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OFFICIAL BIKERNET REAL ESTATE AGENT–We made a determined effort to find a bike riding agent to handle a real estate deal to provide flop houses for traveling readers and bikernet staff. Of course she wants us to go for a ride first–to the 100th anniversary of H-D. Here’s Carol Gilles latest notion:”Maybe it’s not Irwindale, but California Speedway? Or something..anyway,that’t the 100th Anniversary tour stop in Calif – Sept 6-8? Check – different in the North than the Southern Desert.Consider your ride a “treat/reward” after you’ve done some good writing.”
“By the way, I won’t give up on you Bandit.I hang on, until my customers “buy or die”.Enjoy your rides & be safe!”
Carol Gilles
The RealEstate Group
Carol’s Great website:

Subject: A truly great moon shot!
BIKERNET WORLD REPORT–Thanks again for letting me borrow your photos for my dad’s MS BIBI website.They are great quality and really add a lot to the site, even though theyare photos of your trip and not my dad’s! I’m waiting for him to send mesome.
I’m curious about the end of your voyage. Your log doesn’t really say whenit was that you arrived in Houston after the adventure. I suspect that youand my dad may have even crossed paths in Houston! He was boarding the BIBIon the 9th of April and he said that the LEON had just returned to port fromthe Far East. What day did you disembark?
I wrote to Dan that we plan to post the last segment tomorrow.–Bandit

RICHARD PROJECT FRUSTRATION AND MAGNETO ARTICLE UPDATE–Just got back from a short ride. This thing pulls like a freight train , I don?t think I have ever ridden anything with this kind of rip your arms out of the socket, spin the back tire on shifting at a sedate 2300 RPMs, in my life . It feels like ya have an angry monster that really doesn?t want ya there.
I did have to spend some time rebolting the bike back together but I realize it will take a month to work the bugs out.
I am working on the Joe Hunt article tonight. If all goes well you should have by mid week.

RUN FOR BREATH IS COMING–Here’s a shot of the bike show plaques for the Run For Breath that Bikernet is sponsoring along with Harley-Davidson of Charlotte, North Carolina on July 28. It’s a one day poker run, party and sharp bike show with all the proceeds going to the American Lung Association for their kids program.
Mike Pullin, the employee of the decade at Charlotte H-Dand his girlfriend Meanest who is the godmother to all childern born in the south founded the Run For Breath after Mike’s son, Justin Pullin died of Asthma complication five years ago. It’s a helluva show with bands and activities all day. Contact the dealership for more information.Apes for news

HORSE REPORT–We’re featuring a Pan from The Sheriff in Sweden next month. It has highbars on it similar to this classic shot from Kozik.We have a great story from him on chopper history in Frisco–shows some great B&W shots from the 50’s-early 60’s.

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