Continued From Page 3

FIREMEN AS SPIES?– Orlando – Civil rights groups voiced concerns Thursday about a law enforcement plan to teach fire fighters, utility workers, and others who regularly go into homes to report terrorist activity, drug trafficking, or other suspicious acts.
Leaders of the American Civil Liberties Union and a defense lawyers association said the plan for the Citizens Awareness Program proposed by a local domestic security task force could invade privacy and add to a culture of suspicion and paranoia after the Sept. 11 attacks.
” We think it is misguided” said Scott Rost of the ACLU’s Orlando office. “we think it’s an attempt to turn neighbor against neighbor, intrude on privacy and encourage racial profiling with little reason to believe it will make us safer.”
–from Rogue

AMA SURVEY–The American Motorcyclist Association has a survey for its members in their August 2004 issue.4 of those issues pertain to drinking and riding.
#26 How do you feel about the following Statement “Drinking and riding is a major problem facing motorcyclist today” (check only one)
Strongly Agree
Somewhat Agree
Neither agree or disagree
Somewhat disagree
Stronly disagree
No opinion
#27 How often have you ridden within two hours of drinking any alcohol in the last 30 days? ( check only one)Never
1-2 times
3-4 times
5 or more times
Don’t drink and ride
#28 If you drink,where did you drink on the last ocassion before riding your motorcycle?
Motorcycling event/meeting
Someone elses home/party
#29 Have you ever prevented a friend from riding if you believed it was unsafe for him/her to ride after drinking?
#30What are the best methods for reducing alcohol-related crashes?
( check all that apply)
Brochures and similar materials to educate motorcyclists
Policies to limit alcohol service at meetings, events,rallies, etc.
Peer intervention training
Rider education and training courses
Articles in national motorcycle publications
Television/radio/ public service announcements
Programs that safely transport both the rider and bike home
Increased law enforcement
American Motorcyclist Association Motorcycle Riders Please contact AMA and comment on these questions.My complete forum has been filled out and I am also writing to all the people there that I know.This is a very good opportunity to get a organization with the political power of the AMA to get involved in the unjust DUI laws that effect all of us. –ROGUE STURGIS IS COMING– Signs in windows of Main Street businesses in Sturgis illustrate how the town’s giant motorcycle rally dominates the local economy. “Because of the rally we are moving out July 20,” the sign at Rushmore Office Supply says. “Back August 23.” A few doors down a sign at the Salvation Army store says, “We will not accept more donations until after the Rally.” It’s a fact of economic life in Sturgis: Hundreds of thousands of bikers bring millions of dollars to this small town every August. For a week or so, downtown property in this small town is some of the most valuable retail real estate in the region. –By Bill Harlan, Journal Staff Writer –from Rogue THE CENTER STAND HUNT–Coincidentally I just ran across ATTACHABLE centerstands for many Harleys, VTX, others. –from MOST DUI ARRESTS REWARDED IN FLORIDA–FORT MYERS, Fla. – A district commander in the Lee County Sheriff’s Office is offering a free fishing trip to the deputy who makes the most arrests this month. Capt. Randy Crone oversees the office’s largest district. After winning the $100 fishing trip in a raffle, he sent a memo titled “The Race is on!!” to 55 deputies, offering up the trip and outlining the incentive. “It’s no different than the state of Florida giving an award to an officer who makes more than 100 DUI arrests,” he said. Lee County Sheriff Rod Shoap said the contest does not encourage quotas or “bad arrests,” partly because supervisors must still approve all arrests. “How many businesses offer their employees bonuses for top performance? You tell me the difference,” Shoap said. The neighboring Collier County Sheriff’s Office offers cash bonuses for deputies who serve 25 or more warrants in a year, said spokesman Dennis Huff. But that program is not a competition between deputies, he said. “We feel comfortable because a judge has already looked at a warrant and signed off on it,” he said. Former Deputy Mike Scott, who is running against Shoap in the Aug. 31 primary, called the fishing-trip incentive a “poor way to motivate your troops,” saying it could compromise the arrest process –from Rogue ON THE OTHER HAND–Madison, WI policeman had a perfect spot to watch for speeders, butwasn’t getting many Then he discovered the problem – a 12-year-old boywas standing up the road with a hand painted sign, which read “RADARTRAP AHEAD”. The officer also found the boy had an accomplice who was abit further down the road with a sign reading “TIPS” and a bucket fullof money. (And we used to just sell lemonade!) –from Rogue
Attn. Highway Survey
13515 Yarmouth Drive
Pickerington, OH 43147

ANGEL DECOY–Photos of an Air Force C-130 releasing flares to repel heat seeking missiles. The pattern formed by these”decoys” are how they got their name….Angel Decoy. It’s truly awesome!
Because maneuvers are usually in remote areas and over water, the general public does not get to see these exercises.
–from Rev CarlR
FIGHT BREAKS OUT BETWEEN SUV DRIVER AND MOTORCYCLE CLUB–A woman gets trapped underneath her car after an irate driver tries to mow down several people on motorcycles.
It happened just after 1:30 Sunday morning at the intersection of Allen and Ford street in Shreveport. Police say Malvin Ford was driving his vehicle and got into some type of altercation with members of 2-motocycle clubs. That’s when Ford started chasing the motorcycles and began driving in circles. He knocked several riders off their bikes. A woman, Bridget grimes, stopped to help her husband who was hit, but ford’s spinning car hit her, trapping her underneath. A fight then broke out. Emergency crews had to be called in to lift car off the Grimes.
She was taken to the hosptial and is listed in serious conditon this morning. Malvin Ford is charged with DWI, aggravated assault and attempted first-degree homicide.
–from Rogue

