January 04, 2007 Part 2


Continued From Page 1

Bobberinabox2 use 2

BOBBER IN A BOX–Once again PAUGHCO reminds us why they are the undisputed King of Choppers. Since 1968 the company has been producing bolt-on chopper parts like those used to assemble the Nostalgic Bobber shown here. Call it a “Bobber In A Box” the gutsy machine features a Paughco stretched Wishbone frame, Tapered leg Springer with Bobber fender mounts, Upsweep pipes with Bell Tip mufflers, Bobbed fenders, Indian Style 4.5 gallon tank, LePera/Paughco solo seat and springs, PM/Paughco Caliper Kit, traditional 5 _” headlight assembly, chrome spoked rims, side fill oil tank and a bag full of other replacement and reproduction BOBBER parts.

Paughco Chopper components are 100% manufactured and chrome plated at the huge Paughco facility in Carson City, Nevada. For a closer look at the original and largest collection of chopper and restoration products call 775-246-5738 or visit www.paughco.com

Bobberinabox use 1

BIKERNET SCOTTISH SCIENTESTS ON THE JOB–After having dug to a depth of 100 meters last year, Scottish scientists found traces of copper wire dating back 1000 years and came to the conclusion that their ancestors already had a telephone network more than 1000 years ago.

Not to be outdone by the Scots, in the weeks that followed, English scientist dug to a depth of 200 meters and shortly after headlines in the UK newspapers read:

“English archaeologists have found traces of 2000 year-old copper wire and have concluded that their ancestors already had an advanced high-tech communications network a thousand years earlier than the Scots.”

One week later, Texas newspapers reported the following:

“After digging as deep as 500 meters in West Texas , scientists have found absolutely nothing. They have therefore concluded that 5000 years ago Texas inhabitants were already using wireless technology.”

–from Robin Hartfiel


TIME TO RENEW YOUR BCCOM MEMBERSHIP FOR 2007—It’s that time of year again! If you have not already purchased your 2007BCCOM membership, it is now time to renew. If you are unsure whether or notyou are up to date please contact the office to confirm.Memberships are available through the BCCOM Office at 1-877-580-0111 or(604) 580-0111 and you can also purchase them on-line here:www.bccom-bc.com/bccom_store/bccom_store.html.

Memberships will also beavailable at our next meeting on January 10th (detals below) and at ourbooth at the Vancouver Motorcycle Show on January 25-28th. Thank you foryour continued support!

For more info call 1-877-580-0111 or (604) 580-0111.

SUPPORT BCCOM BY GETTING YOUR VANCOUVER BIKE SHOW TICKETS EARLY AT DEELEY’SAdvance tickets for the Vancouver Motorcycle Show are on sale at the BRANDNEW location of Trev Deeley Motorcycles at 1875 Boundary Road in Vancouver

You will get a special deal if you purchase advance tickets from Deeley’s:
Adult tickets $10
Junior/Youth (7-15) tickets $5

Trev Deeley Motorcycles will be donating $1 for every adult bike show ticketsold to BCCOM (British Columbia Coalition for Motorcyclists).
Monday to Friday 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Saturday 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

–Trev Deeley Motorcycles
(604) 291-2453

ANNUAL DAVE ZIEN BANQUET–Thank you to those who have already registered for this great event. If you plan on attending and haven’t yet sent in your registration, be sure to do it before the January 13th cut off date. I expect to reach room capacity by that date. If you haven’t yet registered, go to www.accidentscene.org and click on “events”, then on the Zien banquet registration. If you cannot attend but wish to donate to Dave Zien, click on the “donate” icon. You can register online, or print the pdf flyer and send it back with your check made payable to TTRR.

The mailing address for donations or notes of thanks is Dave Zien Banquet, 400 Travis Lane, #30, Waukesha, Wisconsin 53189.

We have some great organizations sending representatives to honor Dave Zien, including AMA, MRF, NRA, ABATE, Harley-Davidson Motor Company, Veterans Affairs, Iron Butt Association, NCOM and National Parks Service. In addition, several state motorcycle clubs and even a few from elsewhere are sending members to thank Dave for all he has done for us. Some of the raffle items include personalized side covers from Dave’s amazing 800,000+ mile motorcycle, flags and a 24 x 36 photograph of Dave standing on his foot-pegs and saluting (during a Rolling Thunder event).

Rogue is covering this event exclusively for Easyriders and Biker Magazine, and there will be numerous members of the Sturgis Motorcycle Hall of Fame in attendance, including former Wisconsin Governor, Tommy G. Thompson. If you haven’t reserved your spot for this event, what are you waiting for? Don’t miss out on this historical evening with Senator Dave Zien. Hear New York Myke talk about Zien’s devotion and dedication to flag, country and America’s veterans. Learn about Dave’s record breaking long distance rides (yes, there’s much more than just one). Hear about the many monuments and tributes he was responsible for in Wisconsin, dedicated to bikers, law enforcement, veterans and public servants.

