Continued From Page 2
BIKERNET HISTORY LESSON–Do you know what happened in 1850? California became a state. Back then, the state had no electricity, no money, there were gun fights in the middle of the streets, and almost everyone spoke Spanish. So it was just like California today. Only back then the women had real tits.
–from Ramon
ROGUE BAD COP INVESTIGATION–Court papers filed reporting 104 sex acts committed by cops Pennsylvania – A motion filed late yesterday in federal court reveals shocking new details about 104 sordid sex acts committed by Pennsylvania state troopers, including three former majors, one of whom raped and forcibly performed oral sex on a female subordinate.
The documents also, for the first time, identify the majors, give lurid details of their offenses and describe the lenient punishments the state police imposed on them as well as 19 other troopers.
Of those 104 cases from 1995 to 2001, allegations in 24 were sustained; attorney Thomas Sheridan wrote in the 59-page motion.Of the 24 sustained cases, only two troopers were dismissed, the motion says.
“The most outrageous cases involved the three majors, the rank below deputy commissioner,” Sheridan said.”All three should have been fired for their crimes. Instead, two were allowed to retire with full pension and benefits while a third was ‘counseled’.”He included the internal affairs reports of the three majors, as well as 44 other cases, as exhibits for his motion.
Sheridan’s civil suit also names former State Police Commissioner Paul Evanko, Deputy Commissioner Thomas Coury and Lt. Col. Hawthorne Conley as defendants.Maj. William Dixon not only raped an employee and forcibly performed oral sex on her but he grabbed the breasts and buttocks of another employee and the breasts and buttocks of a third, the documents show.
A deputy commissioner, who was not identified, gave Woodring a “constructive counseling session” after an investigation sustained the allegations, the documents show. Woodring later retired.
In September 2000, a state police clerk accused her former lover, Maj. Roger Peacock, of stalking and harassing her.
She said he even once tried to run her off the road, the motion said.Peacock was allowed to retire with full pension and benefits.The three majors could not be reached for comment last night.
Bad Cop… No Doughnut!
MO’ BAD COPS–Fired cop pleads guilty to sex charges Oregon – A former police officer accused of coercing women into providing sexual favors while he worked the graveyard shift has pleaded guilty to four felony charges.
Juan Francisco Lara, 29, faces a maximum sentence of 26 years at a hearing tentatively scheduled for Feb. 23, his original trial date. He remained free on bail.
Lane County District Attorney Doug Harcleroad announced the conviction late Tuesday in written statement. Harcleroad wrote that he made no deals regarding the length of Lara’s sentence.Lara pleaded guilty to three counts of official misconduct and one count of public indecency, Harcleroad said.
Lara, who has a wife and two young sons, was arrested Aug. 5 and pleaded innocent at his arraignment. He was fired from the police department on Sept. 10.
Police have said he met the women during his 2 1/2 years as a patrol officer. He met two of them while responding to calls for service at their respective homes. He later returned and engaged in sex acts while on duty and in uniform, investigators have said.
He met two other women as they left a downtown bar at closing time.
The indictment charged that Lara coerced a 40-year-old Eugene woman into performing oral sex last April. It said he threatened to use his position as a police officer to affect her negatively if she did not participate.
The indictment also refers to two separate occasions between June 26 and July 4 when Lara allegedly forced a 41-year-old woman to engage in oral sex against her will.
He was also accused of engaging in oral sex in a public place sometime between Aug. 5, 2001, and Dec. 31, 2002.
Magana, 40, is being held at the Lane County Jail on $4.2 million bail. He has pleaded innocent to allegations that he sexually assaulted or raped 15 different women during his time as a patrol officer.
Magana, who has since been fired from the department, faces life in prison if convicted of all counts.
His trial is scheduled for next month.
–from Rogue
BIKERNET MIDDLE EAST RELATIONS– We have been informed that the Arabs do not like to be called “towel heads”.
The item they wear on their heads is actually a small sheet.Effective immediately, please call them “little sheet heads.”
Thank you for your cooperation.
–from Helen Wolfe

HARLEY PROJECT–My project is moving along? This is about where I am going to stop for awhile till more funds. Next step, sell all Shovel parts and frame to get stretched frame and going with EVO motor.
–arturo gomez

