Continued from Page 2
HORSE STAFF MEMBER BECOMES RICH NEW RIDER–I just picked up a one-owner ’87 Softail custom to re-do HORSE style. It’s obvious that most of our readers lust for rigids but have Softys in the garage, so why not do a low buck but cool Softy project?
Billy and maybe Jesse is gonna help me with sheet metal/fab. And I’d like to get a set of those fat Samson shotguns.
I thought you guys hated anyone who rode an Evo.

NOBLES TAKES SECOND IN EMOTIONAL BUELL PRO THUNDER AT LAGUNA–A week after his father passed away, TilleyH-D/Buell’s Tripp Nobles finished second in an emotional Buell Pro Thunderrace at Laguna Seca Raceway on Friday. It was Nobles’ first AMA podiumfinish in three years, and kept Buell racers streak of five straight podiumsalive and well.
“I wasn’t sure if I could race this weekend, but my family encouraged me totry, and my team gave me a lot of support,” said Nobles.Nobles, who qualified on the front row, started slowly, but received asecond chance when a crash brought out the flag and a restart.”We changed a few things on set-up during the break, and Don Tilley helpedme concentrate on the areas of the track where they were beating me,” saidNobles, who ran strong off the restart and took over first when teammate
David Estok suffered a mechanical problem.Thomas Montano, riding on his home track, eventually passed Nobles for firstin the Laguna Seca corkscrew. Nobles held on to second, while Dean Mizdalfinished third.”It’s frustrating when you have a lead and it gets away, but it’s a greatfeeling to be back on the podium, especially this weekend,” said Nobles.”The Buell ran strong and the team did a great job.”
Hal’s H-D Buell rider Mike Ciccotto, racing with a fractured wrist from aweek ago, finished a courageous fourth and is second in overall seriespoints to Montano.”Overall, it was a very good weekend for Buell, with Tripp second, Mikefourth while nursing a sore wrist, and Dave running in the lead until havingvery minor clutch difficulty,” said Buell Race Manager Henry Duga.
THE MOTHER WITH THREE VIRGINS–A mother had three virgin daughters. They were all getting married within a short time period. Because Mom was a bit worried about how their sex life would get started, she made them all promise to send a postcard from the honeymoon with a few words on how marital sex felt.
The first girl sent a card from Hawaii two days after the wedding. The card said nothing but “Nescafe.” Mom was puzzled at first, but then went to the kitchen and got out the Nescafe jar. It said: “Good till the last drop.” Mom blushed, but was pleased for her daughter.
The second girl sent the card from Vermont a week after the wedding, and the card read: “Benson & Hedges.” Mom now knew to go straight to her husband’s cigarettes, and she read from the Benson & Hedges pack: “Extra Long. King Size”. She was again slightly embarrassed, but still happy for her daughter.
The third girl left for her honeymoon in the Caribbean. Mom waited for a week, nothing. Another week went by, and still, nothing. Then, after a whole month, a card finally arrived. Written on it, in shaky handwriting, were the words: “British Airways”. Mom took out her latest Harper’s Bazaar magazine, flipped through the pages, fearing the worst, and finally found the ad for the airline. The ad said: “Three times a day, seven days a week, both ways.”
Mom fainted.
–from Rogue
GOLD STAR MOTHERS–Gold Star Mothers is an organization made up of women whose sons were killed in military combat during service in the United States armed forces. Recently a delegation of New York State Gold Star Mothers made a trip to Washington, D.C., to discuss various concerns with their elected representatives.
According to, there was only one politician in D.C. who refused to meet with these ladies. Can you guess which politician that might be?
Was it New York Senator Charles Schumer? Nope, he met with them.
Try again. Do you know anyone serving in the Senate who has never showed anything but contempt for our military? Do you happen to know the name of any politician in Washington whose husband once wrote of his loathing of the military?
Now you’re getting warm! You got it! None other than the Queen herself, The Hildebeast, Hillary Clinton. She refused repeated requests to meet with the Gold Star Mothers.
Now — please don’t tell me you’re surprised. This woman wants to be president of the United States — and there is a huge percentage of the voters who are anxious to help her achieve that.

BIKERNET DRAG RACING CORRESPONDENT-HELEN WOLFE–This was taken at Downtown Harley before we got home from the Denver Race. JW Everitt has a “Cheeta” bike I would like to do a little report on. I’ll use his info sheet he gave me. I got a signed poster, CD and single song video tape of him playing “Leopard’s Lament” on guitar. I took a couple pictures of his bike at Downtown too.
The bike in the picture was custom made for a lady who decided she didn’t like it. Check out the drag racing coverage. We’ve made more changes. It’s hot!

