Continued From Page 1

BE PREPARED FOR SUMMER RIDING–Problem solvers for the road.’t let a flat tire ruin your day! The deluxe portable CYCLEPUMP lets you reinflate quickly and be on your way. The CyclePump is a 12-volt motor and compressor in a sturdy aluminum case, with an attached air hose, an 8-foot electrical cord, and a universal power plug that’ll fit BMW outlets, cigarette outlets, and 2-prong SAE outlets. Just 2 x 4 x 6 inches and weighing 26 ounces, it’s compact enough to always take along in the corner of your tank bag. $90.00http://
Stop & Go’s ingenious POCKET TIRE PLUGGER repairs tubeless tires while they are still on the wheel. Easy to use and carry, it weighs just 12 ounces and comes in a 3-1/2 x 8-1/2 inch zippered pouch. $34.95
Attach your air supply directly to the EZ-AIR TIRE GAUGE and inflate tires while simultaneously monitoring pressure. No more guessing. Weighs just eight ounces and fits in the palm of your hand. $25.00http://
CruzTools OUTBACK’R FOLDING TOOL SETS give you lots of function and flexibility to fix small problems on the road. Available in two versions; each only $19.95.http:// 4
(Metric OutBack’r)http://
(Harley-Davidson OutBack’r)
One other news note: The first printing of Mark Zimmerman’s new book, ESSENTIALS OF MOTORCYCLE MAINTENANCE, sold out in less than four months! No wonder. Motorcyclist magazine said, “Required reading . . . leaves no bolt unturned, covering everything you need to know . . . plenty of photos and illustrations to lead you through simple and complex tasks.” A new printing just arrived in our warehouse, so get a copy now, while you can. It’s our bestselling book of the 2004 season. $29.95http://
Whitehorse Press
107 East Conway Road
Center Conway, NH 03813-4012
(Located just off Rte 302 between North Conway, NH, and Fryeburg, ME, right up the road from the Conway Police Station)

KEVIN LUMLEY REPORTS IN–Gday Bandit, how are you mate?Just thought I would run something past you.
September 14th is Bike Week at Surfers Paradise in Queensland.Australia’s version of Daytona. It is getting bigger every year, now in its 6th year.I and some friends are riding up from Sydney to spend the whole seven days there.I was wondering if you would like me to cover the event as your representative?We will have some decent cameras with us and there are custom bike shows, bikini contests, bike drags etc. As well as the beaches and local bars.I can do a story about Bike Week 2004 and supply plenty of decent pics as well.What do you think?You can check out the upcoming events at the Bike Week Homepage here:http://
Am still working on next fiction story…going to be quite long…..would you like me to send it in installments? I am envisioning about 60 pages or so at this point in time.I hope to include the most exciting motorcycle chase ever written!
Cheers: Kevin.

BIKERNET STEALTH REPORT– Hey Bandit or whoever is doing the Thursday News here is my report for 7-1-04!
Last weekend was an AMAZING weekend for me! (6-26-04 & 6-27-04) The “Meanest” and I attended the Horse Smoke-Out Saturday and on Sunday we tied the knot at our wedding!

We awoke Saturday morning and rain threatened the Smoke-Out, it was coming down in buckets!As noon approached the skies cleared and the sun came out and it turned out to be a beautiful day.
I haven’t heard any official numbers for attendance but I would have to guess around 10,000 for the weekend. The Smoke-Out is the one event where “old school choppers rule!” There were knuckles, pans, shovels, evos and even twin cam chopppers. I am a pan freak and I was in pan heaven for a day! Unlike other events and bike shows there is not a lot of bragging going on between riders, they let their bikes speak for themselves. Speaking of the bike show there were top notch chops there, but the fairgrounds and parking areas are one HUGE bike show.
This event is for the hardcore, bare bones, take no prisoners choppers and their riders. No love seats or sofas for seats on these bikes! Every year the Smoke-Out and the bikes and the people in attendance take me back to when I first got into bikes and I can’t wait to get to the event every year to see bikes that remind me of the bikes you used to see in “Easyriders” and in Dave Mann centerfolds. By the way whatever happened to Easyriders? That is another story for another time.

Another thing about the Smoke-Out is seeing old friends and making new ones. I saw Lee Clemens from Departure Bike Works, Kendall Johnson, Fab Kevin, Mike Marquart from Redneck Engineering and Mike Phillips from Grandeur Cycles. I also ran into my friend Jumper from Marshall, VA. It was good to see you all! Thanks to you guys for the Run For Breath Awards you made, they are all great! Speaking of The Run For Breath “In Memory of Justin Pullin,” it is fast approaching, July 25th, here in Charlotte.
Everyone at “The Horse” deserves a big round of applause, especially “Edge” for a great event! See you next year!
Now for Sunday! Yeah the “Meanest” and I got married and everything went as smooth as silk! We probably had 300 people in attendance following a poker run to benefit our friend Angela who has been diagnosed with breast cancer. It was biker wedding all the way and the “Meanest” has never looked better! She was HOT! I rode my 91 springer softail (Skeletor) and he even got a flower! One thing that made the wedding special was that the people I respect and feel the most for were there, my riding partners, the people I work with.
I want to thank my son Blair (my best man), my best friend Brad, and the Meanest’s daughter Stephanie(maid of honor), Jenna, her best friend and everyone else who helped make this a very special day, without any of you it would not have been the same, a BIG thanks!

