Thought you guys needed a break.–Bandit
Washington, DC – (MCNW) In response to concerns expressed by the AMA and others, federal traffic safety officials have pledged that they will not regulate motorcycle apparel under provisions of a new law.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) on July 10 issued a final rule requiring motor vehicle manufacturers and their suppliers to report customer satisfaction data and certain other information to federal officials. The reporting requirement is to help the NHTSA identify defects related to motor vehicle safety. The rule implements requirements of the Transportation Recall Enhancement, Accountability, and Documentation (TREAD) Act that was approved in 2000 following problems related to Firestone tires on Ford Explorers.
The AMA told the NHTSA that including motorcycle rider apparel in the reporting requirements appeared to go beyond what Congress intended in approving the TREAD Act, and that such a requirement appeared impractical and unworkable.
The AMA also feared that the reporting requirement would create a database that could be the first step toward mandatory rider apparel certification and use.
In releasing the final rule, the federal agency specifically ruled out such a possibility, stating, “We have not, and we do not, intend to prescribe standards or requirements for motorcycle apparel other than protective headgear. The proposed rule would not, and the final rule does not, control motorcycle clothing.”
Edward Moreland, AMA vice president for government relations, said that the NHTSA statement indicates the agency intends to follow the congressional intent of the law and focus on tire issues rather than get involved in motorcycle apparel.
Besides the AMA, federal lawmakers were among those who told the NHTSA to stay out of the business of regulating motorcycle apparel.
“Requiring manufacturers and parts suppliers to report defects in such critically important safety equipment as tires and brakes is one thing,” Otter added. “It’s an entirely different matter if we’re talking about the government trying to tell motorcyclists how to dress. Nobody is more concerned or knowledgeable about the safety needs of motorcyclists than the people who ride. It’s good to see that – at least in this case – the feds recognized it was none of their business.”

BROTZ SCORES FIRST BUELL LIGHTNING SERIES WIN AT MOSPORTBemisderfer Takes Over Series Points Lead from Barnes. Clint Brotz rode a Hal?s Performance Advantage Buell Lightning S1 to his first victory in the fourth stop on the Formula USA Buell Lightning Series, presented by Buell Pro Series Accessories, here today at Mosport International Raceway.
Brotz, of Sheboygan, Wis., took the lead on the second lap when early front-runners Michael Barnes of Kosco Harley-Davidson/Buell-Innovative Motorcycle Research and Richie Morris of Hal?s Performance Advantage made contact and went down. After reattaching his derailed chain, Morris was able to remount, and finished the race in 12th place. Barnes? Buell Lightning X1 was too badly damaged to continue.
?I was right behind them when it happened,? said Brotz. ?I just missed (Barnes) when he went down. After that I was able to find a quick line and stay up front. I want to thank the Hal?s team for a great bike to ride.?
Brotz finished the 8-lap race with a 5.35-second advantage over Hoban Brothers/H-D of Appleton?s Jeffery Johnson of Minneapolis. Bryan Bemisderfer took third place aboard the Harley-Davidson of Frederick Buell Lightning S1, and moved ahead of Barnes into first place in a very tight series points race.
After four of eight scheduled events in the Buell Lightning Series, Bemisderfer has 64 points to 62 for Barnes and 59 for Brotz.
The Formula USA Buell Lightning Series, presented by Buell Pro Series Accessories, is a horsepower and weight-restricted Buell-only spec class. The fifth round of the Formula USA National Road Race Series will take place at Road America, Elkhart Lake, Wis., Aug. 1-4.
SOUTH DAKOTA DROPS ALCOHOL LIMIT–Watch it in South Dakota this year. The legal drinking limit has been reduced to .O8. In addition, due to recent club conflicts police prescense will be at an all time high.
Finally, no matter what stay out of hospitals. Hospital infections and the 4th largest killer in the U.S. Over 100,000 people died last year from hospital infections. You’re better off licking your wounds and staying in a tent.
GUNNISON PREPARES FOR HELLS ANGELS–When hundreds of Hells Angels thunder into Gunnison this week, some of the bikers’ leather vests will have “Colorado” patches sewn under the club’s familiar death’s-head logo for the first time. Those red-and-white embroidered patches – or “rockers,” as the riders call them – mean that once the Hells Angels’ USA Run ends in Gunnison next weekend and the bikers roar on to the annual motorcycle rally at Sturgis, S.D., Colorado will not be finished with the group. In fact, this is just the beginning.
In a California ceremony last weekend, the notorious motorcycle club initiated the club’s first full-fledged – or “patched” – members from Colorado. Chris Schaeffer, a Colorado State Patrol detective who investigates motorcycle gangs, said more than a dozen members of the Brothers Fast, a Denver-based motorcycle club, were inducted into the Hells Angels after being tapped as prospective members a year ago. They now represent the first Colorado chapter of the Hells Angels.
That “rocker” on the lower backs of their vests declares that status. Schaeffer said that now that Colorado has an official chapter, more Hells Angels will come. And more will be recruited. The Hells Angels are already associating with another Colorado club, the Grand Junction-based Red Devils. “I think Colorado will eventually be one of the largest chapters in the country, maybe even in the world,” Schaeffer said. Colorado will also have the potentially volatile distinction of being home to four of the six major motorcycle clubs in the country: the Sons of Silence, the Bandidos and the Mongols all have Colorado chapters.
–from Outsiders 1%ers’ news
DARWIN AWARDS RELEASED– A young Canadian man, searching for a way of getting drunk cheaply,because he had no money with which to buy alcohol, mixed gasoline with milk.Not surprisingly, this concoction made him ill, and he vomited into thefireplace in his house. This resulting explosion and fire burned his housedown, killing both him and his sister.
–from Rogue

