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BIKERNET CARIBBEAN REPORT–If you have been following the latest reports you might know we are leavingfor The Horse SMSO and Sturgis. Last week we decided to build a bike forthese rides, (photos are posted in last week news) since we finished the WCCbike on time, we attacked this ’65 pan that I bought a few years ago, threedays(and nights) later we had the Pan completed. Too bad we blew a fronthead gasket by some misterious failure (still trying to figure it out) sothe bike was a no go.

After a day of rest we decided to try our luck andput it back together, remember the trailer is on the way as you read thisreport, so time was very, very, limited. After twelve more hours we managedto put it back together, roll it into the trailer and get the whole thinggoing, once again. We did the paint in one day, black with flex clear andmade a few changes along the way (actually, lots of them). I guess this is asmall victory for us, since it’s a challenge and we beat the odds. Sure Idon’t do all the stuff by myself and am lucky to have good friends that arewilling to help out and rock on the overnighters, that’s one of the coolestthings of this lifestyle, take a bare frame and put it together with ideasthat can’t even be written down. We have friends and family that are alwayswilling to help out and follow up on my insanity, and then be able to enjoythe final product, no matter how nice or how shitty……
This upcoming Sunday we will participate in the largest all Harley meetingin Puerto Rico, Hatillo. This event has been going on for ages and evenOl’Rip managed to visit and party with us. We are leaving for NC rightafter that but I hope to do next weeks report before taking of.
It’s final, Roger Bourget, Billy Lane and a few other friends (will namethem next week) will ride up to the SMSO sometime next week followed by aDiscovery Channel crew. This will also be featured in worlwide magazinesand I’m sure it’s going to be a lot of fun.will keep reporting as soon as stuff hapens.

Also Bandit will be present at The Horse SMSO signing books and posing forphotos with semi dressed chicks, then we will join Mike Pullin’s Run forBreath ride…..I’m sure you will be able to see the action here.
Speaking of The Horse, we will have one of our bikes featured next month,maybe we will get the cover….who knows ? You can subscribe through Bikernet. Just Click on the Banner or the logo on the homepage.
I’ve heard some gossip that Geno got a job offer from HB, he’s selling hischopper and buying a jet ski colored billet barge, also he’s pumping ironto better mix in California…..Congrats Geno….!!!
Noel from Crazy Rigids payed us a visit at the shop this week, he wasvisiting some family in the island and took the time to check if we werefor real or just bullshitting. It’s great to meet people face toface….check his web site and say hi.
*** Note to Crazy Horse, yes we know the other Jose, and yes we sold themthat nice rigid since we are the exclusive distributors for BBW in theCaribbean….no one else can, no matter how hard they try.Also congrats to Jose Luis aka Pichywiwi on winning the bike show with hisrigid Python chopper !
Time to get outta here, tonight is the first night that I would be able tosleep for more that two hours in the last three weeks, so hell yeah I’mgoing to take advantage of that. We still have a ton of stuff to do beforeleaving, so good night I’m hitting the sack ASAP !!!
–Jose, Caribbean Report
BIKERNET Etiquette LESSON–A man is dining in a fancy restaurant and there is a gorgeous redheadsitting at the next table. He has been checking her out since he sat down,but lacks the nerve to talk with her.
Suddenly she sneezes and her glass eye comes flying out of its sockettowards the man.He reflexively reaches out, grabs it out of the air, and hands it back.”Oh my, I am sooo sorry,” the woman says as she pops her eye back in place.”Let me buy your dinner to make it up to you,” she says.
They enjoy a wonderful dinner together, and afterwards the theatre, followedby drinks. They talk, they laugh, she shares her deepest dreams and heshares his. She listens.
After paying for everything, she asks him if he would like to come to herplace for an intimate nightcap…and stay for breakfast the next morning.The next morning, she cooks a gourmet meal with all the trimmings.
The guy is amazed!! Everything had been incredible!!
“You know,” he said, “you are the perfect woman. Are you this nice to everyguy you meet?”
“No, she replies………”
Hold on for this one.
“You just happened to catch my eye.”

