Hell, it’s just the first week of the new year and life is already bananas. We stayed up all night prepping for the Easyriders Bike Show in Pomona. We stole a truck and Steve Bauman drove us to hell and back, helped us set up a couple of bikes, the Blue Flame and the touring chopper.

We donated door prizes and hit the road, then straggled back in at midnight to pick up the bikes and haul home.

I’m finally getting around to registering the blue bastard from hell, and we attended Rusty’s sentencing at the federal building in Orange County. Bizarre experience. The building is so far removed from the streets where Rusty resided as a Hells Angel that it seemed like a Twilight Zone experience. It smacked of a funeral, yet something more strange, like two worlds colliding in pristine quarters. I can’t explain it, but I was confronted with two legal anomalies. If you confess to a crime, you can’t be convicted unless there is supporting evidence. On the other hand, Rusty is going to jail for conspiracy to make drugs. The point there is that you don’t have to perform a crime at all, just talk about it. In fact, you can stick someone with a knife and catch a misdemeanor, but if you talk about sticking someone, it’s a felony, even if you don’t do it. Watch out.
Earlier this week we launched The Ultimate Tech Tip, bit ot was on the site less than a couple of steaming hours. Every girl I know called and demanded photographs before we publish. So, you’ll just have to wait for the revised Ultimate Tech.
It’s the first of the year and already we’re inundated with projects. We have to get the banners to promote the site at bike shows and billboards for Daytona Bike Week, and we’re making plans to attend the Easyriders Trade Show in Cincinnati. We’re also planning decorations for the Superbowl party. Layla and I met with the chef and Jon Towle is designing a special T-shirt for girls to wear. As you will see in the news this week, life is moving fast. Let’s get to it, before I get immersed in any more trouble:
“Inside every older person is a younger person wondering what the fuckhappened.”
–Terry L.

HORSE MAGAZINE CONCEPT COVERThis is a first. A concept cover from the artistic caverns of HORSE magazine. A Bikernet staff member broke into the magazine’s Boca Raton offices and held Geno the artistic master at gunpoint while he took this shot of an upcoming cover. Does it mean anything? Hell no. Is is worth anything? Not a dime, but you saw it here first.

ANOTHER SECRET SHOT–Here’s a shot of a Bikernet project bike in the secret concept bike department of Easyriders of Dallas. It’s designed to be a 1928 Shovelhead and it will be featured in various forms as it comes together in the halls of Bikernet. That’s a Paughco rigid frame, a Bad Boy front end, 1915 flat track reproduction tanks from Europe, a JIMS-built engine and trans, a 1928 reproduction seat and 1920 repro fenders.
The talent behind this project is my sixth wife, Lena, who is 14 and runs the vast Dallas Easyriders enterprise, and Jim, the service department fabricator who’s been messing with my sixth wife. What’s a bereaved biker to do: Go in shooting and stop the project, or give up the woman?

WINTER GIRDER PROJECT–Here is my winter girder project. Phil B. found this girder in hisold parts stash at home. The girder forks are in pretty good shape.The trees shown in the picture are from a dual shock Fury girder. Theycan be saved, but need lots of work to get them right.I’m going to Cincinnati in February and hope to find some shock manufacturers that can helpwith a dual shock setup.
By the way, Mike P., our parts manager, is on the right. He sent in the”In memory of Justin Pullin” bike.
— Paul
As is often the case, people are thinking along similar lines. We were beginning to look into building a girder based on the famous Durfee front end, then we discovered that Donnie Smith is reproducing some of his old girders, and now so is Paul from N.C. The girder is an immensely strong front end that’s not nearly as complicated as a springer and makes it easy to attach fenders and front brakes. Watch for girder to emerge on the market over the next year.–Bandit
ONE WISH GENIE–Bill and Harry are in the locker room after their racquetball game when Bill notices that Harry has a cork stuck up his ass.”If you don’t mind me saying,” said Bill, “that cork looks terribly uncomfortable. Why don’t you take it out?”
“I can’t,” lamented Harry. “It’s permanent.”
“I don’t understand.” said Bill, quite puzzled.
Harry then explains: “I was walking along the beach and I tripped over one of those ancient oil lamps. Suddenly, there was a puff of smoke, and then a huge Arabian man in a turban came oozing out.””Wow!” responded Bill. “What happened then?””He said: ‘I am Ahmed the Great and Wonderful Genie. I can grant you whatever you wish… But only one wish!'””And I foolishly said: ‘No shit?'”

