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LATE BREAKING NEWS–They found the body of the Chinese pilot who rammed the P3surveillance plane.
Although he had been previously listed incorrectly, he has nowbeen positively identified as WON DUM PHUC.
HANOI JANE IS BACK–Just in case we forgot. Jane Fonda is being honored as one of the “100 Womenof the Century.” Unfortunately many have forgotten and still countless othershavenever known how Ms. Fonda betrayed not only the idea of our country butspecific men who served and sacrificed during Vietnam. The first part of thisis from an F-4E pilot. The pilot’s name is Jerry Driscoll, a River Rat. In 1968,the former commandant of the USAF Survival School was a POW in Ho Lo Prison -the “Hanoi Hilton.” Dragged from a stinking cesspool of a cell,cleaned, fed and dressed in clean PJs, he was ordered to describe for avisiting American “peace activist” the “lenient and humane treatment” he’dreceived. He spat at Ms. Fonda, was clubbed, and dragged away. During thesubsequent beating, he fell forward on the camp commandant’s feet, whichsent that officer berserk. In 1978, the AF Col. still suffered from doublevision (which permanently ended his flying days) from the Vietnamese colonel’sfrenzied application of a wooden baton. From 1963-85, Col. Larry Carrigan wasin the 47FW/DO F-4Es. He spent 6 years in the “Hilton” – the first three ofwhich he was “missing in action.”
His wife lived on faith that he was stillalive. His group, too, got the cleaned, fed, clothed routine in preparationfor a peace delegation visit. They, however, had time and devised a plan toget word to the world that they still survived. Each man secreted a tinypiece of paper with his Social Security number on it, in the palm of his hand. When paradedbefore Ms. Fonda and a cameraman, she walked the line, shaking each man’shand and asking little encouraging snippets like: “Aren t you sorry youbombed babies?” and “Are you grateful for the humane treatment from yourbenevolent captors?”
Believing this HAD to be an act, they each palmed hertheir sliver of paper. She took them all without missing a beat. At the endof the lineand once the camera stopped rolling, to the shocked disbelief of the POWs,she turned to the officer in charge and handed him the little pile of papers.Three men died from the subsequent beatings. Col. Carrigan was almost numberfour but he survived, which is the only reason we know about her actions thatday.
I was a civilian economic development adviser in Vietnam. I wascaptured by the North Vietnamese communists in South Vietnam in 1968 andheld for over 5 years. I spent 27 months in solitary confinement, 1 year ina cage in Cambodia and 1 year in a black box in Hanoi. My NorthVietnamese captors deliberately poisoned and murdered a female missionary, anurse in a leprosarium in Ban Me Thuot, South Vietnam, whom I buried in thejungle near the Cambodian border. At one time, I was weighing approximately90 pounds. (My normal weight is 170 pounds.) We were Jane Fonda’s “war criminals.”
When Jane Fonda was in Hanoi, I was asked by the camp Communist politicalofficer if I would be willing to meet with Jane Fonda. I said yes, for I wouldlike to tell her about the real treatment we POWs were receiving, which wasfar different from the treatment purported by the North Vietnamese andparroted by Jane Fonda as “humane and lenient.” Because of this, I spentthree days on a rocky floor on my knees with outstretched arms with a largeamount of steel placed on my hands, and beaten with a bamboo cane till myarms dipped.
I had the opportunity to meet with Jane Fonda for a couple ofhours after I was released. I asked her if she would be willing to debate meon TV. She did not answer me. This does not exemplify someone who should behonored as part of “100 Years of Great Women.” Lest we forget…”100 years ofgreat women” should never include a traitor whose hands are covered with theblood of so many patriots. There are few things I have strong visceralreactions to, but Hanoi Jane’s participation in blatant treason is one ofthem. Please take the time to forward this to as many people as you possibly can.It will eventually end up on her computer and she needs to know that we willnever forget.
–Charles (Skip) Klingman
Asst. Professor of Music
Southwestern Oklahoma State University
Weatherford, OK 73096
(580) 774-3219 FAX: (580) 774-3795
A SENIOR MOMENT–Two elderly residents, one male and one female, weresitting alone in the lobby of their nursing home oneevening. The old man looked over and said to the oldlady, “I know just what you’re wanting, and for $5 I’ll have sex with you right over there in that rockingchair.”
