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BABE SINGER LOOKING FOR GIGS–I have a friend who’s a biker, a babe and, most importantly, a singer. She is putting together a tour for later this year and is looking for gigs out west, CA, AZ, NV, etc. I was wondering if I could write something up about her and her tour to post in the News or Sunday Post to get her some exposure out west.

I’ve attached a few pictures of her on a ride she did from Texas to Canada and some of her singing. Also, you can check her out in more detail and hear some of her music on Ride Hard, Ride Free –Chuck Riddle Look forward to it and to her.–Bandit NEW CANTINA MEMBER–Just became a member, thought I might donate a photo –Casey Bashar- BIKERNET NUMBERS FOR DECEMBER– I want to thank all our readers and sponsors for their support. Last month 214,000 unique visitors came to Bikernet, 415,000 visits, 800,000 impressions and 7.5 million hits. Not bad for a handful of bikers who love what they do. SOMETHING FOR THE WINTER RIDE– Larry Valle TOP SPOT AT NHTSA FILLED–The Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) announces President Bush has sent the nomination of Nicole R. Nason from Virginia to the U.S. Senate to assume the position of Administrator at the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). “Let’s hope Ms. Nason has a better approach to motorcycle safety than her predecessor.” said Jeff Hennie, Vice President of Government Relations for the Motorcycle Riders Foundation. “In all seriousness, the MRF does look forward to continuing to work with NHTSA when comes to focusing on motorcycle safety.”, he continued. “The recent formation of the NHTSA motorcycle safety network’s quarterly meetings which include the involvement of the MRF, AMA, NHTSA, Harley-Davidson, Honda, Kawasaki, SMSA, MSF and law enforcement is a positive sign NHTSA does want input from the riding community.”, Hennie added. NHTSA will be the lead agency in administration of the $25 million motorcycle safety grant program contained in SAFETEA-LU (PL 109-59). Inclusion of the grant program in the bill was due singularly to the efforts of the Motorcycle Riders Foundation and its members. Currently Ms. Nason serves as Assistant Secretary of Transportation for Governmental Affairs. Previously, she served as Assistant Commissioner for the Office of Congressional Affairs for the United States Customs Service. Ms. Nason also served as Communications Director and Counsel to Representative Porter J. Goss. Earlier in her career, she served as Governmental Affairs Counsel at Metropolitan Life Insurance Company. Ms. Nason received her bachelor’s degree from the American University and her Juris Doctor from Case Western Reserve. Worthy Mention.The President also nominated Roger Shane Karr, of the District of Columbia, to be an Assistant Secretary of Transportation. Karr will replace Nason. – (e-mail) THE WEEKLY PHOTOGRAPHIC ART EXHIBIT–Couple of Sturgis ’04 shots photoshopped into one. Enjoy! Ride Hard, BILLY LANE’S BLOOD SWEAT AND GEARS TOUR HAS SPONSORSHIP OPENING FOR TWO SPONSORS–If you love this country, building motorcycles, Billy Lane, soldiers, or the war on terrorism, this tour could be just right for you. Billy builds custom motorcycles with big name builders, live, on stage at major events, in front of major excited crowds. “No one take care of Iraq veterans like Billy does,” Said Darcy Betlach. If you’re interested contact Darcy Betlach, HARDBIKES INSTALLS FIRST FOUR CUSTOM MOTORCYCLE DESIGN CENTERS– The Design Center is Rolled Out in PA, NJ, CT and MA.Hermitage, Pennsylvania, January 19, 2006 — Hardbikes is pleased toannounce their first four installations of the Hardbikes Design Center duringthe first week in January 2006 at Bucks County Custom Cycles in Pipersville,PA, Chrome and Custom in Fairfield, NJ, Suzuki of Swansea in Swansea, MA andStreet Stuff in Norwich, CT. Each dealer received a Hardbikes Design Center in their showroom where customerswork with a certified designer to get fitted for their custom bike on one of thetwo Hardbikes Hardrider systems. One Hardrider provides fitment for the Bobberand Prostreet bike while the other is designed for the Chopper and the HighRoller. The way the process works is a buyer can either come into the dealership or logon to the Hardbikes website and design their custom motorcycle through asoftware application called the Design Wizard. After that is completed they sitdown with their local dealer designer to get