Continued From Page 2

QUOTE OF THE DAY — “Life isn’t like a box of chocolates…it’s more like a jar of jalapenos. What you do today, might burn your ass tomorrow.”
–from Christ T
NAG, NAG, NAG– An attorney arrived home late one evening after a very taxing day trying to get a stay of execution for a client named William Wright who was due to be hanged for murder at midnight. His last minute plea for clemency to the state governor had failed and he was feeling tired and depressed.
As soon as he got through the door his wife started on about, “What time of night do you call this? Where the hell have you been?” and so on.
Too shattered to play his usual role in this familiar ritual, he poured himself a very large whisky and headed off to the bathroom for a long hot soak — pursued by the predictable sarcastic remarks.
While he was in the bath the phone rang, which the wife answered to be told that her husband’s client had been granted his stay of execution after all.
Realizing what a day he must have had, she relented a little and went upstairs to give him the good news. As she opened the bathroom door she was greeted by the sight of her husband’s rear view as he bent naked over the bath cleaning the tub.
“They’re not hanging Wright tonight,” she said, at which the attorney whirled round and screamed hysterically, “For crying out loud woman, don’t you ever stop?”
BE CAREFUL OF CELL PHONES–Identity Thief. Keep a watch out for people standing near you at retailstores, restaurants, grocery stores, etc., that have a cellphone in hand.
With the new camera cell phones, they can take a pictureof your credit card, which gives them your name, number,and expiration date. Identification theft is one of the fastest growingscams today, and this is just another example of the means that arebeing used.
THE STEALTH REPORT–The big news here in Charlotte is the Panthers are in the Super Bowl! Here at H.D. of Charlotte we are doing two Sportster gas tanks commemorating the victory in the NFC championship game. One is for #77 Kris Jenkins, all pro defensive tackle for the Panthers and the other is to keep here at the shop after it is autographed by all the Panthers. Kris rides a black 2002 Road King Classic and is a supporter of the Run For Breath. He always comes up big for us in the way of door prizes. Congratulations to Kris and all the Panthers! By the way, Mr. Bandit the home of the Panthers is Charlotte NORTH CAROLINA! NOT South Carolina!
The Meanest and I are trying to get a web site up and running for the Run For Breath. Well I should say mostly The Meanest is working on it. She is the “high tech” one of the two of us. It should be up soon with pictures from past runs and info on the upcoming run this year, so stay tuned.
This weekend, Saturday (Jan. 24th) the Easyriders bike show comes to Charlotte. The Charlotte show is #2 in attendance second only to the three day Invitational Easyriders show in Columbus Ohio! Charlotte is a hot bed for motorcycles and local builders. They all turn out for this show for local bragging rites. There is a lot of bike building talent in and around the Charlotte area as well as some top notch painters. So if you are in the Charlotte area stop by. The show will be held downtown at the Charlotte Convention Center, 501 South College St., 704-339-6000. I will have a full report with photos next week.
Hey it is only five weeks until Daytona Bike Wee and that means spring is right around the corner, so get those winter projects buttoned up, it will be riding season soon! Hang in there winter will be history soon!
BIKERNET DESERT ADVICE–A modern day cowboy had spent many days crossing the Californiadesert without water. His horse had already died of thirst. He wascrawling through the sand, certain that he had breathed his last,when all of a sudden, he saw an object sticking out of the sandseveral yards ahead of him.
He crawled up to the object, pulled it out of the sand, anddiscovered what looked to be an old briefcase. He opened it and outpopped a genie. But this was no ordinary genie. She was wearing anInternal Revenue Service, ID badge and a dull gray dress. There wasa calculator sticking out of her pocketbook, and she also had apencil tucked behind one ear.
“Well, cowboy”, said the genie. “You know how I work, you have three wishes.”
“I’m not falling for this,” says the cowboy. “I’m not going totrust an IRS auditor genie.”
“What do you have to lose, she says, You’ve got notransportation, and it looks like you’re a goner anyway.”
The cowboy thought about this for a minute, and decided that thegenie was right.
“OK,” he ventured, “I wish I were in a lush oasis with plenty of foodand drink.”
The cowboy found himself in the most beautiful oasis he had ever seen. And he was surrounded with jugs of wine and platters of delicacies.
“OK, cowpoke, what’s your second wish,” says the genie. “My second wish is that I become rich beyond my wildest dreams.”
The man finds himself surrounded by treasure chests filled with raregold coins and precious gems.
“OK, cowpuncher, says the genie, You have just one more wish. Bettermake it a good one!”
After thinking for a few minutes, the cowboy says, “I wish that nomatter where I go, beautiful women will want and need me.”
He is turned into a tampon.
THE MORAL OF THE STORY: If the government offers you anything,there’s going to be a string attached.

NEW FROM MR. LUCKY, DELTA 88– “Wanted to keep it retro/vintage looking, but using up to datebrakes etc………hope you like it!” said Ed Martin. We will feature this bike next week and commemorate the “Rebirth” of Jammer Cycle Parts.
“Mr Lucky’s”

Here’s a new product from Mr. Lucky’s story. Rigid saddlebags.

