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BIKERNET CARIBBEAN REPORT FOR THE 4TH– First and foremost, Happy fourth of July to all, it’s great when you areable to celebrate your independence, I guess in more ways than one. Don’tlet those freedoms that were set by the efforts of others go to waste.
It’s great that we have been receiving more and more e-mails from Bikernetreaders, we are glad that we can help with the questions and builds. Alsowe have received several messages asking for the Chopper Freak ™ shirts,and even better some messages with the finished projects after months ofe-mailing back and forth with questions and answers. All of this is verycool to me. Part of this web-site is based in helping anyone with theirprojects or whatever needs (finding girls and stuff like that need notapply). I’m sure there’s a few decades of bike building knowledge amongstthe staff at Bikernet, so use the tools you have !
You have the power to post questions in “It’s your shot” or e-mail any ofus directly, for sure stuff that someone does not know, someone else will.A few years ago I used to help out on a Compuserve forum by American Iron,it was a great venue for helping each other out, meeting people and havinga bit of fun, even though it was a small forum (by Bikernet standards) weare still friends and e-mail each other from time to time. I guess what I’mtrying to say is, don’t just use Bikernet to read stuff, participate andask,we have the technology. And when those bikes are done, send the photosover, I would love to see them.

Like I said before, here’s two shots of Bikernet readers rides, the coolass rigid 57′ Panhead belongs to Kevin from sunny (and fuckin’ humidFlorida) and that sweet black Evo belongs to Rob from California, enjoythe bikes folks.

On the Jack Daniels BBQ news, Guti and Ramon, got a couple trophies, it’sbeen 5 outa 6 years winning awards, congrats.Also thanks to all the guys that helped us out, you know who you are. MaybeFerlin the blind photographer will send me the BBQ photos one of thesedays….Nope, not holding my breath.
We are working on a new series of Caribbean Choppers, our design, ourstyle, we are aiming for Biketoberfest and you will see them here first.The ideas and components are on paper right now, but let’s say you willsave some money on shocks and front fenders… and no posers, there will beloud and kick only.
Oh well, time flies when you are rushing a bike for Sturgis, while youparty tomorrow have a cold one on me, we will be on a mad scramble to putthe chopper together since everything has to be on the ship by nextThrusday…Let’s see what happens…
See ya in the Black Hills….
–Jose, Caribbean Bikernet report.
REMAINING U.S. CEOs MAKE A BREAK FOR IT– Band of Roving Chief Executives Spotted Miles from Mexican Border San Antonio, Texas (Rooters) Unwilling to wait for their eventualindictments, the 10,000 remaining CEOs of public U.S. companies made a break for it yesterday, heading for the Mexican border, plundering towns and villages along the way, and writing the entire rampage off as a marketingexpense.
“They came into my home, made me pay for my own TV, then double-bookedthe revenues,” said Rachel Sanchez of Las Cruces, just north of El Paso”Right in front of my daughters.”
Calling themselves the CEOnistas, the chief executives were firstspotted last night along the Rio Grande River near Quemado, where they boughteach of the town’s 320 residents by borrowing against pension fund gains. Bylate this morning, the CEOnistas had arbitrarily inflated Quemado’spopulation to 960, and declared a 200 percent profit for the fiscal second quarter.
This morning, the outlaws bought the city of Waco, transferred its underperforming areas to a private partnership, and sent a bill to California for $4.5 billion.
Law enforcement officials and disgruntled shareholders riding posse were noticeably frustrated.
“First of all, they’re very hard to find because they always standbehind their numbers, and the numbers keep shifting,” said posse spokesman Dean Levitt. “And every time we yell ‘Stop in the name of the shareholders!’, they refer us to investor relations. I’ve been on the phone all damn morning.”
“YOU’LL NEVER AUDIT ME ALIVE!” The pursuers said they have had some success, however, by preying on a common executive weakness. “Last night we caught about 24 of them by disguising one of our female officers as a CNBC anchor,” said U.S.Border Patrol spokesperson Janet Lewis. “It was like moths to a flame.”
–from Josh

SAMSON MANUFACTURES WALLPAPER–We hard a hard time believing this report until we captured a sample of the new Samson pipe hauling truck. Check the Samson site or the department on Bikernet for free samples.