fitted for the bike to theirphysical dimensions and riding style. The dealer pulls three measurements that include seat position, forward controlssetting and handle bar position. This allows the designer to make sure therelationship of the leg extension, arm reach and posterior position fall withina comfortable riding position in the comfort triangle. Enthusiasts get aperfectly fitted bike that avoids back strain and increases safety andperformance. “During our installation at Chrome and Custom in New Jersey, we custom fit a5’4″ woman on our entry-level old-school styled 200 Bobber,” said BobKay, VP Sales and Marketing. “She was able to sit flat footed and told usthat this was the first bike she felt comfortable on after a full day ofshopping for a bike.””All the dealers were very positive and found that the concept of theHardbikes Design Center was the best they had seen,” explained Tim Saulsbery,Hardrider Systems Coordinator. “They all had a very positive response to oursystem of building a bike to fit the person.” Hardbikes is committed to building a manufacturing process and selling systemthat supports the unique culture of the American V-Twin rider. Once a customerdesigns the bike of their dreams, Hardbikes builds the motorcycle that fits eachcustomer perfectly. For more information on dealer sales contact:Bob Kay,, Hardbikes 724-981-7000 BIKERNET STEALTH REPORT FROM NC–It has been spring time in January here in the Charlotte area. There are bikes out on the road everyday! The buzz around here or I should say “Roar” is about our Panthers being in NFC Championship game this Sunday. Go Panthers! Back to bikes, here at STEALTH BIKE WORKS we remain steady. We could always use more work, but so far through out the winter it has been encouraging. One thing about running a bike shop is you learn how to make things work when others say they won’t work. I hate to hear someone say “It won’t work.” That is why what we do is called “custom”. We make it work. Sometimes you just have to stop and take a different approach. Just because a book or someone tells you it won’t work doesn’t mean it can’t be done. One thing we like to see at SBW is repeat customers. It tells us we are doing something right. It makes my day when I see a customer return. Last week I sold a set of tires to a guy. I asked him how he heard about us and he told me that a customer of ours told him about us. That is the best kind of advertisement. Someone who has spent money with us tells their friends about us. It is good to know our name is getting out there. When we have people come in and ask us about building bikes we try to explain the process and put them at ease. Some really have not thought about what building a bike involves. They have seen it done on T.V. and boy does it look easy. The reality of building a bike is far more involved and for some over their heads. It takes some money to build a bike. Some are way off on this part of the build. You don’t have to be rich but you have to be real. I had a guy tell me was going to build a bike for 5 grand. I told him “Good Luck!” Some get into building a bike and then the cost factor hits them. You can’t build a bike and worry about every dime that it takes to finish it. You can be efficient building a bike but there are not many corners to cut. There are certain things that you have to do, no short cuts, no inferior products. Your ass is on the line and our name is on the line. That’s why if you do not want to do it the right way, you are better off finding something else to spend your money on. Here at SBW we don’t cut corners on anything our name is going on. We will not cut corners on safety issues such as brakes, tires etc. A friend of mine told me that this is an “expensive game” and it is in some ways but if you want to play you have got to pay! Things like tires and brakes are not expensive when you understand that your life depends on them. Think about it! The Easyrider show is just around the corner and everyone is busy getting their bike ready. The show is a two day show here in Charlotte, Feb. 11th + 12th. This show always proves to be a good one. Hey it is 65 degrees here and it supposed to be around 70 degrees tomorrow, time to go for a ride! Until next week, RIDE! DAYTONA BIKE WEEK 2006– Before you know it Daytona Beach Bike Week will be here. With the event growing and expanding through out the state of Florida it is not too early to start making plans and reservations. For many years and a