Continued From Page 2

BANDIT DISCOVERS ULTIMATE STURGIS ROOM– Yes she comes with the room. We actually contacted Renee for a statement, “This is way too funny, cause the pic in Bikernet (Sunday Post in the Cantina) is when I had blackhair………..LOL!!!! My hair is blonde again. This is what I look like nowTell Bandit, I’ll be waiting.”
Rumor has it that Bandit left a week early for the Badlands.
FLAT TRACK WIN FOR H-D– Rich King helped put the magic in the MagicMile with a photo-finish victory at the AMA’s Progressive Insurance U.S.Flat Track Championships at the DuQuoin State Fairgrounds on Saturday night.”Rich had a fantastic race,” said Harley-Davidson Director of Marketing ArtGompper. “What a finish. He’s had a little bit of bad luck this year, andthis is a great place to turn the season around.”
King paced himself through the early stages of the race, but just as he hadplanned, surged to the front with about 10 laps remaining. He then led themajority of the last several laps in a constant dogfight with Ken CoolbethJr., Joe Kopp and series points leader Chris Carr. Coming out of turn fouron the last lap, King held a slim lead over Coolbeth Jr., but then the pairtore to the line seemingly neck and neck. After reviewing tape footage, AMAofficials found that King had won by mere inches.”We’d been struggling a little bit on set-up before the race, but we got itright, and it feels great to get this win,” said King, who had been nursingan injured ankle for the past few races. “I’ve lost races that close before- that’s what makes dirt track so exciting.”
HUMAN DISCOVERY–Are you aware of the discovery in the human body of a nerve that connects the eyeball to the asshole? It is called the anal optic nerve. It is responsible for giving people a shitty outlook on life.
If you don’t believe me, pull a hair from your ass and see if it doesn’t bring a tear to your eye.
MISSING PERSONS–TIM CONDER IS FOUND–Thanks for the reply and I found his (Tim Conder’s) website linked toanother website. It is not only interesting how it is set up, but it isfunny as hell. You got to check it out. It is www.armageddontopfuel.comand you have to check out the heaven and hell seperately to find cool picsand stories.
–Thanks John

ABATE OF YUMA’S WEB SITE REPORT– The site has a bunch of pop-up advertising. I am not sure why the webmaster for this site set it up that way. I just “x” out of them and they go away. The picture in the lower left is of me at the Hog Rodeo. This page is what should have come up with the url I sent you. Thank you for your reply about putting this in the news section. Take Care.
Ride Free…..
TECH DISCOVERY– I’ve come up with a means to access the throttle thumbscrew with your right thumb. Like the Custom Chrome electric throttle lock, only my part cost’s $5.95 and doesn’t require any tools to install. The Klever Lever is a press fit piece that goes over the existing thumbscrew, extending past the throttle cables to allow easy access. There are pictures and descriptions on

NEW BIKERNET GIFT SHOP PRODUCTS–These are just a couple of product in a long line of new shit to come. We’re testing in an effort to bring you the products you want and shitcan the rest. Watch for these prints to be launched soon.
A motorcyclist for 45 years, the passion has not dimmed even to thisday. Starting out with a 1951 Cushman Eagle, and graduating to a 1947 Triumph Speed Twin, Larry, the artist, has had a succession of many Triumphs as well as other brands through the years. Collecting and restoring bikes in the 50’sand 60’s, he currently has 8 vintage machines gracing his garage. Being familiar with these machines, riding and portraying them in hispaintings, is what keeps him going today.
Larry started submitting cartoons as early as 1959 to motorcycle publications, and his first cartoon was published in the May 1959 issueof Floyd Clymer’s “Cycle” Magazine. He continued to be published in many issues from then on, including “Motorcyclist”, “Cycle World”, “Cycle News” and others.

