Continued From Page 1

Wild West’s Vigilante Gunfire–THE VIGILANTE GUNFIRE, Wild West Motor Company’s new model, is aimed at thehigh end of the custom V-twin market, and is the result of ten year’sexperience of building custom motorcycles.
The company has a broad spread of capabilities, and Paul Seiter -mechanical engineer and now CEO of Wild West – points out that with thiscapacity the company can make all the parts it needs, rather than compromiseits designs by buying in parts from the aftermarket industry.
Features of the Vigilante Gunfire include a 280-series rear tire, frontforks in an inverted style and wheels and brake assemblies formed frombillet aluminum. There is an impressively low 21in seat height, achieved bystoring oil in the frame’s 2in diameter backbone and seat post tubes, ratherthan in a separate tank.
The rest of the frame is fabricated from 1-1/4in tubing with flush axleblocks for a smoother finish, and the overall balance of the bike has beenmaintained with the use of a Baker right-side drive transmission. The280/35×18 rear tire is matched with a 120/70×21 front tire.
The rear end embraces a concept that Wild West calls an ‘IST’ (IntegratedSupport Technology) strutless fender, which uses a hidden mounting systemthat eliminates both struts and the need for visible mounts. The companysays the carbon fiber rear fender offers greater strength in its resistanceto bending and torsion forces than the equivalent steel item.
The bike is powered by a polished 111ci motor, assembled by Wild Westfrom S&S components, with computer-balanced flywheels.
Other features of the bike include the 1-1/4in diameter handlebars, theintegrated German-made Nova MMB speedometer, a single riser and LEDindicator lights. Oil lines are braided steel and the hardware is chromed.
Customers can specify a number of custom options, including paint andwheel size.
San Diego, California, USA
Tel: 858 547 9780
Fax: 858 547 9760

Gray Indian’s looking for international distribution–ITALIAN custom V-twin parts and accessories manufacturer Gray Indian’sCollection is looking to increase its international sales with theappointment of importers and distributors for selected internationalmarkets.
Owner and designer Andrea Panzani told AMD: “We have a large productrange now and are selling internationally already. There are certainmarkets, though, in which we are not yet represented, and I think that withthe right partners our products offer a strong profit opportunity.”
The company’s product range includes a large selection of contemporaryand stylish designs of grips, mirrors, risers, license plate holders, aircleaners, triple trees, forward controls, handlebars, head-lights, gas capsand speedo brackets with integral warning lights.
For a copy of the firm’s current catalog ‘Jewels for AmericanMotorcycles’ contact:

Cavezzo (MO), ITALY
Tel: +39 0535 58376

BIKERNET RUN TO STURGIS– I’ll give you a brief rundown: The charity efforts are to support the Crazy Horse Monument in the Black Hills. We leave from Phoenix on Wednesday the 3rd of August and ride along warm twisting highways, ducking interstates wherever possible to Durango, Colorado for the night. Then it’s up Thursday morn and down the terrific mountain roads into Aspen, Colorado for the night. Both these towns are knock-outs for terrific restaurants and nightlife. Friday morning we cut a dusty trail north again into Cheyenne and we’re almost home. Saturday we meander up killer roads into the Badlands and Deadwood, but we won’t stop until we reach the Full Throttle Saloon for our first party of the Rally.
Each day will cover 250-300 miles so we’ll roll into town in time to hang out by the pool, hit the gym, shop in town then have a killer meal.
That’s it, you cover the hotels and your expenses, we make all the arrangements and you make a donation to Crazyhorse.
To get hooked up you need to contact Joerlene, our travel agent and line up hotels. She will have rooms booked from Phoenix to Cheyenne and if you’re not hooked up in Sturgis, she’ll try to help. Her contact info is:
(808) 638-8550
fax 638-0171
email –

CALIFORNIA DEPUTY?S CAR STOLEN BY GUEST– COMPTON, Calif. A guestwent on a ride-along with a sheriff’s deputy, then stole the deputy’s patrolcar early Wednesday and led police on a chase through three cities,authorities said.Steven Funderburk, 20, was riding with Los Angeles County Deputy AlexanderMiller under a program that allows anyone to accompany an officer if theyhave no felony convictions and fill out an application, authorities said.
When Miller’s shift ended after 1 a.m., Funderburk asked to retrieve hisbag from the car in the parking lot. When Miller returned to check onFunderburk, the car was gone, sheriff’s Sgt. Don Manumaleuna said.Miller was able to talk to Funderburk on the patrol car’s radio andpersuaded him to surrender without incident after a chase through Compton,Long Beach and Westminster, Manumaleuna said.
He was arrested for investigation of possession of a stolen vehicle andevading arrest.Manumaleuna said Funderburk developed a good rapport with Miller during theride-along and did nothing to arouse suspicion.
“It’s very bizarre,” he said. “We’re still trying to figure this oneout.”Authorities said Funderburk had told Miller that he was part of a youthprogram at the Long Beach Police Department, but the department had norecord of his participation
–from Rogue

