Revised Sturgis Billboard after the censorship board finished with us.
Hell, it’s been bananas around here. The Los Angeles Calendar Show is this weekend and while I’m trying to take care of business, the girls are crazy with preparations and demands on me to sign books for the show. Hell, I’m still tweaking the Buell, packing for Charlotte, preping for Sturgis, writing for HORSE, finishing an interview of Bob Kay the boss of Biker’s Choice for Hot Rod Bikes and negotiating with the evil king of Cruising Rider for the rights to ride through his home town of Sedona to get to the badlands. He’s a stickler.
There’s this girl ya see in Charlotte nick-named “Meanest” who is going to meet me at the airport. I’m not sure what to expect. It’s a charity event right. If you’re in the neighborhood, stop by Charlotte H-D this weekend, I may need back-up. Let’s pound into the news, there’s a lot going on…

BUBBA BENEFIT–Patrick William Ellis, III aka ?BUBBA? was 23 years old and he was dying of a rare type of cancer called Rhabdomyasarcoma. The pain was intense and the doctor bills high. In an effort to help him and his family a benefit was held at the B.C.C. Pavilion in Melbourne Florida on Saturday July 14th 2001.
A lot of people put in an awful lot of time and effort to make this event a success. The list of sponsors, organization and clubs is to long to put here but you all know who you are and so do we.
Every one that I have talked to has said the event went off very well and they had a good time. We were able to raise $20,000.00 to help the family.
I would like to join the Ellis Family in thanking all that helped put this event on and also those that attended.
Watch for full coverage of the event on Bikernet shortly.–Bandit
BIKERNET CARIBBEAN REPORT–Hell is a cool place compared to this past few days.The bikes are finally on their way to Florida, after many nights turninginto mornings. Yep ,it’s a ton of work but well worth it, just to enjoy afew days of riding in the Black Hills of South Dakota. Some of thehighlights was tearing apart a motor, and putting it back together in anight, some slight problem with bent valves and pushrods looking likearches, anyway the bike fired at the second try and was promptly loadedinto the trailer.
Placing twelve long choppers on a trailer is no easytask, loading all the stuff for the trip seems to be a never ending projecteven to the last minute before getting the whole rig in the barge, we stillhave stuff to take to Sturgis, and so will always be.
Last Sunday the doctors and family decided to unplug our friend (the onewho had the accident in OK), their last hope was gone. To the amazement ofall Cucho refused to go, and started getting better, hints of a recoupstarted showing right away.
I believe there is a higher power watching overus, call it any name you want. He was 95 % brain dead, and in coma forthree weeks, how hard is to get back from that? I know it’s almostunbelievable, but that is the way it is. There will be an organized ride to gather funds for hisbetterment soon. I’m not asking for money, but at least some messages wishingCucho well, will be passed along. (demiguel@compuserve.com)
Bourget’s Bike Works of Arizona has a new model, they will be called EX andEXP. This will be their patented oil in the frame bikes in regular orchopper style. With an H-D Evo motor and the rest of the usual BBW goodies, thebikes will be in the $23 thou and less range. We have two on the way andwill feature in the near future.

Caribbean Custom Cycles became the exclusive dealer for BMC choppers in theCaribbean, this cool rigid chopper come in two models, the 988 with a TC 88motor and the 918 with a Revtech 100 Evo. Check Bigmikeschoppers.com formore info, MSRP is $20,000.00. A new Softail model and 250 rigid are on theway. They’re solid inexpensive, well made bikes, and our first order wasdone in a week! That’s having your shit together.
The Dia del Harlista in Hatillo took place last Sunday, thousands of Harleyfanatics from all over the island enjoyed a whole day of bike oggling,music and vendors. The organizers raffled two Sportsters 883’s.Of course we could not attend, we were getting the damn trailer ready ! Sothe WCC will have it’s debut some other time.
I’m glad to report that some 5-balls rolled their way into our shop, andwill be passed along to Bandit, I know it’s been a few weeks since some barowners reported their balls missing, (I mean pool balls), but I guess theones we found are not related to the above mentioned events, and I’m sticking tothat story. They did not look like the 5-balls in the milk cartons.Only a couple weeks before we can roam the roads of the Black Hills, nowit’s time to rest (yeah right) till its time to hit the US highways on ourjourney to South Dakota, leave the lids in Puerto Rico and enjoy the crisprides through Spearfish Canyon. Like I said , if you see a bunch of chopperswith Puerto Rico plates come over and say hello, we will be around, Hellyeah !!
–Jose, Bikernet Caribbean overworked correspondent
DA NEW CHOPPA–A guy bought a new 113″ choppa and was out on an interstate road for a nice evening cruise. As the needle jumped up to 80mph he suddenly saw a flashing red and blue light behind him. Confident he could outrun the police car, be began to twist the throttle. The needle hit 80,100,120 and finally 140 with the lights still behind him.
“What am I doing?” he thought and pulled over. The cop came up to him, took his license without a word and examined it and the bike.
“I’ve had a tough shift and this is my last pull over. I don’t feel like more paperwork so if you can give me an excuse for your driving that I haven’t heard before you can go.”
The ride scratched his head and thought for a moment, “Last week my wife ran off with a cop,” the biker said, “and I was afraid you were trying to give her back.”
“Have a nice night,” said the officer.
–Geno, HORSE Magazine
THUNDER OVER DIXIE REPORT–Hey Dixie Riders! We’ve been having problems with the postal service that’s driving us nucking futs! (no that’s spelled correctly…don’t get offended!)
We’re choosing about 2 dozen of you to get your paper three different ways. Over the next couple of months we’re going to be testing to see which is the best way for us and you. In the meantime…if you don’t get an issue by the 10th of the month, call us and we’ll send it again, first class.
Also, please let us know what’s happening in your neck of the woods…Remember each month we pick someone who entered their local event in our calendar at www.dixierider.com/calendar/ and send them a t-shirt free! So enter your event today!
RUSTY’S FORUM–Rusty an Orange County Hells Angel currently incarcerated for conspiracy is interviewed on Bikernet. Check it out. Intersection read that make you think of Sam “Chopper” Orwell and the future of freedom.
“Here’s a link to Rusty’s site for more information.www.rustysforum.com We take bikers rights to the next level.Bikernet?rocks, The Cantina kicks ass, HardTail as a download is a dandy also. A computer network with an?early Easyriders magazine heart.”?
–Respectfully, Bill?
EASYRIDERS BANKRUPT–Oh NOOOOOOOOO-what happens to our stock-NOW——can’t say that we didn’t seeit coming, but damn. ?How long do you think they will keep publishing? ?Notgoing to the drag races for a while, finally figured out that I’m probably abetter spectator thanpolitician.

