Continued On Page 2

This will be a completely screwy news section. It feels too close to the Holidays, like we should continue the party. Okay, why not? We will, so I’ll keep the business end short and sweet.
We sat down the other day and started kicking around goals for 2003. We plan to publish another book and it may be Badlands with MotorBooks International or the first of the Chance Hogan series. Either way I’ll be happy. The site is growing monthly, but there will be a few changes including the entire 1500 page CCI catalog may be on home page soon. We will finish the Amazing Shrunken FXR and the King is heading to the powder coater. Then I will begin a Pro Street Twin Cam for the ride to Sturgis. Plus I’m interested in restoring a Pea Shooter, if I can find a deal on one to replace my ’31 VL.
Some may be doable goals and others dreams, but ya gotta take a shot each year. I’ll tell you one important and loveable aspect to life at Bikernet, the people and the pure fun of doing it. It’s a blast, and if is wasn’t for Jose, Crazy Horse, Helen, Jason, Frank Kaisler, Jon Towle, Bob and Chris T. and especially Nyla, it couldn’t be done or handled with the fun we have. So enjoy the ride with us for another year.
BIKERS HAVE A BUMPY RIDE IN 2002–London was the scene of inter-club rivalries, internal dissent and police crackdowns for Ontario’s biker gangs.By RANDY RICHMOND.
LONDON, Ont. — London’s biker world started with a bang and ended with some big busts this year.In between, the Hells Angels and their rivals, the Outlaws, faced off at a bike show and took turns going to court and jail.After the dust cleared, the biker clubs were still around, but damaged, and police could cautiously declare several victories.The rivalry between the newcomers to London and Ontario, the Hells Angels, and the long-established Outlaws erupted Jan. 7 outside the Outlaws clubhouse on Egerton Street.
–from Rogue and CNEWS

If you can still walk, it wasn’t enough.
Ride or don’t. I don’t want to hear excuses.
Fight or don’t (see above).
A fast bike, good conversation, excellent sex. All else is superfluous.
A real friend will hold your hair out of the way while you puke.
Always hit with the fleshy part of your hand.
A friend is a friend, but a buddy you can sleep with.
There is no such thing as too many orgasms.
Dream more. Think less.
There is always time for more oral sex.
If you don’t like your life, change it. Don’t whine.
Never trust the carpeople, always assume that they are out to kill you.
Don’t be bothered with stupid people, push them aside and carry on.
Heart and soul: Some are born with it, some earn it, some never have it.
When meeting someone new, trust your nose: If they don’t smell right, don’t eat them.
Love is the most powerful of all motivators: Some will die for it. Some will kill for it.
The fire of passion is never to be regretted.
Don’t go to your death regretting what you didn’t do.
Never underestimate the pleasure of sportfucking.
If you don’t end up bruised, bleeding or sore you weren’t playing hard enough.

TROCK TECH ON CV CARBS COMING TO BIKERNET–“Talked to Trock. He informed me that he is writing some stuff for the CV carb article. Karen his wife will type it up and I’ll go over it when I get it.” said Pablo.
What a writer. He had the manufacturer handle the chores. The carb we are featuring is above and may end up on my Twin Cam Pro Street. Hang on. CVs are noted carbs by some of the best, so we’ll examine why and report back. The other gadjet is a Trock designed tool for removing and replacing stock gas inlets on CV carbs. They stock units are notorious trouble makers.

SPIKEE COVER FOR 3-INCH BDL DRIVES–Nothing more radical than an open belt drive. This Cyril Huze Spikee side cover adds safety, beauty and attitude to any BDL 3″ open belt system. CNC machined from 6061 billet aluminum. Fit Softail and Dyna Glide models from 84 to present. Hardware included. Polish or chrome.
Cyril Huze
Tel: 561-392-5557

BIKERNET CANADIAN SCIENTIFIC STUDY–Yesterday, scientists for Health Canada suggested that men should take a look at their beer consumption, considering the results of a recent analysis that revealed the presence of female hormones in beer.
The theory is that drinking beer makes men turn into women. To test the finding 100 men were fed 6 pints of beer each. It was then observed that 100% of the men gained weight, talked excessively without making sense, became overly emotional, couldn’t drive, failed to think rationally, argued over nothing, and refused to apologize when wrong. No further testing is planned.
–Steve Bauman

SHOVELHEAD RED FOR SALE ON BIKERNET–Just published; a refreshingly different new tale in the Biker Fictiongenre. Lovers of wind and wheels take note; this is an old-school, nonsugar-coated, scooter tramp, writing! His character development, andabilities with dialect and word pictures are remarkable. Throughout thestory, the element of surprise is employed, keeping you itching to turn thenext page.
This adventure takes our central character through extremes ofcircumstance that totally stand his world on end, and change his life inless than 24 hours. The story is filled with belly laughs, some tears,questionable wisdom,a lot of reality, and a fabulous ending. Because not knowing what happensnext is so important to enjoying this book, ya only get a look at Chapters 1& 2. Be warned, you’ll be caught up from the first page, and hungry formore at the last.
And there is more to come! “The Drifter’s Way” is the first of a threebook series featuring the Character; Shovelhead Red. Book two should beready by late-summer 2003. If you buy book one, you’ll be more than readyfor another Shovelhead Red fix; trust us on this one.
“The Drifter’s Way” has received glowing reviews from too many bikeroriented magazines and newsletters to list. Purchaser response has beenphenomenal, and to a person, extremely complimentary. Don’t procrastinate;order your autographed, numbered, first edition copy today.
Be a stand up bro or sister! Buy several for your friends…or buyseveral and MAKE some friends.”SHOVELHEAD RED”; America’s new biker hero!GET TO KNOW HIM!
$18 per copy; In the Bikernet Gulch soon

L.A. TOY RUN FROM 1973–from Bob T.”Came across this photo in some old stuff.This was a Toy Run back about 1973 (?) to Griffith Park.Can`t remember who took the photo. I am in there somewhere,Maybe you are too…Who knows… Some great bikes in there.”

AMAZING SHRUNKEN FXR 8 COMIN’ SOON–The images are coded and most of the copy written for a major project bike tech. This article will cover the BDL installation featured above handled by master machinist and longtime Harley mechanic, Giggie, who now designs and tests parts for Compu-Fire. You will also witness as he turns hydraulic lifters into S&S solids to save the starter motor and as he installs breather fixtures that fix oil-filled air cleaners. You’ll witness as he installs a Compu-Fire charging system, ignition system and starter. I know there’s more, but I’m lost. Hang on.

CYRIL HUSE SPIKEE VELOCITY STACK–Cyril designed this eye-catching velocity stack to add performance & style to your carburetor. Made out of billet aluminum and chrome plated. Horn screw-in on bracket for a super clean look with no bolt. Kit includes horn, bracket, pair of breathers and internal filter screen. Horn is 3.75″ long. For CV, S&S E or G & Mikuni carburetors.
Cyril Huze Custom
Motorcycles & Parts
Tel: 561-392-5557
Fax: 561-392-9923

THERE’S MORE WITH THE CYRIL HUZE GRIP EXTENSION FOR MIRRORS–This clutch side grip extension bolt on all Cyril Huze Spikee grips (3 designs) and let you install their Dreamliner or Spikee mirror. Chrome.