We been under pressure lately with one project after another. Our news formula was altered to give us more time on Thursday and publish the news by noon West Coast Time. That means we hit the news all week and hard on Wednesday evening. Then Thursday morning we jump at the crack of dawn, boil coffee grounds and eggs, feed it to the cat (’cause it would kill me) and hit the keyboard.

This morning I had to make a run to San Pedro Muffler, my custom exhaust connection, and an auto parts store. This afternoon we will fire the CCI Goliath for the first time, but we altered the exhaust. We made three basic changes to the kit bike for the Beach Ride. We changed the mammoth license plate/taillight bracket which fucked with the exhaust. We tossed the bars and replaced them with powder coated TT bars and classic Custom Cycle Engineering risers and modified the exhaust. Next week we’ll begin to post build articles.

I think you’ll like this putt. We better get to the news. This weekend rocks with the LA Calendar Show. Bikernet is sponsoring the party on the Queen Mary on Saturday night. Come to the Observation Lounge for a cool one after a day at the show.

NEW BALDWIN AUTOCYCLE–Check this out — It is the new Baldwin Autocycle (www.baldwinautocycle.com)hand made by the California Craftsman Bobby “X-Man” Baldwin. X-Man has hada major role in keeping every Excelsior-Henderson Super X (model years 1999and 2000) running for the past four years with his company X-Man PerformanceProducts (www.xmanproducts.com). The COOL NEWS is that X-Man will beshowing the Autocycle off in Sturgis this year! The same location where E-Honce showed — Next to Days Inn off of I-90 Exit 30.
It is not a Chopper, Bobber, or a Old School Anything — It is a NeoRetroSuperCruiser! It relies heavily on modified Super X components but featuresa major motivator — A Dodge Neon Four Banger with four Weber carbs pokingout the left side! Word is there may be a DaimlerChrysler promo tie in –Could the Viper-powered Dodge Tomahawk be there also?
When you knock on his door, tell him that Rat Bastard Super X Tim fromMinnesota sent ya.

EASY RIDER 35TH ANNIVERSARY RIDE AND ACID TRIP–Greetings from Hot as Hell Havasu! Well it’s been five years and everybody agrees that’s long enough. Next year is the 35th anniversary of The Movie so we’re going again.
Yup, New Orleans here we come. The start is May 8th and the route is the same as ’99. Six days down, three days there and whatever back. We’ll have brews in Topock where Wyatt and Billy crossed the bridge into Arizona and stop by to say hi to Bob Smart who helped us with the flat in Texas.
Arizona earned dollars will find their way into the G-Strings of the ladies at Rick’s Cabaret in Houston and we’ll eat gumbo and chug Dixie Beers at Prejeans in Lafayette.
Three nights on Bourbon Street will mean lots of beads will be offered to Vixens willing to show their stuff. I have packets with motel and route info.
–“Little” Eddie Dyer

HARLEY-DAVIDSON KICKS OFF ITS SECOND CENTURY–Redesigned Sportster Series and VRSC V-Rod Model Featured in 2004 Line-Up. MILWAUKEE (July 14, 2003) – As Harley-Davidson kicks off its second century, the Motor Company is preparing for an exciting new chapter in the Company’s history. Today, Harley-Davidson introduced a completely redesigned XL Sportster line and a new model in the VRSC V-Rod family to the dealer network at the company’s summer dealer meeting, held this year in Las Vegas.
“Harley-Davidson now has 100 years of experience designing and producing the greatest motorcycles in the world,” said Bill Davidson, Harley-Davidson director of marketing, motorcycle product development. “Our 2004 motorcycle line-up will lead us into a promising new century at Harley-Davidson.”
Harley-Davidson will unveil the entire 2004 model line-up to the general public on Thursday, August 28 during the Company’s 100th Anniversary celebration in Milwaukee, WI. The Company extended the 2003 model year to 14 months in order to meet anticipated demand for its 100th Anniversary models. Shipments of 2004 motorcycles to the worldwide dealer network will begin in September 2003.