THE CYBER SPACE BIKE SHOW– is one of the most popular features on Bikernet! Thank you, thank you to all of you who stop by to visit, view the competitors and maybe even enter your own ride. We have so many new and exciting entries every day that I can’t wait to check my e-mail each morning to see what came in while I was sleeping. Your response to this feature has been totally overwhelming. We had 870,000 hits in December.
Recently, I received a message from a fabulous photographer named Helen Wolfe. She is well-known in the industry and shoots a lot of film at AHRDA races around the country. Helen wanted to know if she could enter pictures of some of the race bikes she has photographed in the Cyber Space Bike Show. Unfortunately, the rules of the show are pretty clear – only the owner of the bike may enter a bike in the show, so I had to let Helen know that unless the owners wanted to use her photos in their entries, I wouldn’t be able to include them in the bike show.
I was as disappointed as Helen because the Race/Competition division of the show is one area where we haven’t had a lot of entries, and I would love to see more AHRDA members competing. Helen’s photos would have been a great avenue for increasing their presence here on Bikernet.
Well, I just couldn’t allow such beautiful shots to go to waste, so I decided to post a few of them in the News every now and then. For you racers out there, these are the kind of shots we’d like to see you enter in the bike show. You spend an awful lot of money getting your ride to look as great as it runs. Wouldn’t you love to receive some recognition and earn yet another trophy all just for sending me a top-notch shot of your bike in action?
PF2 Steve Lundstrom, Winner, #1Q, Low ET, Top Speed
Copyright Helen Wolfe, 2000
Some of the other divisions where I’d like to see more entries in the bike show are:
Vintage Custom/Radical Chopper
Radical Custom Frame
If you have questions about the requirements for entering any of these divisions, click on the Cyber Space Bike Show and come check them out.
Thanks again Helen Wolfe for the great photo from the AHRDA races in Woodburn, Ore., on Sept. 2-3.

