Ever had one of those days in the garage that didn’t work out but was a learning experience? I’ve been tinkering with my ’48 Panhead with the dual Mikunis. First time around I made guards so that my pant leg wouldn’t shut off the carbs. They worked fine, but I didn’t like the fact that I had absolutely no filtration. I bought a couple of dirt bike foam socks and pulled them over my contraptions. They worked, but could be perfected. That’s what I attempted to do unsuccessfully yesterday. I’ll dive more into that subject later, we better get to the news:

PM Wheels For 2003–For 2003, PM is releasing 3 entirely new wheel designs. The Vader is a throwback to the origins of custom motorcycle wheels with a major update in technology! This clean and subtle wheel will look at home on a retro chopper as well as a modern bagger. The Gatlin is an entirely fresh design that seems to defy all previous perception of what can be carved from aluminum. The spokes burst from the hub into a web before splitting into individual talons and meeting the rim. Finally the Hooligan is a study in machined aluminum detailing. Each spoke shows more depth and contours as it emerges from the hub.
As with all Performance Machine products, the 2003 wheels have been subjected to rigorous testing to ensure a high quality, long lasting product. Design matched discs, pulley and sprocket are available to complete the distinctive look. Polished or chrome plated wheels are offered in a variety of sizes to fit your bike!
For more information, call or write to:
Performance Machine, Inc.
6892 Marlin Circle,
La Palma, CA 90623

EASYRIDERS SHOW FEATURE BIKE SOLD-LOOKING FOR A NEW PANHEAD– I just sold the purple ’56 pan/shovel that was in ER and am looking hard for a “rough” Pan or Pan basket. Gonna do a late 50’s/early 60’s bobber this time. If you know of any leads I’d appreciate it.
–Mike Trussell AHDRA ANNOUNCES NEW “HOT STREET” CLASS FOR 2003, SPONSORED BY DRAG MASTERS,INC.– WINSTON-SALEM, NC: The AHDRA has announced a brand newclass for the 2003 season, adding to the 14 classes of competition alreadyoffered by the sanction, entering their 26th year of drag racing. The “Hot Street” class, sponsored by Drag Master, Inc., is a “heads up”class, reserved for street legal Sportsters, Buells, Big Twins andproduction aftermarket motorcycles. They must have a valid registration andlicense tag (no dealer tags). The “Drag Master Hot Street” requirementsinclude a bike and rider weight ratio of 8lbs per cubic inch and a maximumof 98 cubic inches. (Minimum weight at conclusion of run, including rider).The AHDRA National Points Series kicks off March 3rd in Gainesville,Florida. For more information on AHDRA competition or the 2003 National PointsSeries, contact 336-924-2095 or visit www.ahdra.com. A NEW DAVID MANN?–We’ve worked with Chris Kallas, who rides a bone stock 1970 FLH for a few years. His prints are in our gulch for sale. They’re cheap compared to some art prints on the market and his work is cool. Well, the other day we turned Chris onto the staff of HORSE and he might become the David Mann of a new era. This is a shot of Chris at the LA Calendar show last year taken by Bikernet photog Helen Wolfe. Chris is going to help us put together a line of stickers for the new year. Watch for his stuff in HORSE and on Bikernet. BIKERNET TAHITI RUN–We’ve finally put together an intimate run just a handful of riders who want to escape to a faraway place with the organizer, TBear, the staff of Bikernet, Jose, Billy Lane and a handful of other builders and riders. Hell, there’s only 10 seats left. So you can’t ride to Tahiti, we’ll have bikes waiting once we get there. Check this link for all the square information on the trip of a lifetime. http://www.mhcable.com/~tbear/BikersInParadise.1.JPG DODGE BUILDS A MOTORCYCLE–DETROIT (Reuters) – The Detroit auto show has seen a lot of concept cars over the decades, but a four-wheel motorcycle powered by a 500-horsepower V-10 engine is a first. The Tomahawk Concept (Dodge Concept Vehicle)This is the wild one. Imagine a 500-horsepower Viper engine on wheels. No chassis or body, just wheels. That’s the Tomahawk. Wolfgang Bernard, outfitted in the requisite leather jacket, drove this concept onstage. This 4-wheel motorbike is a mechanical sculpture, with nothing but outrageous performance in mind. Weighing only 1,500 lbs., the Tomahawk can reach 60 mph in just 2.5 seconds. Top speed is estimated to be around 300 mph, but that hasn’t been verified. When Dieter Zetsche, president and CEO of the Chrysler Group asked if this vehicle would ever be produced, the response was, “maybe,” which is more than many other automaker execs would have granted. The Bike was unveiled that the NAIAS in Detriot. –from Rogue GETTIN’ OUTTA DODGE– Tom had been in business for 25 years and is finally sick of the stress. He quits his job and buys 50 acres of land in Alaska as far from humanity as possible. He sees the postman once a week and gets groceries once a month. Otherwise it’s total peace and quiet. After six months or so of almost total isolation, someone knocks on his door. He opens it and there is a huge, bearded man standing there. “Name’s Lars, your neighbor from forty miles up the road…Having a Christmas party Friday night… Thought you might like to come. About 5:00…” “Great,” says Sam, “after six months out here I’m ready to meet some local folks. Thank you.” As Lars is leaving, he stops. “Gotta warn you… There’s gonna be some drinkin’.” “Not a problem,” says Tom. “After 25 years in business, I can drink with the best of em.” Again, as he starts to leave, Lars stops. “More ‘n’ likely gonna be some fightin’ too.” Sam says, “Well, I get along with people, I’ll be alright. I’ll be there. Thanks again.” Once again Lars turns from the door. “More’n likely be some wild sex, too.” “Now that’s really not a problem,” says Tom, warming to the idea. “I’ve been all alone for six months! I’ll definitely be there. By the way, what should I wear?” Lars stops in the door again and says, “Whatever you want. Just gonna be the two of us.” –from Chris T.

