Indian Motorcycle Assurance Program

Indian Motorcycle Assurance Program
The Indian Motorcycle Assurance Program Provides Confidence When You Purchase An All-New 2014 Indian Motorcycle. Ride with the peace of mind that you’ll enjoy every memorable mile.


5-Year Coverage
Indian Motorcycle backs every new Indian Motorcycle with 5 years of coverage that includes both a 1 year limited warranty and an extended service contract. Subject to $50 deductible, no mileage limitation.

Trade In Confidence
Guaranteed year 2 and 3 trade in values when you purchase a 2014 Indian Motorcycle.

Competitive Financing
Competitive financing of 3.99% for 36 months or 6.99% for 72 months now through the end of the year.

Roadside Assistance
A full year of roadside assistance coverage. Services available include emergency transport (up to 100 miles at no cost), pickup and delivery of your motorcycle (charges apply), fluids delivery, and a jump start for your dead battery. To schedule a service or pick-up, call the Toll-Free Number: 866.330.0750. The Producer Code is 42732, Plan E.

Fly & Ride
$250 to fly in to the dealership of your choice and ride home on your new Indian Motorcycle.


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