event registration can be found at, or by calling 1-866-BIKEFEST (1-866-245-3337).


[page break]

S&S Step Up To S&S Contest and Giveaway– If you use S&S Proven Performance products on your bike, here’s a chance to strut your stuff and win some great prizes from S&S Cycle.

Show us what you’ve got by sending pictures of your bike, dyno charts, time slips, burn-outs, wheelies…whatever you think will show us that you have stepped up to better performance with S&S.

We’ll post the best entries on the S&S Facebook page at and the rest of the world can vote with likes and shares to select the winners!


July 13th is the final day for submissions so be sure to get your entry in! The contest winners will be announced on our Facebook page shortly after the 2014 Sturgis rally.


SCOTT JACOBS PLAYS THE DRUMS–Scott sat in on drums recently with his good friend Gary Puckett as they played his #1 hit song WOMAN, WOMAN at a sold out concert in Atlantic City’s Golden Nugget Casino.

The “Harley Guy” is a man of many talents as you soon will see…….enjoy!

–Ron Copple
Scott Jacobs Studio

Thursday News for June 26 2014

Guys, I have been trying to get Bandit to respond to emails for 2 weeks now. When will he return to office and do some real magazine work. Leave reporting on wet tee-shirt contests to the younger staff now Bandit – stay in office and process content and handle office operations. Stop humping the motorcycle already.

–Ujjwal Dey
Bomb-aye, Fuckedupistaan, India


BIKERNET SCAM ALERT– I just read an article in the LA Times Sunday edition about an old scam making the rounds again that you may or not know about. Hackers get e-mail lists and send out these requests to everybody on it.

It is supposed to be a message from me (or somebody you know) asking for money while I am out of town. It could also be from somebody else you know that travels a lot. They claim lost or stolen wallets, credit cards, passports, etc.

I will never email anybody for money. If you get such an e-mail delete it immediately. Should such an emergency ever arise I would make a phone call rather wait days for e-mail to be read. I am sure this would hold true for anybody in an urgent need situation.

–Art Hall
Bikernet Most Extreme International Editor
cell – 562-810-9911


NEW FXR COMING TOGETHER– The bikes not finished but it is for now for the summer.

Just finished a full detail.

–Jim Waggaman


Nash Motorcycle Company Greetings!–

Take 25% off all Nash goods, except for frames and rollers, now until July 5th. Just use code “americanmade” upon checkout.



I love your trike. I have a Vulcan 900 trike!

–Jackie Huffman


Commandment 1
Marriages are made in heaven.
But then again, so is thunder and lightning.

Commandment 2
If you want your wife to listen and pay strict attention to every word you say, talk in your sleep.

Commandment 3
Marriage is grand — and divorce is at least a 100 grand!

Commandment 4
Married life is very frustrating.
In the first year of marriage, the man speaks and the woman listens.
In the second year, the woman speaks and the man listens.
In the third year, they both speak and the only one listening are the neighbors.

Commandment 5
When a man opens the door of his car for his wife, you can be sure of one thing:
Either the car is new or the wife is.

Commandment 6
Marriage is when a man and woman become as one;The trouble starts when they try to decide which one.

Commandment 7
Before marriage, a man will lie awake all night thinking about something you said.
After marriage, he will fall asleep before you finish.

Commandment 8
Every man wants a wife who is beautiful, understanding, economical, and a good cook.
But the law allows only one wife.

Commandment 9
Marriage and love are purely a matter of chemistry.
That is why one treats the other like toxic waste.

Commandment 10
A man is incomplete until he is married. After that, he is finished.

A long married couple came upon a wishing well. The wife leaned over, made a wish and threw in a coin.

The husband decided to make a wish too. But he leaned over too much, fell into the well, and drowned.

The wife was stunned for a moment, but then smiled, ‘It really works!’

–from Jim Waggaman

REPORT FROM WOMEN RIDERS NOW–Motorcycle Tour of Italy with other WRN Readers!