NEW BDL “TOP FUEL STREET DRIVE”– The all new 14MM by 85MM wide (3 3/8-inch) belt is the same as the top fuel racers use on the 600-plus horsepower top fuel drag machines. The newly designed kevlar clutch consists of Nine 6 3/8-inch diameter friction plates and 11 steels and they put the power where it needs to be. BDL special pressure plates use up to 9 springs for varying pressure to accommodate any size motor on the market. The all new hub is made from 7075 aluminum then hard anodized for superior strength and reliability. They offer 2 kits, both are designed for oil filter mounting in the motor plate.
The TF-1000 is the complete drive with side guard. The TF-2000 is the complete drive with outboard bearing support. The support plate is reversible. The back side is channeled for another distinctive look, however just the flat side is polished. Find out where to get this new hot drive on the BDL site here.
FBI BLOWS IT AGAIN–By JESSE HOLLAND. In a fresh embarrassment to the FBI, officials saidTuesday that 184 laptop computers – at least one containing classifiedmaterial – are missing from the agency, along with 449 weapons.The missing laptops include 13 that are thought to have been stolen. One ofthe missing computers is known to contain classified material and threeothers might have classified material, said officials from the JusticeDepartment and FBI, who spoke on condition of anonymity.
They said 184 weapons were stolen and 265 were lost. One was used in ahomicide. The weapons mostly are sidearms, but some submachine guns are alsomissing.
The disclosure came on the eve of an FBI oversight hearing on Capitol Hillatwhich bureau whistle blowers were scheduled to testify. The FBI has beenunderfire for a series of missteps going back years, including the failure toprovide thousands of documents to Timothy McVeigh’s lawyers, the RobertHanssen spy case, the Branch Davidian and Ruby Ridge standoffs and thebotched investigation of former nuclear scientists Wen Ho Lee.

TUNES ON BIKERNET– Yep, that’s right we will have a report on Big Mike Griffin’s new CD on Bikernet before I go to Sturgis, if I’m lucky. Mike’s entertainment schedule will be posted also. He’s now the Spokesman for the Living Large clothing line for Chrome Specialties. The bike he’s straddling was built for him by the guys at Chrome Specialties.
BB is working on a report on DAGO’s CD to be launched in the next week. If you don’t watch out we’ll have music clips in the near future.

COP INVESTIGATED FOR CONFISCATING MOTORCYCLES– I am sure this is the same Cop and he has been doing this for 30 years.Heeven travels to events around the country to confiscate bikes.
While I was in Connecticut and Running the Connecticut Motorcycle RightsOrganization I was contacted by Schietinger Harley-Davidson in BridgeportConnecticut about a motorcycle that they had rebuilt out of 2 old PoliceBikes and sold to one of the Hells Angels.
Kenney confiscated the bike because a Hells Angel was riding it. Thedealership went to court and I filed charges against Kenney. In no time at all I was stopped and my bike confiscated. I fought it andeventually got the bike back. It got real ugly with him coming to my houseand me going after him with a gun.
He eventually got transferred out of the area but got back into it shortlyafter I moved to Florida and no one was keeping a eye on him.
This must stop. How about a line or two on Bikernet asking if any one has had a badexperience with cops illegally confiscating bikes. Especially interested In Connecticut State Trooper Bob Kenney. Request Facts, Names Dates, Disposition of case, What happened to bikes? Whoended up with them?
Looking for information to show that certain individuals are using theirposition in law enforcement to confiscate motorcycle for their own personalgain. Are they living above their means, fancy houses, toys, trips, cars etc.
There are a lot of eyes out there. Put a Stop To Dirty Cops ConfiscatingMotorcycles.
CHARLOTTE H-D RUN FOR BREATH– I asked “THE MEANEST” to send you an update on the run and her reply was “I am not sending shit”! Well with that I took upon myself to send it. She is in one of those moods. She said she was only kidding, but I didn’t want to take a chance of making her mad before the run, she didn’t get that nickname for nothing!
Everything is set to go for Sunday. The door prizes are tagged. we have over 100. I have arranged for you to ride an American Eagle bike while you are here. The weather forecast for Sunday is perfect, 88 degrees and sunny. We are going to Buffalo’s tonight to deliver the door prizes and pass out flyers one last time. It seems like all the hard work and long hours are about to pay off. We will see you Saturday!
–Mike Pullin, Charlotte H-D
Continued On Page 2