One last thing, if any of you think the Discovery Bike Build offs don’t make people think about building a bike, think again. My son Blair told me at the wedding that he wants to build a chopper! He said that he had watched the build offs all week. The bike building and chopper bug has bitten him! Before this he had shown little interest. So you see these shows are good for something!That is it, I have taken enough time for this week, but you really got two “Stealth” reports in one and it didn’t cost you anything extra!
Thanks for all the well wishes on our new marriage from everyone!
It is time to go for a ride, Later!

BIKERNET SUGGESTION BOX–If connecting an Iraqi prisoner’s testicles to the battery cables of an automobile will SAVE 1 AMERICAN GI’s LIFE then I have just 2 things to say:
Red is…. + positive, and
Black is…. – negative.
–from Rev CarlR

POLARIS 50TH ANNIVERSARY–Polaris Celebrates its 50th Anniversary in the Company?s Hometown of Roseau, MinnesotaBusy Weekend of Activities Includes Performance by ?Thrill Team?.
ROSEAU, MINN. (June 24, 2004) Thousands of people spent three days celebrating 50 years of great outdoor experiences during the regional Polaris 50th Anniversary Celebration, which was held on June 18-20 in the company?s hometown of Roseau, Minnesota.
It was 50 years ago this summer that a Roseau farm equipment and metal shop incorporated as Polaris Industries. Within two years the company had built its first snowmobile and 50 years later it still thrives in Roseau and beyond as a $1.6 billion international manufacturer of snowmobiles, all-terrain vehicles (ATVs), marine products, Victory Motorcycles and utility vehicles.To celebrate the Polaris 50th, visitors from across North America and around the world filled the small town along the Canadian border for a weekend full of special activities.
The highlight of the weekend was the Saturday afternoon revival of the Polaris Thrill Team. In the late-1960s the original Thrill Team performed breathtaking stunts and precision riding at snowmobile races and winter festivals. During the 50th Anniversary Celebration, three riders performed the most famous stunt of all, riding through a 360 degree loop
Busy Schedule of Activities in Roseau
The 50th celebration kicked off in Roseau on Friday night, June 18, with a historical review that featured vintage video clips and rich storytelling from long-time employees. Panelists who presented anecdotes from company history included original partners Edgar Hetteen and David Johnson, and Mike Hetteen, a son of the third original partner, the late Allan Hetteen. The past and the present were represented by Harley Jensen and Tom Tiller. Jensen is the oldest living Polaris snowmobile customer, having purchased sled No. 2 in early 1956, while Tiller is the current President and CEO of Polaris.

RIGID FRAME RICHARD ? SMSO REPORT–Just got back from NC, been in a truck since 11am yesterday. I believe I have some info on the painter at the house. I will check when I go back home had to come to work. We lost about 2 – 3 hours due to rain and wrecks in Georgia yesterday.
Smoke Out was great met T-Bear, CJ, Cat, Fab Kevin, Jon, etc… Except Stealth, unfortunately we missed each other on Saturday. No wedding I had to be back for a meeting with lawyers this afternoon.

Plenty of images to go through, this time you will get a CD and you can pick and choose. Shot some images for Gangster Choppers that said that have been talking to you about doing a story. I will send the images and you can wait on the words from them?

BIKERNET ART REVIEW–A couple attending an art exhibition at the National Gallery were staring ata portrait that had them completely confused. The painting depicted threevery black and totally naked men sitting on a park bench. Two of the figureshad black penises, but the one in the middle had a pink penis.
The curator of the gallery realized that they were having troubleinterpreting the painting and offered his assessment. He went on for nearlyhalf an hour explaining how it depicted the sexual emasculation ofAfrican-Americans in a predominately white, patriarchal society. “In fact,”he pointed out, “some serious critics believe that the pink penis alsoreflects the cultural and sociological oppression experienced by gay men incontemporary society.”
After the curator left, a young man in a West Virginia T-shirt approached!the couple and said, “Would you like to know what the painting is reallyabout?”
“Now why would you claim to be more of an expert than the curator of thegallery?” asked the couple.
“Because I’m the guy who painted it,” he replied.”In fact, there are no African-Americans depicted at all. They’re just threeWest Virginia coal-miners, and the guy in the middle went home for lunch.
–from Bob T.
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