Continued From Page 3

Straight-Liner is the official Magazine of AMA/Prostar–On the occasion of the PR Factory Store St. Louis Nationals at GatewayInternational Raceway, AMA/Prostar announced it?s new official publication,StraightLiner, and a partnership with U.S. Rider News. StraightLiner will bean insert inside of the monthly, tabloid-sized U.S. Rider News. ?We are veryproud and honored to have U.S. Rider News publishing a new, back to basicsmagazine for AMA/Prostar,? Prostar president Keith ?Scooter? Kizer said fromthe motorcycle drag racing sanctioning body?s Huntsville, Alabamaheadquarters. ?And we are especially thankful to have Tim Haileyspearheading this effort as managing editor.?
Hailey has authored most of the Prostar race coverage since the WorldFinals in 1998, and will be coordinating editorial content and advertisingsales from his office in Brooklyn, New York. ?I know so many of theadvertisers, racers and fans in the Prostar community, and over the years we?ve carried on many, many conversations about the type of magazine that isneeded to serve everyone?s interests,? said Hailey. ?As always, I look uponmy job as telling your story and selling your products and services, so Iwelcome all of your comments and suggestions.?
?Our U.S. Rider News managing editor Paul Phillips went to the WorldFinals last year and caught the Prostar bug,? said publisher Scott Cochran.U.S. Rider News is based in Swainsboro, Georgia. ?He came back convincedthat the Prostar story is one that needs to be told, and that U.S. RiderNews should get involved.?
?Advertisers will be happy with the tabloid format that brings back 1995advertising rates,? said Kizer, who added that the new magazine will not beseeking a spot on the newsstand. Instead, the U.S. Rider News/StraightLinercombination will be sent directly to Prostar members, distributed at theraces, and available at motorcycle speed shops and dealers. ?Everyone willbe happy with the format of more race coverage and photos.?
?I?m excited about having space for the ladders, qualifying and sportsmancoverage that has been neglected in recent years,? said Hailey. ?Thismagazine will be all about hardcore drag racing news.?
To subscribe, join AMA/Prostar or log on to
For more information, contact:
Tim Hailey at or (718) 349-2315 AMA/Prostar at or (256) 852-1101
U.S. Rider News at or (888) 374-3371

PST-100 tester by Battery Tender–BATTERY TENDER has increased its range of products with the introduction ofthe PST-100 battery tester, for use in motorcycle and powersportapplications.Intended for workshop use, the new unit was designed with input fromMidtronics, a leader in this technology. It measures the health of thebattery – whether it is good, needs recharging or replacement, as well asits amp-hour delivery capacity and its engine-starting capability.
A live Voltmeter with a range of 8-19 Volts estimates output for starteroutput. The tester can measure batteries within a range of 2.3-30 Amp hourcapacity and 10-500 CCA (cold cranking amps). Battery test decisions areprocessed in 5.5 seconds, and reference number-based testing has a 2-digitcode.
A weight of only one pound and a durable design makes this unit ideal forportable use. It requires no internal battery and also carries a two-yearlimited warranty.
Deland, Florida, USA
Tel: 386 736 7900
Fax: 386 736 0379

LET?S PAUSE FOR A BIKERNET RELIGIOUS MONK MOMENT–A new monkarrives at the monastery to help the other monks in copying theold laws of the church by hand.He notices that all the monks are copyingfrom copies,not the original manuscript. The new monk goes to the head abbotto question this, pointing out that if someone made even a small error inthe first copy, it would never, ever be picked up.
The head monk says,”We’vebeen copying from the copies for centuries, but you make a good point myson.”
He goes into the caves under the monastery where the originalmanuscript is held in a locked vault that hasn’t been opened for hundreds ofyears. Nobody sees the old abbot for hours.
The new monk goes downstairstofind him banging his head against the wall. His forehead is bloodied andbruised and he is crying uncontrollably. The monk asks the oldabbot: “What’s wrong father?”
With a choking voice, the abbot replies: “The word is celebrate.”

