Let’s get to the holiday news quick. I need to get out of the headquarters and into the party mode:
EASYRIDERS STORES TURN HOTBIKE–Rumor from the streets is that Easyriders has demanded more from their licensed stores. They’ve threatened to put the stores back into the franchise mode or pull the name. According to a number of store owners the name isn’t holding its own anymore. Stockholders are upset.
Seems HotBike has offered the stores a better deal so the stores once called ER of Alburque, etc. may become HotBike of Alburque. More news will be forthcoming.

Dual Disc Front End Kits for FL Softail(r) Models From CustomChrome–The perfect solution for custom bikes or converting an FX Softail(r) to aHeritage-style front end Features caliper lugs on both lower legs for dualfront discs offering vastly improved stopping power. Complete kit withchrome triple trees, fork tubes, fork sliders, slider covers (cowbells),bearing dustcovers, Timken bearings, and all necessary hardware. Availablewith chrome or polished lower legs.
Requires two stock or aftermarket 1984 thru 1999 front calipers androtors, 11/16″-bore master cylinder, special speedometer drive, axle spacersand dual flange front wheel.
09-351Kit with chrome lower legs
09-353Kit with polished lower legs
19-79916″ x 3″ 40-spoke dual flange front wheel
09-653Speedometer drive unit
92-365Axle spacer conversion set

FIRES BURN CLOSE TO STURGIS–The page below when you bring it up will show some of the pictures ofthe fire near Deadwood. Deadwood still remains evacuated. Hot windsare making the fire hard to hold, but it sounds like the worst of thedanger has passed.http://www.rapidcityjournal.com/wildfire2.html
An aerial photo looks down on Deadwood early Saturday evening as fire ranges around the town. Deadwood Gulch Resort is at right and Lower Deadwood at left.(Photo courtesy of Tom Warner)A smoke plume from the Grizzly Gulch Fire could be seen for more than 100 miles and was moving over Bear Butte and Sturgis in this aerial photo taken about 8 p.m. Saturday.(Courtesy photo by Tom Warner)
A smoke plume from the Grizzly Gulch Fire could be seen for more than 100 miles and was moving over Bear Butte and Sturgis in this photo. (Photo courtesy of Tom Warner)This aerial photo was taken at 3:45 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 8, 1959, three hours after the Deadwood fire started west of the city. Deadwood is in right center of the photo, and Lead is at lower left. The 1959 fire started along the Central City-Deadwood highway at left center. (Journal file photo )
In this view from U.S. Highway 85 at sundown, the fire can be seen cresting a hilltop overlooking the town of Deadwood.(Journal photo by Dick Kettlewell)The observation deck on Terry Peak, five miles west of the Grizzly Gulch Fire, offered a panoramic view for dozens of onlookers, including, from left: Ryan Huck, 15, of Lead; Brady Maynard, 17, Deadwood: Dylan Laskowski, 15, Lead; and Casey Davis, 18, Lead. (Journal photo by Bill Harlan).

AMAZING SHRUNKEN FXR ROLLS INTO NEXT STAGE–We received fenders from Cyril Huze Customs this week and began the plan for shrinking the swingarm. We have also decided to attach the fender to the swingarm so it cups the tire in the old school approach. We also ordered a Huze tank to continuing the styling of the Cyril swoop.

We also bought a new welder for the headquarters, a Millermatic. We are now up to date with welding equipment for widening the front fender, modifications to the frame and gas tank. The hardwork is ahead, but we’re all over it. Watch for the shortened swingarm next week.

ATLANTA HARLEY-DAVIDSON OPEN ROAD TOUR–AtlantaHarley-Davidson 100th Anniversary Open RoadAtlanta, GA, will be held at the Atlanta Motor Speedway, 1500 Highways 19 & 41 South Hampton, GA 30228.July 19, 2002 – 19th Annual Harley Owners Group Annual RallyJuly 20-21, 2002 Open Road Tour takes place.It’s open to public 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. daily.
Atlanta Motor Speedway is approximately 30 miles south of downtown Atlanta Traveling South on 1-75, take Exit #235 (15 miles south of downtown Atlanta) to U.S. Highway 19 & 41 South and continue for 15 miles. Traveling North on 1-75, take Exit #205 (Ga. 16) and proceed west through Griffin to U.S. Highway 19 & 41 north to Hampton.
4TH OF JULY THOUGHTS–Remembering what today celebrates. I think of those who made the ultimate sacrifice so that we remain free.HOPE YOU ALL HAVE A HAPPY AND SAFE DAY.take a minute to remember that today is not just about BBQ,s and beaches.Now, back to the party…
SONNY BARGER REPORT–Across this great country, we each express the American spirit and pride in our own way. Sonny celebrates the Fourth of July by riding to the Hollister Independence Rally.
Next week, join him and other riders in Sierra Vista, Arizona. Get all the info including maps and weather forecasts on the Meet Sonny page, which now also shows his radio and television appearances:http://sonnybarger.com/meet
His latest book, Ridin’ High, Livin’ Free, has been well received on both sides of the Atlantic. See the reviews from USA Today and the London Daily Telegraph:http://sonnybarger.com/home
You can listen to an online clip from the audio version of the book:http://sonnybarger.com/book
And there is a new t-shirt with Sonny’s picture from the book jacket:http://sonnybarger.com/store
Sonny Barger Premium Lager is on sale in Minnesota, and in South Dakota in time for the Black Hills Rally. The web site will guide you to “Where’s the Beer?” as more locations carry it. Learn more, sign up for free stuff and give us tips for retailers and distributors in your area:http://sonnybarger.com/beer
More photos of Sonny with fans and friends have been added:http://sonnybarger.com/fotoComing later this month: Sonny Barger Hellfire hot sauces and salsa, and the Sonny Barger Emergency Roadside Motorcycle Repair Kit.
THE BLOND ON A HORSE, NO NOT HORSE MAGAZINE–A blonde decides to try horseback riding, even though she has had nolessonsor prior experience. She mounts the horse, unassisted, and the horseimmediately springs into motion.
It gallops along at a steady and rhythmic pace, but the blonde beginstoslipfrom the saddle. In terror, she grabs for the horse’s mane, butcannotseemto get a firm grip. She tries to throw her arms around the horse’sneck,butshe slides down the side of the horse anyway.
The horse gallops along, seemingly impervious to its slipping rider.Finally,giving up her frail grip the blonde attempts to leap away from thehorseandthrow herself to safety. Unfortunately, her foot had become entangledinthestirrup, she is now at the mercy of the horse’s pounding hooves asherheadis struck against the ground over and over.
As her head is battered against the ground, she is mere moments awayfromunconsciousness when to her great fortune …..Bill, the WalMart greeter, sees her and unplugs the horse.
–from Barry C.
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