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GIRLS OF BIKERNET COMING TO BANDIT’S CANTINA–With the help of Peter Linney, RFR, Curt Lout, Don Rogers and photographers across the country, we’ll bring you the finest bikes and babes on the planet.
Here’s a couple of shots from Peter S. Linney who is trying to launch a magazine as a tribute to his work.
Peter S. Linney
323 463 4584

MRF ANNOUNCES NEW ELECTRONIC EPA QUESTIONAIRE–The Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) has created a web based, online version of the survey about the impact that the new EPA emissions rule will have on the custom motorcycle industry and individual riders.
The new rule aims to enforce the Clean Air Act by reducing the number of exempt custom motorcycles that small shops can build and individual riders can own. The rule also drastically reduces tail pipe emissions for all motorcycles effectively making carburetors a thing of the past and electronic fuel injection and catalytic converters a mainstay.
The survey originally ran as part of an article in the February edition of American Iron magazine. The survey was an idea that came out of the Motorcycle Riders Foundation government relations department and the good folks at American Iron liked the idea so much they ran it as a full page. The principle behind the survey was to obtain feedback from custom shops and their customers to determine real numbers of how many shops and bikes are going to be affected by the EPA rule.
Rather than ask shops and motorcycle enthusiasts to send information to the EPA, Congress or any other government organizations, The Motorcycle Riders Foundation agreed to act as the clearing house of the valuable information. The MRF gives full assurance that the information will only be used to help motorcyclists fight the EPA and not for anything else. In fact the survey guarantees absolute anonymity of all who take the time to fill it out.The survey results began coming in via fax and US mail and the overwhelming volume of results prompted the MRF to develop an online version. The more surveys the MRF receives, will strengthen the case that this new rule should not stand or get stricter.
Please take the time to fill out the online survey today and help the MRF in Washington, DC fight the EPA on your behalf.
In addition to the questionnaire, if you would like to join the MRF when the meet with EPA or the Small Business Administration on this important issue please contact the MRF in the Washington DC office at 202-546-0983 or by email at
The EPA survey can be found at: –from Rogue AUSTRALIA URGES MOTORISTS TO LOOK FOR BIKERS–TV ads will urge motorists to look out for bikes.The Department for Transport’s ‘THINK! Take longer to look for bikes’ campaign starts on 30th January and is car Vs. motorcycle but the same logic also applies to cyclists. A parallel campaign, urging motorcyclists to make themselves more visible, will run via six-sheet posters. The 30 second TV advert encourages urban car drivers to look longer for bikes. “How Close” shows a typical accident at a T-junction. The car driver, coming from a side road, casts a quick glance to the right before pulling out and turning right onto the main road. A motorbike traveling along the main road is seen crashing into the side of the car, leaving the motorist confused and shocked. “How close does a biker have to be before you see them?” asks a voiceover. The scenario is replayed, this time with the car driver looking for longer while the motorcyclist passes harmlessly in front of the car. The end line reads: “THINK! take longer to look for bikes”. A radio advert backs up the TV message and “acts as an in-car reminder,” said a statement from the DfT. The radio ad runs from 3rd February to 12th March. The TV ad runs from 30th January to 12th March. In 2003, 73 per cent of all crashes involving a two-wheeled motor vehicle also involved a car. The DfT report, ‘In-Depth Study of Motorcycle Accidents’, concluded that the most common cause of motorcycle crashes – as with bicycle crashes – is a ‘right of way violation’. The majority of these incidents occur at T-junctions and “it is usually the motorist – rather than the biker – who is at fault,” said the DfT. In 65 percent of these ‘right of way’ incidents, drivers fail to see motorcyclists who other witnesses report were easily visible. In cycling parlance, such right of way violations are called SMIDSYs – ‘sorry mate, I didn’t see you.’ Were cyclists – and motorcyclists – routinely wired up to on-board bombs, and they exploded on the slightest impact, it’s extremely likely that motorists would miraculously be able to see two-wheelers every time… –from Rogue S&S CYCLE ANNOUNCES NEW ONLINE TRAINING AND CERTIFICATION REGISTRATION–LA CROSSE, WI (January 24, 2006) S&S Cycle announces the launch of online Dealer Training and Certification class registration. The S&S Training and Certification Facility opened its doors to students on October 1st , and attendance has been steady, along with regular phone calls inquiring about available classes and registration. In order to make registration and class selection as easy as possible, it can now be done on the S&S website. By redesigning the registration portion of the website, including the classroom calendar, technicians can now easily see when the class they want to attend is scheduled, how many seats are open and what the cost is–with a valid dealer number and just a few clicks of the mouse. The option to charge your tuition to a credit card, in a secure environment, is now available. This feature will allow customers to lock in their training at a time that is convenient for them, not just during regular business hours. Technicians browsing the site will notice that there are discounts for multiple enrollments and additional classes. By sending technicians to the S&S Training and Certification Facility you raise the standards of your shop. By sending two or more technicians at once, tuition is discounted. There is no better time to visit and register for S&S Dealer Training and Certification classes. During Training and Certification classes, technicians are introduced to the SuperFlow dyno rooms and flowbench set up at the S&S La Crosse facility, along with a huge selction of hand tools from Mac Tools. Upon completing the courses, students are eligible to purchase SuperFlow & Mac Tools equipment for their shop at discounted pricing. WHITEHORSE PRESS CLEARANCE SALE–Long Way Round 2-Disc DVD?Now Available and In Stock.It took a while but the companion video to actors Ewan McGregor’s and Charley Boorman’s popular book, Long Way Round, is finally available in DVD format for viewers in the U.S. The New York Times called this “the ultimate road trip.” Order a copy and you’ll understand why. 6+ hours long, 7 episodes, 2 discs, extra features, $19.99. You might read Jaqhama reviews on Bikernet. Good friend and author, Dale Coyner, offers great roads and handpicked destinations to aid online readers with 2006 trip planning. Published monthly, recent editions of his newsletter have featured areas such as Pike County, Kentucky, and Mingo County, West Virginia, home of the Hatfield-McCoy feud. If you’re planning a trip to Appalachia, buy the new edition of his popular book, MOTORCYCLE JOURNEYS THROUGH THE APPALACHIANS, 2nd Edition, and sign up for the newsletter as well. May Open House at Whitehorse If you live in the Northeast, or want to ride in New England this spring, put May 20th on your calendar for a visit to our first and hopefully annual “Club Day.” All riders are welcome to stop by our warehouse from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM to enjoy some free Bar-BQ, great shopping, and lively tire-kicking talk. A great chance to ride the notches of the White Mountains and enjoy spring in our beautiful Mount Washington Valley. If you need help locating places to stay and things to do, call (800-531-1133) for advice or get yourself a copy of Marty Berke?s MASSACHUSETTS RIDERS BILL, CALL TO ACTION–Massachusetts riders are encouraged to call, write, fax, e-mail and visit their State Senators between now and February 1, 2006, requesting their support of Senate Bill No. 1344, as recently amended by Senator Moore. The amended version takes into consideration some opposition we’ve had for the past 35 years, and is more likely to be approved vs. being defeated, as it has those past 35 years. The amendment to SB 1344, which will be acted upon on February 1, calls for: If enacted in the Senate, it would then move over to the House for their action. If passed in the House and signed by the Governor, the law would take effect July 1, 2006. If you don’t know who your Senator is, go to, click on “Find your Legislator” – type in your address then scroll to State Senator. You can then click on to open their page. Further, riders are encouraged to call as many of the 40 State Senators as possible. Even though you don’t live in others’District, . . . their vote on this issue will still affect you! Continued On Page 3
Motorcycle Hall Of Fame Member 2005
1. Increased civil and criminal penalties to motorists who are responsible for collisions when they violate the right of way of all other road users (including motorcyclists), and shifting the financial burden (excess medical costs and lost wages) from injured victims to the responsible operators;
2. Allows owners of motorcycles to opt out of the existing motorcycle insurance system and go to a competitive market, opening the doors for more insurers to write coverage in Massachusetts;
3. Allows choice regarding helmet use to experienced (six years or more) adult motorcyclists or those who take the approved rider education course, and have private health insurance or $50,000 in optional medical payments coverage, with a $125 assessment to those who violate the law going to the State’s Head Injury Trust Fund Program; and
4. Changes in the existing motorcycle exhaust laws to limit the noise of motorcycle pipes.