Continued From Page 2

GOING TO STURGIS?–Don’t forget to check out the freshly decorated Sturgis Motorcycle Museum. Wink at Pepper, the babe working there, new motorcycles on display, Pepper, the Randy Simpson tribute featuring Bandit’s Dicey Knucklehead and pick up a free Bikernet sticker at the counter.
Don’t miss it.

RUN FOR BREATH RECEIVES AWARD– The 5th Annual Run For Breath “In Memory of Justin Pullin” was held Sunday, July 27. We had 84 entries in the bike show and all were top quality bikes. The best of show award went to Christian Gordon who entered his rigid frame Sportster.
At the end of the day we had raised $7,000.00 for the American Lung Association’s Camp Air Care for kids who have asthma.
Mike Pullin, the founder, and the lovely Meanest were awarded the American Lung Association’s Top Sponsor and Contributor award.
Mike and Meanest have ordered Bandit to create another metal sculpture, Best of Show award for next year. Stay tuned.

BIKERNET CARIBBEAN REPORT–FROM STURGIS–You thought I was going to miss this week…NOT !As you might know we are in Sturgis and I’m going to try cover some kind of play by play. Last night we stopped to say hi to our friends at Klock Works and visit the Kongo Club, then we headed into the Black Hills. Before I forget, I had a chance to see one of the coolest chops I’ve seen in a while. It will be featured soon, just hang on.
As you know we drove from Florida, there I had a chance to check out the new Discovery bike from Choppers Inc. It’s wicked! I will post some photos in the future of all this amazing bikes, soon, very soon.
The weather is cooperating, warm, verging into hot days with cool nights. The cops are not out, yet, and it’s fairly quiet. Chaos awaits.I rode my new chop for 200 miles or so. The only problem was a cracked top motor mount and the left grip loosening. Other than that, it was cherry.
The guys from Hawaii called, and they are ok, someplace in Wyoming and will show up tomorrow.
Crazy Horse is on her way. I guess all our friends are making way to get here. The real action won’t get rolling ’till Monday or so.Oh well, enough ranting (drove 38 hours straight). I’ll keep this report going daily in Your Shot.
–Jose Caribbean/ Sturgis Bikernet reporter
ALL ABOUT COPS–by Jim Smith. In 1994, a study was conducted by the Arlington, Texas policedepartment in conjunction with the Southwestern Law Enforcement Institute of theSouthwest Legal Foundation.
This study surveyed 123 police departments nationwide and found,among other things, that only 19 percent of departments have a policy of firingofficers who are repeatedly domestically violent, and the majority of suchcases are handled within the department, instead of being referred to theDA’s office.
This is called obstruction of justice, in case you were wondering. Or it would be anyway, except that if the police choose not toarrest themselves, who is going to get them in court?
Many police officers in urban areas have said that their mainobjective is to get through the day alive. They do work that is despised by a great many people willing tokill them on sight, and they just want to get home to their families. This gives all police officers common ground, so they band togetherto cover each other’s backs. It also sets up an “us vs. them” mentality and encourages officersto look the other way when they see one of their own breaking the law.
What this yields is a gang, and I’m not saying that simply foremotional impact or to be clever. There is a vast network of people statistically prone to violence,armed to the teeth, wearing their gang’s colors to make themselves instantlyvisually identifiable, ready to handle any and all situations with bruteforce on a moment’s notice, all covering each other’s misconduct so they can ensure their ownand each other’s safety. This is a gang by any definition.
Jim Smith is a columnist for The Summer Barometer. The opinions inhis columns do not necessarily represent those of The Barometer staff.Smith can be reached at…
–from Rogue

COPS GONE BAD– What is so hard to fathom about this? The police, sheriffs dept, State police, FBI, ATF and all in the same category, are thelargest of street gangs in this country. They are indeed subsidized by the government and in many cases, have more fire power that they should have. I MAY NOT be correct on this and still crunching numbers butat this point in time, the police have more criminals in their uniform wearing gang than any MC. Yes, so far the numbers are pointing in that direction. On an average week, 70 officer gang members are arrested for criminal activities. IT is extremely hard to tell what numbers are actually involved since they do take care of their own and only prosecute when caught by John Q Public! Now now, I know a lot of you are rolling your eyes at this but all you need do is goto this web site. Look under the Cops Gone Bad link. The proof is inthe pudding. — In, “FastFred” –from Rogue BUCKSHOT LIVES AND WILL REPORT SHORTLY– Here I is! Been busy as a cat coverin’ shit lately. Got to meet and partywith the old rock legends Canned Heat last Sunday.Nice bunch of fellers. Have a shoot set up for the 14th to do an install andevaluate article on the Bassani Pro Street pipes and the Doherty Power Packair filter Terry at T-Press. H-D of Fresno is handling the install and dyno test. Gonna wake up my newSoftail fer sure! Guess I inherited my wife’s bestest buddy, Suuze. She’s agreat gal, and we’ve been doin’ a lot of riding. I’m gettin’ the ol’ Pan outagain shortly. Got to keep you and HORSE supplied with verbal fertilizer. –Ride safe, PAINT JOB OF THE WEEK FROM CRAZYHORSE–This week’s paint job is still in process. It doesn’t have anyclearcoat on it yet, but no matter. I’m all packed for Sturgis, andthis morning I hit the road. Jose is already there. He’ll be partyingup a storm with Billy Lane and Indian Larry, and I’ll still be on theroad. The lowly life of a painter. Anyhow, these parts belong to Ed Sherrer of Virginia. He wanted hisflames to look like they were on fire. Can’t wait to see these withclearcoat. Here’s a first peek at a hardtail whose tank was featured a few weeksback. Jim has the bike together and will ride it around Sturgis.It cranked right up, first touch of the key. I might need to sneak offwith that key when he’s napping. Everyone who is heading for Sturgis, have a safe trip. Don’t speedout there. I’ve heard evil stories about thorough searchesand confiscated bikes. I’m outta here. —Crazy Horse LARRY LOTT MEMORIAL RUN–If you’re a Dago rider don’t miss the Julian Area run, Sunday, August 10, 11:00 a.m. It kicks off at Cycle Vision’s, owned by Randy Aron, 4263 Taylor Street, Old Town, (619) 295-7800. The put will end at Pine Hills Lodge, 2960 La Posada Way, Julian. Ride like the San Diego cops are on your tail. THAT’S IT–The road has called half the bikers in the country. It’s not the event, but the ride is the experience that lasts a lifetime. Every goddamn mile is an adventure, a roll of the dice, or an adrenline rush. Just make sure you survive to ride again. Bikernet grew 64 percent in the last 11 months. We’re passing 60,000 unique users a month, and we’re having a blast. Like riding, everyday is a creative adventure or an opportunity to share new information with riders all over the world. Don’t hesitate to let us know what you need. The “It’s Your Shot” letters are answered daily. Ride Forever,