BIKERNET SUPERBOWL PARTY–reigns supreme as the upcoming event not to be missed. Imagine free parking directly in front of the Blue Cafe in downtown Long Beach for the game of the year. We will have three dedicated full-size pool tables. Three bands will be jamming downstairs throughout the day. We’ll have a big screen set up in an intimate dining area and it’s all free (except for the drinks). Here’s some more info, and the invitation: http://www.bikernet.com/events/superbowl2000.asp
21 and over club – No kids allowed
Outside patio for smokers
A $7 cover charge starts at 7 p.m.
Three regulation pool tables in Blue Room – opened for Superbowl partygoers
Free cage parking in the Long Beach Plaza lot on Third Street between Pine Avenue and Long BeachBoulevard
$3 car parking in front of the Blue Cafe
Bikes park free
Two full bars
Full kitchen open till 11 p.m. Nothing on menu is over $8.95
Sunday drink specials:
Bloody Mary $3
Dixie Voodo $2
Rattlesnake $2
Dixie $2
THE AIM/NCOM MOTORCYCLE E-NEWS SERVICE–The following new blurbs are brought to you by Aid to InjuredMotorcyclists (A.I.M.) and the National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM),and is sponsored by attorney Richard M. Lester. For moreinformation, call us at (800) ON-A-BIKE. Visit us on our Web site at
From TheGUNNY’S SACKAnother doc on our side: Dr. Dean Edell has a nationwide phone-in radioshow about health. In late December, he was on the air while our Oregon AIMattorney Sam Hochberg happened to be listening, talk-show fan that he is. Sam tells us at the Sack that the good doctor was complaining about howirrational some of our safety laws are.
He started talking, as a joke, about how we ought to outlaw candles, orat least put warning labels on them because of the associated fire hazards. Then he talked about head injuries, and said if people really wanted to havean impact on that, they should make car drivers wear helmets! He admittednobody would go for that – and then said, and this is pretty much a quote,”So what are we always picking on the poor motorcyclists for? Theyrepresent a TINY FRACTION of head injuries!”
–Right on, doc!
BEIJING: According to Asia Pulse, the number of motorcycles per 100 urbanhouseholds has risen about 40 percent in two years. As of the third quarter of2000, 18.6 out of every 100 urban households in China owns a registeredmotorcycle. I doubt even Sturgis has that high a percentage per capitaduring Sturgis Week. I’m impressed.
ENGLAND: Model Jemma Kidd dressed up as a traffic cop to launch acampaign to show that two-wheeled transport is just the ticket to solve London’stransportation problems.
Kidd was supporting motorcycling for London, where they’re calling formore free and secure parking spaces for scooters and motorcycles. There areincreasing numbers of commuters who use them to get into work there.They were also calling for scooters and motorbikes, whose sales were up27 percent last year, to be allowed to use bus lanes and be exempt from anycongestion charges introduced by London Mayor Ken Livingstone.Bob Doughty, chairman of the National Motorcycle Council and spokesman formotorcycling for London, said, ”Motorcycles and scooters givethe personal freedom you get from a car but they are smaller, quicker andreduce congestion.”
Let’s face it folks: We all know two-wheeled rigs take up less space, useless fossil fuel, and are less polluting than other means of motorizedtransport.
MOTORCYCLE RECALL: Fisher-Price says its battery-powered toymotorcycles can have the foot pedal get stuck in the on position.
Obviously this is a real concern for parents whose little guys are riding thesethings and it should be looked into promptly. Here’s how to get the scoop on these recalls of battery-powered toyriding vehicles sold by Tek Nek Toys, Empire Industries and Fisher-Price from1995 through 2000. On the Tek Nek and Empire models, the battery charger canoverheat and cause a fire. Call Tek Nek at (877) 446-7719. Call Empire at(800) 872-1869, Monday-Friday, 8:15 a.m.-5 p.m. On the Fisher-Pricemotorcycles, call (888) 289-9292.
CHINA: Two-strokes are making a comeback. They’re pushing them as betterfor the air in China, so this new Orbital design must be a lot cleaner thanthe old two-stroke bikes from the early ’70s. Australia is selling the newengine to Chinese manufacturers as fast as they can ship them.
TIME IS TICKING: Time going too slow for ya? Try this one on for size. Now you can experience the rumble and roar of a Harley engine 24 hours,seven days a week with the new, officially licensed Harley-Davidson wallclock. This thing announces each hour with a different Harley engine sound. Keeps you right up to snuff on how your scoot should sound when it’srunnin’ right. Gotta get me one of those critters, just for laughs. You canget yours at your nearest Harley dealer and many other department storesaround the country.

Just gotta give you a break from all the in-depth coverage with a shot of smiling Sasha, the Bikernet correspondent from the Big Apple who is currently snowed in. She makes sure I get the news from AIM, and I appreciate her timely efforts.–Bandit
SACRAMENTO: Talk about needed scooter parking, listen to this pearl: People suing the city for parking lot injuries from parking garage armsnearly had the city banning scooters from parking garages. After paying$68,000 in injury claims between 1992 and 1997 — including two cases wherethe arm knocked passengers off the back of the bike — the city consideredbanning motorcycles from parking garages altogether and ticketing those whorebelled.When riders raised hell over it, officials instead decided to shorten thegate arms, allowing motorcycles to ride around the gate and park for free. Now, however, after installing a new system of gates, the city is worriedabout bikes not being accounted for and the possibility of attendantstapping the tills.
JAPAN: From the newspaper Mainichi Shimbun comes this piece of reality. It seems the powers that be were worried about the scooter people and theirNew Year’s celebrations in this country.The National Police Agency mobilized 33,000 officers across the nation tostep up control of groups of motorcycle people because they were rumored tobe planning reckless driving sprees from New Year’s Eve through the firstthree days of 2001.
From New Year’s Eve 1999 to Jan. 1, 2000, police questioned nearly1,440 motorcyclists for their suspected reckless and noisy riding onexpressways and thoroughfares in the country. And we worry about harassment.Wow!
WOODCLIFF LAKE, N.J.: BMW of North America Inc. has continued itswinning streak for 2000 and surpassed all previous U.S. salesfigures. The company’s motorcycle sales are up even beyond 1999 figures, not tomention auto and sports activity type rigs. Seems Americans are starting toappreciate the reliability of these vehicles and scooters.