COLLIER DEPUTY THREW GIRLFRIENDS’S DRUG PIPES IN LAKE– NAPLES, Fla. – A sheriff’s deputy has been put on probation for throwing his girlfriend’s drug pipes in a lake and telling her to flush a bag of what he thought was marijuana down a toilet.
Collier County sheriff’s Cpl. Stan Cochran, 24, acknowledged taking the pipes from his live-in girlfriend and driving them to a lake in his marked patrol car.
Cochran told investigators he knew he should have notified his supervisors.
“I was going through a situation that I was trying to clear up and I was hoping to avoid any publicity and embarrassment at work,” he said. “I was hoping to resolve it without having to get other people involved.”
Cochran was put on six month’s probation, given a letter of counseling and will have to forgo a $400 raise for not following procedures, according to an internal affairs report.
Sheriff Don Hunter said Cochran, who joined the agency in 1999, could have been punished more severely had he been more experienced and if he had been on duty at the time.
“His behavior on duty is more strictly controlled,” he said. “Off-duty behavior is much harder.”
–from Rogue

MORE TECHS COMING TO BIKERNET–Watch for them. Here’s a close up shot of an early transmission breather screw from Frank Kaisler. Don’t forget it.
WEAPONS CHARGE– A member of the Hells Angels motorcycle club is being charged with illegal possession of deadly firearms and accused of stockpiling an arsenal of weapons inside his Douglaston, Queens home.
Queens District Attorney Richard Brown says 39-year-old Gregory Heine is a past president of the club’s New York City Chapter. Brown says there were 41 weapons — including rifles, shot guns and handguns in the house.
Heine faces up to seven years in prison if convicted of the weapons possession charge.
Brown says the officers found four rifles, two shot guns, 16 revolvers and 19 semi-automatic and automatic pistols. Brown says Heine was returned to Queens last night for arraignment on the weapons charges. He’s being held on $100,000 bail.

BIKERNET WINNERS–I know we snooze some times, I know we could be a little more pro-active on picking winners. But sometimes we really are so busy; we don?t have time for sex. I mean if you had to choose, sex, pick winners, sex, I choose sex, but this week I’ll pick a couple of winners as well. Here they are:
I hope this guys wife doesn?t read Bikernet! He?s gonna get a new hat not even available in the Gulch yet. He?ll be the first.
And for the Cantina winner:
Ernest (BIG E) from Weldon, NC
Wanted: Bikernet t shirt 3x
VL TECH DISCUSSION– The article ( ) is very nice, good pics and text. However, with your permission, a few comments?
The bike shown on Page 1 is not a VL, it’s a 1936 RL 45″ (year based on the tank decal). The right side chain is a dead give-away; also the front frame tube, motor top end, trans cover, brake linkage and front wheel also very different.There is also a mistake on how the conversion was done (which I also sent to Shamrock–see rebuttal below).
The VL motor’s front mount is at the same height (vs. rear mount) as the 1937-48 UL and 1936-47 OHV motors, but .375″ higher than the 1948-* OHV motors. The only factory install (1948 U) had a spacer (24795-48) under the front mount.This means that when a 1948-* motor is installed in a 1930-47 frame, the front mounts will make contact when there is still 3/8″ of space under the rear mount. The usual method of bolting down the rear mount first to determine alignment does not work here.
The reason they had a misalignment with the front mount in the project is that when they bolted the rear down first, it angled the motor down in the rear, so both mounts were off. A 3/8″ spacer under the rear mount would have cured the misalignment but also raised the motor a bit.
–Jeff Diamond

REBUTTAL FROM RICH–“I modify the VL frames the way Randy Smith showed me how to in his shop (Custom Cycle Engineering), on Canal St., in Long Beach, over 35 years ago.
With his method of fitting a Big Twin into a VL frame, I have never had an engine/drivetrain alignment problem, nor have I had any frame breakage problems. This is the way Randy put them in, and it works.
As far as raising the rear mount 3/8″ to “cure” the misalignment problem on the front motor mount – while this MIGHT work in the case of a UL or a Knuckle, because of the additional height of the Pan, and Shovel engines over the Flattie/Knuck, there is barely enough room to trim the casting as it is to fit them in. Raising them an additional 3/8″ would render the seatpost/backbone forging in that?area?DANGEROUSLY thin to accomplish this, and allow clearance for the engine. Also, the area would be too narrow to allow welder access, to weld the seam on the other side of the gusset plates. This 3/8″ spacer here is not an option For a Pan, or a Shovel.
Also, some VL front engine pad forgings?are so narrow and short,?that sometimes it is impossible to line the existing holes in the mount up with the front case ears of a Pan or a Shovel, and do not allow redrilling the forging with any material surrounding the holes left. Hence, the reason for adding the 1/8″ thick plate to the mount there, and bolting the rear of the engine up first, then redrilling the front mounting holes, using the ears for a pattern. Adding material to the end, or side of the existing forging alone, to allow you enough “meat” to drill your front mounting holes is also not an option here either. ”
You’ll have to take the heat for the bike picture, I didn’t include this in the article, you guys added it.
Regards, Rich
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WOW! I’VE GOT TO BLAZE–Need to load and roll. Forgive me, if this news is out of wack. I’ll report on the show in the Sunday Post.
Ride Forever,