Book now for August 2014 adventure.

By Genevieve Schmitt, Editor

Hear The Road Motorcycle Tours of Italy is offering you—and all other “fans, followers, visitors, and readers” of Women Riders Now (WRN)—the opportunity to tour this historic and beautiful country with an itinerary designed just for you. The Magical Italy Tour is a nine-day eight-night adventure with six riding days and one rest day taking place August 30 to September 7, 2014. Yes, that’s just a couple of months from now! Total mileage for this tour is 935.

Motorcycle Tour of Italy Civita di Bagnoregio
You’ll visit places like this beautiful village of Civita di Bagnoregio.

Riders will tour the magical roads of Tuscany, Umbria, Lazio, plus one dedicated day to explore Siena, the cradle of the Renaissance.

Because this is a tour designed specifically with WRN readers in mind, we’re calling it a “Ladies First” tour, which means men are encouraged to attend but only when accompanied by a woman.

Motorcycle Tour of Italy Rome
The itinerary includes a short ride around Rome before starting the tour.

“I’ve always wanted to offer our readers a way to share an incredible experience together,” says Genevieve Schmitt, WRN editor. “When Enrico Grassi, the owner of Hear The Road approached me about marketing his tours of Italy to readers of WRN, I looked at this as an opportunity to offer a motorcycle adventure customized to our mostly female readership. This means building in a rest day, a shopping day, lots of sightseeing along the way, staying at three and four star hotels and eating at unique restaurants that speak to the area’s culture.”

Motorcycle Tour of Italy shopping
A shopping day is a must on any WRN tour!

The dates were specifically chosen because they fall over Labor Day weekend in the U.S., a time typically dedicated for vacation. Plus, you’ll find optimal weather conditions for riding in Italy at that time.

More details:
• All paved roads
• Motorcycle rental included in price
• Prices start as low as $3,300 USD not including airfare
• Anyone is welcome, no matter what country you’re from
• Men must be accompanied by a female guest
• Shortest ride day is 77 miles; longest is 288

For more information:
• Download a PDF of the full itinerary here. Itinerary has suggested hotels and dining spots. Final locations will be reserved when the minimum number of riders has been booked.
• Link to the tour that includes prices on Hear the Road’s website
• For more information, email Enrico Grassi

“Years ago I hosted a ‘Ladies First’ tour in Mexico and I found the dynamics of this type of mixed gender group, where women’s needs are thought of ‘first,’ to be pleasant, fun and accommodating,” said Genevieve. “I’m extremely excited to be offering this again.”

THIS JUST IN–I just spent a small fortune buying the entire collection of Sunday strips created by legend named Alex Raymond. Creator of Flash Gordon, Jungle Jim and Rip Kirby.

Wanted to share this image with you for the news section:

This work is in the public domain in the United States because it is a work prepared by an officer or employee of the United States Government as part of that person’s official duties under the terms of Title 17, Chapter 1, Section 105 of the US Code. See Copyright.

Read about the artist-cartoonist here:

–Ujjwal Dey ~ ~


Team HeadBlade/Capone Racing Stepping up to NITRO- NITRO- NITRO–

Team HeadBlade and Capone Racing are no strangers around the drag strips of America. After racing for almost a decade, winning championships, setting and re-setting records in street and pro-gas and pro-mod classes, yep, it’s happening—NITRO NITRO NITRO.

Mark Godin, crew chief and Capone have been doing some serious thinking, looking, thinking some more. But the commitment has been made to take Johnny Vicker’s Nitro School at Rockingham Dragway this Fall, preceding the AMRA
Jim McClure Nationals.

Capone, “I suppose we’ve been thinking and talking about this in our pits for well over a year. We came to the final conclusion when we were standing in staging watching the Nitro finals at the Rock with AMRA. When we returned to the trailer, I said, let’s do it. So– here we go.”

