Continued From Page 1

BIKERNET SALOON ADVICE–This guy has been sitting in a bar all night, staring at a blonde wearingthe tightest pants he’s ever seen. Finally his curiosity gets the best ofhim, so he walks over and asks”How do you get into those pants?
The young woman looks him over and replies”Well, you could start by buying me a drink.
–from Rev CarlR

BIKERNET SEXUAL STUDY–It has been determined, the most used sexual position for married couples isa doggie position.The husband sits up and begs, andThe wife rolls over and plays dead.
–from Rev CarlR

JOKER CHOPPER PIPES–At last, a set of SUPERCOOL chopper pipes that compliment our billet line! Give your bike the HIGH STLYE it deserves with these state-of-the-art pipes manufactured by us at Joker!
? Has Unique Reverse slash cut ends and our diamond logo plate brazed on midway along the outer pipe for an “Old School” look.
? Hand Crafted 3-Step exhaust design will surely enhance the looks and performance of any soft tail.
? Show quality fit and finish including our exclusive support bracket system.
? Fits 89-03? FLST and FXST?s
? Optional power cones available:
BIKERNET BLOND JOKE–A blonde calls Delta Airlines and asks,”Can you tell me how long it’ll take to fly from San Francisco to New YorkCity?
The agent replies, “Just a minute…
“Thank you,” the blonde says, and hangs up
–from Rev CarlR
THE PHOTOGRAPHY OF MICHAEL LICHTER CAPTURES THE PULSE, CELEBRATION AND SPIRIT OF STURGIS– St. Paul, Minn. – One week each August, The Sturgis Rally and Races, which began as a half-mile dirt-track race in the Black Hills of Sturgis, S.D., transforms from a small, Midwestern town of 6,700 into the center of the universe for more than 600,000 motorcycle enthusiasts from around the world.?
Sturgis: The Photography of Michael Lichter, by Michael Lichter (available now from MBI Publishing Company), is a stunning photographic record of this world-famous motorcycle rally and features nearly a quarter of a century’s worth of Lichter’s artistic photography.
Sturgis: The Photography of Michael Lichter retails for $29.95 (in Canada $47.95) and is available in bookstores everywhere. It also can be ordered through?Classic Motorbooks at (800) 826-6600 or

BIKERNET WASHINGTON REPORT– Here’s the kind of party I love being invited to. A ‘Renewal’ ceremony, not a ‘Wedding’ on the 4th of July for Dave and Debi Goodale. 10 Years ago these two crazy kids got hitched on?Independence Day, ironically, and vowed they’d do it over again on their 10th and sure enough they did and with style! Not a detail was missed, from the sequined blue tailcoat of the groom, the?mad-hatter top-hats even on the preacher, right down to the matching red, white and blue sneakers of all the people in the ceremony, the flowers and balloons – even the?bride’s eyelashes and finger nails were multicolored, adorned with stars & stripes. Later on Don Graf graced us with some traditional Scottish bagpipe songs while the bonfire was ablaze and then the band took over.

Their granddaughter was a flower girl, Deb’s?only daughter gave her away, and the preacher and ceremony were pretty comedic as well, though?he recited a heart-felt?yet funny poem – written by the groom which made the bride cry, but there was hardly another tear falling?’cause it was?an upbeat?ceremony in unseasonably warm weather for Tacoma, WA. The reason behind it was best of all; two of the nicest people you’d ever wanna know celebrating not only 10 years together as a married couple, but renewing their vows to remain together.

Congratulations, Dave & Debi … and many more …
–Helen Wolfe
BIKERNET QUOTE OF THE DAY– “Life isn’t like a box of chocolates … it’s more like a jar of jalapenos. What you do today might burn your ass tomorrow. ”
–from Bob T.

BIKERNET CARIBBEAN/HAWAIIAN REPORT– As you all know we have been sunning our asses in Hawaii for the past week, all I can say is that it was a fucking blast ! Sure everything has a downside, like the swell that never showed up, but the rest was gravy. I did so many things that it will take me a couple days to gather my thoughts, so this week’s news is just going to be a fly by, and I’ll save the details for my story later on.I must say everyone was more than helpful and willing to bend over backwards to make our visit there the best possible, bikes were available, cool ass cars (thanks Deacon) cool people, shops, surf boards, even chicks….

The hotel location was primo and the sidewalks of Waikiki and every nook and cranny packed to the gills, the show was a hit and although Billy was getting most of the attention, reducing my famous status to semi famous, but I did my duty and took care of the lonely honeys that were lost amongst the rows of bikes. I got to meet the most talented builders in the island as well as the master of all masters, Mr Tiger Wong, who was kind enough to allow me to drool over his vast collection of kick ass chops and local boyz. I got to see friends that I have not seen for a long time , get in a shaping room and be able to mess with tools and screw up my own board (Thanks Jay Hodge, you go suck some foam you fucker !) This trip was epic, we met Tom from Rumble Customs and George in the street and of course we got to hang out (thanks for Mortons)The radio station was a blast with Augie and Lanai, plus the babe of babes Melisa ( Island Rhythms 98.5) , Cosmic paint, Nui, Roger, Ole Pan, Deacon, Dan and Melody, Captain, Larry, Chris T, Joerlene, Jay, all the dinner invitations, all the parties, all the whatevers we were invited to…..

I will take this space to thank all and everyone that showed up, helped out, took care of us, invited, partied, drank, talked, hung out, got me boards, lent me bikes, etc.etc,etc……. It was a real pleasure meeting everyone and being able to hang out and create some chaos…..Femme Nu for treating us like kings, even our cop bust was a set up !
It was a great time, and I hope I can go back there soon, or let me repay the hospitality here in Puerto Rico if life brings you by our shores…
One big fuckin’ ass Mahalo to all !See you next week, I’m fuckin’ jet lagged and trying to get all the shit together for Sturgis, plus the photos up on the site….
Whadda fuck, to play you gotta pay…..
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Continued On Page 3