BIKERNET OVERSEAS REPORT– I’m sure you got to check out some of the stuffproducts from H-D. Seems like they are really getting on the ball as far asoffering performance products. Factory built stroker motors, EFI tuner kits,radical cams, hydraulic clutch, even an upgraded magneti marelli throttlebody. I’m sure even bigger changes will come for 101.
I’m involved in a project now with a company from Japan that is goingto build 100 Sportster powered, hardail choppers in Las Vegas for sale inJapan. They already have rented a chop out here. I’m excited to see howthings work out with this.
There are two styles of choppers called the “roadhopper”. They are pretty similar except one has a springer front end and theother has 39 mm forks. They were designed by the head guy from a shop called Zero Engineering in Japan.
Here is a picture of one of the models.
DURANGO/FOUR CORNERS CANCELED– Citing, among other reasons, difficulties in solidifying an acceptable location, the Board of Directors of the Four Corners Iron Horse Motorcycle, Inc. officially announced the 2002 Rally will not be held over Labor Day weekend.
Drought conditions this season and the recent wildfires, as well as the continuing threat of such disasters from smoking and other human activity have caused the Rally Board additional concern.
The event, which has been held in Ignacio at the Sky Ute Events Center on Southern Ute land for the past nine years, has traditionally offered four-days of concerts, vendor booths, and entertainment events bringing in tens of thousands of two-wheeled tourists to southwest Colorado each year.Log on to and for information. Their website will keep you up-to-date on the 2003 rally and other developments.

From Custom Chrome – RevTech? 6-Speed ?Overdrive? Transmission for Twin Cam 88? Softail? Models–
* Black wrinkle finish
* Features smoother case design and 2.94:1 ratio first gear
* Requires speedometer recalibration unit (CCI# 58-318) if using an Original Equipment electronic speedometer from 1996 thru 200258-450
Fits all Twin Cam 88? Softail? models from 2000 thru 2002?$1,869.00?

JUVENILE DIABETES RESEARCH FOUNDATION EVENT THIS SATURDAY– Don’t miss the Poker Run, Bike Raffle and Party for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF)this Saturday July 20th.
The Poker Run will be great. A 100 mile ride in the country and a WILD Wild Fire Party at the Dealership at the end of the ride. Beverages, food, live music and prizes.
Sign-up for the ride starts at 9:00 am at Wild Fire HD, 120 North Ave, Villa Park, IL 60181 (630 834 6571). Ride Tickets are $20 per ticket and $25 the day of the run. Last Bike out at Noon.
We will also be holding a raffle supporting the JDRF. Tickets for the raffle are $65 each, or 2 tickets for $100. If you purchase the raffle tickets, the Poker Run entry is free. And the prizes and the odds of winning are fantastic. Look at these Prizes:
First Prize: 2002 Dyna Sport
Second Prize: 2002 Buell Blast
Third Prize: A Piano
No more than 1000 tickets will be sold (likely 750 or less), so your chances of winning one of these three great prizes in the raffle are extremely high.
So, buy a couple of raffle tickets, get a solid chance to win one of three great prizes, enjoy a soothing ride in the country, party with us for free at Wild Fire AND help support an extremely worthwhile cause to help children…the future of our great Country. Please help if you can.
Look forward to seeing you on Saturday the 20th of July!!
CEO-Dealer Principal

JON TOWLE DOES IT AGAIN–Each and every time you slide onto the site and click on an Amazing Shrunken FXR Tech sponsored by Custom Chrome and Joker Machine, you’ll be faced with this illustration by the master of broken Sportster parts, Jonth Towle, the short. Enjoy.

HAYES DISC BRAKE GIVEAWAY–Thank to our friends at Hayes Disc Brakes; Break it, Fix It, Ride It isgiving away a complete set of Hayes Hydraulic Brakes.
Here is the link to enter;
All contest entrants can download a free Spinning Hayes Disc Brakescreensaver.A winner will be drawn on August 31,2002
TBEAR REPORT– As for making your day, I met with?a NY/Hollywood Shark on Monday. I didn’t know it was possible to get?ones ego stroked, leg humped, intelligence insulted and parking validated all in one meeting. I’m offically what they term “in developement” and Sam “Chopper” Orwell is swimming with the sharks as well.
I left my copy with a particularly attractive 30 something, red headed,?tight assed agent who cooed ” I just love bikers” but declined my invitation for a ride through mid-town traffic on my Panhead. I asked her to be sure to read it while taking her perfumed bubble bath.
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