We’ve Always
Been Brotha’s
Bikers Of Wind
Poets Of Pen
Drunkards Of Whiskey
Seducers Of Sin
Bastard Children
Of mistress wind
Though offered
Throughout many years
Our Backs Cannot Be Sold
No Space For Rent
Is What Their Told
They Nod Out Of Respect
We Have No Regrets
Except one We’d admit
When we turned on each other
‘Cause of some dumb slit
Almost sought vengeance
On a dark lonesome road
Under cover of night
So far from home
That Was Then
And This Is Now
Words No Longer Weapons
We’ve Put Them Down
So Lets Toke On This
Peace Pipe
Focus On The Future
Forget The Past
Holding much closer
To A Bro’s
Hard earned respect
Composed By Panhead Josh Of Outlaws World & Sorez The Scribe incollaboration under copyright

WELL BRO… DID IT AGAIN–and lovin’ it! Got hitched Saturday night, andleft for Hollister Sunday AM with my bride ridin’ next to me. She doesn’tbitch me out, doesn’t get headaches, and rides better than most guys I’veridden with. Holds her line come Hell or high water, and she’s always in mymirror, or next to me, so I don’t have to look for her. Now and then, she’llpull into the lead just to give me an excuse to twist the wick. When I shootby her, she gives me that grin, cause she knows how much I love to crankthat sucker on.
Quite a lady, that one!Sendin’ a picture of her so maybe you can put it on Bikernet.
STARBUCKS BUCKS UP– I have indeed confirmed the fact that Starbucks charged rescue workers $130 for 3 cases of bottled water on September 11, 2001, so the following info that was passed on to me would not be surprising to me at all!!
Recently Marines over in Iraq supporting this country in OIF wrote to Starbucks because they wanted to let them know how much they liked their coffee and try to score some free coffee grounds. Starbucks wrote back telling the Marines thanks for their support in their business, but that they don’t support the War and anyone in it and that they won’t send them the Coffee.
So as not to offend them we should not support in buying any Starbucks products.
Semper Fidelis, Sgt Howard C. Wright 1st Force Recon Co 1st Plt PLT RTO
–from Rogue
BLOND BIKERNET PATIENT– A surgeon went to check on his blonde patient after an operation. She was awake, so he examined her. You’ll be fine,” he said.
She asked, “How long will it be before I am able to have a normal sex life again doctor?”
The surgeon seemed to pause, which alarmed the girl.
“What’s the matter Doctor? I will be all right, won’t I?”
He replied, “Yes, you’ll be fine. It’s just that no one has ever asked me that after having their tonsils out.”
–from Skooter
AUSSIE SHOW COMING–Glad you liked the idea. I am looking forward to Bike Week at Surfers because it’s the biggest show for motorcycles we have here. Sad as that may sound.

MOTORCYCLE SAFETY SERIES AIRS IN IOWA–A series on motorcycle safety, produced and aired by WHO-AM radio of DesMoines is scheduled to air on July 6th,7th,8th, & 9th at 5:30, 8:30 AM,12:30 and 5:30pm. ABATE of Iowa member Mark Maxwell of Des Moines wasasked to interview for this show. ABATE leadership has been very carefulin granting interviews with the media without having the final say on whatis aired, but I do not know if that was the case here. The personproducing the report say’s that this is not to be a “controversial”report. “FYI, this series isn’t anything that’s too controversial, It’sbasically about how there are more motorcycles on the roads these days.anda lot of efforts to keep everybody safe.” Her words.
WHO-AM radio is a 50,000 watt clear channel station which can be found at1040 on the dial. I looked over the website at and didnot find any web cast. Some of you in other states may be able to catchthe morning broadcasts. The fact that we were called for an interview wasbrought about, to the best of my knowledge, through our professionalrelationship with Strategic America, a public relations firm hired by ABATEof Iowa two years running now.

I’M LATE–I know I’m going to catch heat, but it’s hot as hell and Frank Kaisler stopped by for a tour of the headquarters, fish tacos and to help sort some machine shop odds and ends. I’m struggling to make one small bench lathe work.
It’s a wild story of a local boy who inherited his dads machine shop, and he just wants to lose all this shit so he can run his own home business. I can’t describe this sagging wooden, one-car garage. It was stacked to the rafters with every concievable machine shop tool and gadget, all rusting in the coastal spray. I’m still helping him move stuff, but I believe he has an E-bay treasure chest, if he knew a drill bit from a tooth pick. It’s cool, but a mess. Think I’d rather chase the Steed woman than pick through a box of rusting bearings. Speaking of women, bikes and machines…
Goddamnit, I’m late with this news. It’s over 90 degrees in my office and I’m missing the on shore, Pacific, afternoon breeze. No snivelin’, about the heat I’ll catch. I’m more concerned about catchin’ the woman I love tonight. She ain’t bad about half the time.