You wouldn’t believe the bullshit mistakes and scary elements. I finally ran it onto reserve. I didn’t have any notion of the gas capacity. It took 2.76 gallons. With reserve that’s maybe 3 gallons total. So 2.76 times 35 mpg gives me 96 miles before I hit reserve. I can live with that-I Hope.
Wanna hear one of the bullshit mistakes? Crime Scene Choppers recommended that I drill a needle-sized hole in the top of the gas cap for ventilation, if the tank wasn’t vented. It’s easy to break a bit that small so I drilled a 1/8 inch guide hole, but drilled too far-through the cap. Okay, so one solution would be to spot-weld the underside and re-drill, but my aluminum welder was had been on loan and not available.
So it tapped the hole with a 10-32 and drilled a tiny stainless set screw and in she went. Let’s hit the news.

Incredible HOT BIKE Event Shirt Artwork–Unfortunately and fortunately some corporate genius ordered 5,000 too many, so there’s a tremendous deal going on right now for T-shirts.
Be one of the first on the road to wear the Hot Bike Tour T-Shirt. Regular $15.00 but buy now for $10.00 including shipping at www.horsepowerpromotions.com.
We have 7 HOT shows this year! Check out the website for more info.
Agreement to Buy Primedia Business?–Unofficial word late this afternoon was that final bids for the sale of Primedia Business came in yesterday and that a letter of intent to buy the company had been agreed to by buyer and seller.
The buyer could not be confirmed at presstime. But speculation in recent weeks has centered around Apprise Media, headed by Charles McCurdy, former CEO of Primedia Inc., the parent of Primedia Business. McCurdy formed Apprise in 2004, backed with about $200 million in strategic investment capital by Spectrum Equity Investors.
The sale price, an informed source said, was 10-times EBITDA, or about $375 million based on the company’s 2004 EBITDA of $37 million. Primedia Business produced sales last year of $225 million.
The acquisition would be the third in 2005 for Apprise. In January, Apprise bought Beckett, publisher of sports and entertainment collectible guides, for $20 million, and in April, it acquired Canon Communications for $200 million.
Primedia CEO Kelly Conlin and other executives were not available for comment. -by Tony Sliber.
According to contacts within the industry Primedia is rounding their portfolio down to strictly pubs devoted to the 18-34 male audience. Then they may sell the whole lot.

IRONHORSEMEN IN STURGIS–We are excited to see each of you in Sturgis during Bike Week…We hope you will all stop by and see what exciting motorcycles we have created for “The Ironhorsemen”. As I have mentioned before, we will be showing all out products at The Full Throttle Saloon in an area called The Chop Lot. You will find us there with “The Ironhorsemen” custom movie bikes as well as the American Indian ATV’s, and the all new American Motorcycle 1902 Limited Edition Pro Street Motorcycle. We hope you all will stop by, say hi, and join us in all of the activities we have going on. To see all the activities and events we are co-sponsoring in Sturgis go to: http://www.amc1902.com/sturgis_launch.html
Also, let us know if you are going to be able to hang with us at The Full Throttle VIP room, if we know in advance we will be glad to host you as members of the VIP room at the Full Throttle Saloon sponsored by Bikernet.com, but I must submit a list to Mike Ballard on arrival in Sturgis for that to happen. This area is set aside for Industry Friends and includes phone and internet hook ups if needed. It will have food and drinks available as well as a place to hang throughout bike week, and a place to get away from the mayhem and crowd. But, please let us know if you would like to be added to this list.
As part of Sturgis every year we try to help raise funds for Charity. We would love to have you help us in supporting our efforts to raise money for The Crazy Horse Monument Foundation through a donation, or participation in our Charity Ride, the Bikernet ride to Sturgis or Raffle. The Full Throttle Saloon, American Motorcycle 1902, Keith Ball & Bikernet.com, Custom Performance, Cowboy & Indian’s magazine, Keyboard Motorcycle Carriage, and others are co-sponsoring a couple of events with us which we would love to have you involved in.
