Continued From Page 2

STEALTH BIKE WORKS REPORT–The beat goes on at STEALTH BIKE WORKS. It has been a roller coaster rideso far to say the least, which was to be expected. The word isgetting out though, as we see more people coming into the shop.
This past week STEALTH BIKE WORKS and “Chopper John” reached andagreement.”Chopper John” will be doing custom sheet metal fabrication. I met “ChopperJohn” about 3 years ago and was impressed with his determination to makesomething different. So if you need some custom metal work done give us acall at 704-882-0889.
The Horse Smoke-Out is fast approaching(June 24th&25th). All the rooms atmyhouse are booked for the weekend. My brother Gary, my buddy Fritz and maybeKevin Baas are all rolling in, so it should be a fun weekend.
Our 7th Annual Run For Breath “In Memory Of Justin Pullin’ is July 24th.Heywe still need help with the bike show awards. I know some of you out therehave some old junk parts lying around collecting dust. Come on give us ahand and make an award! It helps a great cause and you will be helping a lotof kids out. Think about it and if you decide to do an award, contact me atSTEALTH BIKE WORKS, 704-882-0889. Thanks in advance your efforts are greatlyappreciated.
You know owning my own shop has always been my dream. Right now thebottomline is not making any big jumps but I know we are headed in the rightdirection and that counts for something. STEALTH BIKE WORKS will never beall about the bottom line, it is about a passion for bikes and the bikerswho ride them, BOTTOM LINE PERIOD! So with that being said I will close.
Until next week, RIDE!

SAXON MOTORCYCLE COMPANY ANNOUNCES THREE-PROGED LIFE-LONG CUSTOMPROGRAM–CASA GRANDE, Ariz. ? June 7, 2005 – Representatives ofSaxon Motorcycle Company proudly announced today thelaunch of a three-pronged program designed tostrengthen the Saxon brand and turn Saxon Motorcyclebuyers in to life-long customers.
?Since we launched the Saxon line, we have receivedtremendous feedback from our dealers, customers andmembers of the media. To stay on track and build ourreputation further, we need to continue to proveourselves. The three programs we?re introducing willhelp to ensure that our dealers and owners get thesupport they deserve, and Saxon continues to developas a world class manufacturer? said Director of Salesand Marketing, David Schwam.
The three programs are as follows:
Customer Satisfaction Assurance Program – After everyservice is performed on a Saxon motorcycle, arepresentative of Saxon’s “owner satisfaction team”will contact the owner to make sure repairs werecompleted in a timely and satisfactory manner and toprovide the dealer with appropriate feedback.
Nationwide Service Coverage – Saxon has entered in toa relationship with Servicegard Systems Inc.,administrators of the Extremegard extended servicecontract program, that will allow its customers toutilize Extremegard?s network of over 2,000 servicecenters nationwide in the event they either liveoutside the serviceable area of a Saxon dealer or havea mechanical failure when outside that area.
Dealership Branding Program – In order to strengthenSaxon’s brand presence and support their dealerships,Saxon will be shipping all of its dealers brandedpromotional material and signage for their stores.This program will help to create the link betweenSaxon?s current print and web campaigns and thein-store experience.
?The life-long customer program, complemented by ourpartnership with GE Capital and the launch of theBlack Crown model round out our offering and solidifyour commitment to our customers and dealers.? SaidMike O?Brien, Co-Founder and Executive Vice Presidentof Marketing.
Saxon operates out of a modern40,000-square-foot manufacturing facility on 9 acresin Casa Grande, Ariz. Saxon Motorcycles are availablethrough an elite group of over 20 dealers nationwide.You can visit Saxon on the Web at

REGISTRATION FOR SCANDINAVIAN HOG BIKE WEEK–Its high time to plan and regsiter for the Scandinavian HOG Bike Week 2005,in Lillehammer Norway.The dates are August 11th to 14th.
All infomation can be found at our website:( info also include hotel, motel, apartments and camping )Online registration. Just fill in and send.
See you in Lillehammer
–Dag Koppervik
Scandinavian HOG Bike Week
Nybyveien 59
N-2609 Lillehammer- Norway
Phone: +47-612-86057
Fax: +47-612-63008
Cellular: +47-915-34385

STURGIS MOTORCYCLE MUSEUM & CHILDREN?S HOSPITAL JOIN FORCES–March 2005 – – The Sturgis Motorcycle Museum & Hall of Fame is excited toannounce that it has joined with Children?s Care Hospital & School in afundraising effort to benefit both non-profit organizations, scheduled onWednesday evening, 10 August 2005, at the Holiday Inn in Spearfish, SouthDakota.
The event, BIKERNET.COM, V-Twin Kids & Chrome A Grand Affair, willinclude an exclusive dining experience, silent and live auctions and willboast the who?s who in motorcycling. Those unable to attend the dinner canstill be a part of this incredible event by participating in the raffle. Twocustom motorcycles, donated by Independent Cycle and Thunder MountainCustoms, with a combined value of $110,000, will be raffled as part of theevent.
Children?s Care Hospital & School, with centers in Rapid City and SiouxFalls, is a non-profit organization providing cutting-edge family-centeredservices to children with special healthcare and educational needs. Thechildren range from severely disabled, needing care in a residentialsetting, to children with mild challenges, served in their homes, schools,and daycares by outreach staff. Diagnoses include cerebral palsy; traumaticbrain injury; spina bifida; autism; Down Syndrome; behavioral challenges;and learning, motor and speech delays. Children?s Care believes all childrendeserve the help they need to reach their greatest potential.
The Sturgis Motorcycle Museum & Hall of Fame was established in 2001 topreserve the great history of motorcycling and to honor the men and womenwho have made a positive and significant impact in our sport andlifestyle. Located in downtown Sturgis, it is dedicated to education, and thepreservation of important artifacts documenting the history of motorcyclingand the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally. This world-class, non-profit museumcontinually rotates its exhibits and collection of national andinternational marquees. With an increasingly impressive selection of uniquemotorcycles and exhibits, the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum has been listed asone of the ?10,000 Places To See Before You Die? by author Patricia Schultz.
For more information on how you can participate in this exciting newevent check out the web site at