lot of reasons the event has spread out across the state with activities as far south as Miami and Key West. Orland has very large crowds with a lot of activities many especially for the visiting bikers. I have recently been informed that the Cocco Beach area is gearing up and expecting more motorcyclists this year. That is not surprising as the area is Very Biker Friendly. It also has daily ship gambling cruises, is close to the Space Center, Air Boat Rides, Fine restaurants and other entertainment. Cocco Beach is close enough to Daytona Beach that it is an enjoyable ride there for the special things you want to see and attend. The Hotels and Motels are plentiful and offer very reasonable rates. The money you save could be used for other entertainment. Further down I-95 in Palm Bay the new Space Coast Harley Davidson dealer ship is also planning some events for the traveling bikes. Bikernet will be bringing you our reports and what’s happening as we have in the past in hope that you will have an enjoyable stay while in Florida. OH ROGUE says: If you see him ask him to take your picture. He will be all over doing his thing. Having Fun OH YEA! — Rogue SOUTH DAKOTA ABATE LEGISLATIVE DAY–South Dakota ABATE will be hosting their annual Legislative Day this Thursday thru Saturday. Plan to wear your leather and have a blast interacting with our legislators (Many of them wear their leathers that day too!). At time it looks like a relatively quiet session for us. We are watching the proposed change to a mandatory blood test if stopped for DUI. SD plans to crack down on riders of ATV’s and scooters, we are in close contact with our legislators on that issue. Some are complaining about decorative lighting, we don’t know enough about that yet to update you. Teenagers may lose their cell phones while driving. Vendors from the Sturgis Rally are asking the state to change its gaming laws to allow more expensive bikes to be given away, but that looks like it needs more work before passage. Issues that are on our list but maybe not this year include the handlebar height law and modifying the license plate laws. We do not yet have enough evidence of “need” for change to get the handlebar law fixed. We need your help, let us know when you get stopped while here so we can prove to the legislators a problem does exist. ABATE of SD has begun working closely with our Dept of Safety to find ways to reduce motorcycle accidents and fatalities by education and roadway improvements. Our goal is to prove that smart, trained riders can take care of themselves without need for mandated safety equipment. –Larry Nielson HANDLEBAR SYNDROME–Know anyone who suffers from Handlebar Syndrome? HS is simply the inability to look at either a picture of, or an actual custom motorcycle that general consensus holds to be worthy of praise, without using the phrase “Well, if it was mine, I’d change the handlebars…” or a variant thereof. HS can reach chronic proportions in certain individuals. There are recorded cases of persons in Wallmart being asked if the trolley was OK and replying “Well, if it was mine, I’d change the handlebars…”. In extreme cases, sufferers when asked “What do ya think of the tits on that?” will reply “Well, if it was mine, I’d change the handlebars…”. HS came to the attention of Doctor Ivor Suzuki in 2003 when he was called upon to pronounce a Mr. Dick Head deceased as a result of being battered over the head by his wife, Gives. Mrs. Head apparently became incensed when Mr. Head was asked for an opinion on whether his wife’s new dress “made her ass look fat” and replied “Well, if it was mine, I’d change the handlebars…”. Dr. Suzuki has been working ever since to discover a treatment for HS. His research into aversion therapy, inspired by an event observed during some field research in which a member of a motorcycle club asked a bystander what they thought of a newly constructed motorcycle and the bystander replied “Well, if it was mine, I’d change the handlebars…”, has suggested that anally inserted handlebars may cure, or at least alleviate the compulsion. If you can donate $2.50 a month to help with Dr. Suzukis research, then just send me the money, and I’ll pass it on. In the meantime Dr. Suzuki suggests that next time your showing off a newly built motorcycle you take along a couple of pairs of handlebars and some Vaseline.” –from Black Jack Continued On Page 5
Big Kahuna Motorcycle Tours & Rentals
–Whiplash Biker Photog
Legislative Officer