On Thursday, August 11th, Branscombe and these sponsors are hosting a Charity Ride to The Crazy Horse Monument gathering at the Full Throttle Saloon between 9:30 -11 AM for the ride to the monument, a presentation of a check, and an exclusive visit right at the foot of the face of the monument for a select list of guests, a donation of $10 per rider is all we ask. This ride will be covered editorially by industry mags and Bikernet.com as well as Cowboy & Indian’s magazine, and we would love to have you included in the ride.
We also are supporting a raffle of a $6495 value Custom Performance Turbo Kit, a pair of $1000 custom made Ostrich and Leather cowboy boots, and a great custom Bandit belt buckle and Murga Stingray belt (value of over $350) with proceeds going to Crazy Horse Foundation as well. Please help us support these efforts. Even a straight contribution would be appreciated and is of course totally tax deductible. Just make a check payable to the Crazy Horse Monument Foundation and present it to Branscombe, myself, or Keith Ball anytime during Sturgis bike week. You may register online https://www.missingink.net/shop/accessories.asp for the raffle and the ride, or at our booth inside the Chop Lot at The Full Throttle Saloon. Your support of this noble and great cause would be appreciated. Micheal Hupy has already sent his check since he can’t make it to Sturgis this year.
Join us to in saluting our friend Keith “Bandit” Ball as he get’s inducted into the Sturgis Motorcycle Hall of Fame…the induction breakfast is on Wednesday. We should all support this industry “legend”, along with the other honorees as he is inducted into this great institution. The website for Sturgis Motorcycle Inductee’s announcement is: http://www.amc1902.com/sturgis_halloffame.html.
Todd Prosser from the Chop Shop in Newberry Park, CA, our fabricator and chief builder, has done a phenomenal job in the custom fabrication of “HeadHunter” and “Slaughter” the two star bikes for the movie. You will be blown away when these bikes are presented for the first time on Tuesday August 9th in our booth at The Full Throttle Saloon. Photo’s continue to be added to the http://www.amc1902.com/ironhorsemen.html website so go there to see the latest from the builds. We will have these two bikes along with “Pounder”, the sidekick bike to “Headhunter”, at Sturgis, but the fourth bike will be delayed until the end of August due to various build issues. We also will be showing “Dirt Devil”, an American Indian ATV we have prepared for the movie as well, photo’s of the paint can also seen online.
The bad news is that the movie has now moved to spring 2006 to begin shooting, for a variety of reasons, including the fact that John Milius is the executive producer of the new replacement series for the “Soprano’s”, a new made for HBO series entitled “Rome”, which will be rolled out this fall on HBO. The production of this series has had several delays? which now also has delayed the start date for the movie “The Ironhorsemen”.
But the blessing is that this then allows us to begin pursuing a lot of pre-production promotions and events with the bikes as well, and we should be able to show these bikes at a variety of fall and winter events and bike shows, and generate a lot of exposure for the efforts as well.
Again, we thank our friends and partners in this “Ironhorsemen” custom bike build project, and the rollout of American Motorcycle 1902, and American Indian ATV’s at Sturgis. We will continue to build momentum, and exposure for your efforts, support, and brands in the months ahead.
Bob and Branscombe

SHOW SCHEDULE ANNOUNCED FOR 25TH ANNIVERSARYOF THE CYCLE WORLD INTERNATIONAL MOTORCYCLE SHOWS?PRESENTED BY TOYOTA TRUCKS–Santa Ana, CA – July 25, 2005 – Fall 2005 will mark the 25th anniversary kick off of Advanstar Communications’ Cycle World International Motorcycle Shows? presented by Toyota Trucks. The 13-city nationwide series – showcasing the latest motorcycles, ATVs, gear, accessories, custom bikes, vintage displays and stunts – is celebrating the milestone with the addition of bigger venues and the introduction of a new show in Houston, Texas.
This year’s series shifts into high gear as four of the Cycle World International Motorcycle Shows? presented by Toyota Trucks will run in conjunction with Advanstar’s Arenacross Championship Series and the inaugural Houston show will be held in conjunction with Advanstar’s new off-road show – DIRTsports Expo Live!
“Our 25th anniversary is possible because of the strong support we receive from the major motorcycle manufacturers, aftermarket companies, dealers and local motorcycle companies. We are looking forward to our best show season ever,” said Jeff D’Entremont, show director for the series. “Each year hundreds of thousands of people attend the shows knowing it’s their first and best opportunity to see all of the latest models, gear and accessories together in one location.”