LOS ANGELES CALENDAR BIKE SHOW THIS WEEKEND–Join us this coming weekend as we continue to grow as the biggest and best streetbike Show in America. We now have a record 120 major manufacturers, exhibitors, top custom bike builders and race teams jammed packed into the Queen Mary Park -up 25 from last year! Definitely making this the biggest outdoor streetbike Consumer Show in America.
The new 2-day expanded format will give more spectators the opportunity to visit us. To encourage people to join us on the new day, Saturday, there’s a Free Party and fireworks show aboard the Queen Mary on Saturday night. Plus all day musical entertainment by the all-girl band Soho and the Las Vegas headliner band Soto with their unique blend of spicy Salsa and Rock. Both days, spectators will also get Free general admission to the Queen Mary, normally a separate $15 charge.
Additional added attractions include the latest new big bore Cruiser bikes from Yamaha and Honda, plus we’re expecting Honda to bring us their new “American Sports” concept sportbike unveiled last week at Laguna Seca. Plus the White Brothers West Coast Horsepower Dyno Shootout both days.
And, of course, the Show is the premier of our 2002 Calendars with many of the beautiful calendar girls on hand to be photographed and personally autograph your calendar. Confirmed to attend are 40th Anniversary Playboy Playmate Anna Marie Goddard, SBK World Superbike trophy girls Brooke Johnson and Taylor McKegney, plus Perfect 10 cover girl and Temptation Island temptress Vanes Norms.
Because of the huge expected crowd, the Queen Mary’s main parking lot will be devoted just to spectator motorcycle parking, particularly on Sunday. Show spectators arriving by car will be directed to park at the nearby Long Beach Aquarium and Convention Center parking facilities, and then can ride the free city shuttle buses to the Event Park. So please allow a little additional time for car parking.Complete detail are online at
Don’t miss the Bikernet Party Saturday night on the Queen Mary from 8:30 to midnight with fireworks, live band and Bikernet door prizes. It’s open to the public, so come aboard.
See you at the LA Calendar Bike Show this weekend.We’re going to have a great time!
–Jim Gianatsis, Director
TEXAS POLICE REQUIRED TO TAKE BIKER SENSITIVITY TRAINING– Last month weregretfully reported Governor Rick Perry’s veto of an equal access bill inTexas that would have made it illegal to discriminate against motorcycleriders, in spite of an exceptional lobbying effort by the Texas MotorcycleRights Association (TMRA-II) and all four Confederations of Clubs in Texasthat won near-unanimous approval in the House and Senate.
Although Governor Perry gave no explanation in vetoing HB 259, he didmanage to sign into law another bill supported by the TMRA-II and the TexasConfederations of Clubs, HB 2585, which clarifies enforcement of the helmetlaw. It also requires sensitivity training for police officers.
”House Bill 2585 changes the way the Texas helmet law is enforced,”explained Sputnik, founder and chairman of the TMRA-II, ”so that if you arestopped for not wearing a helmet and show you are 21 or older and show proofof insurance or a Rider Ed card, the officer can not issue a citation for ahelmet law violation. This new law eliminates the need for a court todecide.”
In addition, HB 2585 requires that police officers take sensitivitytraining to stop profiling of riders and to make them aware of the newenforcement standards. They must record all traffic stops in categories toascertain whether bikers are being stopped disproportionately.
Section 4 of HB 2585 states, ”The Commission shall require educationand training on motorcycle operator profiling awareness and sensitivitytraining.”
So if you’re pulled over on your bike in the Lone Star State, don’tforget to ask the officer if he’s had his sensitivity training lately.
SPECIAL LICENSE PLATES PASSED FOR BIKER VETS IN NEW MEXICO Thanksto the staunch support and stalwart efforts of New Mexico StateRepresentative Rick Miera, veterans who ride will now have access tospecialty motorcycle license plates in New Mexico to commemorate theirservice to our country.? Miera was a motorcyclist and early member of ABATE before he launchedhis career in politics, and has been a blessing to New Mexico bikers sincetaking office. Earlier this year, Rep. Miera announced the repeal of NewMexico’s handlebar height law, through a bill he authored. He’s also anactive member of the National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM) LegislativeTask Force, along with other legislators such as U.S. Senator Ben NighthorseCampbell, Wisconsin State Senator Dave Zien, South Dakota State Senator JimPutnam, and others.???
In addition to the Vets plates, Miera also sponsored a separate billthat was signed into law to make specialty motorcycle license platesavailable to disabled riders.
Oh, and he’s committed to keeping New Mexico helmet-free too!