Godin, “This will be a huge adjustment, we’re going from 225 to 700 horsepower in the Pro Fuel Series, from 113 cid to 122 cid, gas to Nitro, skinny tire to fat tire–we’re talking cubic dollars here. But we’re ready and up for the challenge.
We’ve watched Vicker’s graduates come out running quick and fast. The crew class will help me adapt to the changes, too.”

Capone goes on to say, “We’re excited to make this next step. The nitro teams are very welcoming and I know that the nitro exposure will be great for HeadBlade. We intend to run 6-8 races in 2015, the NHRA Harley-Davidson Drag Racing Series is very attractive and I’m sure we’ll run some AMRA.”

Capone’s team consists of Mark Godin, Erin Capone,Lorne Buchanan & Katy Miller were absent this weekend but Tucker Barnes stepped up to the plate to assist wherever he was needed.

Capone Racing sponsors and friends supporting Capone include: HeadBlade Inc. G&G Engineering, DAS Performance, L. Buchanan Co., Gannos Machine, Energy One Clutches, PR Factory Store, Vanson Leathers and all the staff at Capone Landscape.

Capone can be reached at:
Friend—Frank Capone on Facebook.

PATCH OF THE WEEK—American Tradition back patch.

10×9.75 inch
Embroidered Patch with Plastic Backing
Iron on Large Back Patch
Can be Sewn on to Leather Jackets

Read more:




Nothing promoting Mexico or Mexicans or Mexican affiliated bike orgs until they release Marine Cpl Tahmoreesi.

One of the clowns in the pictures is sporting a Federales style shield patch. What on earth does Mexico offer us? If you want to meet, hang with, or date a Mexican, we have 12 million+ on our side of the border. Mexican culture… LA, San Diego or hundreds of communities in the US have barrios etc.

Scenery….come on! Look at a picture. Mexico is not our friend. Piss on them and their B.S. fascist government. I know, ours ain’t exactly the poster child for democracy, but at least it’s ours.

–James Williamson

Minot, ND

ARIEL ACE MOTORCYCLES– Ariel is known for its Atom track day car. But Ariel’s namesake made motorcycles. Now, the new Ariel is making bespoke bikes with a 1237cc Honda engine, capable of going 0-to-60 in 3.4secs, with a 165mph top speed. – See more at:



BE PREPARED FOR JIHAD OWN A DRONE–Learn as you play. The 21st century is a dangerous place for adults, kids, animals and bees. The War on Terrorism should be part of primary school education and continuing adult education. Jihad is real and Jihad is now and Jihad is coming to a town near you. Be prepared. Practice Drone Strikes with Authentic Certified and Signed Limited Edition Drone Wars fighter combat planes.


Model 1 :

Drone Wars. The beginning of the end is here. Learn all about Jihad and terrorism and drones with this special Limited Edition collectible.

Made from 100 GSM paper. Heavy duty.

Marine Corps would be proud. Kill one, Kill them all.

Each Drone comes with a Letter of Authenticity Signed by Lt. Col. Raymond Hamilton of the Foreign Legion.

Model 2 :

Drone Wars. The beginning of the end is here. Learn all about Jihad and terrorism and drones with this special Limited Edition collectible.

Made from 50 GSM newspaper. Kamikaze Elite.

Marine Corps would be proud. Kill one, Kill them all.

Each Drone comes with a Letter of Authenticity Signed by Lt. Col. Raymond Hamilton of the Foreign Legion.


–Ujjwal Dey
Bikernet India Editor

NOLAN HELMETS JOIN 5-BALL RACING FOR BONNEVILLE–N104: Nolan reinvents the modular helmet. The new N104 model is the synthesis of all the innovation that Nolan was able to introduce in the field of modular helmets, starting with the first and origin…

Price: $529.95
SKU: 01-104 Hi-Vis
Weight: 4.38 LBS

Shipping: Free Shipping

Welcome to Nolan USA! The official web site for Nolan helmets and N-Com communications in the United States.

