Besides tearing up the sheets we’re busting our asses to have a rolling chassis for the Queen Mary Show next week. It’s something completely different and we plan to have it perched in the Joker Machine Booth if we muster the final parts together. Wait, one more thing. The price for the concert has been reduced to $35 bucks, just for people who mention Bikernet. I’ll see you there.Life is crazy, let’s get to the news.

EASYRIDERS CRUNCHING NUMBERS– Did you hear about the new round of firings atEASYRIDERS? Cathie Stitch, Gaea, and Cathy Thalman got axed.They also got rid of the new editor of Savage.
Ingred Insider
Unfortunately some of these employees have been with the company over 25 years.
THE SCOTSMAN’S CODE–After a couple of drinks at a company party, a young woman’s curiosity got the best of her when she noticed a Scotsman at the bar.
Smiling, she asked, “So…just what is it that you Scots really wear under your kilt?”
He smiled broadly and said, “Well, Lass, on a good day, just a little lipstick!”
–from Ray R.
CAMPAIGN FOR THE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE–?Their goal is to get 4,000,000 Americans to digitally sign the Pledge of Allegiance online, one thousand for every man, woman and child killed by terrorists on September 11, 2001. These online signatures will then be displayed at Ground Zero in New York on the one-year anniversary of 9-11 this year. ?This is one way we can show support for our country and its freedoms. ?By standing united, we are not only honoring the victims but also sending a strong message to the likes of Osama Bin Laden, Saddam Hussein and Yassar Arafat. ?
This link will take you to the site. ??http://www.patriotdrive.org ??Or http://www.SignThePledgeOfAllegiance.org
–from the Wild Woman of San Pedro

BIKERNET CARIBBEAN REPORT–It’s almost 5:00 am right now, yes just got back from the shop, like I havebeen for the past week or so. As soon as we fired the WCC # 5, I decided to start a project for Sturgisthis year. Yep, call me fucking insane….. By the way, we only have fourmore days ’till our trailer starts the ocean voyage to the US. Since theWCC #5 bike will be done by tomorrow (just slight details), we will work ona ’65 Panhead that I want to take to the Black Hills. It’s a mad scramble,and you will figure out when you see the photos that I lost it big time. Let’s see what happens before I get commited to the loco hospital.

Let’s up the ante a bit, e-mail me at the Bikernet Your Shot, letters to the editor page, if you think that I can finish this bike in time. I always have next week to update on the progress( actually, completion by then…).
I took a couple photos of the two bikes just a bit ago, they are not thebest, but what the hell can you expect after a 20 hour work day ! I willpost the proper photos next week when I can shoot them in daylight.I have to use this forum to thank Guti, Ramon, Luis, Carlos, Rafi and Chenifor helping out on all 10 bikes about to hit the boat, whileliving on Coca Cola and cigarettes to survive the long days and nights.
Imagine the rush that the powdercoated parts for the WCC were completed in threehours by our local guys, and all the UPS packages have a red stickerattached to them.
Oh well….. That’s it for now, the super short version of the CaribbeanReport. Still gotta load the trailer and do that Pan…
See ya next week.
Excuses Feedback–
This article definitely applies to me…every bit of it…I’m going tostart the program…I’m glad I finally have “the road map”! This is the finest article ever written!
Check out the story- Excuses Marriage Counseling 101
OHIO TOWN ENDS PROHIBITION– Prohibition has finally ended for this Akron suburb.
For the first time in more than 80 years, alcohol sales became legal Monday in Tallmadge, with Mayor Christopher Grimm getting things going by sipping on a microbrew beer at Delanie’s Neighborhood Grille.
When Prohibition ended in 1933, Tallmadge refused to allow local sales, fearful of too many taverns.
The change, approved by voters last year, was prompted by a desire to attract chain restaurants that depend on liquor sales.

Here’s the Run For Breath Banner for this year. The run takes place the 28th of July our of Charlotte. Contact Charlotte H-D for information–Bandit.
RUN FROM BREATH COMING RIGHT UP–We had the next-to-last meeting for the Run For Breath last night. Lots of frantic, last-minute details to attend to, but overall things are going very well. We read on bikernet that Discovery will be at the Smokeout following Billy Lane.
I have sent Billy Lane an e-mail inviting him to the run on Sunday. Of course, he isn’t as famous as YOU, but we thought another celebrity (although a minor one, compared to you!) couldn’t hurt our cause. I also told him that you would be here that weekend, and that we’ll look him up on Saturday.
Mike, the Run For Breath Founder, is off to Milwaukee tomorrow, the armpit of the country, as he fondly calls it! He will report in next week.
THREE OLD MEN DISCUSS SEX LIVES–The Italian man says, “Last week my wife and I had greatsex. I rubbed her body all over with olive oil, we madepassionate love, and she screamed for 5 minutes at the end.”
The Frenchman boasts, “Last week when my wife and I had sex,I rubbed her body all over with butter. We then madepassionate love and she screamed for 15 minutes at the end.”
The old Jewish man says, “Well, last week my wife and I hadsex too. I rubbed her body all over with chicken schmaltz(kosher chicken fat), we made love, and she screamed for 6hours afterwards.”
The Italian and Frenchman were stunned.
They replied, “What could you have possibly done to make your wife scream for 6 hours?”
“I wiped my hands on the drapes.”
–from Josh P.
HOLLISTER A SUCCESS–SO FAR–I received a call in the middle of the night, Wednesday night. The voice was slurred and drifted as if the man was semi-unconscious. By the third word I knew it was Wino Joe reporting from Hollister. The message was garbled and indistinct, but the bottom line is that Hollister went off without a hitch.
CONFESSION–One Sunday morning, a young woman, who needed forgiveness for her sins, came to a Baptist church. She got up in front of the congregation and stated, “Last week, I slept with a young soldier who picked me up at a bar and now I ask the Lord’s forgiveness.”
“Hallelujah!”, cried the congregation.
She continued, “Two days ago, I slept with a young sailor, but now I ask the Lord’s forgiveness.”
“Hallelujah!”, cried the congregation again.
“But tonight, because I have come here and done my penance, I will sleep with the Lord,” she finished.
But before the congregation could respond, an old drunk in the back yelled out in a clear voice, “That’s right momma, fuck ’em all.”
Continued On Page 2