CHOPPERS ONLY HAWAII COVERAGE–Will be launched today. Check both segments. The family version from our own Layla and the Dark Side from Jose of Caribbean Custom Cycles who spent the entire week in tittie bars and surfing with Billy Lane. Watch for the coverage, which will begin today.

Old shot from Bob T.
PAPPY NOMINATED TO STURGIS HALL OF FAME–I’ve nominated PAPPY for entrance to the Sturgis MotorcycleMuseum and Hall of Fame. I feel he deserves this nomination more thananyone. I’m asking my friends to do this also. I’m from CT and went ona lot of protest runs with the HUNs in the ’70s. I rode with a clubcalled NSKK and was in the Willimantic chapter. They called me FONZ. Let’s make this happen.
–Paul “The Fonz”

MAKIN’ LOVE ON BIKERNET–The Italian says, “When I’ve a finished a makina da love with ah my wife, I go down and gently tickle the back of her knees, she floats 6 inches above a da bed in ecstacy.”
The Frenchman replies, “Zat is noting, when Ah’ve finished making ze love with ze wife, Ah kiss all ze way down her body and zen Ah lick za soles of her feet wiz mah tongue and she floats 12 inches above ze bed in pure ecstasy.”
The redneck says, “That ain’t nothing buddy. When I’ve finished porkin the ole lady, I git out of bed, walk over to the winder and wipe my weener on the curtains.She hits the freakin ceiling
–from Ken Miller

THE CRAZYHORSE RAMBLING REPORT–And from the I-Must-Be-Getting-Old Dept, I had my yearly reunion ofhigh school buddies and their kids, at my house two weeks ago. Thisyear, one of the gals brought her 17 nephew from California. Heproceeded to enlighten us old gals on just how ignorant we are. Likehow we don’t know about 420 (time to smoke weed) and many otherthings like whiskey gin (most folks call it Scotch) and how anyonewith any brains would know a good business opportunity (like buyingwhite china in the South and selling in LA. (They’re not looking fordrugs on planes anymore, he informed us.) But we are hopelesslybehind the times and would not indulge his dreams. Last I heard, thenephew was shipped home WITHOUT his china. How on earth didwe get through the 70’s without this kid’s knowledge? Hell, if we hadwaited everyday for 4:20.
And then there were the big storms that passed through NC lastweekend. Lightning flashed, thunder rumbled, and the rain poured ondown in sheets. There were even a few tornados north of Charlotte. Iwas sleeping soundly when I was awoken at 4 a.m. by the sound of a puppycrying. As I got up, I figured it was a puppy that had gotten lost onthe storm and had taken refuge on my porch. I grabbed the flashlight,which was rendered quite dim, from the previously mentioned nephew, andwent outside. I looked all around, no puppy. I shinned the weak lightaround the garage, then looked out at the in-ground swimming pool.
Inthe flashes of lightning, I could see something odd by the side ofthe pool. Had I left something there? As I walked closer, I could seetwo misshapen heads staring at me. Had aliens landed in Waxhaw andbecome stranded in my pool? It wasn’t until I was right on top ofthem, when I saw that the strangely shaped heads belonged to two boxerdogs clinging for dear life to the edge of the pool. And they weren’tjust any boxer dogs. They were two of the stupidest boxer dogs I’d ever met. Oneof them was less than a foot from the edge of the stairs leading outof the pool. I debated the wisdom of grabbing the collar of a strangedog with big teeth and decided that my pool liner was more important.So I grabbed one then the other, and dragged them over the steps.They then scampered off to wherever their home was. By now my Germanshephard in the house was barking. The lightning was still flashing andit was 4am. I didn’t think things could get any more weird than two500-pound pigs trying to get into the cat pen a few years back.

This week’s paint job belongs to one of my favorite bike builders, JimBortles, AKA my husband. The hardtail this tank is destined for iscurrently going to together in my garage. Jim hopes to have the bike ready for Sturgis. Neither of us have ever been out there, so this year,actually in 15 days, we’ll be heading that way.
Hopefully, no boxerdogs will get lost in our pool while we’re gone.
—-Crazy Horse
Continued On Page 2