Each person attending will receive a personalized flag tribute from Dave. His famous motorcycle will be on display for pictures, and there will be many other mementos from his illustrious career. I’m looking forward to seeing each of you that have already registered (people are coming from 15 states), and I hope you all enjoy the program and take a little bit of motorcycle history back with you in memories of this great evening.

–Tony “Pan” Sanfelipo
Founder, ABATE of Wisconsin / BOLT
Member, Sturgis Freedom Fighter Hall of Fame, 2002


POLICE OFFICER DOWNED–As reported earlier this week, some dirtbag who got pulled over in a routine traffic stop in Florida ended up “executing” the deputy who stopped him. The deputy was shot eight times, including once behind his right ear at close range. Another deputy was wounded and a police dog killed.

A statewide manhunt ensued. The low-life piece of human garbage was found hiding in a wooded area with his gun. SWAT team officers fired and hit said low-life 68 times.

Now here’s the kicker: Asked why they shot the guy 68 times, Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd told the Orlando Sentinel…get this.

“That’s all the bullets we had.”

–God bless Sheriff Judd!

rogue old saloon gun sign

Photo from Rogue.

NO EMISSIONS TESTS FOR MOTORCYCLES IN PIMA, ARIZONA–Owners of more than 6,200 motorcycles in Pima County will soon nolonger have to worry about whether their vehicles can pass the state’semissions tests.The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency agreed on Friday thatexempting the motorcycles from the testing will not harm air qualityin the region.But the change, which becomes effective in about a month, helps morethan those who enjoy bugs in their teeth: The EPA said those who drive”collectible vehicles” also can skip the testing. That affects another1,400 vehicles.

But the federal agency said computer modeling done by the stateDepartment of Environmental Quality found that exempting all oldervehicles was not acceptable, at least not from a pollutionstandpoint.Motorists in Maricopa County are not quite so lucky: The EPA orderexempts only collectible vehicles; motorcyclists still will have to gothrough the testing.

Both areas of the state have had testing programs for years to complywith federal air-quality rules, particularly as they relate to carbonmonoxide and ozone pollution.State legislators voted for the exemptions in 2005. But the law wascontingent on getting the required approval from the EPA the orderthat came Friday.The legislation defines a collectible vehicle as one that is at least15 years old or “is of unique or rare design, of limited productionand an object of curiosity.”But to qualify for the emissions exemption, the vehicle cannot be forday-to-day use. Instead it must be maintained primarily for use incar-club activities, exhibitions or parades, or is part of a privatecollection “and is used only infrequently for other purposes.”And to ensure that, the law also says the vehicle must be classifiedby insurance companies as collectible or classic, a designation thatDEQ publicist Cortland Coleman said means it can be driven only alimited number of miles each year.

The DEQ actually had looked at a broader exemption, studying theeffect of exempting all vehicles at least 25 years old. But Colemansaid agency scientists concluded that would add too much pollution tothe air and endanger Pima County’s status as being in compliance withfederal laws.There already is an exemption for the oldest cars and trucks, thosemanufactured before 1967.

— By Howard Fischer,Capitol Media Services

–from Rogue
Motorcycle Hall Of Fame Member 2005


PELOSI TARGETS GRASSROOTS FREEDOM OF SPEECH– House Speaker-to-be Nancy Pelosi (D.-Calif.) has pledged to take up alobbying reform proposal that would impose new regulations on speechby grassroots organizations, while providing a loophole in the rulesfor large corporations and labor unions. The legislation would makechanges to the legal definition of grassroots lobbying and requireany organization that encourages 500 or more members of the generalpublic to contact their elected representatives to file a report withdetailed information about their organization to the government on aquarterly basis. The report would include identifying theorganization’s expenditures, the issues focused on and the members ofCongress and other federal officials who are the subject of theadvocacy efforts. A separate report would be required for each policyissue the group is active on. “Right now, grassroots groups don’thave to report at all if they are communicating with the public,” saidDick Dingman of the Free Speech Coalition, Inc. “This is an effortthat would become a major attack on the 1st Amendment.”


rogue sturgis main street vacant

Photo from Rogue. Main Street Sturgis, rally free.

NOISE SIGNS WON’T TARGET MOTORCYCLISTS–CAREFREE – The town’s controversial new noise-enforcement signs nolonger will target motorcycle riders.

Carefree’s street crew began removing motorcycle figures Wednesdayfrom a dozen signs that threatened riders with fines of up to $750 ifthey violate the town’s 85-decibel limit.