DEAL OF THE WEEK–After talking with several industry guys and riders over the last couple of weeks about new bikes, I discovered the consensus on new models is: That the FLH Standard is the best buy for the bucks. Take it or leave it.
GUILTY OF A CRIME WITH ON VICTIM–I recently saw a crime committed in a courtroom. It was committed inthe Vista court, where tens of thousands of dollars and hundreds ofhours were spent trying a young black girl for soliciting $40 for asex act. Mind you, she did not perform the act, and the detective whonabbed her never paid the $40, but for two days Superior Court wastrying her case.
A 35-person panel was brought to the courtroom the first day and 280hours of people’s time were wasted to empanel a jury that day. Almosthalf of the panel expressed the opinion that this woman was involvedin a victimless crime, but the deputy district attorney plowed onwith the remark, “It looks like I have an uphill battle.”Perhaps not. By the time many of us had been dismissed for saying wethought no crime had been committed, there were 12 sheep left.
Meanwhile, a state facing a $24 billion budget deficit continued thekabuki dance. Several detectives’ time had been wasted catching thisgirl and getting her acceptance of the solicitation on tape. Thejudge was paid handsomely for several days, along with astate-appointed defense attorney, a prosecutor, a bailiff, a courtassistant, two detectives and the judge’s staff.
Every night in this county, thousands of men take thousands of girlsto nice restaurants and then the couple retire to a night of sexualpleasure without any fear of facing trial. Apparently, a steak dinneris permissible, but paying $40 is a crime.
–Allen Polk HemphillCommentary
–from Rogue

PEREWITZ BILLET 41–Dave Perewitz’ new billet 41mm forks reflect his reputation for aggressive contemporary styling and uncompromised quality. Featuring Perewitz’ billet aluminum triple trees with integrated blind neck post, custom machined billet lower legs and a mirror show chrome finish, these forks are the perfect compliment to any show or go machine. Additionally the sleek new legs are fit with Perewitz’ hidden axle assembly and unique adjustable fender mounts. Dave?s super sanitary forks are designed for use with OEM internal components assuring trouble free performance and longevity.
For details call 508-586-2511 or catch the complete Perewitz lineup on the Web at www.perewitz.com
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