DOUG KEIM MINI MAKEOVER– In a matter of seconds Doug KeimCreative Cycles has a solution to rid you of an eyesore on your ride. Do youlove your Mikuni HSR 42 or HSR 45 carb but hate that really ugly idleadjuster hose that just hangs down with no where to go? Or how about thatunattractive white plastic knob on your awesome set of Dual Mikunis?
Thesolution to these aesthetic issues is a Doug Keim Creative Cycles CNC-BilletIdle Adjuster Screw. Problem solved with a simple swap and a few seconds ofyour time.
For more information, contact: Doug Keim Creative Cycles,(732) 751-1403,


LOYAL TO NONE?JOHNNY CHOP– Johnny Chop Ind. ? sworn to fun, loyalto none, except himself. And that?s how you should be too when you?recreating your bike. When you go with a Johnny Chop Ind. (J.C.I.) RollingChassis, the above motto applies to you too. Johnny hand assembles thesebabies, giving you some input on the design when you order. Each onefeatures a one-off tank and sissy bar ? your choice of short, tall, or noneat all.
Johnny runs an Avon Speedmaster up front and a classic Voguedual-stripe out back, both wrapped around chrome steel wheels with stainlessspokes. Mr. Chop uses an early FL-style front end with Johnny Chop Ind.T-bars for that classic Frisco look that he?s known for. Not your vision?Alright, you can also choose J.C.I Narrow Apes, just pick your size.
Wantmore details? Shoot Johnny Chop an e-mail a or swing byhis Web site at

FAST DATES AT BRANDS HATCH WORLD SUPERBIKE AUG 5-7TH —Team Ducati confirms Fast Dates Angels for the GridMeet Us in the SBK Paddock Show!June 1st, 2005: America isn’t where its at his year when it comes toNational and International Superbike racing, but it sure gives FastDates.coma great reason to travel to the world Mecca of Superbike racing, the BrandsHatch round of the SBK World Superbike Championship on August 5-7th 2005 inKent, England, just southeast of London to photograph the next edition ofthe world’s premier race bike swimsuit calendar, the SBK endorsed Fast DatesCalendar sponsored by Performance Machine & Jardine Performance.

AMERICAN MOTORCYCLE 1902? (–Branscombe Richmond, star of TV and movies (,asks you to join us in Sturgis, SD this August 6-13th, 2005 for the nationalrollout of ?American Motorcycle 1902?. It will all take place at the HotBike, Full Throttle Saloon.
?American Motorcycle 1902? ( is one of the oldest vintagemotorcycle brands in the USA. It was first established in 1902?one yearafter Indian and one year before Harley-Davidson. The motorcyclemanufactured by the original company, and proudly bearing the Americanmarquee, was considered to be the best hill climber of its time; ?power andbeauty? were two words often used to describe these classic motorbikes. Theoriginal American Motor Cycle Co. ceased production of its motorcycles in1922.
Join us in all the activities and excitement of the 2005 Black HillsRally in Sturgis, South Dakota. Visit our booths at The Full ThrottleSaloon Chop Lot, and say hi to Branscombe Richmond, star of movies and TV,at the ?American Motorcycle 1902? / Hot Bike/ Vendor row locatedat the Full Throttle Saloon. Or, join us on a ride through the majestichills of South Dakota on Thursday Aug 11th for the American Motorcycle 1902/ Full Throttle Saloon / Seminole Hard Rock Roadhouse / Hot Bike / Crazy Horse Charity Ride leaving the Full Throttle Saloon at11AM (registration is 8-10AM). You can also participate in the AmericanMotorcycle / Full Throttle / Hot Bike / / Custom PerformanceHorsepower Shootout at the Custom Performance booth located at the FullThrottle. And of course you can just find us hanging out at the FullThrottle Saloon or the Seminole Hard Rock Road House listening to the bands,and having fun. Branscombe will host the awards shows, as well as MC theinduction of numerous friends into the Sturgis Motorcycle Hall of Fame (www.sturgis motorcycle at the inductee?s breakfast on Wednesday Aug10th at 10AM. Stop by, say hi, we would love to see you there.
The vision for the new American Motorcycle trademark is to re-introducethe brand and its logo images through a very limited number of specialedition custom v-twin heavyweight motorcycles, that will be introduced atThe American Motorcycle 1902 Vendor Row at the Full Throttle Saloon duringbike week, and to develop a lifestyle brand with related apparel,accessories, and motorcycle lifestyle products that appeals to bothmotorcycle enthusiasts and mainstream consumers alike.
The company will launch a content rich website as well ( an online store, information re: Branscombe Richmond and theRenegade Posse, the motorcycle mafia, our new celebrity rich club,information re: various other entertainers members, events calendar, news,and content re: the industry and company.
The American Motorcycle 1902 is also heavily involved in the creation of4 fully customized, and radical, American Motorcycles that are being builtas star?s of an upcoming movie (to be released in the fall of 2006)featuring Branscombe Richmond, a principal of American Motorcycle 1902. TheMovie called ?The Ironhorsemen? will feature the American Motorcycle brandand these exceptional motorcycles. Our website features the building ofthese bikes along with photo?s and film of the production once it commencesin late-summer 2005. Visit frequently to see the progress of the build.