FLORIDA: It’s time to plan for the annual National Coalition ofMotorcyclists (NCOM) Convention. It’s in Orlando, Fla., on theThursday-Saturday of Mother’s day weekend, at the airport Marriott. Get yourroom reservations now because they’re goin’ fast, at (800) 766-6752. It’s reallygonna be somethin’ this year so don’t miss it. I’m sure gonna be there, andwe’re expecting well over 1,000 bikers’ rights people, including most ofthe AIM lawyers. Bill Bish at NCOM headquarters has the scoop for you. Call him at (800) 525-5355 and he’ll send you flyers and such, or e-mail himat aimncom@aimncom.com.
GUNNY AGAIN: If you are run over on the road,always call your nearest AIM attorney for advice and help. The nationalnumber is on the front of your AIM card. No AIM card? Try800)ON-A-BIKE and tell ’em what happened and they will also send you anAIM card if you ask for one, free. Call me at (503) 359-5356, or e-mail me atAIMGunny@aol.com, and I’ll get one to you in Oregon. Come to a run and signup this summer, as we have AIM booths set up at most motorcycle events. TheAIM card is free and the runs are fun too.
— Keep the round side on the bottom. Gunny, Oregon AIM chief of staff
BIKERNET’S CULTURAL ENHANCEMENT DEPARTMENT– 1. In Shakespeare’s time, mattresses were secured on bedframes by ropes. When you pulled on the ropes the mattresstightened, making the bed firmer to sleep on. Hence the phrase, “goodnight, sleep tight.”
2. It was the accepted practice in Babylon 4,000 yearsago that for a month after the wedding, the bride’s father wouldsupply his son-in-law with all the mead he could drink. Mead is a honey beer and because theircalendar was lunar based, this period was called the “honey month” or whatwe know today as the honeymoon.”

Rigid Frame Richard’s Little Red Ride – Check out the bike feature in the Bike Barn
TEXAS MOTORCYCLE RIGHTS LEGISLATIVE DAY– I had to go to a TMRA 2 meeting this evening, which is one of the motorcycle rights organizations here. We have our legislative day coming up this month. You may have even meet Sputnik at the COC meeting this past year in SF if you were able to attend. If you did, you would remember him, that’s for sure.
–Rigid Frame Richard
52ND ANNUAL GRAND NATIONAL ROADSTER SHOW IN SAN MATEO WILL OFFER PLENTY OFEXCITEMENT BEGINNING JAN. 18– Over 250 of the world’s most outstandinghot rods, custom cars, tricked-out motorcycles, competition machines andrestored classics will be on display and in competition for a number ofprestigious awards at the 52nd Annual Grand National Roadster Show. Thefour-day indoor event, presented by your local Ford stores and the SanMateo Times/ANG Newspapers, begins Jan. 18 in its new home at theSan Mateo County Expo Center in San Mateo, Calif.
The Grand National Roadster Show traces its roots to January 1950, whenMary and Al Slonaker assembled a display of 100 hot rods, customs, classicsand antiques at the Exposition Building in Oakland and drew over 27,000spectators. The original show was capped off by the first presentation ofthe prestigious 9-foot-tall America’s Most Beautiful Roadster Award(AMBR).
Daily admission is $15 general ($12 for seniors over 62); $8 children ages 6-12 andfree for children under 6. $2-off general admission discount coupons willbe available at your local Ford stores in the Northern California area.
In addition to the 52nd Annual Grand National Roadster Show, Dan CyrEnterprises Inc. will present the 51st Annual Sacramento Autorama on Feb. 8-11 at the Cal Expo in Sacramento, Calif., the 3rd Annual Portland Rod andCustom Show Feb. 15-18 at the Expo Center in Portland, Ore., andthe 2nd Annual Seattle Roadster Show at the Stadium Exhibition Center inSeattle, Wash., March 15-18.
For additional information on any of these events, contact Dan CyrEnterprises Inc. at (503) 236-0632 or toll-free at (877) 236-0632. Visit ourWeb site at