TERMINATOR 2 FROM BEAUMONT, TEXAS– Here are some shots of the Terminator 2 built by Sonny Keeton of BeaumontTexas.Not the best background but this is what I saw and shot.
Bike has since been finished and is scheduled to debut in the Easyridersshow 1/11/03 in Denver. It should be a BIG HIT.
For more info and possibly more photos contact Sonny at Custom Motorcyclesharley5338@yahoo.com or call 409-832-8992

BIKERNET CARIBBEAN REPORT–Time is going by so fast I just noticed my news was due… So here we go, and no half-ass job even though it’s 3:00 am in lovely Puerto Rico, and I just got back from working on my new chopper.
Anyway, as you might as well know the trip to Tahiti is happening, and up to now, I’m going….yep, from one island to the other, on opposite sides of the World. To me it seems kinda stupid, paradise to paradise, but what the hell, this might be one of the few chances I (and all of us) might get to go to French Polynesia and have a grand time. It’s not the same going to a place and not knowing people. It’s a whole different ball game when a bunch of friendly locals will take care of the whole group, and knowing island people, they will outdo themselves to make us have the very best time. I guess you might be guessing what are the plans while there? One thing I can tell you is FUCK THE BIKES !!! I already have a map of all the surfing spots that Billy and I will be hitting. Lot’s of doing nothing and maybe, just maybe, a short putt around for photographic purposes only…. I guess just what I would do in Puerto Rico if I wasn’t always up to my neck in work (plus the kick ass San Juan nightlife). I’m sure that those who can’t make it will read about it here and in The Horse….after you die with envy. I’m sure it’s going to be a great time, and just the start of many trips and more lucky people that will be able to make it.Who know’s maybe the next one could be Puerto Rico…
I just received the new Kopteri magazine from Finland, it has the Smoke out, Discovery and Sturgis coverage, as always the photos are top notch and too bad that my Finnish is not rusty, but non existent since I’m sure the text is even better. There’s a lot of cool photos, I’ll try to scan some and post them here in later reports.These guys put a giant effort to bring that magazine to the public and it shows. Congrats to my good friend Dollar.
On the progress of my new chopper, it’s leaps and bounds from last week, the last of the parts rolled in, and the full mock up will be seen next week, same bat place, same bat day, same bat site…I guess you are wondering…No ranting and raving tonight ??? Yea right, you could only be so fuckin’ lucky…..
Every single day, if you learn something new, it’s well worth the day… I was doing stuff at the shop, this and that, fitting and making stuff up, but for a couple things I needed to weld, yeap big surprise, Jose can’t weld…So what ! Anyway, the welder was not around so I took the Lincoln, fired it up, got a metal plate and pop corned the shit out of it. You know what…after half an hour I was doing pretty decent welds. I just processed the input in a way I could comprehend, by sound, feel and noticing how the welds worked. It took a bunch of scraps and an hour before I got it pretty decent (I can’t weld, but I certainly can tell from a good weld and a bad one). I’m sure with more practice and time I can do welds that I’m happy with. It’s amazing, just by paying attention and being in tune with the elements, I mastered this craft. What’s the whole purpose of this? Not to praise my newly found welding skills, just the amazement of discovering and learning something new, even as simple and unattractive as that. The complexity of simplicity.
There’s no news today, Why? well since I’ve been holed up at the shop building bikes I really don’t know what’s going on, but I hope that next week we will find stuff to report. Anyway, our Road King will be completed tomorrow. The mock ups will be ready for next week and another couple bikes will start as well. So there’s going to be lot’s of project photos soon. But the Daytona bikes won’t be seen ’till Bike Week, just to keep the copycats in the dark (que pasa Weasels?) and build some expectations for our booth. Remember, Choppers Inc, and The Horse and us will be sharing a booth in Beach Street. Come by say hi, and if there are any gripes, I will be the dude with the dreadlocks and full sleeve tattoos….
Time to call it a day…
–Jose, Caribbean Bikernet report and third in command….
Continued On Page 2