The old lady looked surprised but didn’t say a word. Theold man continued, “For $10 I’ll do it with you on thatnice soft sofa over there, but for $20 I’ll take youback to my room, light some candles, and give you themost romantic evening you’ve ever had in your life.”
The old lady still says nothing but after a coupleminutes, starts digging down in her purse. She pulls outa wrinkled $20 bill and holds it up.
“So you want the nice romantic evening in my room,” saysthe old man.
“Hell no!” replies the old lady. “I want it four times inthe rocking chair.”

2001 CUSTOM PROSTREET– New and Never Registered, Built By Rogue Using Top of the Line Parts– This motorcycle has style and class with performance and reliability built in.
The engine is a single cam Evolution, built by Accurate Engineering and comes with a 12 month/12,000 mile warranty. It has Wiseco pistons 10.1:1 compression, Andrews EV47 cam, S&S carb, Dyna 2000I single fire ignition and is black wrinkle with polished fins, chrome rocker boxes and nose cone.
The transmission is a black and chrome 5 speed from Custom Chrome and covered under their warranty.
The black powder coated Kraftech, FXR, rubber mount Pro Street frame sports a stainless steel oil tank and lines, chrome swingarm with chrome adjustable shocks.
Front end is American Suspension inverted with billet triple trees, halogen headlight, 16? 3 spoke mag wheel with Avon Venom X MT90B16 tire.
The rear wheel is 16? 3 spoke mag wheel with Avon Venom X 160/80/16 tire. Stainless steel rotors front and rear with billet calipers and stainless steel lines. Stretched Fat Bob gas tanks with aircraft type locking gas caps and Accel Hi-Flow petcock, full length fenders, custom paint and Aurora taillight.
Polished inner and outer primary covers with automatic chain adjuster, Rivera Pro-Street clutch and chrome Hi-Torque starter. Wiring harness and controller by Thunder Heart with protected circuits and weatherproof connectors.
High end custom seat, chrome forward and handlebar controls, stainless steel hardware and much more.
Be the proud owner of this fine motorcycle for only $22,995.Contact ROGUE or visit web site at
DEAR RUTH–I read with interest your request for the Village of Meredosia to support and acknowledge, via a special proclamation by the mayor, the volunteer work that ABATE has done in the field of motorcycle safety. In reviewing the proclamation you provided for the Village, I am sorry to inform you that I am unable, in good conscience, to sign such a proclamation for the following reason.
In your list of “WHEREAS,” your group stated that safety is the highest priority for the highways and streets in and around our towns and villages. You further stated that Illinois is a leader in motorcycle safety and that promoting motorcycle safety is a priority of ABATE.
I am pleased that your organization is promoting motorcycle safety, but your statements seem to be somewhat misleading and/or possibly incorrect. It is unbelievable that Illinois is a leader in motorcycle safety when the single most important item of personal safety for a motorcyclist is not a mandatory item of required equipment for operating said motorcycle. I would not consider operating an automobile without first connecting my seatbelt, and I believe any safety conscious motorcyclist would not consider operating his/her motorcycle without first putting on a helmet.
In other words, I am unable to support any group that claims to teach safety that is not also actively pursuing state legislation that would make wearing an approved helmet mandatory for operating a motorcycle on the streets and highways of Illinois. If you are such a group, and I am in error in my judgement of your organization, and you are actively pursuing legislation, than please forward information concerning such efforts and I would joyfully reconsider your request.
Mike Brown
Mayor/Village President
Meredosia, IL 62665
Dear Mike– I only just received your letter June 4, so I hope you will understand the delay in my response. I must admit, I was extremely surprised and disappointed to read of your feelings toward ABATE (A Brotherhood Aimed Toward Education), motorcycle awareness month during May, and our proclamations. Never have I seen such a response. I could respect your opinion concerning the objectives and priorities of our organization, but you clearly having no knowledge of our history, our strong supporters and our freedom-loving members, you could not possibly understand how we would never promote such legislation as you suggested in your letter. I could quote statistics to you all day long on this issue, but instead, I shall hopefully help you to see some of our side of things, our goals, as these subjects were not made available in my mailings of our proclamations last month.