TRICK CONCEPT SPORTSTER FROM CHROME SPECIALTIES–After “Trick” we should do “Slick” & “MightyQuick”. These 3 bikes represent our “Dare To Dream” bikes for 2001 & allwill be featured in magazines as well as be on display throughout the yearat our “Road Tour” stops. “Trick” & “Mighty Quick” were built for us by”Chica” & “Slick” was built by Donnie Smith.
Tour events/dates are shown in our new 2001 catalog.
Lastly, we’ve just built a bike in cooperationwith the Martin Bros. here in Dallas called “Livin’ Large”. We’ll bepresenting it to Big Mike Griffin at our party in Cincy Sunday night. Thebike is featured on the cover of Big Mikes new C/D aptly titled “Livin’Large”, and our party will be the C/D’s debut/release party.
We’re alsotying everything in to our new “Livin Large” line of clothing for the “bigboys”! Easyriders magazine is already scheduled to take photos of the bikeat Cincy and do a feature on Big Mike and our association….should be goodink for both of us!
To: Bandit
From: Digital
I must warn you Captain Blye…. The crew may see fit to mutiny if thisindescression and insult continues. My sensative nature will not allow suchan intolerable attitute.
If this behavior of yours persists, I shall be forced to keel haul yourindignant ass.
Mr. Christian

BUELL REPORT–I saw your section on Buells and thought you might like this shot. His name is Chris O’Conner and it was taken at the AHDRA race at Las Vegas in October. He’s number 4 in the national points in the ET class for 2000, lives in Hagerstown MD, but that’s all I know of him. It’s one of my favorites.
–Helen Wolfe
Tacoma, WA
THIS IN FROM WINO JOE–Mr.K.Randall Ball,aka BanditThank you for the New Years note. Again, thank you for the signed copyof your book. I am happy for your success as a “working” biker; a man ofthe people of the Biker Nation. It ain’t the patch on a rider’s back;it’s the heart & work we put into the biker community. “Take’a little;leave’a little.”
Didn’t Robin Hood hip us ta that one; Frank & Jesserode free by it. Even Pancho & Zapata said it their way. And Ripshowed us how to give back. This is year ONE; let’s pull together as acrew.
There are enough assholes out there to fight; we don’t have toshoot each other. Patchholders that’va got’a “test” each other, can goback ta the ol’fair-fight law: step outside & fist-fight, alone. No onehas to watch. Or else, why not set up a boxing ring & sell tickets for acharity. Show some class. We did it in the ol’dazes.
Respect to you &b.net outfit; y’all keep tha rubberside down. Ride On! Wino Joe

– Biker Magazine does it right :
Did you all get the December 2000 edition of Biker Magazine (www.bikermag.com

– Weerd Bros front ends in chrome? :
Oh boy! The guys from SJP in Holland have given in and have started production on the complete line of front ends in chrome finish. Yes, even the Fat Glide and the Extra Wide Fat Glide, aka The Dinosaur. So now the choice is polished, anodized and chrome. What a dilemma!

– Great a bigger tire but what about the wheels :
Avon 250 tire no problemo but now find a 10″ wide wheel. Guess where you can get them? Yup. We have ‘m. Solid, 5 spoke and now also 10 spoke. Matching rotors, matching pulleys and matching pulley brake systems.
– Matching pulleys, rotors and pulleybrake systems :
Of course knowing Rick’s they did it right the first time but they’ve been getting better and better. Now they also have matching pulley brake assemblies, pulleys and brake rotors for the 5 and 10 spoke.

– 250 frames :
No use in having the 250 Avon and a 10″ wide rear rim if ya don’t have a frame. Right? Well we do. The hardtails are in full production and the softails should be done by the time you all get this update. Give us a call for more info.
– More and more custom bike builds :
Guess Weerd stuff’s getting hip and trendy. The more the word gets out the more complete custom bike builds we’re doing. And then to think that in the good old days judges wouldn’t class our bikes because we had car tires in the back and flat black wasn’t accepted as a custom paint color!
That’s all folks. If you haven’t gotten a poster yet give us a call or drop us a mail with your address and we’ll get one out to ya.
Have a good one,
-The Weerd Bros

