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BIKERNET MEDICAL FILES–Two patients limp into two different American Medical clinics with the same complaint. Both have trouble walking and appear to require a hip replacement. The first patient is examined within the hour, is x-rayed the same day and has a time booked for surgery the following week. The second sees the family doctor after waiting a week for an appointment, then waits eighteen weeks to see a specialist, then gets an x-ray, which isn’t reviewed for another month and finally has his surgery scheduled for 6 months from then.
Why the different treatment for the two patients?
The first is a Golden Retriever…..
The second is a Senior Citizen
–from James Schnarr

SCHWARZENEGGER FINALLY GETS A MOTORCYCLE LICENSE– The Governator has finally gotten a motorcycle license after riding his Harley-Davidsons for years in movies and off without one.
Nearly six months after he crashed one of his Harleys into an S.U.V. pulling out of a driveway while riding near his Los Angeles home with his 12-year-old son in a sidecar, the California governor has taken and passed both a written and a riding test and got the required permit. The governor, who needed 15 stitches on his upper lip, said at the time that he had not bothered to get the proper license because he had “never thought about it.”
The Los Angeles Police Department did not issue any citations in the accident because department officials said no police officer saw what had happened. Officials at the Department of Motor Vehicles also cleared the governor of any violation, noting that because of the sidecar he was not technically riding on two wheels.

STAR WARS MEETS T-3– Remote speed control technology, as recently featured in the Terminator 3 movie, is coming next year to London. Using satellite positioning in conjunction with on-board electronics would ensure total compliance with speed limits and would reduce injury accidents by 20%, according to a report issued by the Institute of Transport Studies at Leeds University.
A trial will be undertaken in 2007 with up to 20 vehicles. The Leeds study suggests that the system could be introduced initially on taxis, buses and Greater London Authority vehicles. Private motorists could be offered concessions such as lower insurance premiums to fit the technology.
ILLUSION CYCLES TO BE FEATURED ON BIKERNET–We just finished an old school softail with some cool touches. satin black paint, 96-inch black-and-silver S&S, 180 rear tire 5.5 wide rear wheel, 21 up front 2.15 wide w/black rims and 60 polished spokes per wheel, old school black springer, spring solo seat, narrowed 5 gal tanks (flat side) with exposed perfectly flat inside skins, 3-inch open belt, custom made BRM shotgun pipes (satin black), 6 spd trans, custom made fenders to fit w/ quarter inch clearance to wheel in back mounted ridgid style, 2 sissybars to choose from, (one black and one chrome for the ol lady), black forward controls, 12-inch black apes, belt final drive with black pulley, black oil tank w/maltesse cross embossed in sides.
The owner wants to ride it to Sturgis next week. Nice bike for a shoot.
“Rusty Coones”

JANKLOW LAWSUIT–I hope they will be more successful with this. Janklow has made a mockery of the court system, had special treatment in jail and is getting his law license back.
SIOUX FALLS, S.D. — The family of a motorcyclist killed when former Rep. Bill Janklow ran a stop sign has filed a new $25 million wrongful death suit against the U.S. government.
Ronald Meshbesher, attorney for Randy Scott’s family, said he filed the federal civil suit Friday in Minneapolis after getting no response from the U.S. House of Representatives on a similar claim filed in 2004.
“It’s a clear-cut case that Janklow was responsible,” Meshbesher said. “The only issue, as I can see it, is the amount the family will get.”
A spokeswoman for the U.S. attorney in Minnesota said the office would not comment. Janklow’s lawyer did not return a phone call Monday.
Scott’s family initially sued Janklow in Minnesota state court. But it was determined that since Janklow was on official business, he was protected from any monetary claims by the Federal Tort Claims Act. The law safeguards on-duty federal employees from negligence claims.
The case was then moved to federal court. But the family’s initial claim against the U.S. House went nowhere.
Janklow, 66, resigned from Congress after being convicted in South Dakota of second-degree manslaughter and other charges stemming from Scott’s death.
The 2003 crash ended Janklow’s political career. He had dominated South Dakota politics for three decades, first as attorney general, then as governor and finally as the state’s only member of the U.S. House.
By CARSON WALKERThe Associated Press
–from Rogue
WEIRD NEWS: A BRIGHT IDEA FROM YAMAHA– Yamaha has developed a process for making its bikes glow in the dark. A phosphorescent polymer film, developed by Yamaha of Japan, absorbs sunlight and then releases the energy at night as a soft glow.
In phosphorescent materials, incoming UV light excites electrons to a state that they depart from very slowly, emitting visible light as they do so over many hours.
Yamaha has developed a vacuum pressure process that sticks a thin even layer of phosphorescent plastic film to irregularly shaped fenders, engine covers and cowlings.
–Bill Bish