NEW WHITEHORSE PRESS MANUAL–We are pleased to announce publication of Mark Zimmerman’s new book, THE ESSENTIAL GUIDE TO MOTORCYCLE MAINTENANCE: TIPS AND TECHNIQUES TO KEEP YOUR MOTORCYCLE IN TOP CONDITION, 256 pages, 500 illus, $29.95. Copies are now in stock and if you’d like to order one for yourself or a friend, click
This authoritative guide helps all riders master basic motorcycle maintenance skills and keep their favorite two-wheel machines running smoothly and safely. Included are simpler tasks such as oil and coolant changes, bleeding brakes, changing drive chains, replacing fork seals and balancing tires, as well as more complex projects like properly adjusting today’s complex suspensions, synchronizing carburetors, and replacing a clutch.
The book is illustrated on every page with color photos and easy-to-follow diagrams that show you step-by-step how to perform each task. Whether you want to save time and money by performing maintenance on your bike, or you simply want to become a well-informed consumer when you take your bike to the dealer for service, you are sure to find valuable help in this book.
You might also want to check out our popular and affordable MOTORCYCLE LIFT for those mid-winter wrenching projects. This is one of the best we’ve seen in price and quality! $189.95
We also feature an ingenious new workshop light called the LOC-LITE which points a brilliant LED bulb right where you want it. Check that out too while you’re on our web site. $35.00

RARE, UNPUBLISHED SADAM PHOTOS–Bikernet has a couple of connections imbedded inside Iraq. Here’s some unpublished shots after Sadam’s arrest. Why didn’t they rat pack the sonuvabitch?
BIKERNET TRAVEL ADVICE–A jumbo jet is just coming into the Tampa Airport on its final approach. The pilot comes on the intercom, “This is your Captain. We’re on our final descent into Tampa. I want to thank you for flying with us today and I hope you enjoy your stay in Tampa Bay.”
He forgets to switch off the intercom. Now the whole plane can hear his conversation from the cockpit. The copilot says to the pilot, “Well, skipper, watcha gonna do in Tampa?”
“Well,” says the skipper, “first I’m gonna check into the hotel and take a big crap…. then I’m gonna take that new stewardess with the huge tits out for dinner….. then I’m gonna wine and dine her, take her back to my room and put it to her big time, all night.”
Everyone on the plane hears this and immediately begins looking up and down the aisle trying to get a look at the new stewardess.
Meanwhile the new stewardess is at the very back of the plane.She’s so embarrassed that she starts to run to try and get to the cockpit to turn the intercom off. Halfway down the aisle, she trips over an old lady’s bag and down she goes.
The old lady leans over and says: “No need to hurry, dear.He’s gotta take a shit first.”
–From Bubblehead

BIKERNET NASA CONNECTION–Still not released to the public, Bikernet reporter sent in this rare shot from the surface of Mars.
NEW ARIZONA MAGAZINE–THUNDER RIDERS– Give me a call at either 602-971-2912. I plan of publishing fiction, tech articles and event coverage. The first issue of Thunder Riders is out. I could use the help.
–Clay Douglas
ROGUE DAYTONA REPORTS– Was that Angel dust I snorted? Ha Ha. Shit it has been so long I can?t remember.
(See Daytona Bike Week Report on the home page.) Those were some good days and I am happy to say that I am still having good days though not exactly the same way.
Glad to see that you got the Jack Daniels part right and we do need to do a bottle one of these days.
It is a little early for items on Bike Week in Daytona Beach to appear in local publications. There are other news items though that can give an insight to were things are going.
A main one is growing Massive Re-Development in Daytona Beach proper. It will affect some aspects of Bike Week and slowly continue to move events more to the mainland and surrounding areas. It’s been creeping on us for some time.
I will send material near the end of Jan. and of course the early part of Feb. Any news will head your way.
I am sure that we will have plenty of good material heading into Bike Week and steady material during the event.
QUOTE OF THE WEEK–“How many times do you have to be hit on the head before you find out who’s hitting you?” Harry Truman
–from Nick Roberts

DUCKIN’ OUT–That’s it for the news. I need to hit the list bad. I’m burnin’ daylight.
Last week a reader wrote about his run to Bolivia. “Just back from Bolivia,” Jim Buck reported. “It was a wild ride all around. You’ve got to love a country with few laws and less enforcement. A few scorpions visited the bano’ in the casa of me wife’s familia. I caught ’em, put ’em on ice and brought em back with me. The three are now floating in an alcohol bath waiting to be molded, mounted and sprayed with a fixative.” See example below.

Later Jim sent us a couple of images from his trip, which I had to pass on this week. If you experience a wild ride don’t hesitate to write it up and send it to Send along low resolution jpg images, no larger that 500 pixels tall or wide.

If your story is feature worthy, we’ll edit, code the images and run it as a separate feature. If not you’ll see it in the news. Each feature story gets a year subscription to Bandit’s Cantina, but it better be damn good.

Check your list, then relax goddamnit and ride.