Additional features will be added the the website ( the year.

SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA -Save this Date!SUNDAY, JUNE 26, 2005–An Open 70-Mile Fun Ride,START: SANTA ANA AUTO MALL,FINISH: Westfield Shoppingtown MAINPLACE
Because of you, the Boys & Girls Club met its fundraising goal of morethan $80,000!Benefiting more than 8,200 children and teens from disadvantagedcircumstanceson the road to successful adulthood.
Swedish Custom Bike Show joins Championship affiliate program–REGARDED as one of Europe’s premier bike shows, and cited as the leadingbike show in Sweden, ‘Custom Bike Show’ is the latest European event to jointhe Official European and World Championship of Custom Bike Buildingaffiliate program.
The show is owned and run by Twin Club MC at Norrt?lje, and situated onthe coast (about an hour North East of Stockholm). Held on the firstSaturday of June (June 4th this year), the one-day ride-in event attracted300 exhibitors, 4,000 motorcycles and 10,000 total visitors in 2004. Likethe World and European Championships, the show is ‘open’ in that it mixesprofessional and privateer builders.
Though dominated by air-cooled V-twins, the show also sees stunningcustoms enter. Events include custom bike competitions with six main classesand three overall classes, for best paintwork, people’s choice and jurychoice.
As a European and World Championship affiliate, the winning three bikesand builders in the principal class will receive exposure in AMD andinvitations to attend the European Championship in Germany next March. Theoverall winner will also be invited to attend the World Championship in LasVegas.
With the exception of the jury and people’s choices, all the otherclasses are judged by the builders themselves. The Swedish custom buildingscene is famed for its own ‘Swedish Style’, featuring choppers and longfront ends. But the performance and retro scenes are big in Sweden too.
This year’s European Championship showed that standards in Sweden arehigh, with three of the top 10 bikes being Swedish built. ‘Viridian’ by MikaNieminen and ‘Broken Arrow’ by Stefan Uhlen were among the class winners atthe 2004 Sweden show and came third and fifth respectively in this year’sEuropean Championship.
Norrt?lje, SWEDEN
Tel: +46 (0)176 157 90

THAT?S THE NEWS, DAMNIT–Man, it?s getting packed with action. Isuppose it?s the season, the industry, the events, the action, the new bikesand the girls. About the girls, we?re looking forward to bringing you thefinest girls and bikes in the country. Hang on as we slip this together.Thanks Livia and Sam for making it happen.
I have so much on my mind that I feel like I?m swimming laps in a mudbath. It?s all good, maybe too good. I don?t know how you feel about life,work, and communications, but to me it?s pushing on hectic. We need to findmore time. It?s more precious than money. I haven?t found the answer yet,but I?m working on it. I?ve said this before, but I believe that time ismore precious than cash. Cash can be a pain in the ass. We need enough toget by, but when we start buying more shit, it?s more shit that needsmanagement, maintenance, service, insurance, registration, etc.

I?m going to get off this subject. Nobody can own too many motorcyclesor chase too many girls. So I?m building another one and want more time forfutz with it. So I?m going to go pick up my new computer and jam back tomachine spacers and scramble through fasteners in the shop. It?s going to beweird bike, but I like it.
Ride Forever,