I don’t know about you, but holidays kick my ass. We think about kicking back and having a barbecue, which turns into a spring cleaning exercise and a five course menu. The next day, I need a day off to recuperate.

So, Tuesday began with a heavy dose of malaise. But as the day rolled along I revved the engine and let out the clutch. It grabbed, and I began to slice through my projects list. I now have my Saddlemen shots, and you’ll see a Bonneville update next week. I installed late model points and condenser in the Doctor’s VL. We launched a bunch of hot content on Bikernet and even a piece or two in the Cantina. Tomorrow, I will buy my TIG welding supplies and begin my training session.
Let’s hit the news. The project list continues to grow.

NEW MOTORCYCLE ARTIST DISCOVERED–I’ve also attached a couple of ink drawings done by a good friend of mine Mike Corbin, not the Mike Corbin we all know, this Mike Corbin is a old concrete finisher by trade. Mike’s hobby throughout the years I’ve know him is doing ink renderings of old street rods. I’ve always thought he was talented enough he should have done something with his art, but he says he’s nothing but a doodler.
I was over to his house last week and I was looking through his street rod drawings and ran across some pen and ink drawings he’s done of bikes. I asked him why he’d never shown me those and he said although he always loved bikes he never had the feel for drawing them and he just thought they weren’t that good.
I thought they were and we took them to Kinko’s and had then scanned and saved on a CD. The orange Softtail is the first bike he ever drew. His next one was the old Knuckle which I really like. Thought you might enjoy them, particularly the old Knuck.
–Da Reader
Somehow we lost the image of the Knuck. We’ll try again.

Sen. Inhofe Introduces Legislation To Protect Second Amendment Rights Of Military And Dept. Of Defense Civilian Personnel: Over a period of some months, NRA members in the Armed Forces have called NRA’s attention to the fact that certain military base commanders, exercising arbitrary authority given them under military law and regulations, have issued orders violating military personnel’s Second Amendment rights.
In a particularly egregious example, Fort Riley, Kansas, has imposed a preposterous regulation that, among other things, (1) requires the registration, with Fort Riley, of its soldiers’ privately-owned firearms kept off-base, and those of the soldiers’ family members residing anywhere in Kansas, (2) prohibits soldiers who have firearm-carrying permits from carrying firearms for protection off-base, and (3) authorizes unit commanders to set arbitrary limits on the caliber of firearms and ammunition their troops may privately own.
Hillary Clinton And The UN Arms Trade Treaty Rumor:
We continue to receive numerous inquiries regarding UN international treaties, and their impact on our Second Amendment rights. The latest rumor making its way around the Internet claims that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton actually signed a UN small arms treaty. It’s false.
Voter Registration Alert:
With the 2010 elections rapidly approaching, gun owners have a tremendous opportunity to elect officials who will support our Second Amendment rights. This will not be possible, however, unless you make your voice heard by voting, and encouraging your family, friends, and fellow gun owners to do the same.
Therefore, it is critical that gun owners in these states are registered to vote for the November elections, and for the upcoming primary elections.

Motorcycle Industry Event Liability Insurance – So cheap even a vendor with little to no sales can afford it!–As you all know, Bikernet Insurance is totally focused on bringing bikers the best insurance products at the best price. Just look at the important coverage of Event Liability insurance for vendors and exhibitors. You can’t show your stuff without it at most venues these days.
We offer the most cost-effective event liability insurance solution in the business. In fact, many exhibitors can secure a $1,000,000 policy limit for between $65 and $150 plus taxes and fees depending on the policy they choose. It’s the lowest price in America folks. Plus, no one can match our combination of coverage, price and biker-friendly service. Just ask Lil Joes Legendary Leathers (www.liljoesleather.com) .
Lil Joes’ Crew arrived in Laughlin ready to sell their “Made in the USA” and “Guaranteed 4 Life” brand of leathers but were without their Exhibitors Liability Certificates. They got online and went straight to Bikernet’s Insurance Department. Clicked on the green Total Event Ticket banner. Completed the form in minutes. Paid with their credit card and received their two Certificates in time to get to work.