THANKS TO WEST COAST CHOPPERS–First of all I would like to thank the folks at West Coast Chopper, Wiley-X,Cactus Mountain, and Tribal Motorworks for their recent donations to theSpecial Olympics Poker Run.Secondly, this letter goes out to the other firms whom we have solicited fordonations asking if you would please take the time to consider how much yourdonation would help the Special Olympics of Lawrence County Program and howmuch these programs help the athletes involved in them.
I do understand that you all probably get requests like this all the timeand I also understand that you can?t possibly honor every one of thoserequests, but please consider this worthy cause.I have previously sent you all the information you may need including ourtax exemption number for you tax deductible donations, but if you are inneed of further information please don?t hesitate to contact me by emailhere or call my new cell number at (330) 550 ? 4053.
Rev. Michael T. Wimer
We generally supply a box of signed books to respectable charityendeavors?Bandit.

1) Hot Bike / Bike Works / Street Choppers / The The Full Throttle Saloon/ / American Motorcycle 1902 Bike Builders Show,
2) Hot Bike / Bike Works / Street Choppers / The The Full ThrottleSaloon/ / American Motorcycle 1902 Crazy Horse Charity Ride
3) The Custom Performance / The The Full Throttle Saloon / Hot Bike /Bike Works / Street Choppers / / American Motorcycle 1902Raffle to Benefit The Crazy Horse Monument:Locations: The The Full Throttle Saloon Chop Lot Main Office, AmericanMotorcycle 1902, and Custom Performance locations.
Noon to 8PM daily: The Full Throttle Saloon / Hot Bike / /American Motorcycle 1902 / Horsepower Shootout presented by CustomPerformance, The Full Throttle11am to 8pm: Seminole HardRock Roadhouse Hot Bike Vendor Booth ?(Subscription booth, registration for the Crazy Horse Charity Ride, andregistration for the Custom Performance / The Full Throttle Saloon/ Hot BikeTurbo Package Raffle) downtown.
11 am to 2 am: Live Bands Hot Bike / Seminole Hard Rock Roadhouse,downtown.
10 am to 2 am: Live bands at The Full Throttle Saloon
8PM to Midnight: Big Name Bands on main stage ?The Full Throttle Saloon

Live Bands from 11 am ? 2 am
Meet Jesse Rooke, Rolands Sands, Johnny Chop, Doug Keim
Budweiser Model
Hawaiian Tropic Models
Miss Hard Rock ? Ashley Smith
Celebrity Builder Ride-Ins
Contests, Prizes, Free Stuff
Thursday 6 pm: Miss Hawaiian Tropic Pageant
BIKE WORKS MAG Bike Builder Seminar?s at Road House

MEDICAL MARIJUANA OVERTURNED–In an historic decision today, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled 6 – 3 that thefederal government can continue arresting patients who are using medicalmarijuana legally under state law. However, the decision did not overturnthe medical marijuana laws in 10 states, which still protect patients fromarrest by state and local police.
The Marijuana Policy Project’s grants program provided the majority ofthe funding for this litigation, which is only the second medical marijuanacase ever to reach the Supreme Court.
Now that the Court has ruled, we need you to spring into action. Pleasevisit to send a free fax or e-mail to your U.S.representative to ask him or her to protect medical marijuana patients,since the ball is now in Congress’ court. In fact, a medical marijuanaamendment is scheduled to come to the House floor for a vote next week. Ourgoal is to send 10,000 letters to Congress by the time of the vote, but wewon’t be able to achieve that goal without your help.
Then, please visit to participate in ademonstration outside of your U.S. representative’s local district office atnoon on Wednesday, June 8.
The ruling does not affect states’ ability to pass new medical marijuanalaws; states are free to continue enacting laws that protect medicalmarijuana patients and their providers from arrest and prosecution by stateand local law enforcement officials.
What the Supreme Court has done is continue the status quo: Patients inthe 10 states with medical marijuana laws are protected under state law butwill continue to risk prosecution under federal law. In other words, theCourt’s decision means that nothing has changed. Visit for background on the case.
Since it’s now clear that patients cannot count on the federal courts forprotection, we must push harder than ever for Congress to change federallaw.
We need you to lobby Congress to end the federal government’s attacks onmedical marijuana patients and caregivers. Please visit to learn how you can help pressure Congress toprotect medical marijuana patients.
Then — if you agree that sick and suffering patients should not have tolive in fear of armed federal agents breaking down the patients’ doors totake away their medicine — please visit toensure that MPP has the necessary funds to push hard this week and next forCongress to pass an amendment that would prevent the DEA from arrestingmedical marijuana patients or providers who are acting legally under statelaw.
Thank you,
Rob Kampia
Executive Director
Marijuana Policy Project
Washington, D.C.
–from Kit Maira
Continued On Page 4