I’m a nut, as you might have guessed. I keep a goddamn list going constantly. The list contains freelance article deadlines, parts needed to finish the FXR, a handful of phone numbers and a list of articles for the site. Generally, for a hell-bent-for-leather bastard like myself, the list keeps me on top of the day’s activities, but not today. On top of the goddamn list was the Bikernet News, then an FXR tip, a feature on the first Muscle Steed bike sporting a 300 Avon and a historic piece on an old riding partner Indian John.
Once in awhile the list ain’t worth shit. Best laid plans fall apart when the phone rings, the door clatters and the computer crashes. I haven’t done shit. We better get started before I’m in more trouble:

KILLER OIL TANK– The best of form & function for a true custom oil tank. Highly polished stainless steel & tig welded with battery box (6 7/8 x 3 7/16 x 6 1/8 to accept any Harley battery used on Softail ’97-up). For Harley ’94-up, custom rigid and after-market Softail frames. Contains just under 3 quarts of oil with center fill (oil cap included). Simply beautiful.
Cyril Huze
Tel: 561-392-5557

DEAL OF THE WEEK–Clean, stock 1990 FXR for 11,500 obo. It’s in Harbor City, California at Larry Settle’s Shop (310) 326-3466.
Poem Based on events that happened on 1/9/04 at The Blue Bird Lounge.
Cheap Shot
Mother Fuckin’
Cheap Shot
Trouble Maker
Start’n Shit
Over What?
Somethin Your
Drunk Daddy
Said He Overhead
You Didn’t Fall
Far From The Tree
You Got Some Nerve
Throw’n Punches
Over Words
That Were Never Said
One Day Maybe
You Will Learn
To Drop Your Fists
Use You Head
Next Time I
Might Be Pack’n
More Then This
Knife On My Hip
Be Proud Of
Your “Knock Out”
Only I Know The
Real Score
Your Insecure
Needed To Prove
Your Big ‘N’ Bad
Trying To Impress
A Bitter And Drunk Man
So Take You “Win”
Hold Onto It Tight
This Biker Has
Nothing To Prove
No Need To Fight
Respect Is Not Earned
By A Quick Fist
Respects Reserved
For The Righteous
One Day You Will
Come Off Your Trip
Realise What I Say
Is True And Respect It
Until Then Just
Stay Outta My Way
I Gave Up Fighting
With Fists Long Ago
But I Won’t Be Nobody’s
Punchin’ Bag
— by Panhead Josh Of Outlaws World

WORKIN’ ON YOUR BIKE DOESN’T NEED TO BE STOOP LABOR– With the Kendon Stand-Up Bike Lift you won’t spend a month’s wages to get your bike up to a comfortable working height. The Stand-Up Bike Lift is designed for ease of use and economical storage. It is a true one-person lift; the built-in wheel chock holds the bike upright while secured to the lift. The single point controls allow the bike to be raised up with one hand. When not in use the lift rolls on castors and stores in a vertical position and requires less than three square feet of floor space.
The Kendon Stand-Up Bike Lift features a hydraulic mechanism; you don’t need a compressed air supply or electricity to use it. The lift is fabricated from high quality round steel tubing. It features all welded construction with a black powder coated finish.
The Kendon Stand-Up Lift will raise your bike up to a 32-inch working height. It has a 1,000 lb. capacity. The lift is covered by a one-year limited warranty.
650627 Kendon Stand-Up Bike Lift $749.95
Or call 800-729-3332 for the dealer nearest you.
DEAR ABBY–My husband is not happy with my mood swings. The other day, he bought me a mood ring so he would be able to monitor my moods. When I’m in a good mood, it turns green. When I’m in a bad mood, it leaves a big fucking red mark on his forehead. Maybe next time he’ll buy me a diamond.
Sincerely, Bitchy in Boston

HAIRPIN SEAT SPRING– For Solo Seats,Part # 180145.A classic look, this cool “Hairpin” style spring is an alternative to the standard style coil spring found under most solo seats. Sold each.
Price: 14.95 Each

THE NICK SOAP BOX–Here’s an idea that we could all lobby Harley to take up. Since they are an American Motorcycle Manufacturer why not start to make all their clothes and other items in the USA too? I don’t think a pricing argument would hold water given the premium prices that H-D gets, not just for their bikes, for all it’s other products.
Think about it. The company asks for, and receives, our loyalty; it then sells us apparel made in Pakistan, Mexico, India, Indonesia, etc. They are afforded the privilege of making an American machine on American soil and selling the vast majority of their bikes right here in America. They operate in the safest possible part of the world thanks in no small part to the protection afforded by the American Armed Forces which is supported by the American citizen’s taxes.
They benefit in innumerable ways from their status as an American Icon. There are HOG chapters all over the world whose members ride Harleys because they love the idea of owning a small piece the American dream. It is not right that H-D should manufacture anything overseas unless it is being sold over there. Don’t argue that they are simply being good businessmen when they do this because there is more to being a citizen than just waving the flag and saying how proud you are to be an American. Supporting their customers and their fellow citizens is certainly one big way for H-D to show it’s patriotism.
Every one of us has a responsibility to our fellow American citizens to purchase products made in the USA because the money spent flows indirectly to our fellow Americans. There are several apparel makers in the USA that sell their Made in the USA products for the same price that H-D gets for their foreign made goods. It isn’t like you walk into a Harley dealer expecting to get a great deal on a pair of jeans anyway. H-D jeans are made in Mexico by people that make a pittance for their labor. Why should they be even more expensive than a pair of jeans made in America? The only answer is that some people at H-D think more about the bottom line, and maximizing their profit, than they do about supporting the Americans who buy their product.
I’m not here to bang on Harley, after all their T-shirts are Made in America at R.K Stratman in Missouri, so it is possible to buy at least some apparel in a Harley Store that is benefitting our fellow American citizens. All I’m trying to say is that it’s time for Harley to expand on their vision for the next 100 years and bring all their business back to America.
–Nick Roberts
For All Your High Performance Lubrication Supplies.http://syntheticoiltech.com/oil/nicksperformance/
Nick’s Performance Accessories
Independent Amsoil Dealer ZO# 1124190
9608 Tiverton Way
Louisville, Kentucky,40242
phone: 502-548-3023