Bikernet’s Special Event Liability Insurance is available for short term events, annual meetings coverage and on an annual multi-exhibition coverage basis. Appetite for coverage is very broad. We’ll cover everything from Fairs and Festivals, Beauty Pageants, Biker Weddings, Tradeshows and Consumer Shows. And of course, we love Biker Rallys and Motorcycle Runs. For example, check out our Sturgis Event Liability Insurance special on the home page of Bikernet.com. We’ve set up a special group policy for the 70th Sturgis Rally where vendors and exhibitors can obtain their own liability policy for as low as $65 plus taxes and fees. This is simply the best deal anywhere.
Go Ahead! Go tohttp://www.bikernet.com/insurance and save on your insurance folks. All the best at biker events this summer folks.
Ride safe out there. We care about you.
Contact us anytime.
Toll Free: 888-467-8703
Fax: 858-693-8703

PROFILE: JRL CYCLES BUILT LUCKY 7–AMD World Championship of Custom Bike Building showcases world class sleds from around the world. Lucky 7 sports a Rotec radial motorcycle engine boasting a seven-cylinder R2800. Riders looking for more power can order a 36,000cc nine-cylinder engine through JRL.
While this particular machine uses a frame built by Twisted Choppers, future production models will be built around chassis designed and built by Michael Prugh, who came to fame designing the Lowlife and Hardlife frames for Independent Cycle.
Check out custom bikes from across the globe at the 2010 Sturgis Motorcycle Rally.

RALLY WEEK 2010: K&G Cycles to be a Major Event Sponsor at the Legendary Buffalo Chip–Legendary Buffalo Chip, SD (May 27, 2010) – Two ‘legendary’ motorcycle industry magnates are coming together to get the party going during this year’s 70th Annual Sturgis Rally Week festivities. K&G Cycles, the virtual motorcycle parts and accessories superstore will be a major sponsor at Sturgis’ premier entertainment venue and motorcycle travel destination, the Legendary Buffalo Chip.
Eager to become an integral element at Sturgis’ best party anywhere, K&G Cycles will be making a large presence at the Legendary Buffalo Chip during Sturgis Bike Week. An official sponsor of the 3rd Annual Legends Ride and the 10th Annual Motorcycles as Art Exhibition, K&G Cycles has also recruited the help of a couple carefully selected K&G girls that will be distributing K&G bandanas- you won’t want to miss it.
Founded in 2006 by George Marakas, K&G Cycles was born out of his love of motorcycling and a desire to turn his hobby of restoring antique bikes into a business. With the advent of K&G Cycles’ Web store in February 2009, Marakas has successfully created a revolutionary approach to online merchandising without sacrificing his personal touch or passion for the industry.
“I’m thrilled to partner with the Legendary Buffalo Chip for Sturgis 2010,” explains K&G owner, George Marakas, “Being a sponsor at the Chip allows us great exposure during one of industry’s premier rallies. In addition, K&G will get a taste of the true Sturgis experience that only the Chip can offer.”
“We are proud to have K & G Cycles as an official sponsor of Michael Lichter’s 10th annual Motorcycles as Art Exhibition and the 3rd annual Legends Ride,” says Lon Nordbye, Director of Corporate Partnerships for the Legendary Buffalo Chip. “K & G Cycles is one of the industry’s best online sources for quality parts and accessories for our customers. It’s a great partnership moving forward for the 70th annual Sturgis Rally.”
Also with new lines being added daily, K & G’s goal is to provide their customers with the widest possible selection of American and foreign-made motorcycles parts as well as clothing, apparel and gear at prices you simply will not believe. Driven by their love of motorcycling and the idea of creating a new kind of shopping experience within this marketplace, K&G Cycles have streamlined the buying process while still offering competitive pricing and great customer service. For more information about K & G Cycles, please call (785) 542-9227 or visit them on the Web at www.kandgcycles.com.
–Sarah Wozniak

BRAWLER CAUGHT TERRORIZING THE STREET–The New Brawler from Brass Balls Bobbers. The bike sounds outstanding, it comes fitted with a set of custom pipes for D&D Performance Enterprises.
Brass Balls Bobbers / D&D Performance Enterprises
Get more of the good stuff in Bikernet Studio.