Nolan helmets have been manufactured in Bergamo, Italy, since 1972. Started by Lander Nocchi, Nolan is proud of their Italian heritage. When all the other helmet manufacturers moved their production to the Far East to produce cheaper products, Nolan decided to keep their factory open and all their workers employed.

Their goal is to offer high-value products with innovative features at the best price. Manufacturing in their own factory in Italy allows Nolan to exert extraordinary control over the quality of their products. They use all the best materials available, and manufacture every part of every helmet in house.

They have their own research team and their own test lab to ensure that every helmet conforms to the safety standards of all the markets around the world. All Nolan helmets are covered by a 5-year limited warranty and all Ncom communications products are covered by a 2-year limited warranty.

Cima International, Inc. has been the agent for Nolan helmets in the United States for more than 30 years. Our office and warehouse is located outside of Chicago. This is where we provide all the services for Nolan helmets:

– We stock all the parts for the models sold in the US for the last decade;
– We perform all the warranty and repair services;
– We install and troubleshoot all the Ncom communication systems.

We pride ourselves on the quality of our service: we try to ship all parts orders the same day that we receive them. We usually fix helmets the same day that we receive them. We understand that our customers do rely on their Nolan for riding and we don’t keep your helmet any longer than truly needed.

If you need anything for your helmet, please don’t hesitate to call us. We are here to help.

Follow us on Facebook to receive the latest Nolan news.

Please feel free to contact us with any of your Nolan helmet or N-Com questions:

CIMA International, 1585 Beverly Court, Unit 118, Aurora, IL 60502
Phone: 1-866-243-5638 Fax: 1-630-701-1606
Emails: ,


LIFESTYLE DEAL OF THE WEEK– 2003 American Ironhorse Tejas, only $9,500. ONLY 4,355 miles on this bike.


THE SPELL OF THE YUKON—One stanza from a Robert Service poem.

I WANTED the gold, and I sought it;
I scrabbled and mucked like a slave.
Was it famine or scurvy—I fought it;
I hurled my youth into a grave.
I wanted the gold, and I got it—
Came out with a fortune last fall,
Yet somehow life’s not what I thought it,
And somehow the gold isn’t all.

Hupy and Abraham, S.C. SUMMER SWEEPSTAKES: More than $3,000 in Prizes

This summer, Hupy and Abraham, S.C. is giving away gift cards valued at $500, $250 and $100 from the motorcycle dealership of your choice. Each month (through August), winners will be randomly selected and announced on

CLICK HERE to fill out the online entry form and view past months’ winner of Hupy and Abraham, S.C.’s SUMMER SWEEPSTAKES.


Hupy and Abraham, S.C. Fights for Policy Limits After Insurance Company Denies Claim
Our client was a passenger in a vehicle that rolled over after the driver lost control. Even though he suffered multiple fractures and needed multiple surgeries, the insurance company denied the claim altogether.

Hupy and Abraham, S.C. fought for, and obtained, the $250,000 policy limits.

Over Seven Times the Original Offer for Pedestrian Accident Victim
Our client was a young pedestrian who sustained a concussion in an accident caused by an inattentive driver. He then suffered more concussions in the following years, but the insurance company claimed they were unrelated.

S.C. proved that the subsequent concussions were related and secured more than seven times the original offer.


The BMW Boxer Twins 1970-1996 Bible: All air-cooled models 1970-1996 (Except R45, R65, G/S & GS)

By Ian Falloon

The air-cooled boxer BMW twins were among the most significant motorcycles of the 1970s through the 1980s, providing an unparalleled combination of comfort, reliability, and performance. From the /5 series, a complete series of sport and touring motorcycles evolved that earned a huge following and which was never emulated by other manufacturers.