S&C SPORTSTER–this is a ’68 ….built to play on.The sporty is in a Honda 500 frame. 2-inch knobby on the front, 18-inch knobby on the rear. Extended swingarm and mono shock. 1968 900 Sporty engine. Better photos coming.
–Skoot, from S&C Customs

THE STEALTH REPORT–I was off work today (my birthday) and the weather man gave me some good weather, sunny and 60 degrees! I went out for a ride and while I was riding I got to thinking about what influenced me to be a biker and to get into bikes. Some say you are born a biker. In a lot ways I agree with that, and if that is true what was the first thing that happened to let you know you were going to be a biker?
I would like to relate two of my stories: The first took place when I was in the 5th grade. I was 11 years old and it was summer time. I grew up in a small town in Virginia, where everyone knows everyone. A one percenter had been killed, I won’t go into details, but he belonged to one of THE BIG FOUR clubs. He had served in the armed forces in Vietnam. As it happens, my little hometown was the home of a national cemetery. Everyone was in a panic! The town would be destroyed, people beaten or killed, all the things Hollywood portrayed. The day of the funeral the townspeople were telling everyone to hide from the streets. My brothers and I were smack in the middle of main street (the whole 10 blocks) when we heard what sounded like rumbling thunder. The procession rolled through, and I remember watching citizens peeped out of the store front windows. There were fifty bikes. I remember waving at one of the bikers and he just kind of nodded his head at me. I remember everything, the power, the bikes and the brothers. The funeral went off without a hitch. No trouble at all! The club came to say their good-byes to a fallen brother and that was it! Everyone breathed a sigh of relief except me, I was sorry they didn’t stay longer!
Next, I remember the 10th grade. As soon as school let out, I headed for the local Harley dealer. Two guys ran it, and at the most they kept a total of five new bikes in stock! Unlike today’s so called super-stores, the little shop was packed with heart and soul. I rolled in everyday, and they would let me sit on a bike. They never ran me off, maybe they could sense I was serious about Harleys! There was a butterscotch and a black Sportster, a blue and a black Super Glide and a black dresser. I always picked the black Sportster to sit on. I remember gazing into that black tank. The paint looked a foot deep. I saw myself looking back in the reflection and said, “One day I am going to own one of these!”
I remember telling my Dad how much they cost, $2500.00 for a kick start Sportster and $2,700.00 for electric start model. Yeah, the decimal point is in the right place! I remember my Dad’s response, “Boy you would have to be out of your mind to pay that for a motorcycle!”
Later in life my Dad and I joked about that story. No matter what was said, nothing detered me from being a biker. I was determined to do it. I am sure many riders think back on old times. For me, maybe it was the birthday thing?
MOVING NOTICE- CARIBBEAN CUSTOM CYCLES–The new address is:Caribbean Custom Cycles
#2 Acacia street Bldg 1
Monterey Industrial park
San Juan PR 00920
The number will be the same, plus a new one 787.770-0633
— Jose De Miguel
BIKERNET DUCK CLUB–A woman brought a very limp duck into a veterinary surgery. As she layher pet on the table, the vet pulled out his stethoscope and listenedto the bird’s chest. After a moment or two, the vet shook his head sadlyandsaid,”I’m so sorry, Cuddles has passed away.”
The distressed owner wailed, “Are you sure?”
“Yes, I am sure. The duckis dead,” he replied.
“How can you be so sure,” she protested. “Imean, you haven’t done any testing on him or anything.He might just be in a coma or something.”
The vet rolled his eyes, turned around and left the room, and returneda few moments later with a black Labrador Retriever. As the duck’sowner looked on in amazement, the dog stoodon his hind legs, put his front paws onthe examination table and sniffed the duck from top to bottom. He thenlooked at the vet with sad eyes and shook his head.
The vet patted the dog and took it out, and returned a few momentslater with a beautiful cat. The cat jumped up on the table and alsosniffed delicately at the bird. The cat sat backon its haunches, shook its head, meowedsoftly and strolled out of the room. The vet looked at the woman andsaid, “I’m sorry, but as I said, this is most definitely,100% certifiably, a dead duck.”
Then the vet turned to his computer terminal, hit a few keys andproduced a bill which he handed to the woman.
The duck’s owner, stillin shock, took the bill. “$150!”, she cried,”$150 just to tell me my duck is dead?!!”
The vet shrugged. “I’m sorry. If you’d taken my word for it, the billwould have been $20, but with the Lab Report and the Cat Scan, it wentup considerably!”
–from Helen Wolfe
Continued On Page 2