MO’ NEWS FROM THE BADLANDS–Big push this year to check registration and insurance, HINT, put your titleand insurance card in Zip-lock and have on bike at all times, this will saveyou a huge hassle if you are one of the lucky ones that gets stopped.
With the new road in Boulder Canyon, it’s tempting to let it go fast, but thespeed limit is 55 mph. Radar will be set up through the canyon.
STURGIS ROOM AVAILABLE–There is another room available in SPEARFISH at the BEST WESTERN. The room isa double (two queen size beds), easy location, great rooms, pool, laundryfacilities, great bike parking, within walking distance to the bars, whatmore do ya need?!!
Anyway, the cost is $872 for Saturday through Thursday. Call DOMINICK as soon as possible if you’re interested or know someone in needof a room. Dominick’s number is (310) 399-3259. Leave a message if he doesn’tanswer. Spread the word!!!
HARLEY-DAVIDSON 100TH–For those of you who can’t take a month off work but want your bikeat the 100th anniversary, this will only take a couple of weeks and isprobably way cheaper than riding over…dan
The new Web site is up and running. As mentioned before, KING 5 isshutting down theHome Team Community as of July 20. Until then, we have two sites.
The new URL is

BEACH RIDE THIS WEEKEND–If you live in Southern California, don’t miss the Beach Ride this coming Sunday. They have the best bands of any biker event around. Don’t miss it!
THE VANISHING TATTOO–Documentary TV series “The Vanishing Tattoo” makes its marktoday withcoverage inUSA Today:
Vancouver, British Columbia – With over 10 million hits per month to its Web site, “TheVanishing Tattoo,” a television documentary series chronicling thehistory ofthe origins of tattooing, is finally getting due recognition today withafeature piece running in USA Today. “Tattoos leave indelibleimpressions” byAnn Oldenburg quotes Producer Vince Hemingson extensively in her articleontattooing among celebrities in the Life Section of this Friday’s (July6,2001) Weekend Edition of USA Today.
Tattoos…We’ve practiced indelible body art since the dawn of time. Launched Sept. 6, 1999, “The Vanishing Tattoo,” a 13-part half-hourtelevision documentary series, looks at the incredible history, powerfulrituals and extraordinary social significance of tribal tattooing inmanydifferent cultures around the world through the eyes of renownedCanadiantattoo artist Thomas Lockhart and Vancouver filmmaker and tattooenthusiastVincent Errol Hemingson.
MO’ ON THE BLACK HILLS RALLY–Seems everyone is anxious to get the low down on the roads around the Sturgisarea for bike week. Well I put in a message to our friend Bob Illingworthout there and he responded with some great information! Looks like we’ll havesome nice roads to ride on with very little, if any, construction!!! Yipee!
1- Vanocker Canyon Road all open, no problems, great ride
2- Spearfish Canyon Drive all open, no problems, still a great ride
3- Boulder Canyon all open, no construction, all paved, great ride
4- Cheyenne Crossing to Deadwood and through O’neil Pass, everything is super
5- I-90 construction will be completed by rally time with the exception ofthe area around Rapid City. Short delays, if any.
6- Belle Fouch to Devils Tower via Highway 34, construction will cease duringthe rally; 6 miles of hard packed base fill to accommodate bikers
To check on the highways on your way to South Dakota or in South Dakota,please click on this link and put in the destinations. It’ll give ya everykind of construction report you want! Rand McNally – Plan a Trip
FREE INSURANCE QUOTES–And road service protection for long run. Check it out.
STRANGE GUN LAWS–H.R. 123 (Barr): This bill would prohibit a federal or state action againsta firearms manufacturer or seller for criminal actions committed by thirdparties using their firearms.
H.R. 139 (Nadler): This bill would provide for a 15 percent increase in somefederalcrime funds to any state which implemented an approved handgun registrationprogram.
H.R. 215 (Towns): This bill would require the Consumer Product SafetyCommissionto ban any toy which resembles a handgun.
For more information contact: Chris W. Stark – Director
P.O. Box 1924
Crosby, Texas 77532-1924
Ph. 1-713-202-9548 Fax 1-810-283-7459
QUOTE FOR THE DAY–I am ready to meet my maker. Whether or not my maker is prepared for thegreat ordeal of meeting me is another matter. –Winston Churchill
THE WHINER CONTINUES–He may be back Sunday (I hope to hell he does the Post), but thenhe?s off again to South Carolina. And that leaves me and a bunch of weepingwomen to pick up the pieces, to pick up the pace, to pick our asses up off theground and put this Web site together.
Holy horse shit, we?re doomed, he?s locked up the liquor. I just realized that when the Bandit?s in Carolina (the state andprobably some filly of the same name), we?ve got to put together theBikernet/Calendar Bike Show at the Queen Mary July 21-22.
Maybe I canget mugged comin? outta Harolds Bar on Pacific Avenue in Pedro. Somebody put meout of my misery. There?s going to be a mutiny for sure. That Sin Wu willkick the shit outta everybody. Let’s ride–NuttBoy.