Harley-Davidson’s new Buell rocket ship. See report on Bikernet home page.
?HARLEY-DAVIDSON MAKES A NAME FOR ITSELF– ?In a survey to determine themost recognizable brand names in America, Harley-Davidson rose from 10thplace to 5th place in this year?s polling. ????
CORPORATE BRANDING, a brand strategy and communications firm in NewYork, conducted 6,000 interviews during the annual survey to determine howfamiliar and favorable a company is viewed by senior business leaders. ?
???For the first time in three years, soft drink giant Coca-Cola lost itsfizz and fell into second place behind Microsoft Corp. ??
??Sure, but how many people have a computer tattooed on their body??
BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR– A motorcycle enthusiast dropped dead ashe was being handed the keys to a Harley-Davidson he won in a raffle.?
The GERMAN BIKERS’ UNION said 47-year-old Hans Hitzig, suffered a heartattack in front of thousands of fellow bikers at the organization’s Jubileein Schleiz, eastern Germany. Hitzig?s winning ticket was drawn from 12,000entries to win the $7,400.00 motorcycle.
–From Bill Bish,
MORE NEWS FROM BADLANDS–Other news… they’ve gotten most of the south side of Interstate 90 done already. Most of you will probably remember the mess we had with only 1 side of the interstate open for 2-way traffic last year… maybe this year it’ll all be done before you get here!
FILM UPDATE, CRITIQUE AND RECOMMENDATIONS–Bustin’ it on the keyboard. No movement on 1%er, though a giant German company seems to be initially interested. Got an old producer here named Robert Watts, did Star Wars 1,2,3, Indiana Jones 1,2, 3, Roger Rabbit, etc., who’s in love with it and trying to raise $30 mill to get it made. Lots of big names, no green yet. I’m working on getting heavy talent attatched.
Mainly focusing on the rewrites for Free Range for the production in London. It’s a paying option, rewrites and purchase price. That one is virtually a guaranteed greenlight purchase/production at this point and they seem to love everything I write for them.
Producing a feature comedy in Ecuador which I wrote and am Exec Producing. It’s coming along very well. Working with ICM to package talent, got an old time producer working on it with me. Got an offer to write another one for the London company, Random Harvest, paying gig. In Hollywood love is green.
Moulin Rouge is killer.
O Brother Where Art Thou? is absolutely incredible.
A.I. is all over the board, a Kubrick film made a mess by Spielberg’s issue-neutral yuppies.
Fast and the Furious is a joke.
Memento is outstanding.
–Agent Zebra

I’M GONE–Like a cool breeze. July 27th there’s a quirky auction of some of Jim Fueling’s collection of motorcycles and unusual vehicle in Ventura, California, check I would love to be there, but I’ll be on my way to the Badlands.
Also, especially for Cantina members we’ve developed a strange and unusual department where we slip little known oddities about biking. There’s a painter featured there who will paint your oil filter to match your bike. Strange shit. The artist who created the above stainless steel sculptures is also featured in the Digital Discovery area in Bandit’s Cantina.
With that, Sin Wu is moody because of my leaving for the Badlands and my strange arrangements with various women from state to stay. Hell, I have to stay someplace, don’t I. Besides Dr. Hamster’s girlfriend is accompanying the good doctor, so I’ll be monitored the entire trip. Someone just told me that after 500 miles all bets are off. Is that really a rule? Let’s ride, we’re burnin’ daylight.–Bandit