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HEY BANDIT—My aunt Gerty wants to buy a Harley. I told her she isn’t ready for a Harley yet. She needs a little more practice on her take offs. I thought maybe you could let her practice on your bike a few times to get the hang of it. She will be over at your house in the morning. I enclosed a picture of her.
Thanks–BOB T.
You know the rule, relative or not, no fat chicks.
BIKERNET CARIBBEAN REPORT–Well guys, it’s 2003 and I’m still around, good or bad, like it or not….. I guess those fuckers that keep ” predicting” that the World will be over soon got another reality check…The joke is on them…for now..Since it’s a whole new year, we will start from scratch, the slate will be cleared to place new mayhem, new antics, new controversy….Or maybe not ? I know some people will cheer and some will cast stones, like always, don’t take what you read here too seriously, read between the lines, and just take it for what it is, another guy venting his thoughts in a casual forum. Anyway what the fuck do I know. I just live in a small tropical island, ride and build choppers for a living. And I’ll continue to write a speck on this industry…. So enjoy yourself in this new year, and hold on for the ride…

Now, since I’m on the new year stuff, I know everyone has resolutions, “I ‘ll quit smoking, no more hookers, I’ll drink less, get on a diet, work less, work more” Everyone has something they don’t want to do anymore. I have stuff I want to do, yeah some of the things that happened in 2002 are going into the page of stuff that happened, some will be lessons learned, some will fade from memory, but most will go to the page of—” How the fuck can I top that?”
So here we go. This is what I want for 2003, mind you, reachable goals, no stuff like orgies at the Playboy mansion (which would be great, but a bit far fetched) and again things that are already planned and sort of confirmed (nothing is ever etched in stone) will stay off this little wishing list:
I will work on getting one of my bikes in Easyriders magazine. Yep, it’s just a goal, not of the outmost importance but just a goal that was set many, many years ago…
I will be the same kind of person, human, as I’ve always been, I mean good or bad….
I’ll be there, always, for my brothers, people that love me, and family.
I refuse to give rubbies, wannabe’s, hoggers and all those a break, No fucking way ! Since I can’t name them all, let’s generalize a bit…
I’ll attack what I consider as wrong and defend what I consider is right…. I’ll defend friends and ignore foes, not caring if my opinion is asked for, I’ll give it anyway !
I want more time to enjoy things, more bike trips, meet more people and respect those who deserve to be respected.
I want my business to be successful enough so I can keep on building bikes (which is what I like) without worries. I have no interest in being rich, just have enough to do what I do.
I would love another Discovery ride/ show, here in PR or any other place, I really don’t care about the cameras, but the fun and good times we had were priceless.
I wish for the success and growth of all my friends projects/ business
I won’t ride a new, nor stock bike, I won’t have anything with a TC 88 unless it’s a rigid chopper has a separate tranny and a kick start.
Ok, let’s stop all the wishing, even thought there’s some very personal goals, and of course I won’t share them with half the World (that’s why they are personal !!!!) So let’s go on…

I’m still waiting for a couple parts for my new Chopper, almost everything is here but I need those two or three components to be able to do the full mock up and start welding, it’s getting kind of frustrating. I wanted to have the whole thing together by yesterday, but, what you gonna do. With all the Holiday chaos it’s not easy to get the stuff down here. I guess that’s a small thing, the joy of seeing the UPS person ringing the bell….besides other things….

I have been using small shops of friends for most of my stuff, (what I have not done at my shop I mean), very few parts are from well known companies, only the ones I’ve been working with for many, many years…. I’ll work on something pretty soon about the whole build. I’m just holding because other shop owners here, our pseudo competitors, are such scum sucking ,copy cat, mother fuckers that I have to hide stuff and even company names from them. What a bitch, ain’t it ? Anyway here’s a list of friends who have helped with our new projects (yep projects, we are taking five new bikes to Daytona !!! ):Accutronix, Twisted Choppers, Black Bike, Choppers Inc, West Coast Choppers, Avon, Custom Chrome/ Chrome Specialties, Shamrock Fabrication, Voodoo Choppers, Clayton Machine Works, Diamond, Exile Cycles, Forking by Franks, Rivera Primo, PDQ seats, etc , etc… thanks guys you all rock! (and if I forgot someone, sorry ! )
Our Chopper Freak ™ point covers will be soon available thru our web site and at The Horse magazine, now that I finally got them made !
We are on the new Kopteri Magazine from Finland (actually all of us) the Discovery ride, The Horse Smoke out and Sturgis, it’s number 48 in case you speak Finnish or can get you hands on it.
And now to the news (like I wasn’t doing that before….)
Congratulations to Bill and Renay from WCC that tied the noose yesterday, two finer people you won’t find. I guess there’s a marrying bug around the Anaheim street shop, maybe us single guys should pay a visit…. ( I mean those who want to commit matricide).
I took a sneak peek at Choppers Inc. bikes for the VQ and Camel, but I’m keeping those secret for a while, I promise as soon as I can I will release the photos, hold on tight, they are fucking wicked ! Billy is working like a madman, but totally outdoing his previous cool stuff…..

I just did an interview for our new local magazine Biker Spot, as well as an interview of Billy Lane, this issue will be all about choppers, those guys are doing a very good job, let’s see what the future holds.
Our Chopper Freak ™ T-shirt line has been a hit, we are already getting dealer aps for the shirts, if you own a shop give me a call, or e-mail…. Wow, I never even thought about it, till they started calling asking for them…. Thanks to all who have ordered…. I will keep asking what bike do you ride before getting the order….
Our friend Wicho just scored a ’52 pan that Warren Lane put together many moons ago. The bike is tits, welcome to the world of old school….One more guy coming to his senses… Hey reader how about you ?? Make that a New Year resolution… ” note to myself… get an old chopper , rigid , jockey shift and kick start, learn how to ride…. ”
Anyway…. I’m out of here, it’s New years day, I hate football and I have a few Choppers to put together, gotta work hard if I want to make it to Tahiti… by the way, any good looking chicks that might want to go???
Once more Happy New Year.
–Jose, Caribbean Bikernet Reporter. (soon unleashing the gates of Hell )
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