BONNEVILLE PRE-REGISTRATION DEADLINE, BE THERE, BE THERE, BE THERE–Last chance reminder that the BUB Speed Trials pre-entry discount closes tonight at 11.59pm. Get your form in today to make the most of the discount!
Details on our website at www.bubspeedtrials.com
Price increase becomes effective for all entries received tomorrow onwards.
BUB Motorcycle Speed Trials Information
PH: 530 272 4310
FAX: 530 477 7489
Email: salt-info@bubspeedtrials.com
Mail: 180 Spring Hill Dr, Grass Valley, CA 95945
A SPECIAL THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS-BUB Enterprises, Pingel Enterprises, SheEMoto, NRHS V-Twin Performance, Buell Bros & Sisters Racing, HDT USA, Bakker Motorsports, Spectro Oil, Klock Werks, Thynk, Bikernet.COM, Special thanks to Montego Bay Resort & Casino & ERC Racing Fuels. Brought to you by BUB Racing Inc, Officiated by AMA and FIM

POST MEMORIAL DAY TECH FROM THE GANG AT CHOP N GRIND RACING– With some imagination the old tool box can be mounted on just about any bike. Just need thought and patience. If you ride a lot, nothing like being on the side of the road broke down with no tools.
–Bob T

BIKERNET WEB TRENDS REPORT–According to Web Trends Bikernet received, 320,000 unique users last month, 540,000 Visits, 843,000 page views or impressions, and 8,553, 000 hits.
According to Google our numbers are: 154,000 visits, 437,000 page views, 112,000 unique users.

ZIPPERS HAS A THUNDERMAX EFI SYSTEM FOR EVERY FUEL INJECTED HARLEY-DAVIDSON–See how a ThunderMax with AutoTune can help you to reduce engine heat while adding substantial power. Stop by our booth at any major evernt, and let’s talk about the many additional features ThunderMax has to offer. Zipper’s will be equipped with inventory for the New ThunderMax TBW systems for 2008-2010 FL Touring models. Get your ThunderMax installed at the show!
We have a ThunderMax system to fit every fuel injected H-D bike, including:
2008-2010 Throttle-By-Wire Touring Models
2001-2010 Big Twin Models with Cable Throttle
2007-2010 Sportster? Models
2002-2010 V-Rod? Models
2008-2010 XR 1200? Models
The Zipper’s staff is available to provide you with professional advice related to ThunderMax installation and tuning, as well as answers to all of your performance questions.Contact Zipper’s Performance Products to plan your ThunderMax installation today!
Zipper’s Performance Products
6655 Amberton Drive, Elkridge MD
Phone: (410) 579-2828

HISTORIC SHOTS FROM THE SHERIFF–Cory Ness and some shots from Daly City Aug 1984 by yours truly.


The JIMS Cruise Drive Seal Installer–JIMS, a manufacturer of performance parts and specialty tools for use onHarley-Davidsons, has just released some new and practical tools for 2010.
The new JIMS Cruise Drive Seal Installer No.786, is a must wheninstalling main seals for all 6-Speed Cruise Drive transmissions 2006 topresent. H-D?s new 6-speed transmission is a very stout piece ofengineering, incorporating some of the best bearings made. These main casebearings are of such high precision that you must be very gentle whenworking in or around them. For this reason, JIMS has developed a driverstyle seal installer (not a pushing or pulling type, which could damagethese bearings).
This new tool installs the main seal to the correctdepth, without applying any stress to the new precision bearings or newseals. JIMS Cruise Drive Seal Installer is manufactured from high gradesteel and 6061 grade aluminum with a precision CNC machine, and thenfinished with JIMS black oxide coating, and JIMS? famous blue anodizing.Suggested retail $135.50.
For more information find JIMS on the web atwww.jimsusa.com, become a JIMS facebook fan, or call 805-482-6913.
–Randy Richardson

THE BLUE LAW DEBATE–Just a quick note to say that not everyone in Maryland is excited about motorcycle dealerships being able to sell bikes on Sunday. Those of us who ride AND work at motorcycle dealerships will soon be forced to adjust to a work schedule where Sunday–which up until now has been held “sacred” and reserved for riding–is forced into the mix and will need to be staffed.
The days of being able to take much needed rides with one’s “brothers and sisters in arms” will soon be over. Our own riding, which is limited during the long Mid-Atlantic summer and includes no rallies or other such events, is going to be even more strictly limited to short, solitary rides during the work week.
While current and potential motorcycle enthusiasts are going to be glad to be able to shop for bikes, parts and apparel on Sunday, I suspect what they may unknowingly find is a shop staff that is somewhat reduced in talent on all days, given the addition of Sunday.
For myself and others who have come to the powersports industry from elsewhere in retail, much of the attraction came from being able to have at least one set day off during the week. If that is going to be taken away, I know that many of us may have to look in other directions for employment.
Competent professionals are hard to find in any industry, but in this one we must have people who share the passion for riding in order to best serve the rider. All the technical knowledge in the world can’t compete with being able to talk with someone who has ridden across the continent, including multiple 500+ mile days in the rain and cold, plugged a tire in the rain, etc.
Thanks for listening,
–Howard in Maryland

