Continued From Page 3

BIKERNET PRAYER BREAK–Killing Machine Choppers sent these shots. “It’s one foot in the grave chopper,” said Kenny from Riverside County Choppers. Call him for the whole story.
951 245 8500

DAD PUNCHES TEACHER’S AID ACCUSED OF MOLESTING HIS DAUGHTER– An angry father who marched into a classroom and punched a teacher’s assistant in the face said Wednesday he was protecting his 15-year-old daughter, who had accused the man of inappropriately touching her.
Dave F. Swafford, 42, was charged with felony battery on a school employee after he hit the 35-year-old aide in front of a class full of students at Lakewood Ranch High School near Bradenton Tuesday morning, authorities said. He was also named “Father of the Year” by a local radio station for his actions.
“I’m not real proud of what I did,” Swafford told The Associated Press Wednesday. “You have to protect your children, and my daughter does not lie to me.”
“If some other parents would do this, maybe some of these pedophiles would crawl back under rocks where they belong,” Swafford said.
–from Rogue

BIKERNET HIGHER EDUCATION– A Professor was giving a lecture on “Involuntary Muscular Contractions” to his first year medical students.
Realizing that this was not the most riveting subject, the Professor decided to lighten the mood slightly.
He pointed to a young woman in the front row and said, “Do you know what your ass hole is doing while you’re having an orgasm?”
She replied, “He’s probably golfing with his friends.”
–from Joe Lankau

SCAM OF THE WEEK– A man who pleaded guilty to scamming dozens of people by offering them nonexistent jobs driving strippers around in luxury vehicles has been sentenced to a year in jail.A judge is ordering Gary Janiak Jr. to pay back more than $110,000.
Prosecutors said Janiak and his girlfriend promised in newspaper ads around the country a weekly salary of up to $5,000 in cash for driving strippers to their jobs.
Janiak pleaded guilty on Monday to 357 counts of fraud employment. If his case gone to trial and had he been convicted on all counts he could have spent the rest of his life in prison.
Janiak’s girlfriend, Tracy Silverstone, pleaded guilty and agreed to testify against him. She was sentenced to 10 years probation.
It sounded like a dream job and easy money — drive strippers around in a fancy car and make big bucks. But police say it was really an elaborate scheme to steal from the people responding to the ad.
Police say Gary Janiak Jr. and Tracy Silverstone (pictured, right) put an ad in the paper, promising benefits, and a salary of $5,000 a week. Those who responded were told they first had to wire money as a deposit on the fancy car.More than 300 people were scammed, according to police. One person lost $8,000, police say.
Janiak and Silverstone are charged with 333 felony counts each, one for each victim.
–from Rogue

DAYTONA PREPARATIONS, GET READY– The State of Florida is getting ready for the Bikers to arrive. Well some of them already have. Many of the Snow Birds and Baby Boomers are also motorcyclist. We are starting to get fliers from all the places that want motorcyclist to come party and spend their money. Some are good deals and others not. You will have to decide for yourself.
We have been telling you for years that more and more of the Bikers are staying outside the Daytona Area. Orlando is getting more and more well know as a place to go. Over 100 Thousand motorcyclist where there in 2005 and the businesses are doing things to bring them back. Orlando is about an hour on I-4 to Daytona so you can do both easily.
The time is now to shop around for the good room rates and other things that will make you trip enjoyable and less expensive.
A place that is also going to be jumpin’ and a must do is Bruce Rossmeyers Destination Daytona located at the intersection of I-95 and US1 at Exit 273.
It is listed as the Worlds Largest Harley-Davidson Dealership and even though I do not have the event schedule yet I know it will be great as Jim Betlach who does the V-Twin Expo and Easyriders Bike Show promotions is handling it.
Do not forget to check out the Space Coast and Cocco Beach.
Daytona Beach has also been letting everyone know that they will be cranking down on loud pipes. This will be mostly those revving their engine in hope some one will notice them and those blasting through residential neighborhoods late at night. There will also be DUI patrols out. Daytona does count on a busy court docket just like every other business.
Daytona Bike Week Guides will be available again this year once you hit the area but info is also available from the Daytona Beach Area Convention and Visitors Bureau prior to that.
And Best Of All Here On Bikernet.Com
The Harley Davidson Indoor Show will be March 7th to 11th at the Ocean Center 10:00AM to 4:00PM daily The Volusia County Fairgrounds Swap Meet in Deland will be March 3rd to the 12th is 9:00 AM to 8:00 PM While Spiders will be at the Daytona Flea Market – I-95 and U.S 92
ABATE OF FLORIDA has a 60 acre campground which they claim is the best deal going. They can be reached at 386-943-9610 for more info.
As we get closer more info on some of the bars and watering holes and what they will be offering to get you there. Oh Yea This is the part of the job I hate. Going to all them places with scantily clad and naked women. It’s a Dirty Job But Someone Got To Do It.