“The mission of ABATE of Illinois is to preserve the right to a safe, unrestricted motorcycling environment.” There is nothing misleading about this statement. I think possibly you did not read through the entire proclamation. It is well known that ABATE does not support helmet legislation of any sort, yet it is unfortunate that people like yourself are not aware that we contribute SO much more in our communities, as you will come to see.
You, as an elected public official, should know that our members dedicate countless hours to teach the drivers ed students in your area schools to be aware of motorcyclists on the road, among other things. ABATE is the only organization I am aware of in this state that does this work in schools. We reached over 40,000 children in Illinois last year.
ABATE, in cooperation with the MSF (Motorcycle Safety Foundation), helps to teach tens of thousands of people to ride their motorcycles safely with the beginner rider and advanced rider courses, each one a 20 hour field and classroom test. Illinois is the only state that offers these invaluable courses for FREE. The rider pays $20 up front, and can opt to have their money returned to them (or donated to the course funds), if they pass the course. Surrounding states’ riders sometimes pay several hundreds of dollars for the same courses that we offer here at this exceptional fee.
For 12 of the past 14 years our chapter has been around, we have delivered Easter baskets by motorcycle to the Hope School, where the developmentally disabled children and adults would otherwise go without. There are numerous toy runs, downed rider benefits, dinners for the needy, Ronald McDonald house donations, countless fundraisers and other benefits that are arranged to not only help ourselves, but to help the families and people around us that we care for.
Today’s and yesteryear’s motorcycle enthusiast (and I’m quite sure that you are not among this group) do not wish to have the government blindly decide what is in their best interest. One of our many mottos is, “Let those who ride decide,” and I am very strongly aligned with this idea. The reason Illinois is one of only four states in the U.S. that has no helmet laws on the books is because we are over 12,000 members strong, and we have learned long ago that no one will care about preserving our rights and protecting ourselves, EXCEPT ourselves.
Another motto we frequently quote is, “Educate, not legislate.” We believe that it is the parent’s duty to see to the child’s safety, their own safety, and others’ safety when riding a bike, a motorcycle, or driving a car. It is called responsibility. The public mistakenly believes that ABATE is primarily “anti-helmet,” but that is simply not the case. If the motorcyclist wants to wear a helmet when he rides, GREAT! ABATE is ensuring that we will always have that choice. Rest assured also, Mike, the motorcyclist is extremely safety conscious. Some choose to not wear a helmet because it detracts from their hearing and peripheral vision, and may indeed cause an accident.
Obviously there are many, many more automobile accidents in this country than motorcycle accidents, and a great many more fatal injuries attributed to these car accidents, are there not? There are also a great deal more fatal head injuries in these car accidents. What would you do if you heard that the state had introduced legislation that would require you to wear a helmet as well as your seatbelt when you operate your car? Would you sit by and allow these people to pass this law, saying to yourself, ‘Well, they must know what is best for me’? How many of your personal liberties are you willing to give up to the beatific “parent” that is our legislature? There must be limitations set for what we allow our elected officials to pass, not just to justify their existence, and this is where ABATE fights to keep the proverbial line drawn in the sand.
We say “Freedom isn’t free,” and sadly, it is true. ABATE of Illinois fights for us every day, and I’m proud to say I’m an active part of this bunch of freedom fighters.
Ruth Allan
ABATE of Illinois
Lincolnland Chapter
Activities/Public Relations Coord.

LA CALENDAR BIKE SHOW UPDATE–Bikernet and the LA Calendar Bike Show are pleased to announce that actress, stunt woman and biker babe Brenda Fox will be working with us as mistress of ceremonies and hostess at the Calendar Bike Show the weekend of July 21 and 22. Brenda will be on stage throughout the weekend to introduce activities, interview notable personalities at the show and to keep spectators informed of what’s going on. Plus Brenda will be helping out at the booth throughout the weekend where you can meet her, as well as hosting the Bikernet party onboard the Queen Mary on Saturday night.
Bikernet will have T-shirts and books for sale, plus you can meet some of the characters who write the crap on the site. Also on display will be Bandit’s Bedrolls. Stop by or come to the party at the Observation lounge from 9 p.m. to midnight and collect goodies and door prizes.