The signs went up Nov. 27 as part of a new program to reducemotorcycle noise in town. Riders must go through Carefree to get tobiker bars in Cave Creek.

Carefree had asked Cave Creek officials to also post the signs, butCave Creek Town Manager Usama Abujbarah refused, calling the signs”discriminatory.”

Scottsdale attorney and recreational biker Craig Simon agreed andhinted that Carefree was setting itself up for a lawsuit.”I guess I was right, for a change,” Abujbarah said.

Carefree Mayor Ed Morgan said he asked for the removal of themotorcycle symbol.

“We don’t want to upset people,” Morgan said. “We want cooperation. Ifthat little motorcycle emblem was making people hostile, then we feltit was best to remove it.”

Matt Dingman, who along with Councilman Lloyd Meyer heads up thetown’s Noise Enforcement Advisory Committee, said the icons wereremoved to keep the campaign “focused on voluntary noise reduction.”

— Thomas Ropp,The Arizona Republic

–from Rogue

on the ridge old riders

BIKERS HONOR FREEDOM FIGHTER AND DEMONSTRATE HOPE FOR CALIFORNIA FUTURE– The ‘Quigmas Party’ was well attended and lacked nothing in the way ofPromise and Hope for the future of motorcycling. Over a hundred bikersattended the party, in Santa Cruz County, in honor of Richard Quigley.The gathering took place Friday night, December 29th 2006 at the SeaCliff Inn in Aptos, California.

Co-hosted by Lyle Fleming, President of the Ghost Mountain RidersM/C, and Red Barron, Bikers Of Lesser Tolerance (BOLT). Friends,family and motorcycle club members were there to Roast Quig and wishhim a happy Birthday, which actually falls on the 25th. Well-wisherscame from all over the state of California and from out of state.

Motorcycle Rights Organizations were represented; BOLT, in additionto American Brotherhood Aimed Toward Education (ABATE) immortalizedQuig and each awarded him high honors. Tony “Pan” Sanfelipo ofWisconsin, National Founder of BOLT honored him with their FreedomFighter Award which was presented by Red Barron, and Joe Schwirian,Chairman of the Board of ABATE of California, honored him with theirLifetime Achievement Award.

Jackie Suthers, State Director for BOLT of Nevada, spoke during the Roast and personal story portion of the party. Her inspiring recount of how she started work in Motorcycle Rights, and how she met Quig were important for the crowd to hear, but more telling was Richard?s insistence that the true inspiration was the people around him, like Jackie, who have accomplished so much with knowledge, courage and the guts to never back down. Jackie restated the BOLT motto, “Compromise is not in our vocabulary.” Kate Wells, Quig’s lawyer and friend for many years was inattendance. Also, Wendy Lascher, the lawyer representing Quig and theother co-plaintiffs in the Civil suit against the CHP came to the Quigmas party.

The participants suing the CHP in the Civil case are Quig, Don Blanscet,Pat Holmes, Red Barron, Steve Bianco; Steve was the only co-plaintiffunable to attend the party. The Civil law suit, filed November 9,2006, will prevent police from enforcing the California motorcyclehelmet law.

To donate support for the Civil law suit against the California Highway Patrol, go to:http://www.strawberryfields4evr.com/JudicialQandA.htmlUse the PayPal button.

–Mark Temple
BOLT – Sacramento CA
President, ABATE
Local 25, Sacramento, CA

johnny n salena

BIKERNET WRITER 2007 WISHES–Hope 2007 is as rich and wonderful for you as I hope it will be for us. We started the year riding, what better start is there for a new year? Nothing special, we just rode around town before ending up at Kent’s shop (Lucky Devils Metal Works). The last shot is one of his parking lot. It was pretty cool. Till next time.

–Johnny Humble and wife

Johnny is a young gun in the industry and we’re going to take him through his first ground-up build for his brother in Iraq. He’s going to build a Sucker Punch Sally bobber in his garage. The project will be featured in HOT BIKE magazine and on Bikernet. The article series is sponsored by R-Max and Sucker Punch Sally.

Johnny is also making mods to his new springer Softail including Hooker Headers, Terry Components Terminal Velocity EFI system upgrade and we’re hoping to replace that stock rear fender with a Heartland kit. Watch for the techs in our Bikernet Garage.–Bandit


BIKERNET READER NEEDS BIKER FRIENDLY CAMPGROUND IN FAYETTEVILL, AR–Thinking about attending Bikers Blues,BBQ at Fayetteville,AR. Looking for biker friendly campgrounds in that area. We usually stay at Glencoe when we go to Sturgis. Is there anything like that near Fayetteville area?


mike lichter

Continued On Page 3

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