If you think you know how to keep your motorcycle clean and shiny, thinkagain! In this practical new book, author Dave Jacobs will teach you thingsyou didn’t even know you didn’t know. With lots of clear photos toillustrate every procedure, you can learn all the tricks for making the mostof your cleaning and care sessions. By evaluating what sort of work isneeded for each part of the bike and beginning with the mildest methods forthe given material, you can revitalize an old machine and keep a new onelooking showroom sharp.
To order a copy of MOTORCYCLE DETAILING MADE EASY, click on

I RIDE ALONE —is a new 35mm feature film being produced by NELSON MADISON FILMS for release in Fall 2003 with it’s premiere slated to be held in Sturgis during Harley’s 100th Birthday Bash. This film is an action packed, fictional drama featuring riders and their bikes as they cruise the open highway experiencing life and all it has to offer. It is a tale of personal freedom, commraderie, mis-adventures, tragic humor, great bikes and great characters. An ensemble cast of actors and the bikes that they ride is sure to make this film a favorite with everyone that feels the call of the open road. Check back often to see how production is going.
The cast, which is expected to include a host of memorable actors that ride for real will be announced here soon.
To check out the culture, visit Keith “Bandit” Ball, author, editor and host of bikernet, will be posting regular updates on the film production, including “dailies” and sneak previews of the script. Watch for cool merchandise and contests coming soon.
To check out some awesome bikes, visit Paul Yaffee, creator of some of the most awesome machines on the planet will be building four custom bikes that will be featured in the film and later auctioned off for a soon to be announced charity. Watch for sketches and pictures from the shop, as they get built.
If you’d like to get involved and be a part of film history in the making, send us an e-mail and we’ll send you more information on sponsorship, investment (accredited investors only), media, or anything else you want to know about. Send e-mail to:

RARE BUELL CHOPPER CAPTURED–Bandit, I hear you have a fondness for the Buell…I ran into a group on NYS Troopers ( Wild Pigs) at a party this weekend.One of the guys was running the snot out of this. He put it together himself and it was looking sweeeeet. It’s a Buell in a softail H-D frame with a crap load of home made parts. It’s not quite show finished yet, He’s having too much fun riding it to finish it up just yet.
I’m gonna submit it to the Bikernet Cyber Bike Show for him soon. I’ll get a shot of him in uniform on it for a feature on the site.
Just thought you’d appreciate the work in it and the inventiveness.
CICCOTTO TAKES FOURTH BUELL PRO THUNDER PODIUMBuell Firebolt Rider Second at Brainerd Event.
Mike Ciccotto of Sebastian, Fla. rode a Hal?s Performance Advantage Buell Firebolt XB9R in its fourth consecutive podium finish, placing second in the Buell Pro Thunder Series event at The Colonel?s Brainerd International Raceway here today. The strong finish helped Ciccotto maintain his second position in the Buell Pro Thunder Series points standings.
The race was not without some drama for Ciccotto, who was running in the draft of Kirk McCarthy down Brainerd?s long front straight when a gust of wind almost blew him off the track. ?I was just coming into Turn One really hot at about 150 mph when the wind caught me and I lost the front end,? said Ciccotto. ?The bike slid right to the edge of the track before I caught it. It was a little unnerving.?Ciccotto recovered from the slide, but was unable to catch Buell Pro Thunder Series points leader McCarthy, who won the race aboard a Ducati 748. Thomas Montano of Berkeley, Calf. was third, also aboard Ducati. David Estock of New Smyrna Beach, Fla., rode a Buell Firebolt XB9R entered by Tilly?s Harley-Davidson to fourth place.The fifth and final event on the Buell Pro Thunder Series is July 13, 2002 at Laguna Seca Raceway, Monterey, Calif., and Ciccotto thinks a season of hard work will pay off at that event.

–from Ray R.
NORTH TEXAS CHAMPIONSHIPS JULY 6TH– The Texas Scooter Times “Home of the Texas Style Party Drags” would like to remind everyone about the North Texas Championships July 6th (This Saturday) at Texas Raceway in Ft. Worth, Texas.Featuring Nitro Harleys with 28 Sportsman Classes for ANY Type of Harley!Live Band – Vendor Midway – Burn Out Contests- “Saturday Nite Under the Lites!” – Don’t Miss It!Gates open at 4pm – Time Trials Start at 5pm – Eliminations Start at 8pm.for more information visit or call 254-687-9066
Track Location: Take Business 287 exit off I-20 in South Ft. Worth. Go South about 2 miles and turn right at the top of the hill on New Hope Rd. Track is 1 mile down on the Right.
Also we would like to Remind everyone about the Conroe Swap Meet July 14th at the Montgomery County Fairgrounds. Our first show at this new location was a huge success and this ones shaping up to be better!Live Band – Doorprises – Discounted Parts – Swap Meet Bargains – Don’t Miss It !
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