Also added to the bike show this year is a new Vintage Bike Class for pre-1965 bikes, which is being put together by bike show contest judge and famed bike restorer Don Whalen. Don promises to have the class filled with some of the finest vintage collectors’ bikes on the West Coast. It should be a real treat.For complete details on the LA Calendar Bike Show at the Queen Mary on July 21 and 22, go to

ALLIGATOR WARNING– Due to the extreme drought in Florida, the following caution was issued:
The Florida Department of Fish and Wildlife is advising hikers, hunters, fishermen and golfers to take extra precautions and keep alert for alligators while in Seminole, Osceola, Polk, Brevard and Orange counties. They advise people to wear noise-producing devices such as little bells on their clothing to alert but not startle the alligators. They also advise the carrying of pepper spray in case of an encounter with an alligator.
It is also a good idea to watch for fresh signs of alligator activity. People should recognize the difference between small young alligator and large adult alligator droppings.
Young alligator droppings are smaller and contain fish bones and possibly bird feathers. Adult alligator droppings have little bells in them and smell like pepper spray.
–Kris B.
CLASSIFIED TESTIMONIAL–Thanks for the posting. I have now sold both items due to your site. Iam not sure how to remove the ad, and would appreciate your help indoing so. The ad number was 511 if that helps. Thanks again, Rollie
Indian is in hot water again. In fact, the
NOAH’S NEW ARK . . .It is the year 2000 and Noah lives in the United States. The Lord speaksto Noah and says: “In one year I am going to make it rain and cover thewhole earth with water until all is destroyed. But I want you to save therighteous people and two of every kind of living thing on the earth.Therefore, I am commanding you to build an Ark.”
In a flash of lightning, God delivered the specifications for an Ark.Fearful and trembling, Noah took the plans and agreed to build the Ark.”Remember,” said the Lord, “You must complete the Ark and bringeverything aboard in one year.”
Exactly one year later, a fierce storm cloud covered the earth and allthe seas of the earth went into a tumult. The Lord saw Noah sitting inhis front yard weeping. “Noah,” he shouted, “Where is the Ark?”
“Lord please forgive me!” cried Noah. “I did my best, but there were bigproblems. First, I had to get a permit for construction and your plansdid not comply with the codes. I had to hire an engineering firm andredraw the plans. Then I got into a fight with OSHA over whether or not the Ark needed a fire sprinkler system and floatation devices.
Then my neighbor objected, claiming I was violating zoning ordinances bybuilding the Ark in my front yard, so I had to get a variance from thecity planning commission. I had problems getting enough wood for the Ark, because there was a ban on cutting trees to protect the Spotted Owl. I finally convinced the U.S. Forest Service that I needed the wood to save the owls. However, the Fish and Wildlife Service won’t let me catch any owls. So, no owls.
The carpenters formed a union and went out on strike. I had to negotiatea settlement with the National Labor Union. Now I have 16 carpenters onthe Ark, but still no owls. When I started rounding up the other animals, I got sued by an animal rights group. They objected to me only taking two of each kind aboard. Just when I got the suit dismissed, the EPA notified me that I could not complete the Ark without filing an environmental impactstatement on your proposed flood. They didn’t take very kindly to the idea that they had no jurisdiction over the conduct of the Creator of theuniverse.
Then the Army Corps of Engineers demanded a map of the proposed new floodplain. I sent them a globe. Right now, I am trying to resolve a complaint filed with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission that I am practicing discrimination by not taking godless, unbelieving people aboard!
The IRS has seized all my assets, claiming that I’m building the Ark inpreparation to flee the country to avoid paying taxes. I just got anotice from the state that I owe some kind of user tax and failed toregister the Ark as a recreational water craft.”
Finally the ACLU got the courts to issue an injunction against furtherconstruction of the Ark, saying that since God is flooding the earth, itis a religious event and therefore unconstitutional. I really don’t thinkI can finish the Ark for another 5 or 6 years!” Noah wailed.
The sky began to clear, the sun began to shine and the seas began to calm. A rainbow arched across the sky. Noah looked up hopefully. “You mean you arenot going to destroy the earth, Lord?”
“No,” said the Lord sadly. “The government already has.”
Continued on Page 4