TRIBUTE TO FRISBEE–From Steve Frisbee’s friend and attorney and fellow racer Toni FroehlingLong time Washington State Harley Davidson drag racer Steve Frisbee was shot and killed by unknown assailants on Saturday, November 4. He was a victim of a shotgun blast as he looked out his front door. As of this time, the investigation is still proceeding and the Pierce County Sheriff’s Office is working hard to make an arrest. There was no obvious motive for the shooting.
As anyone who knew him can verify, Steve was a free spirit, who was filled with adventure, creativity and a sense of humor. He operated his shop, Fantasy Motorcycles, in Sumner, Washington for nearly 20 years and had been active in the local and national racing scene for most of that time. For the past 10 years, he has been riding fuel bikes, including his own under the name Altered States Racing, as well as one built by Carl Pelletier operating as Competition Motorcycles based in Boise, ID. He most recently competed at the California Fun Drags and the AHDRA races at Las Vegas.
Steve piloted his own Top Fuel bike TF 271 and recently was getting off the ground with TF 4857, but has been piloting for Carl & Lesa Pelletier (Salt Flat record holders) of Boise, ID for the past 5 years on PD 32. (AHDRA)
Those who knew Steve will miss him, and those who never had the pleasure, have missed a great opportunity. Plans for a memorial will be announced in the near future. In the meantime, any kind thoughts will be appreciated. They are being collected for his Mother, who continues to reside in Arizona, and can be forwarded to:
Toni Froehling WHERE DID THE LAST YEAR GO?…and so fast. This new yearseve there are no resolutions jus this thought written byWalt Whitman. Oh, to be alive in such an age when miracles are everywhereand every inch of common air throbs a tremendousprophecy of greater marvels yet to be….. –Jerry ROGUE’S GENUINE PARTS DISCOUNTS– Yes, he is the King of discounts. Other Stuff like seats,,stainless lines and cables to be listed later as Iam still sorting parts, Prices subject to change and some part limited. 4 Valve Parts Available Fully Assembled and ready to bolt on. Mail forPrices & Details STATE MOTTOS FOR 2001– ONE NIGHT–a guy takes his girlfriend home. As they are about to kiss each other goodnight, the guy starts feeling a littlehorny. With an air of confidence, he leans with his hand against thewalland, smiling,he says to her: “Baby, would you give me a blowjob?” Horrified, she replies “Are you mad? My parents will see us!” Him: “Oh come on! Who’s gonna see us at this hour?” Her: “No, please. Can you imagine if we get caught?” Him: “Oh come on! There’s nobody around, they’re all sleeping!” Her: “No way. It’s just too risky!” Him (horny as hell): “Oh please, please, I love you so much?!?” Her: “No, no, and no. I love you too, but I just can’t!” Him: “Oh yes you can. Please?” Her: “No, no. I just can’t” Him: “I beg you … ” Out of the blue, the light on the stairs goes on, and the girl’s little sister shows up in her pajamas, hair disheveled, and in a sleepy voice she says: “Dad says to go ahead and give him a blowjob. Otherwise I can do it. But for God’s sake tell him to take his hand off the intercom.” RUBBLE IN THE BUBBLE–The Los Angeles freeways are teeming with accidents and SUV rollovers. Streets are flooded and the next wave of Mother Nature’s rage is building but a few miles off the coast. Life is tenuous at best yet the Devil Dolls are planning a major party at San Diego Harley-Davidson this weekend as a Tsunami lingers off