January 4, 2002

Digital Sounds Off About Licensing Fees In Washington State

With the passing of another year came my birthday at the end of December. Every four years, that also marks the expiration of my Washington State Driver’s license. So, 2 days before hand, I made my way down to the local Department of Licensing office to pay the fee and get on my merry way. Well, maybe not so merry…..

I’ll get to the point. Here’s the breakdown of fees. $25 for a licence to drive any big ass non-commercial gas guzzling road hog you want. Add a commercial drivers license (CDL) – add $15 bucks. A measly $15 to drive a big semi, capable of ripping up the road and killing dozens with a single fuck-up at the wheel. Want a Motocycle endorsement?………. Add $25!

Now, why I ask, am I charged DOUBLE the licencing fee to ride a motorcycle rather than drive a passenger vehichle or pickup truck? Not only do I ride for pleasure and running errands, but I also ride 50 miles a day (when it isn’t snowing) bike back and forth to work to save fuel, traffic, and emmissions. Hell, I even take my wife with me to keep her out of the car! So why the tax? Shouldn’t people get a break on their licence for being so noble as to save the wear and tear on the roads, our natural resources, and our air quality? It seems contradictory. I can ride a bike in the carpool lane down a Washington State Highway, even when riding solo. So, why does the Department of Licensing feel the need to punish a rider when the Department of Transportation is doing what IT can to condone the use of Low Emission Vehichles?

Somebody tell me – PLEASE! Send your responses to ‘Your Shot’. We may just put togther a list of politicians we can flood with e-mails over this issue.

Thanks – Digital

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