QUOTABLE QUOTE– “The penalty good men pay for indifference to public affairsis to be ruled by evil men.”
–Plato, Greek Philosopher (427-347 BC)

HORSEPOWER MARKETING HMCRACING.COM PODCASTING–July 17, 2006, Durham, NC, Horsepower Marketing is podcasting the entire 2006 AMA Supermoto Championship presented by Parts Unlimited for Team Red Bull KTM HMC at the team website located at
Supermoto and motorcycle racing enthusiasts are able to hear how Team Red Bull KTM HMC performs from the racers on the team. Interviews conducted at the first round of the series in Fontana, CA through run 5 in Detroit, MI included Team Owner Mitch Hansen, defending AMA Supermoto Champion Jurgen Kunzel, defending Canadian Champion Benny Carlson, Team Manager Elliot Cho, former Supermoto Unlimited Champion Kurt Nicoll, Unlimited racer Johnny Lewis and many others.
“The emergence of Podcasting as a legitimate form of entertainment has caught the interest of Team Owner Mitch Hansen,” said Jeff Najar, Horsepower Marketing, Chief Marketer. “He is able to promote his team and bring more value to his sponsors by combining entertainment and the sponsor’s marketing messages together.”
Podcasting allows enthusiasts to hear an audio broadcast on their computer or transfer the audio broadcast to a portable MP3 player or iPod and take it with them. This places control of the broadcast time in the consumer?s hands. They will be able to hear the Podcast when and where they want to.
In addition to audio on the site, enthusiasts can win event t-shirts, racing gloves, posters and a number of Factory KTM team oriented racing merchandise.
Jeff Najar also handles Pod Casting interviews for Bikernet Radio. Check our free Bikernet Radio Department.

HELMET LAW REINTRODUCED IN PENNSYLVANIA– In response to a spike in motorcycle fatalities following repeal of the state helmet law three years ago, a bill to reinstate a mandatory helmet law has been introduced in Pennsylvania.
Motorcycle deaths and injuries are up significantly since 2003, but so is the number of motorcyclists on the highways. These coincidental trends have led authors of a new legislative study to shy away from making definitive conclusions on whether the helmet law repeal itself is responsible for the increase in fatal accidents.
The study on motorcycle accidents by the Legislative Budget and Finance Committee results from a mandate in the 2003 law. Another report is due in 2008. The committee’s report says that both fatalities and serious injuries involving motorcyclists increased one-third during 2004 and 2005 in Pennsylvania.
But the report notes that motorcycle registrations in Pennsylvania jumped to 318,000 from 267,000, a 19 percent increase, during the same period.
The report states: “261 persons died in motorcycle crashes in the two years prior to 2003, compared to 362 persons in the first two years after repeal, an increase of 38.7 percent.
“However, when the number of registered motorcycles is taken into consideration, the average annual fatality rate after repeal of the Helmet Law (5.9 fatalities per 10,000 registered motorcycles in 2004 and 2005) was not substantially higher than the pre-repeal (2001 and 2002) average annual fatality rate of 5.4 fatalities per 10,000 registered motorcycles.”
The report also focuses on serious head injuries resulting from motorcycle accidents, but found that analytical data doesn’t exist to specifically link helmet use with head trauma injuries.
It’s hard to draw any conclusions about what’s really going on from the legislative report, said Charles Umbenhauer, lobbyist for ABATE of Pennsylvania.
But two Keystone lawmakers, Reps. David Frankel, D-Allegheny, and Tony Melio, D-Bucks, have drawn their own conclusions and recently sponsored bills to restore the helmet requirement for adults.
THE HOT DAY BIKERNET CODE–Start Your Day with Gratitude and End Your Day with Acknowledgment.
— by Mike Robbins
–from Carl R