High court rules suspect must invoke own silence right,Dissenters say Miranda warning now ?upside down?WASHINGTON ? The Supreme Court ruled yesterday that a criminal suspect must explicitly invoke the right to remain silent during a police interrogation, a decision that dissenting liberal justices said turns the protections of a Miranda warning ?upside down.??
The court ruled 5 to 4 that a Michigan defendant who incriminated himself in a fatal shooting after nearly three hours of questioning thus gave up his right to silence, and the statement could be used against him at trial.
?Where the prosecution shows that a Miranda warning was given and that it was understood by the accused, an accused?s uncoerced statement establishes an implied waiver of the right to remain silent,?? Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote for the court?s conservatives.
Suspect Van Chester Thompkins remained mostly silent for three hours of interrogation after reading and being told of his rights to remain silent and have an attorney. He neither acknowledged he was willing to talk nor wanted questioning to stop.But detectives persisted in what one called mostly a ?monologue?? until asking Thompkins whether he believed in God. When asked, ?Do you pray to God to forgive you for shooting that boy down??? Thompkins answered, ?Yes.??
The statement was used against him, and Thompkins was convicted of killing Samuel Morris outside a strip mall in Southfield, Mich.
The US Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit said that Thompkins?s silence for two hours and 45 minutes of the interrogation ?offered a clear and unequivocal message to the officers: Thompkins did not wish to waive his rights.??
But Kennedy said it was not clear enough. ?If Thompkins wanted to remain silent, he could have said nothing in response to (the detective?s) questions, or he could have unambiguously involved his Miranda rights and ended the interrogation,?? wrote Kennedy, who was joined by Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. and Justices Antonin Scalia, Clarence Thomas, and Samuel A. Alito Jr. ?The fact that Thompkins made a statement about three hours after receiving a Miranda warning does not overcome the fact that he engaged in a course of conduct indicating waiver.??
Kennedy said the court?s new rule ? in the case of Berghuis v. Thompkins ? was an extension of the logic in a previous case that said a suspect must affirmatively assert the right to counsel.
But Justice Sonia Sotomayor, in the sharpest dissent of her young career on the court, accused the majority of casting aside judicial restraint and creating a rule that marks ?a substantial retreat from the protection against compelled self-incrimination?? that Miranda established more than 40 years ago.
?Today?s decision turns Miranda upside down,?? Sotomayor wrote. ?Criminal suspects must now unambiguously invoke their right to remain silent, which, counterintuitively, requires them to speak.??
She was joined by Justices John Paul Stevens, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and Stephen G. Breyer.
Elena Kagan, nominated by President Obama to join the court, sided with the police as US solicitor general when the case came before the court. She would replace Justice Stevens.
The Constitution ?does not require that the police interpret ambiguous statements as invocations of Miranda rights,?? Kagan said in court papers.
Material from the Associated Press was used in this report.
By Robert Barnes
Washington Post / June 2, 2010
–from Rogue

SEMA POWERSPORTS (INCLUDING MOTORCYCLES) GROUP GROWING–I will send out a report shortly, but here’s a teaser, the mission statement: SEMA Powersports Advisory Group?s Mission Statement:Help the powersports industry?s members? businesses succeed and prosper by elevating the industry to new levels of growth through proactive leadership, world-class educational programs, legislative and regulatory advocacy and participation in industry?s leading trade show.
SEMA Powersports Advisory Group?s Strategic Plan:
?The SEMA Powersports Advisory Group (PAG) will lead the development and delivery of programs, activities and information in anticipation and response to the emerging and ongoing needs of our powersports industry members.
?The SEMA PAG recognizes that the automotive and the powersports industries are undergoing major structural changes and the decisions our members make today, as well as their understanding and knowledge about industry technologies, challenges, solutions and opportunities will impact their futures.
?The SEMA PAG will provide members relevant information and insights, as well as develop collaborative relationships that help them compete and grow their businesses today, while also offering increased awareness and knowledge of major technologies, systems and engineering trends to help them create solutions and prepare for tomorrow?s challenges and opportunities.
Over the upcoming weeks I will bring you information concerning SEMA educational benefits, their government affairs capabilities, and resources available to benefit our industry.

Continued On Page 2