the coast waiting for unsuspecting riders to roll into the port town. I’m planning to spend the entire afternoon rescuing Sin Wu from the harmful effect of the seaside chill. Keeping her warm is my mission for the day. Long range, the goal for this week is to convince the DMV that I’m worthy of a plate for the Blue Flame, and we have just about finished the motorcycle desk for John Buttera of Little John Products. This year already makes life in the fast lane seem like a retirement program. We’ll re-evaluate our condition over the weekend and decide what the hell to do next. Stay tuned and warm.–Bandit
16208 – 60th St E
Sumner, WA 98390
fax: 253-770-0144
2 – American Quantum FXR PRO STREET FRAMES $600.00 ea
1 – 4 Speed Harley transmission fits 1965-1984 Big Twin ( rebuilt)$1000.00
1 Roadstar 16 inch spoke wheel in box$250.00
1 Revtech 16×3 Front rally style billet wheel complete$350.00ea
1 Sturgis 16×3 1/2 front Mirage style billet wheel complete$350.00
1 Sturgis 16×3 1/2 Rim only Daytona style billet wheel$250.00
2 Sturgis Front Rim Hubs Non Brake Side for Single Brake set-up$50.00ea
1Sturgis 16×3 1/2 Rims only Rally style billet wheel$250.00
1Sturgis 16×5 1/4 Rear Roadstar style billet wheel with Brake Side Hub(needs Pulleyside hub available from Sturgis wheel) Sturgis Roadstar Billet Rear BeltPulley $700.00
1 Attitude style Sturgis Billet Rear Belt Pulley$300.00
2 CCI 47-098 70 tooth rear pulley multi spoke$275.00ea
2 American Quantum Billet Aluminum Anti-Reversionary Front Ends – Ready tobolt on. $700.00ea
5 Billet Aluminum inner primarys to fit FXR$500.00ea
5 Billet Aliminum outer primary covers to fit FXR$500.00ea
4 HD inner primarys to fit FXR$200.00ea
10 Sets of 4140 Steel EVO connecting rods$50.00set
5 S&S Connecting rod sets part number 34-7010$150.00set
2 Spyke Starter jackshaft kits CCI 28-677 big twins 89-93$70.00ea
3-5 Speed Harley Davidson taper shaft diaphgram clutch assembly w/kevlarclutch plates $400.00ea
Heavy Billet Aluminum 5 Speed transmission doors polished and beaings$150.00ea
7 Jims pinion gears 24045-78 Green to 89$30.00ea
3 Jims pinion gears 24043-78 Red to 89$30.00ea
1Sets CCI 15-294 6 Gallon Gas Tanks HD FXST 1984-96 & custom frames$100.00set
5 CCI 13-383 Russell Stainless Steel Disc Brake Rotors (oem 41813-79) Retail
$ 79.95 – Dealer $55.25 – Rogue $50.00 ea
5 CCI 13-381 Russell Stailess Steel Disc Brake Rotors (oem 41791-79A) Retail$79.95 – Dealer $55.25 – Rogue $50.00ea
1 CCI 09-880 Adjustable Rear Mini Shaker Floorboard Set Retail $ 179.95 -Dealer $116.95 – Rogue $100.00
1 Set (4) Custom Sumax Premium Pushrod Cover Kit For H.D.EVO $135.80Retail – $94.05 Dealer – $80.00 ROGUE
1 H.D 132 Tooth Rear Drive Belt # H.D. 40023-86 Fits 86 to present Softail.$165.95 Retail – $107.95 Dealer – $100.00 ROGUE
1 Feuling-Quantum 4 Valve Head Front New Retail $295.68 – Dealer $197.12$195.00
1 Feuling-Quantum 4 Valve Head Front New Retail $295.68 – Dealer $197.12$195.00
10 Feuling-Quantum 4 Valve heads front, minor repair needed on some(guide,seat,threads) Retail Price $295.68, – Dealer $197.12 But has guides& seats alreadyinstalled.$150.00ea
10 Feuling-Quantum 4 Valve heads rear, minor repair needed on some(guide,seat,threads) Retail Price $295.68, – Dealer $197.12 But has guides & seats alreadyinstalled.$150.00ea
1 Feuling-Quantum 4 Valve front rocker boxes complete, need to be reshimed$395.00ea
1 Feuling-Quantum 4 Valve rear rocker boxes complete, need to be reshimed$395.00ea
10 Feuling-Quantum 4 Valve front rocker boxes Retail $184.20- Dealer$122.80 $75.00ea