GRAND NATIONAL BIKE SHOW SPONSORED BY BIKERNET.COM HITS THE COW PALACE IN SAN FRANCISCO–The Grand National Bike Show promises to be the show of the season. October 14th and 15th is the date for the last stop on the Horse Power Promotions 2006 tour. San Francisco is the perfect town to host this motorcycle marketplace.
The industries largest suppliers will have all their latest merchandise as well as some of the hottest names in the bike building world will showcase their latest works of art. Scott Long and Harold Ponterelli will have their Discovery Biker Build Off bikes on display. Mike Stafford of MGS Customs will be displaying his new Metric Revolution creation. Plus other top industry leaders like Kirk Taylor and Big Mike of BMC Choppers.
Trials riding superstar David Chaves will thrill the crowds with his unbelievable balance skills with several performances each day. California’s top custom bikes will battle it out in the Incubus Alloy custom bike show. Seventeen different classes from old school bobbers to chromed out radical choppers will all be competing.
The weekend will be highlighted with two motorcycle giveaways. The Horse Power 2006 Tour sponsor BMC Choppers will be giving away a tricked out bobber. You can enter for free at the event. The other motorcycle that will be given away at the event is the Johnny Chop Tribute Bike built by his friends. The cost to enter this giveaway is $30 which includes one ticket to win a very original custom bike and a Limited Edition Johnny Chop T-shirt. Both winners will be announced on Sunday.
The gate price is only $15.00 and motorcycles park for free. The first 500 people each day will receive a free Hot Bike T-shirt. For more information log on to
Vendors Call 805.896.7675 to sign up!!!!!!

FAT CAT & BOARZILLA EXHAUST PIPES PUMP OUT SOFTAIL HORSEPOWER–Fort Worth, Texas, July 18, 2006 – D&D Performance Exhaust builds dyno-tuned exhaust pipe systems that are designed for the performanceoriented Harley-Davidson pilot. Whether an enthusiast is taking their Harley vtwin canyon carving or laying rubber down the tarmac, a D&D Performance Exhaust pipe not only looks good but makes outstanding horsepower across the power band.
The D&D Performance Exhaust 2 into 1 high-performance Softail pipes are featured in the Boarzilla and Fat Cat style fully chrome exhaust pipes. Also a new feature is O2 sensor bungs in all of the Fat Cat and Boarzilla Pipes, available by special order from the Factory and then standard as current inventories are restocked.
Boarzilla pipes are upswept in the back, which increases the lean angle of the bike without scraping chrome and upsetting chassis dynamics. The come with a larger head pipe to accommodate big-inch v-twin engines. Boarzilla pipes are finished with a slight slash-cut design.
The 2 into 1 Fat Cat pipes are manufactured with a standard size head pipe and shoot straight out the back. They are finished off in a pronounced slash-cut design.
“We have four criteria in carrying a pipe in our dealership that includes performance, fit, finish and heat shields,” said Walter Birmingham, Assistant Parts Manager, Mancuso Harley-Davidson Houston. “They meet all of our criteria and if they didn’t meet the performance standards we wouldn’t recommend them. They are that good. They consistently out perform Samson, Reinhardt and Hooker.”

Each Harley Softail pipe is dyno-tuned for maximum performance, rumble and encased in a full wrap heat shield that keeps all discoloration from view. The Boarzilla and Fat Cat pipes improve power and torque by as much as 12 additional horses.
The Harley Softail 2 into 1 pipes are torture tested on D&D’s state-of-the-art in-house Super Flow Eddy Current Ram Air dynamometer. This is done in combination with the Super Flow Bench and the first in the industry, multi cylinder Lambda Fuel Air Ratio Sensors, which are interfaced with the Dyno for real time meter and graph analysis. This means that performance is always increased with a D and D exhaust pipe.
The dyno chart and dyno video with audio clip for both the Boarzilla and Fat Cat style Harley performance exhaust pipe is located on the website in the catalog section at
Every Boarzilla and Fat Cat D&D Performance Exhaust pipe is manufactured in Ft. Worth, Texas plant with skilled exhaust technicians. Every pipe goes through a multi-point check list that allows customers to rely on the D&D name and product.

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