ONLY TWO HOURS?COME ON NOW, SISSIES– A training exercise became a bit too realistic for a group of sheriff’sdeputies, who filed a grievance after their boss ordered them to spend acouple of hours behind bars.Leelanau County Sheriff Mike Oltersdorf last month required his three dozenlaw enforcement and corrections officers to spend two hours in the newcounty jail to prepare for real inmates.
Ten officers filed a grievance May 24 with Pat Spidell, localrepresentative for the Police Officers Association of Michigan.The grievance complains of false imprisonment, Oltersdorf said. He calledthe idea ludicrous.
Oltersdorf, who also spent an hour in jail said theincarceration was on par with other mandatory training, such aspepper-spraying officers or shooting them with stun guns before they carrythose weapons on duty
–from Rogue

METH-LAB BUSTS REQUIRE SAFETY–TALLAHASSEE – More meth labs are being found and seized in Florida, and withthem comes increased danger to law enforcement and first responders whoencounter the volatile, sometimes booby-trapped rigs.Florida’s State Fire Marshal this month will start training first responderson how to protect themselves. More than 150 firefighters have signed up.
CFO Tom Gallagher, who oversees the marshal’s office, said the dangerassociated with illegal methamphetamine production requires efforts toprotect officials and the public.”Meth makers are domestic terrorists, no doubt about it,” Gallagher said,likening the illegal labs to “chemical time bombs” that have resulted in 29fires or explosions in the state.
Jeff Land, chief of the East Milton Volunteer Fire Department, wouldwelcome the training. His department was recently called by the Santa RosaCounty Sheriff’s Office, serving a warrant at a house.There was a meth lab. The volunteer fire department didn’t have theequipment or training to act.
The Drug Enforcement Administration says there were 332 meth labs seizedin Florida last year, up from 28 in 2001.
Almost 1,800 first responders in 16 states, including Florida, have beeninjured by meth labs in the four years before June 2004.
–from Rogue

FLORIDA CLASSIC PHOTO SHOOT–Thanks for the setup on the photo gig. Nelson is kinda purdy and hemakes that knuck look kinda good. We had a good time and all went well.Mark talks a lot but you know Mark. I think about you a lot and hope youare in the COOL mode. (riding, happy , healthy and all that good stuff)
Gosh Keith, how many years ya got now? Hope you are the one to do the write up. Cause you just have a waywith the right words. Don’t wanna brown nose or any thing like that ya know.
If you don’t mind, give me a street # so me and Nelson can send $$ forsigned copys of “Orwell” please.
Thanks pard, Toby & Nelson

NEW UNITED BANK OF BIKERNET ATM PROCEDURES– A sign in the CreditUnion Lobby reads: “Please note that thiscredit union is installing new “Drive-through” teller machines enablingmembers to withdraw cash without leaving their vehicles. Members using thisnew facility are requested to use the procedures outlined below whenaccessing their accounts. After months of careful research, MALE & FEMALEprocedures have been developed. Please follow the appropriate stepsfor your gender.”
1. Drive up to the cash machine.
2. Put down your car window.
3. Insert card into machine and enter PIN.
4. Enter amount of cash required and withdraw.
5. Retrieve card, cash and receipt.
6. Put window up
7. Drive off.
1. Drive up to cash machine.
2. Reverse and back up the required amount to align car windowwith the machine.
3. Set parking brake, put the window down.
4. Find handbag, remove all contents on to passenger seat to locatecard.
5. Tell person on cell phone you will call them back and hang up.
6. Attempt to insert card into machine.
7. Open car door to allow easier access to machine due to itsexcessive distance from the car.
8.. Insert card.
9. Re-insert card the right way.
10. Dig through handbag to find diary with your PIN written on theinside of the back page.
11. Enter PIN.
12. Press cancel and re-enter correct PIN.
13. Enter amount of cash required.
14. Check makeup in rear view mirror.
15. Retrieve cash and receipt.
16. Empty handbag again to locate wallet and place cash inside.
17. Write withdrawal amount in check register and place receipt inback of checkbook.
18. Re-check makeup.
19. Drive forward 2 feet.
20. Reverse back to cash machine.
21. Retrieve card.
22. Re-empty hand bag, locate card holder, and place card into theslot provided.
23. Give appropriate one-fingered hand signal to irate male driverwaiting behind you.
24. Restart stalled engine and pull off.
25. Redial person on cell phone.
26. Drive for 2 to 3 miles.
27. Release Parking Brake
–from Rev CarlR
Continued On Page 3