BIKERNET FIND OF THE WEEK–“Before I ever went into first grade, I knew there wasn’t a time when I wasn’t going to ride a motorcycle and fly an airplane,” said McKee, a burly mass of 48-year-old motorcyclist, pilot and entrepreneur. From his Preston County farmhouse, McKee runs Mc-Kee’s Wings and Wheels, a business dedicated to salvaging and selling old aircraft and motorcycles.
Need an old radio to finish restoring that 1940s-era trainer? Chances are McKee has found one over the years, and has it stacked on a metal shelf in the shed. Want to build a Piper Cub? McKee will scrounge around until he has all the parts to finish the classic monoplane.
Son of an architect and aerospace engineer who was also an avid motorcyclist and amateur pilot, McKee grew up surrounded by motorcycles and airplanes. “We always had an airplane and a motorcycle around,” he said. “I started riding motorcycles when I was 8 or 9 years old.”
McKee started out as an auto body specialist. But in 1981, he learned to fly and bought an airplane to restore, mainly as a project to work on with his ailing father. “Eventually I sold it and made a profit much better than what I could make painting cars,” he said. “So I did another one.”
McKee’s Wings and Wheels was born in 1983 in McKee’s hometown of Baltimore. In 1986, he moved to Terra Alta.
A passion for motorcycles is very much a family affair. Mc-Kee’s wife, Debbie, and daughter, Nicole, both ride. Even McKee’s 3-year-old grandson, Chase, owns a trio of dirt bikes.
–from Rogue

MOTHER SHOOTS MAN LOUNGING IN HER HOME–LAUDERHILL, Fla. — A Lauderhill mother shot a man who was loitering in her apartment, police said.Police said Michele Ware was getting her four children ready for school Wednesday morning when one of the children walked into the living room and found the man sitting on the couch. Ware came in, told the man to leave and shot him once in the stomach when he refused, police said.
The man then stumbled out of the apartment at 5925 N.W. 23rd St. and collapsed on the front walkway. Police said they aren’t sure if he took anything while inside.
“We’re still trying to determine exactly how he gained entry into the apartment,” Lauderhill police Lt. Tundra King said.Ware was photographed and fingerprinted by police, who said that is standard procedure in a case like this, but no arrests have been made.
Ware wouldn’t speak with Local 10, but Lindey Carroll said her cousin was just trying to protect her kids.”She was terrified,” Carroll said.
Carroll also said that the man was completely naked at the time Ware confronted him. Police have not confirmed that.The man was taken to Broward General Medical Center, but he is expected to survive.It is not believed Ware will face any charges.
–from Rogue

LEGAL TO RUN RED LIGHTS IN SOUTH CAROLINA–A red light means stop, but it could soon mean pause. A bill in the SouthCarolina Senate would allow drivers to go through a red light legally ifthey’re riding a motorcycle. But as News 12 reports, bikers in Aiken don’tthink this is such a good idea.A new law could mean South Carolina motorcycle drivers can go through a redlight. It’s more convenient, but it could also be more dangerous.
The coolest ride on the road may become even cooler with the ability tobreak the rule of the red light.
The problem is motorcycles aren’t heavy enough to trigger some trafficlights to change from red to green.
“The motorcycle really doesn’t have a lot of steel on it. Nowadays it’s alot of plastic and aluminum and nowadays it just doesn’t see themotorcycle,” Bob Hinds said.Bob Hinds is a motorcycle safety instructor. He rides about 100 miles a dayand runs into plenty of lights his bike won’t trigger.
“The most direct route to work for me has one of those lights on it,” Hindssaid.But Bob is against the proposed law. He doesn’t think it’s safe.
“There are other ways to work around the issue,” Hinds said.When Bob’s bike won’t trigger a light, he takes a right turn, takes adifferent route, or even calls the city to fix the light.
Under the new law, bikes would be required to stop for at least 20 secondsand could only go through the red light after looking around for a clearintersection.
Coordinator-ABATE of Barnwell, S.C.
Sons of Liberty Riders
MRF-Asst. State Rep (SC)NRA

URGENT LEGISLATIVE ALERT–Massachusetts Bill to Ban the Sale/Installation of Aftermarket Exhaust Systems Approved by Transportation Committee.
After being stalled in 2005, a bill (H.B. 2011) to ban the sale or installation of “an exhaust system which has been modified in a manner which will amplify or increase the noise emitted by the exhaust” was approved by the Massachusetts Joint Transportation Committee. As you might recall, the bill had been revised from previous versions to exclude limited-use “antique motor cars.” This amendment represents a clear attempt by the bill’s sponsor to divide the automobile hobby in an effort to gain clearer sailing for this restrictive and damaging piece of legislation. H.B. 2011 has been now referred to the House Steering, Policy and Scheduling Committee.
We Urge You to Contact the Members of the Steering, Policy and Scheduling Committee (List Below) Immediately to Request Their Opposition to H.B. 2011
H.B. 2011 ignores the fact that aftermarket exhaust systems are designed to make vehicles run more efficiently without increasing emissions.
H.B. 2011 does not supply law enforcement with a clear standard to enforce, allowing them to make subjective judgments on whether or not a modified exhaust system is in violation.
H.B. 2011 fails to recognize that aftermarket exhaust systems offer increased performance, which can make a vehicle safer by improving its ability to merge, pass, travel uphill, etc.
H.B. 2011 would make it difficult for hobbyists to replace factory exhaust systems with more durable, better performing options.
H.B. 2011 would only exclude “antique motor cars” defined as those vehicles over 25-years old which are used exclusively for exhibitions, club activities, parades, etc.
DON’T DELAY! Please contact members of the Massachusetts House Steering, Policy and Scheduling Committee immediately by phone or e-mail to request their opposition to H.B. 2011. Please e-mail a copy of your letter to
Thank you for your assistance.
–from Rogue

Continued On Page 5