For the 12th year, Cycle World, the nation’s most popular motorcycle magazine, will be at all of the shows as the title sponsor. Leading manufacturer Toyota Trucks will be returning for the seventh year as presenting sponsor and Progressive Motorcycle Insurance is back as official product sponsor.
SCHEDULE November 4-6, 2005 Fort Worth Convention Center Fort Worth, Texas * November 11-13, 2005 Reliant Park Houston, Texas ** November 18-20, 2005 Colorado Convention Center Denver, Colorado * December 2-4, 2005 Qwest Field & Events Center Seattle, Washington December 9-11, 2005 Long Beach Convention Center Long Beach, California * December 16-18, 2005 San Jose Convention Center San Jose, California January 6-8, 2006 Rock Financial Showplace Novi, Michigan January 13-15, 2006 Washington Convention Center Washington D.C. January 20-22, 2006 Jacob K. Javits Center New York, New York January 27-29, 2006 IX Center Cleveland, Ohio February 3-5, 2006 Minneapolis Convention Center Minneapolis, Minnesota * February 10-12, 2006 Donald E. Stevens convention Center Chicago, Illinois March 17-19, 2006 Cobb Galleria Centre Atlanta, Georgia
*** Held in conjunction with Arenacross Championship Series.
Held in conjunction with DIRTsports Expo Live!

NEW PRODUCTS POISE POLARIS FOR INCREASED GROWTH–New All-Terrain Vehicles (ATVs), RANGER Utility Vehicles, VictoryMotorcyclesGive Expanded Breadth, Opportunity
MINNEAPOLIS, July 25, 2005 – Innovative new products drive the powersportsindustry, and at last week’s national sales meeting in Nashville, Tenn.,Polaris continued its tradition of introducing new products in everyDivision.
The company unveiled more than a dozen new products in its ATV,RANGER utility vehicle and Victory Motorcycle product lines, the largestoffering of new vehicles in the company’s history.
“This is an exciting time for Polaris and its dealers. Earlier lastweek, we announced our strategic partnership with KTM and now we areintroducing the largest fleet of new products in our history,” said BennettMorgan, president and chief operating officer, Polaris. “We have incrediblemomentum and traction to continue improving our overall business, make itstronger and gain market share in all categories. That’s good news forPolaris, our dealers and our customers.”All-Terrain Vehicles
Polaris’ ATV division is the lifeblood of the company. Representingnearly two-thirds of its overall sales, the division is introducing six newproduct offerings that address the trail, mid-size, entry and “heart of themarket” segments, which will continue to position Polaris as a dominantpowerhouse in the industry.
* Sportsman 500 EFI – Polaris has added electronic fuelinjection (EFI) technology to the Sportsman 500, the world’s best-selling4x4. Polaris now has the largest EFI offering of any ATV manufacturer – atotal of four. The Sportsman 500 EFI benefits customers by providing easierstarting in extreme weather conditions; it automatically adjusts to altitudeand temperature changes with no re-jetting; delivers smooth power at anyspeed and better fuel economy. The quad also features industry leadingindependent rear suspension (IRS), Exclusive Lock-and-Ride(tm) accessoriesand all the classic Sportsman features that make it the world’s best-selling4x4.
* Sportsman 450 – “Heart of the market” 4x4s account for thebulk of sales nationwide, and the new Sportsman 450 gives Polaris a strongbest in class new entry in the category. With IRS, the Lock-and-Rideaccessory system, more horsepower and faster acceleration, the Sportsman 450will be a strong force in the 400 segment.
* Sportsman X2 – Two-up ATVs have become the fastest-growingsegment in the ATV industry, and the Sportsman X2 “the most versatile ATVever” gives Polaris firm footing in the two-rider market. The vehicletransforms from a one- to two-up machine in only 10 seconds, giving ridersan option in how they want to ride. The X2 also offers EFI technology, a400-pound-capacity dump box, Lock-and-Ride accessories, VersaTrac forsensitive as well as rough terrain, and industry-leading independent rearsuspension (IRS).