10 Feuling-Quantum 4 Valve rear rocker boxes Retail $184.20- Dealer $122.80$75.00ea
10 Feuling-Quantum 4 Valve front exhaust rocker arms Retail $159.38- Dealer$106.25 $75.00ea
10 Feuling-Quantum 4 Valve front intake rocker arms Retail $159.38- Dealer$106.25 $75.00ea
10 Feuling-Quantum 4 Valve rear intake rocker arms Retail $159.38- Dealer$106.25 $75.00ea
10 Feuling-Quantum 4 Valve rear exhaust rocker arms Retail $159.38- Dealer$106.25 $75.00ea
10 Feuling-Quantum 4 Valve rocker box covers Retail $86.52- Dealer $57.68$25.00ea
10 Dual Carb Plenums for Feuling-Quantum 4 Valve heads Retail $95.07-Dealer$75.00 $50.00ea
10 Intake Plenum Runners for Feuling-Quantum 4 Valve heads Retail $87.42-Dealer $58.28 $25.00ea
50 Feuling-Quantum intake valves Retail $12.15- Dealer $8.10$ 8.10ea
50 Feuling-Quantum exhaust valves Retail $11.03- Dealer $7.35$ 7.35ea
50 Feuling-Quantum rocker shafts Retail $17.03- Dealer $11.35$ 11.35ea
50 Feuling-Quantum Oversize Intake Valve Guides Retail $5.45- Dealer $3.63$3.63ea
50 Feuling-Quantum Oversize Exhaust Valve Guides Retail $5.45- Dealer$3.63 $3.63ea
50 Feuling-Quantum Oversize Intake Seats Retail $7.50- Dealer $ 5.00$5.00ea
50 Feuling-Quantum Oversize Exhaust Seats Retail $7.50- Dealer $5.00$5.00
20 Feuling-Quantum Commetic Head Gaskets for Non-O-Ring Heads$15.00ea
20 Feuling-Quantum Rocker Box Cover Gaskets w/Sealer built in$10.00ea
10 Feuling-Quantum Inner Valve Springs $ 4.00ea
4 Feuling-Quantum Outer Valve Springs $ 5.00ea
*** 8 Feuling 4 Valve Front Rocker Boxes for Sportster or 4Cam V-Twin$200.00ea
*** 8 Feuling 4 Valve Rear Rocker Boxes for Sportster or 4 Cam V-Twin$200.00ea
*** 8 Feuling 4 Valve Front exhaust rocker arms for Sportster or 4 CamV-Twin $150.00ea
*** 8 Feuling 4 Valve Front intake rocker arms for Sportster or 4 CamV-Twin $150.00ea
*** 8 Feuling 4 Valve Rear intake rocker arms for Sportster or 4 Cam V-twin$150.00ea
*** 8 Feuling 4 Valve Rear exhaust rocker arms for Sportster or 4 CamV-Twin $150.00ea
*** 8 Feuling 4 Valve Plenun chambers for Sportster or 4 Cam V-Twin$100.00ea
5 Sets of Billet fender struts to fit Boyce frames$100.00set
10 Front Offset motor mount black powdercoat Boyce frames$25.00ea
10 Front Ofset motor mount Chrome KB 01-301 Boyce frames$30.00ea
5 Petcocks CCI 25-253 & Chrome Spec. 260366$10.00ea
3 Petcocks CCI 27050 Accel$30.00ea
20 Steel motormount stablizer (turnbuckle complete) rubber mount 5 speeds$40.00ea
5 FXR Chrome Kickstands$50.00ea
1 Sumax #8635 Front Fender $100.00$50.00
1 Sumax #8650 Front Fender $100.00$50.00
1 Sumax #8651 Front Fender $100.00$50.00
1 Sumax #8654 Front Fender $156.00$75.00
1 Sumax #8604 W Rear Fender $158.00$75.00
1 Sumax #8609 W Rear Fender $127.00$60.00
1 Sumax #8617 W Rear Fender $114.00$55.00
1 Sumax #8619 W Rear Fender $119.00$60.00
1 Sumax #8656 W Rear Fender $192.00$95.00
3 CCI 13-389 Russel Stainless Oil Lines for FXR 1987 – 1990 Retail$143.95 – Dealer $99.35 – Rogue $80.00
3 CCI 13-387 Russel Stainless Oil Lines for Softail 1990 – 1992 Retail$156.95 -Dealer $109.15 – Rogue $90.00
1 Dunlop 491 MT90B16-71H Front Tire $70.00
1 Metzler Perfect ME-99A (150/80X16) Rear Tire $70.00
TO VERIFY SUMAX Fenders Prices and other Info e-mail info@sumax.com andask
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Alaska: 11,623 Eskimos Can’t be Wrong
Arizona: But It’s a Dry Heat
Arkansas: Litterasy Ain’t Everthing
California: As Seen on TV
Colorado: If You Don’t Ski, Don’t Bother
Connecticut: Like Massachusetts, Only Dirtier and With Less Character
Delaware: We Really Do Like the Chemicals in Our Water
Florida: Yes, We Are Still Counting