Hardback • 207mm x 250mm • 190 colour pictures • 160 pages

ISBN: 978-1-84584-168-3

£ 35.00 (for eBooks this varies and delivery is free)

– Full description of the model’s development
– Analysis of the boxer twin engine
– Detailed look at the R90S and R100RS
– Racing history
– Year-by-year revisions to each model during the whole production run
– All engine and frame numbers by year
– Technical appraisal
– Complete appendices of technical specifications
– The essential book for owners and would-be owners of the BMW’s classic boxer

Independent Reviews

“Anyone with a vague interest in BMWs is going to love this book, well laid out and excellent photography. Very comprehensive information provided and will appeal to current and potential BMW Boxer owners. Recommended.” –

Additional Information
Models covered: All air-cooled models 1970-1996, except R45, R65, G/S & GS.


5-Ball Racing Leathers introduces the convertible Special Ops Club Jacket–Keith “Bandit” Ball of introduces today his first jacket from his 5-Ball Racing Leathers’ brand called the Special Ops Club Jacket, which is designed specifically for the biker – whether a commuter, a long distance rider or a guy or gal blasting to their favorite local watering hole.

The Special Ops Club Jacket is light-weight milled buffalo leather that keeps the rider warm during morning rides and converts into a Special Ops Club Vest with zip-off removable sleeves in the afternoon heat.

The jacket features two chest pockets with zipper closure, two zipper waist pockets and two waist flap pockets with snap closure. Size adjustment is provided through side snaps. The inside lining is 100% cotton blue/white plaid. The inside pocket configuration includes two coin pockets, two zipper pockets and two deep gun pockets with snaps.

Quality components in the construction include heavy-duty gun-metal-grey zipper front, collarless bound leather neck trim and double-needle seam construction.

“The Special Ops Club Jacket has taken significant time and attention to bring to market, and we are excited about what we have created for the rider,” explained Keith “Bandit” Ball, President. “Our 5-Ball Racing Leathers’ Genuine Riding Leathers™ fits like a glove and provides all the functions a rider needs on the road.”

Ball assembled a core team, including Andrew Calogero of Crank and Stroker and Bob Kay of Biker Pros. Calogero is the operations and sales arm, and Kay provides design expertise with his 30 years in the chopper industry.

The Special Ops Club Jacket is available at, J&P Cycles and Bartel’s Harley-Davidson.

About 5-Ball Racing Leathers

Keith “Bandit” Ball, President, and Bob Kay, Biker Pros Partner, designed a line of Genuine Riding Apparel™ for cruiser, chopper and bobber riders. The shirts, jackets and vests are known for their innovation, functionality and quality craftsmanship.


NEW STORY COMING FROM PAUL GARSON– Just back visiting my brother in SoFla and my 50th high school reunion and riding around on a 2003 mint green Buell Blast, on which I met this couple and their bikes.

I’ll send you this story in an hour with hi-res images. Publish it or die trying.

Have a Happy Fourth.


Yes sir.–Bandit

CRO CUSTOMS SHOP APRONS– Really proud of this new collaboration on a shop apron. with Ink FX Corp. Anything you can do to help push it would be much appreciated. It’s all hand made here in California USA!! Very affordable as well. If you’d like to purchase one or do a feature on it please shoot me an email.

I’ll have them up in my store soon.



CAN’T BELIEVE I MADE IT—I thought for sure this news column would kick my ass. It’s not so humorous, but I left town and peeled to the SmokeOut thinking about relaxing on the road, but knowing the content, the e-mails, the phone messages, the mail, and whatever would continue to grow at the headquarters.

I appreciate all the help the staff took on while I was away, but still the daunting e-mail archives didn’t stop expanding. No complaints. I believe we got it handled. But if I missed anything, don’t hesitate to resend, write me again, call me, or scream. What the hell?

When your read the road to the SmokeOut Saga, you’ll see my connection to Rich and Megan. Rich owns Indian of Charleston, SC and we will cover some of his patina mods to the new models. His bike was damn cool.

Watch for the terrorizing stories about ethanol in your gas from Major Edge and Brew. Here’s an example. Peeps are starving because our government would rather we destroy our vehicles with this shit. You’ll be surprised, but then again maybe not.

Have a hell of weekend!

Ride Free Forever,


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