* Outlaw – The Outlaw represents Polaris’ trail tough, trackready, new high-performance sport quad. Outlaw features the industry’sfirst and only sport quad with independent rear suspension (PRO IRS) in anall-new chassis, which gives riders more speed on the trails and morecontrol on rough terrain.
* Sawtooth – The Sawtooth, an entry level value machine,places a 200cc, four-stroke engine in a lightweight chassis. Perfectly sizedfor young adults over 16-years and women, the fully automatic Sawtoothfeatures shaft drive, full floorboards and steel front and rear racks.
* Hawkeye – Two new models for the 300cc segment, the 2X4 and4X4 Hawkeye is the no compromise, mid-sized ATV. Hawkeye offers ridersfeatures previously only available in Big Bore machines like independentrear suspension, Lock-and-Ride accessories, eight- inches of groundclearance and digital instrumentation.
“With the introduction of our 2006 line, we’ve changed the game withsix tough new vehicles that will fill market segments that have beenunderserved,” said Mike Dougherty, general manager, Polaris ATVs. “Polarishas a dominant stable of ATVs, and we expect our new products will helpdrive increased market share in the coming year.”
For 2006, Victory is moving toward that goal by delivering newproducts and innovations that position the brand for continued stronggrowth.
* Vegas Jackpot – A rapidly emerging motorcycle segment inrecent years is what Victory calls “Extreme Customs” and the all-new VegasJackpot fills that niche to a tee. With such extreme styling cues as radicalpaint schemes, a color-matched frame, extensive chrome detailing, a loweredrear end riding on a muscular 250mm rear tire – combined with a classic21-inch wheel up front, a reshaped headlight and more, the Vegas Jackpotprovides an adrenaline rush before you even thumb the starter. Powered by a100-cubic-inch Freedom engine and six-speed overdrive transmission, thebonus is this extreme extension of the award-winning Vegas line gives thestyling and performance riders of Extreme Customs expect, while providingthe reliability, support and all-day comfort current offerings in thissegment don’t all provide. Best of all, riders will be delighted to know atrue factory Extreme Custom can end up in their garage for substantiallyless money ($10,000 – $15,000 less) than most of the alternatives.
* Ness Signature Series bikes – Arlen and Cory Ness, two ofthe country’s most respected custom motorcycle builders, have again helpedto set the Victory brand apart with two new breathtaking Ness Series VegasJackpot models. Each has a custom paint scheme, custom seating, drag bars,billet wheels and an extensive list of other Ness-designed details.
* New engine & transmission – Victory is upping the ante onits Vegas and Kingpin models by integrating the 100-cubic-inch Freedomengine and six-speed overdrive transmission from the massively popularVictory Hammer bringing new levels of performance to these core Victorymodels.
Polaris Industries has marked the first half of 2005 with majorbusiness announcements. In June, the company opened its new state-of-the-artproduct development center in Wyoming, Minn. And last week, on the heals ofan announcement that it would purchase a 24-percent stake in Austrianoff-road motorcycle manufacturer KTM, Polaris also launched two new programsto help drive volume and make the selling process easier and more profitablefor dealers.
The company reintroduced its highly successful Factory AuthorizedClearance event, which in 2004 resulted in a successful model year inventorytransition for its dealers and generated 48-percent sales increases acrossall product lines. ATVs led the way with 60-percent growth.
Polaris also announced it will join the Specialty Vehicle Instituteof America (SVIA), which will take the responsibility of customer trainingaway from dealers, allowing them more opportunity to sell products. The SVIAhas trained thousands of ATV enthusiasts to ride safely and responsibly formany years, and Polaris’ move to join the organization gives customers asingle, simple outlet to learn to properly operate ATVs. In addition totraining, Polaris, together with the SVIA, will put additional focus on landaccess and preserving the Right to Ride.
“Rider safety remains our top priority,” said Bennett Morgan,President and COO, Polaris. “We look forward to working more closely withother industry partners to continue stressing the importance of safetytraining and responsible riding.”About Polaris and Victory Motorcycles
Information about the complete line of Polaris products apparel andvehicle accessories is available from authorized Polaris dealers or from thePolaris homepage at http://www.polarisindustries.com.
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